Mr.Dream (1/2)

Onkey's Oneshot 2014

Title : Mr.Dream (1/2)

Rating : PG-13

Genre : AU, Romance

Pairing : Het! Onkey

Summary : When Gwiboon didn't want to go to sleep because she will met Mr. Dream.

A/N : I really don't know if this make sense or not "^^a Gwiboon's bestfriend are Soyu from Sistar and Yongjoo (Nicole) from KARA. 

She jerked her body on the bed with eyes opened suddenly, her breath hitched as she stared at her ceiling. She closed her eyes, evening her breath as the image from her dream repeated again on her mind.

It was supposed to be sweet, her dream, but for unexplainable reason her heart was clenching at the scene where someone kissed her.

She could feel the warmth from the gentle fingers, caressing her cheek, cupping her face before pair of plump lips was touching with her own lips. She could feel the spark on her body, the fireworks on her closed lids but when she opened her eyes and awoke from her dream, all that left was her heart beating fast that it felt like she just had a nightmare.

It had been repeating, more frequent lately and she felt frustrated. The important question was, why? She hadn't get her first kiss yet, but her friends told her their first kiss wasn't that memorable. She wondered if her first kiss will felt like her dream, how the man touched her gently as if the person was handling a delicate object like a glass, something so fragile he afraid he would break her if he touches with a little bit of pressure.


"Didn't get your beauty sleep again?"

"The dream's making me there any pills that can stop a dream...?" the sigh that came out from her lips showed how much desperate she was. She leaned one of her cheeks into her fisted hand that propping it, watching one of her best friends eating her food.

The dream couldn't leave her head, she was thinking about it in the class and when her teacher asked her a question she couldn't answer it. It affected her mood and she didn't feel like eating, so after couple of bites she pushed her food to the man who was gladly finished it off.

"Where's Soyou?" she asked.

"I think I saw her copying other's homework when I walk passed your class." Jonghyun drank the rest of liquid on the water bottle and sighed, leaning back into his chair with his full stomach.

Gwiboon only hummed as a response, eyes looking at Jonghyun but her mind started drifted to her dream again. Jonghyun could see the blank stare given to him so he snapped his finger, making a loud voice that pulling Gwiboon's attention back to him.


"Stop thinking about it!"

"I can't!" Gwiboon half whine and half shouting to Jonghyun, letting go another sigh by reflex and she groaned because she already lost count of how much sighs she made from the moment she awake from the stupid dream. She couldn't go back to sleep, tossing around on her bed until her morning alarm rang.

"I think I need sleeping pills..."

"Eww, no! You can sleep for now but you don't know till when the dream will bother you and it will be dangerous if you keep eating it!"

"But I can't sleep...lack of sleep makes me lose focus and I can't concentrate and I hate it! I tried all the you suggested, listening to music, reading some novels, watching TV, but..." she paused, rubbing her face with one hand as her other hand curled into a fist on the table. "It's not even a nightmare..."

Jonghyun stared at Gwiboon, the tired face that mixed with sadness, frustration and desperation. He tried to help, but it was no use and he didn't have any ideas of how to help her although he wanted to.

"Jonghyun oppa..."

A sweet voice came to Jonghyun's ear, arms wrapped on his shoulders from the back and he smiled a little.


The girl smiled, making her eyes turned into crescent prettily as she took a sit beside him. Her eyes moved to Gwiboon and the smile was replaced by a pout. "Unnie, are you okay?"

Gwiboon wanted to smile but she was too tired, only giving a light shook to the younger girl.

"Was it the dream again?"

"Yeah..." Gwiboon slumped down on her seat, turning her face to the left where she could see some students eating under the trees. She saw some people smiling, talking and laughing with each other and she wanted to cry suddenly because it felt like a long time ago the last time she laugh.

Jonghyun didn't say anything for a minute. Even Jinri was confused of what to say as she was afraid if she say something it will make Gwiboon felt sadder than before. Jinri bit her lips, clearing as it took Gwiboon's attention, her eyes were back at the younger which made Jinri smiled a little.

"Have you tried looking at someone who has that kind of lips?"


Jonghyun frowned just like Gwiboon, turning his head to the youngest girl on the table.

"You said that the man's face was not that clear but you remember the shape of his lips, right? So can try and look if someone has that kind of lips? Maybe that someone is from our school too? They said that you can only dream of someone that you have seen before. Maybe that lips belongs to an actor or idol?"

"That's...not a bad idea actually." Jonghyun patted Jinri's head as a compliment before turning to Gwiboon. "It'll be easier if it belongs to an actor or idol but I think..."

Gwiboon nodded her head, knowing what Jonghyun wanted to say without the man completing his sentence. "How do I find him...I mean, there's a possibility but there's too much boys in this school it will take too much times I might going crazy before I could find him..."

"I'll help you, unnie. Maybe you can tell how the shape of his—oh my god, why that sounds so weird!" Jinri put a hand above her lips, a blush came to her cheeks as Jonghyun laughed at her reaction.

"I hope no boys will catch me staring at them when I try to find that kind of lips..."

Jinri laughed while Gwiboon chuckled, imagining the scene. She let out a content sigh this time and it felt so good to laugh even if it's just a little.

"Give me a sign when you see someone with thick lips..." Gwiboon unconsciously bit her lips, trying to remember the shape of lips that kissed her on her dream.

"B-but unnie, Jonghyun oppa also has a thick lips..." Jinri took a glance at Jonghyun, pointing the man with her thumb.

"Gwiboon-ah..." Jonghyun's frown was followed by Gwiboon who tilted her head and blinked her eyes couple of times before she showed a disgust expression.

"No, definitely not him." Gwiboon shuddered a little which made Jonghyun pouted.

"Yah, many girls want to kiss this lips you know..." the man who was a little bit offended puckered his lips.

"Say that in front of your girlfriend and see what you'll got..."

"Ouch, she will be angry at me for more than a week I think..."

Jinri put her hand on Jonghyun's shoulder, feeling sympathize.  She remembered the last time Jonghyun told them about a misunderstanding between Jonghyun and  his girlfriend that made her ignored him for three days without any contact. He looked like he lost his soul for those days as he used to hear his girlfriend's voice every single day.

"Anyway, I'll go back to class now. Don't forget what I told you, okay?"

Both Jonghyun and Jinri nodded with a smile, Gwiboon smiled before she stood up from her seat and walk to her class.


Gwiboon huffed, paused her walk and adjusting the books on her hand. Her homeroom teacher asked for her help bringing it because she was in a hurry for a meeting. Being a good girl like usual Gwiboon couldn't refuse so she could only nodded. Soyou and Yongjoo pushed her before, saying that they will wait for her instead of helping.

Gwiboon made a pout as she continue walking to the teacher's room, going inside and find her teacher's desk before putting down the book carefully. She looked around for a while, there's no one on the room just like her teacher said, they were on the meeting room. She sighed and decided to walk back to her class, the girls must be complaining if she took too long.

She was about to open the door when someone already did it before her, leaving her staring at the man who looked as shock as she was.

"Uhh...hi?" the man grinned awkwardly. His eyes moved from her to scan the room before a sad expression came on his face, his lips turning down a bit. "Why's the room empty?"

Gwiboon saw the man shifting his eyes back to her. "There's a meeting." she answered.

The man whispered a curse, tapping his foot few times with his hand still on the doorway, making Gwiboon cleared .

"Would you mind?" the boy raised his brows at Gwiboon's word, she pointed at his hand that was blocking her way and the man said a faint ah before smiling and moved his hand.


Gwiboon shook her head lightly before bowed to him and walk out of the room.


Gwiboon stopped and turned to the man, tilting her head a little, silently asking why he called her..

"Uh, do you know when the meeting will be over?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know."

"Oh, okay then..." the man pressed his lips together and Gwiboon waited for seconds, waiting if maybe the man want to ask her something else. When she saw the man didn't say anything more she turned and continue her walk.

"So he finally buy me my favorite ice know I can't say no and I forgive him after that..."

"You're so easily, Soyou-yah...he knows your weakness perfectly, knowing what to do to make you no longer angry toward him."

"I can do nothing, it's not like I'm that angry, he told me it's because he helped his friend."

Gwiboon was listening to her friends talking, but she slowly lost her focus as she started remembering her dream again. She unconsciously moving her hand from her glass, touching her lips and Yongjoo saw that, reaching out her hand to Gwiboon's and slapped it lightly.

"W-what?" Gwiboon looked confused when Yongjoo gave her a glare.

"Stop it, you're thinking about Mr. Dream again, don't you?"

Soyou chuckled at the nickname Yongjoo gave to the man without a face that kept coming to Gwiboon's dream.

"N-no! I just—" she bit her lips, hearing her own voice stuttering and her mind didn't cooperate as it refused to think of a reason to deny Yongjoo's accusation although she's right.

A flash of thick lips suddenly came to Gwiboon's mind and she opened both her eyes and mouth wide.

"What? What did you see?" Soyou turned her head, seeing the direction of Gwiboon's eyes and found nothing interesting before she looked back at the girl. Yongjoo too followed but frowned seeing there were only two young mother talking to each other on the table not very far from them, one had a baby on her arms.

"I-I...I met a boy before, when I went to the teacher's room? He...his's the one from my d-dream..." Gwiboon's breath hitched, a deep frown made it way between her brows as she narrowed her eyes remembering the earlier boy's face.

"Are you sure?"

Gwiboon nodded, biting her lips and both Yongjoo and Soyou could see the worried on her face.

"You said yourself that there are many boys with thick lips on our school...maybe—"

"No, no, I'm quite sure it's him!"

Soyou shared a look to Yongjoo who only shrugged, not knowing what to say.

"Do you know him?" Soyou asked.

"I have never seen him in fact..."

"Then what should we do? You really want to go to each class to find that guy?"

"Yeah but...I don't even know what I'll do after I meet him. I mean, will I stop dreaming about him? What if I dream more about him?"

Yongjoo huffed, taking one of Gwiboon's hands on the table and squeeze it, "We will help you find that guy as fast as we can. Your beautiful face is full of frown just because of that stupid dream!!"

Gwiboon wanted to protest about the stupid part but she only bit her lips because the dream is stupid and she's even more stupid to overthink about it...


A week has passed but none of Gwiboon's friend found Mr. Dream. Not Jonghyun who's on his last year, not Jinri as the junior and not even Gwiboon with her friends could find or caught a glimpse of that guy.

"Ughhhh...why does it so hard to find him!!" Soyou bangged her head on the table, a big pout on her lips as Yongjoo was rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry guys..."

"No, it's okay, boon-ah. We wanted to help you and we will help you until this—have we searched on the special class?"


"You know, the talented students? The one who come when we got home?"

"There's that kind of class? I only heard it just now." Soyou straightened her back, leaning into her chair to listen to Yongjoo who's nodding her head.

"Yeah, it's special because they're mostly have other things to do outside school. They can't come every day to school and their class started at 4 p.m. until around 8 p.m. I think?"

"Do you have a friend there?"

" of my ex is there..."

"Your what!!"

Gwiboon and Yongjoo were shock when Soyou standing up so suddenly from her chair.

"How many are you exes, exactly?"

Yongjoo waves her hand, her cheeks tinted with pink. "Let's not talk about that. We have to help boonie first. What do you think? Do you have something to do or somewhere to go today?"

Gwiboon shakes her head and Yongjoo turns to Soyou, "You?"

Soyou smiles brightly, her lips before putting both of her hands on her hips, still standing. "Let's find him tonight!!"

"Wow...I thought our school will be scary at night..."

"It's quite beautiful huh?"

Gwiboon nodded, agreeing with both of her friends' opinions. It did look different, with how all the lights , the hallway looked like some kind of a way to a secret place as half of the wall was made with glasses where it surround them with darkness. At the end of the hallway was the classes of the special class, the one Yongjoo mentioned.

In the afternoon the class usually used for normal class but at the time, the windows were closed by the curtain that you couldn't see who's inside the room.

There were three classes, from the tenth till twelfth grade. Each class usually had around thirty students which made the total of around ninety students.

"Should we wait until they finished?"

Soyou was squatting not in a pretty way on the middle of the hallway and Yongjoo was standing while Gwiboon was sitting beside Soyou.

"But that will be hard, by the time the classes ended all students from different grades will be mixed."

"How about we peek from the outside of the class?"

"What if the teachers see us?" Gwiboon asked worrily.

"It's dark in here, they won't see us!!"

Soyou was pulling Gwiboon's hand while Yongjoo showed the way.

"This is the tenth grade, right?" Yongjoo whispered as she stopped, automatically stopping the two girls behind her. She saw the students were looking into their own table, seemed like they're working on a test and she looked further, seeing what the teacher was doing. The teacher was sitting on the chair, looking down on the table which full of papers.

"Gwiboon, come here. See if any of the boys is Mr. Dream."

Yongjoo pushed Gwiboon lightly but the latter almost stumble because she was feeling scared and nervous at the same time.

The girl bit her lips, moving her head closer to the window to have a good look of the students. Her eyes were scanning each person, skipping girls and focus only at the lips part of the boys’ face. In less than a minute she finished and shook her head to her friends who dropped their shoulders.

"Really? None? Are you sure?" Soyou wanted to take a look too but Yongjoo already pulled her away from the window.

"Let's go to the eleventh grade class then."

After failing on the eleventh grade class they went to the twelfth, their only last hope for the night.

"Gwiboon, take a very good look, okay? If you don't find him here I don't know what I can do...I'm out of idea..." Soyou made a fighting pose and Gwiboon nodded.

Mr. Dream, are you in there...?

This class was listening to the teacher and had all of their eyes into the white board. Gwiboon had to be extra careful because she was looking from the teacher's side of wall, anyone could recognize her immediately if it was afternoon.

Gwiboon's heart pumped loudly as she scanned each boy's lips carefully, along with their face. She wanted to give up because she didn't found Mr. Dream. She felt like she wanted to cry and Yongjoo could tell at how Gwiboon squeeze her hand that was holding her.

"N-none?" Yongjoo gulped, feeling nervous and worried when Gwiboon shook her head.

"No...I can't find him..." Gwiboon scanned for all the boys once again, making sure that yes, there's no Mr.Dream there.

Gwiboon felt something on when she gulped, the image of her future where she won't be able to sleep peacefully making her sad and she felt her eyes started to prickle with tears. "Let's go home..." she whispered weakly.

Yongjoo bit her lips as she brought Gwiboon to her arms, the latter felt hand on her head, patting her head lightly.


The girl hummed, still on Yongjoo's hold when Soyou called her.

"What about that boy? I think he just got back from the toilet or something." Soyou move her body to Gwiboon's previous spot, careful not to be seen as she pointed at a boy, just taking a seat on the very back row, leaning to his friend and said something.

Gwiboon turned her head to check on the boy Soyou mentioned and she swore her heart stopped beating for a second.

"It's him..."

"It's him?"

"It's him?!"

Soyou screamed in whisper while Yongjoo tried to look who was the boy they're talking about.

"Yes, it is him...the one I met on the teacher's room..."

Seconds ago Gwiboon wanted to cry because she knew she won't find the man who kept haunting her on her dream, but now she felt like she wanted to cry in happiness.

" found him!!"

"No, we found him."

It's almost 8 p.m. and the three girls were waiting on the school gate for the special classes to finish.

"What should I say?" Gwiboon bit her lips, playing with her hands because she had no idea what to do to greet the man. "How to make him understands? I mean, it's embarrassing if I explain everything. He will laugh at me and think I'm crazy!!"

Soyou wrapped a hand on her shoulder, putting her chin on Gwiboon's other one, "Yahhh, you'll be fine. You have to do this, you're the one who wanted to find him, why backing away now?"


"No but," Yongjoo had one hand on her hips, the other hand was holding her bag. "You won't see him at school anyway, he always come at night. Even if you feel embarrass, it will be just for tonight."

Gwiboon couldn't move and nothing came out when she parted her lips. Many students started to walk out of their class, the three girls on the gate could see them walking on the hallway.

"I, I can't..." Gwiboon whispered, she buried her head on Soyou's shoulder, didn't want to see the special classes’ students walking to the gate.

Soyou and Yongjoo could see some students were looking at them, whispering and some were rude enough to point at them. They were still wearing their uniform and the special classes' uniform was different. They wore more casual clothes, some wearing jeans but they had to wear a dress shirt without color restriction.

Some students walked past them, Soyou and Yongjoo ignored the attention they got as Gwiboon still had her head on Soyou's shoulder, eyes looking at the tree behind them.

"There he is." Soyou announced to Gwiboon.

Yongjoo walked to the man that Gwiboon confirmed was Mr. Dream. She said something to him, Soyou and Gwiboon kept still on their spot. Soyou could see the man was frowning, tilting his head to take a look at her and he shrugged before nodding his head. Yongjoo walked back with a grin on her face, the man following behind her.

"Boon-ah, he's coming here." Soyou pat Gwiboon's shoulder, making her bit her lips. "Come on, you can do this!" the former pushed Gwiboon's body gently away from her, looking at the girl's wavering eyes with a nod.

"Her name is Gwiboon and she wanted to...ask you something."

Gwiboon could her Yongjoo's voice behind her. She took a breath and turned her body, eyes meeting the man who had this blank expression on his face.


"So...are you ready to tell me why you and your friend waited till this hour just to find me?" The man had finished his coffee, putting his chin on his palm, tilting his head a little with eyes staring at Gwiboon.

They're on a café near the school as Gwiboon wasn't ready couple minutes ago, begging Yongjoo with her eyes screaming for help that she needed more time.

Soyou was sitting beside Gwiboon while Yongjoo took a seat beside the boy.

"I'm sorry I think she isn't able to say anything due to shock." Soyou grinned.

"Let's just get this straight to the point. Have you seen her before?"

The boy turned to Yongjoo, taking a minute before answering her. "I don't think so? But I somehow find her face kind of familiar..."

"She said she met you last week on the teacher's room."

"Teacher's room?" the man tilted his head, observing Gwiboon's face intently which made the girl shrinking if possible, she had one hand holding Soyou's.

"Oh! You're the girl that bumped into me, when the teacher's room was empty, right?"

"Y-yes..." Gwiboon whispered her answer.

"I see...why you want to talk to me then?" the man tilted his head, smiling to Gwiboon and she tightened her grip of Soyou's hand, making the girl beside her squeaked.

Yongjoo rolled her eyes seeing Gwiboon biting her lips, she always did that when she was nervous and if she kept waiting for her to talk, she was sure that they won't go home that night.

"My name is Yongjoo, the girl over there is Soyou," she pointed to Soyou who waved at the man. "And the girl beside her is Gwiboon. Gwiboon is...uh, she needs your help."

"Nice to meet you," the man smiled, his eyes turned into a pair of crescent and Gwiboon couldn't help but tear her eyes off the boy, she felt her heart beat rise. "My name is Jinki. How may I help you, Gwiboon-ssi?"

"Gwiboon, you want to say it yourself or...?" Soyou whisper beside Gwiboon, the latter shook her head, eyes meeting Yongjoo who sighed tiredly.

"I'm going to explain why she needs your help and why she can't say it herself. It's kind of embarrassing and I will feel the same if I'm in her position."

Jinki nodded to Yongjoo, saying that he's all ears.

Gwiboon was watching all the time for Jinki's reaction, his little comments, some questions in the middle and his facial expression. He looked quite calm, a little bit shock but that was it. She started to feel hopeful because maybe Jinki will help her because she will do anything, paying him even if that could make her stop her stupid dream.

"I understand." Jinki was staring at Gwiboon, "I will help you, Gwiboon. It's just that..."

Gwiboon held her breath, waiting for what Jinki will say.

"I don't know what should I do to make you stop dreaming of me? It's kind of weird that I'm kissing you in your dream..." the black hair boy chuckled.

Gwiboon felt her cheeks became hot, why Jinki could say the word so easily like it was nothing? But the man was right, what should he do to make her stop dreaming of him? She didn't think about it before, her focus was on how to find the man but now after she found him, she didn't know what to do.

"How about we met again tomorrow, if you have time? It's quite late and you're all from morning class right? Did you wait all along just to find me?" Jinki turned to Yongjoo for an answer, he knew that the girl who needs his help couldn't talk at the moment and won't get answer from her.

"Yeah. We are so tired, we thought that we wouldn't find Mr. Dream...I will give you her number—should I just give you my number?" Yongjoo pulled out her phone from her bag, asking Jinki who put out his phone too.

"Both are fine. But, what's Mr. Dream?" he unlocked his phone and gave it to Yongjoo.

"It's our nickname for you, since we didn't know your name and it's easier to say." Soyou answered with a chuckle.

"Hmmm...I see." Jinki nodded, eyes moving from Soyou to Gwiboon. "It's okay, Gwiboon. You don't have to feel embarrass, I will help you. It should be me actually who feel afraid hahaha..."

Gwiboon only get redder when Yongjoo and Soyou chukled because of Jinki's word.

Gwiboon, are you asleep already?

Gwiboon was staring dumbly to her phone. Mr. Dream just texted her... Jinki just texted her... What should she reply it with?

"Maybe I shouldn't reply it...but he said that he wanted us to be a friend...but then maybe it will help me stop dreaming about him...but..." both of Gwiboon's hand were running on her own head, scratching her dark locks as she ended up looking like a crazy person.

She stared at her phone, head down before she took it to her hand again. "I'm about to...sent."

In less than half a minute Jinki already replied back.

I didn't wake you up right? I'm just wondering, since when did you start dreaming about me?

Gwiboon tilted her head back and stared to the ceiling, recalling the first time she had the dream. She climbed down her bed and took her diary, flapping the page until she reached the day she was searching. "Huh...around one month..."

Gwiboon reached for her phone before replying Jinki, waiting as she sat on her desk.

Wow that's quite long. I'm sorry if you are suffering even if I didn't do anything wrong.

It's okay. I hope by knowing you I can stop dreaming about you.

Yeah, I hope so too. You better go to sleep now.

Ah, ne. Good night, Jinki-sunbae.

Good night ^^


Gwiboon buried her head on her pillow, she wanted to cry. Now that she had seen Jinki's face, her dream only got worsened. Not only his lips, but his nose, his eyes, she could draw his face perfectly inside her mind.

"It shouldn't be like this..." she whined, punching her pillow lightly.

Gwiboon sat up, staring at her phone with so much hate as if it did wrong thing. "This will change right..." she mumbled to it before sighing. She climbed down her bed and get ready for school, hoping she will be more focus today.

"Hey, boonnie!! Good morn—wow..." Yongjoo stopped in front of Gwiboon, stopping the latter who whispered hello to her. "Are you okay? Why your eyebags got bad?"

"I dream about him again, and I can see his face clearly I'm going crazy..." Gwiboon whined, pulling Yongjoo as she hugged her.

Yongjoo patted Gwiboon's back, whispering it's okay, we will help you, we will make it work to her.

Soyou was walking into the locker, finding her best friends hugging each other as she tilted her head. "Guys?"

Yongjoo who was facing Soyou wave one of her hand, smiling weakly at her.

Soyou mouthed what happen to Gwiboon as Yongjoo replied with Mr. Dream silently.

Soyou nodded, taking steps closer to them, turning around so she was met with Gwiboon who was burying her head on Yongjoo's shoulder. "Boonie, want some chocolate?" she grinned, rubbing the girl's cheek.

Yongjoo and Soyou stared at Gwiboon who ate her food like she hadn't eaten her breakfast. The girl was shoving down the food urgently and Soyou has to pat her back, telling her to calm down.

"I can focus a little bit so I finally use the energy for my brain, and now I'm really hungry..." she mumbled.

"Oh? Isn't it a good thing?"

"Yup! It's kind of weird that the dream become more vivid but I can concentrate. It's getting better anyway..." Gwiboon smiled happily.

"Have you talk to him?"

"Yeah we texted last night but it’s short."

"Let me see your phone." Yongjoo opened her palm, making a give it to me gesture as Gwiboon pull out her phone.

Soyou quickly moved from beside Gwiboon to Yongjoo's side. "Why so simple?" she frowned in distaste.

Gwiboon only raised her brows, finishing her plate before gulping her water.

"Soyou-yah, you know that Gwiboon's kind of...naive, right?"

"Right...she read too much manhwa and keep imagining that everything will be sweet."

"No, I'm not!"

"Yeah, right." Yongjoo and Soyou said at the same time as Gwiboon made a pout.

"You haven't even rated novel for women! You even still blush at the word making out, or when I kissed my boyfriend in front of you!" Soyou made a smirk seeing Gwiboon''s cheeks slightly became red. "See?"

"Maybe Mr. Dream knew she's too pure and he wants to take it slowly..." Yongjoo was looking at the other tables on the cafeteria, looking for someone.

"I doubt that. Mr. Dream looks innocent."

"Don't forget that people who look innocent is actually not innocent at all! So boon-ah, be careful and never be alone, ng?"

Gwiboon head fell down, "I'm not a five years old child..."

"You are for us." Soyou laughed seeing Gwiboon acted just like a child as she whined.

The three best friends were ready to go home and just walked pass the school gate when Gwiboon felt her phone vibrated. She stopped walking and checked on her phone.

Yongjoo and Soyou realized that Gwiboon wasn't following them as they walk back to Gwiboon who rotted on her spot.

"What are you doing?" Yongjoo put an arm around Gwiboon's shoulder, she saw the latter's mouth was slightly parted while staring into her phone.

"H-he asks it I want to meet him before he went to class."

Soyou was peeking from the other side. She nodded after reading the message and patted Gwiboon's back, "We will leave you both then, take care."

"W-what?? No, you can't leave me alone! I can't talk to him, I'm scared!" Gwiboon shrieked, quickly grabbing Soyou's wrist preventing her to take a step.

"He won't bite, boon-ah..." Yongjoo was trying to make Gwiboon let go of Soyou's hand but her grip was quite tight. "Yah, let her go. You will be fine."

"No, I'm not! I need you, both of you!"

"Hey, relax...just think of the feeling when you're talking with us!"

Gwiboon shook her head, face become worried, "It's different! He's a guy!"

"So?" Yongjoo smiled, finally succeed. It only stayed for a second though as it's her hand turn to be grip by Gwiboon.

"I-I can't even talk to our classmates!"

"That's understandable as those guys were so creepy, ogling you like you're some kind of meat ready to be eaten."

"Mr. Dream's different though. He will take care of you, I'm sure." Soyou's the one helping Yongjoo before putting both of her hand on Gwiboon's shoulder. "If anything bad happen, just call us, ng? We will go for some window shopping nearby just in case."

Yongjoo patted Gwiboon's head, smiling gently to her. "Ask him if he has any idea of how to stop your dream, okay?"


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 11: More vampire Kibum please! These are so fun!!!
Chapter 9: all of your story are so cute and awesome.....
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Aww it was great that both onkey loved each other in the end :) nicely written!
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ Jinki surprised me with this! Hahahaha I didn't expect that one coming. Good job! :)
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: I didn't expect the twist at the end that the kiss happened in reality! :) the plot was interesting though hehe :) thanks for writing onkey ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwww. I'm so excited with the next part!
Chapter 3: why is kibum so cuteeeee here? ;A;
it was kinda trap ,in the beginning i thought it will be a diva!key XD
and sorrry i didn't read the earlier chapters ,don't really like jinboon tho ;(
nice story~ ;3 update soon please authir-nim~
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: Aww key is so cute here! Thanks for writing this chapter :)
suyuyuyu #9
Chapter 2: waaah it's cute^^...
Chapter 1: This is adorable. So cute! I love daddy onew, he's the best. :)