Appa doesn't need a prince (Lee Family)

Onkey's Oneshot 2014

Title : Appa doesn't need a prince (Lee Family)

Rating : PG

Genre : AU

Pairing : Het! Onkey

Summary : Appa wants the best for his little princess

A/N : Thank you so much for reading and please leave comment if you have time ^^

"No, no, no! You can't like someone like him! He's face only with no brain, honey."

"What does it mean, eomma?" Taeyeon turned to the left, where her mother was laughing at her father's word.

Jinki was crossing his arms, shaking his head looking at the entertainment news they were currently watching because of his wife.

"It means that he won't take care of you and think more of his appearance."

Taeyeon blinked her eyes, trying to understand her father. She looked at the man on the TV again. He looked handsome, he sounded funny when he was answering the MC's questions and he looked nice too. Why did his father hate that man? How did he know he won't take care of his own wife? Did he even married yet?

Gwiboon took a look at her little princess who went silent and cared her hair. "Yeonnie?"


"Are you thinking about Appa's word?"


"What appa meant is that there are many types of men and he doesn't want you to fall for the type he mentioned. There's also the type who prefer more about his work, maybe like many celebrities where they usually work until they're around thirty before they got married."

" handsome man. No celebrities. What else?"

Gwiboon raised an eyebrow, looking at Jinki who's staring back at her with blank face. "Let's ask him, shall we?" she had that teasing smile on her lips and Jinki squinted his eyes in hate.

"Can you tell me first what kind of guy you like?" Jinki looked down to her daughter and smiled.

"I don't will be angry if I tell the name, all of them are on TV, appa."

"That's because you haven't start school yet, honey. Appa's fine, you can tell him who they are." Gwiboon was now rubbing Taeyeon's back, the girls' eyes were on her father.

"I want someone who will take care of me like appa does. I don't really care about his face, but I hope it's not that bad too. I want him to take care of me like how appa take care of eomma and how you both got me--"

"Wow, wow, that's too far, Lee Taeyeon."

Taeyeon pouted when her father stopped her, "But I do want a family like us..."

"Taeyeonnie, I think we should drop the topic. You're too young to talk about it and appa's not ready to hear more of what's inside your mind." Jinki sighed, he rubbed his temple as he suddenly got a headache.

"It's okay, honey. You have many years to convince and changed appa's mind." Gwiboon said, she sighed too seeing her husband. "But remember that he's not the only one you need to convince. Eomma has a very very high standards, more than your appa." she smiled when she saw her husband lifted the corner of his lips.

"Ughhh...too much works...let's talk about this again later when I already got a boyfriend."

Jinki brought Taeyeon to his arms as the girl squeaked a little, "'s okay, I'm yours for now..." she whispered and hugged her father back.

"You will always belongs to us, but you will belongs to him later..."


"Help me..." Gwiboon was patting her husband's back as the man burried his head on her neck. Jinki was hugging Gwiboon tightly, pouting hard as he wailed again like a child. "I don't want to meet him...I don't care..."

"You care so much that you don't want to see him." Gwiboon stated as her husband grunted.

"You saw him already, right? If you think he passed then I don't have to see him."

"He wants to see you."

"But I don't want too..."

"Don't be such a baby, Taeyeon appa..." Gwiboon hit her husband back once, frowning a little because Jinki shook his head stubbornly.

"I'm still your baby..." Jinki grinned like a child and although Gwiboon couldn't see it, she knew by the tone Jinki wore that he's on clinging mode.

"You are my baby but I need that baby to go away for now because I need Taeyeon appa to be a good father for his little princess." Gwiboon pushed her husband away but only succeed for a little as Jinki still had both hands on her hips. "So can Lee Jinki come out for a little to meet Taeyeon's boyfriend who has a chance to be her future husband?"

Jinki groaned at the word husband and put down his hands to his side, "Okay, I'll go." he turned and started to walk, but after only one step Gwiboon grabbed his hand to stop him.


"I'm okay, really." Jinki smiled seeing Gwiboon stared at him with her worried orbs. "Let's go meet the prince."

Minho was such a good boy, Gwiboon fell for his manner in instant especially seeing his charming features. She could imagine little boys and girls running around their garden in the future and went a little too far her husband had to call her name and finally took her attention.

"I'm very sorry, what did you say honey?" Gwiboon raised her brows to Taeyeon who rolled her eyes with a huff.

"I said that Minho loves your cooking and he wants to learn some of the recipes from you."

Gwiboon's eyes sparkled hearing that and turned to Minho with her happy smile, "Really? Let's cook together the next time you come here, Minho."

"I can't wait already. These are so good I want to make it for my own family too." Minho answered with a content laugh.

"You like to cook, Minho?" Jinki asked.

"Yes, Mr. Lee." Minho drank his water before continuing, "My parents were busy when I was a little so I learn how to cook with my brother. I enjoy it so much that it became my hobby."

"Yeonnie, you should learn how to cook too. You have to be a good cook if you want to be a good wife." Gwiboon scolded with a smile on her lips seeing her daughter pouted cutely.

"I won't be able to do that then, Minho will always be better than me..."

Taeyeon didn't realize that her words were implying that she won't be a good wife with her cooking skill and that Minho will be a good husband for her which shocked the other three people on the table.

She looked up when no one said a word, "What? Why you all suddenly became quiet?" she checked on everyone's expression. She saw how Minho who's sitting beside her was looking down, his cheeks were a little bit pink. Her father's face was a little bit pale and her mother was staring at her with something on her eyes, she had that knowing smile that Taeyeon never once took a right guess behind the meaning.

"Have you cook for Taeyeon before, Minho?" Gwiboon was still staring as her own daughter who already moved her eyes and continue eating her food.

"Yes. The first time I did it for her was at her birthday. She asked me to do it again couple of times after and we sometimes cook together. Taeyeon doesn't really like to eat outside, she said she prefer my cooking." Minho felt proud but embarrass at the same time while grinning like a child.

"It's a good thing, then. She loves to eat and she always ask her mother to cook her this and that, rarely trying to make it by herself."

Gwiboon was actually shock but she didn't show it when she saw her husband chuckling and smiling for the first time since he met Minho (except the forced smile when they shook hands). She brought her left hand down and put it above Jinki's tight, patting there as a good job gesture.

"But yeonnie, you still have to learn how to cook. Minho won't be there whenever you need him like eomma, he has a job to do and can't stay at home all day."

Taeyeon blushed at her father's words as she only nodded. It was too much imagining herself waiting for Minho to come home after work on their own house.

Jinki let out a sigh seeing the red cheeks of his daughter, he put down his spoon and moved his hand down to hold Gwiboon's hand.

Our little princess isn't little anymore...

It's okay, she will be our little princess forever...

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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 11: More vampire Kibum please! These are so fun!!!
Chapter 9: all of your story are so cute and awesome.....
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Aww it was great that both onkey loved each other in the end :) nicely written!
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ Jinki surprised me with this! Hahahaha I didn't expect that one coming. Good job! :)
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: I didn't expect the twist at the end that the kiss happened in reality! :) the plot was interesting though hehe :) thanks for writing onkey ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwww. I'm so excited with the next part!
Chapter 3: why is kibum so cuteeeee here? ;A;
it was kinda trap ,in the beginning i thought it will be a diva!key XD
and sorrry i didn't read the earlier chapters ,don't really like jinboon tho ;(
nice story~ ;3 update soon please authir-nim~
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: Aww key is so cute here! Thanks for writing this chapter :)
suyuyuyu #9
Chapter 2: waaah it's cute^^...
Chapter 1: This is adorable. So cute! I love daddy onew, he's the best. :)