Smile (2/2)

Onkey's Oneshot 2014



Taeyeon put her hand over her head to block the sun, eyes squinted as she saw a familiar guy walking towards them. "Isn't that Jinki oppa?"

The older girl beside her nodded. “Yes.”

"Why is he here?"

Gwiboon didn’t answer Taeyeon as they halted their steps and Jinki was already in front of them and showed his usual smile. He moved his eyes from Taeyeon to Gwiboon before reaching out his hand toward the older girl.

Taeyeon can’t hide the obvious shock written on her face after seeing such act of Jinki. "Oppa, what are you doing here?"

"Picking up my princess."

Taeyeon frowned, eyeing both Jinki's hand and Gwiboon who has a straight face. Gwiboon shook her head, she almost took Jinki's hand but Taeyeon was beside her and that's not the reason why she won't take it.

"Minho will pick you up, right?" Gwiboon glance at Taeyeon who nodded. Jinki already withdrew his hand with a pout on his lips.

"Okay then. I will go with him.” Gwiboon pointed at Jinki while the said guy just flashed his smile to Taeyeon. “He wanted to show me something. See you, Taeyeon-ah." Gwiboon smiled a little as her hand patted her best friend's head. She took a step and pulled Jinki's arm, forcing him to walk with her with Jinki waving his other hand to Taeyeon.

"Why is she going with him?" Taeyeon muttered to herself.


"Why are we here?" Gwiboon saw this tall building where one of the three main stations in South Korea belongs. She turned to Jinki for an answer but the man only smiled which irritated her like usual, maybe more since he hadn't say anything about this surprise. She just sighed and waited for Jinki as he search for a place to park.

"I got tickets for Gag Concert from my friends." Jinki showed the tickets to Gwiboon who tilted her head to see the tickets clearly. Gag Concert? Why not other shows? There are many other shows from this station that she wanted to watch but Jinki had to bring her to Gag Concert where people laugh at corners with jokes and – ah, laugh. In the end it's about my smile again, huh?

She was about to say something but the young lad already pulled her inside the room where the show was being shoot. Because she’s trapped right now, she sighed and decided to give it a try. Life is too short to not give anything at least one try.

Jinki had a good laugh while watching the recording the whole time. His heart was full of happiness because Gwiboon was smiling, laughing hard and it felt like a dream. He knew it's not a bad idea, the best excuse and place to make the younger girl let loose of herself.

They went to eat after that. The sky was already dark and Gwiboon didn't care where to eat anymore. As soon as she said she was hungry, Jinki pulled her to the nearest restaurant.

"Why you brought me to Gag Concert? I want to watch another show, like Yoo Huiyeol's Sketchbook maybe? And you said this morning you have to prepare something. I thought it will be something more..." Gwiboon said as soon as their food arrived and gestured her hand with a big movement.

"My friend got the tickets but he didn't have time to watch it so he gave it to me. And about me preparing things, I just made it to make you want to go with me. Girls like surprises, right?"

"So you're lying." Gwiboon pointed out and stuffed some food in .

"Not really. I do have something in mind but let's talk about it later. How's today?" Jinki propped his head with a hand, tilting his head in anticipation.

Gwiboon sipped her drink and thought of an answer. She wouldn't lie that she had a good time. Seeing those people creating jokes and ideas by themselves then perform it onstage, the hard work they do to make people laugh. "Not bad at all. I thought you have a friend who works here because I want to watch other show."

"I actually have a friend who works here. What do you want to watch? Music Bank? Ah, wait, you said Yoo Huiyeol's Sketchbook."

"Yes, I want to see it. The stage is different from Music Bank where it is usually full of idols. And I want to see Yoo Huiyeol up close." Gwiboon shrugged while Jinki was thinking that maybe he should ask his friend for a free pass.

"What type of music do you like?"

"The one that makes me smile when the first note played. The one that makes me happy to start a new day?"

"What kind of genre is that?" Jinki scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. He understood the description but to know what type of music she liked…

"Just see my playlist later..."

That night, Jinki sent Gwiboon a song. Gwiboon remembered that she had listened to the song before, but the voice that was singing is kind of familiar.

Before she even reacts properly, her phone beeped, signifying that she received a message. She doesn’t have to know who it was, really.

Do you like it?

Well, better be honest. Who is the singer?

The real singer is Ra.D but the one I send to you was sung by someone else.

Who? The voice is beautiful...

Really? Thank you for the compliment.


The one who sang it was me.

Uh-oh. Could Gwiboon take back what she texted?

But Jinki, on the contrary, had a big grin on his face. He’s sure he’ll dream the best dream tonight.


Taeyeon and Gwiboon were sitting in the food court and were having lunch before going to their second class for that day.

"Unnie, two days ago when Jinki oppa came here, did you two go out for a date?"

"No, we did not go out for a date."

"A girl and a boy going out together is counted as a date, right?"

Gwiboon shook her head firmly. "Not always. He just wanted to show me something." After that, she ate her spaghetti slowly while Taeyeon already finished her bulgogi.

"Okay, what did he show you then?"

"He brought me to Gag Concert. You know that show, right?"

"Yeah, of course I know. But why?"

"Isn't the show itself already tells you the answer?"

Taeyeon tilted her head in question. "Laugh?"


"Because he wanted you to laugh? Seriously, Jinki-oppa, he looks so desperate huh?"

Gwiboon only nodded, finished her food and wiped with a tissue. She drank her water gracefully while Taeyeon looked at her like she's waiting for something. This made Gwiboon raised her brows. "What?"

"Did you laugh?"

"Of course I laughed. It was funny anyway."

"Even with him beside you? You said you don't want him to see you smiling."

"I focused on the show so I didn't care if he's beside me. You think I will hold my laugh just because he's there?"

"So you're okay now smiling in front of him?"

Gwiboon thought hard before sighing deeply. She did acknowledge that Jinki started to make her feel comfortable. It was still hard to smile in front of him naturally but she never thought of holding her smile because she didn't want him to see it. She just couldn't smile because she still sees Jinki as a stranger. Well, someone she knew now.

"Not that I don't want to smile. I can't smile. You know how those boys and girls talk behind me, right? My facial expression? I only smile in front of you."

"And they're jealous of me because of that." Taeyeon beamed, feeling proud that she was one of those few persons that could make Gwiboon smile without holding herself. "I'm so happy knowing you went out with him for whatever reason."

"Taeyeon-ah, don't say anything that I don't want to hear!" Gwiboon warned the younger who only pouted.

"I haven't said anything and you’re already angry. Do you really know what I'm going to say?"

Gwiboon shrugged her shoulders. "Something like 'I know this is going to happen'?"

"Similar but no, that's not what I wanted to say. I'm happy that you’re getting to know Jinki-oppa better. You just have to spend more time with him to decide if you want to keep or stop meeting him. Which one will you choose, Gwiboon-unnie?" Taeyeon had her gentle stare to Gwiboon. The latter started to think that she didn't hate Jinki and never in the first place. He just irritated her with his smile and lately, she had no problem seeing that sun-like smile.

Gwiboon smiled and propped her chin with both hands, "You know my answer already."


"No, I'm busy."

"Really? You don't have any time to meet me?"

"I already said no three times. I have exams in two weeks and I have to study!" Gwiboon was facing her mirror, seeing how brows furrowed together and her lips turned downward. She shook her head and threw herself onto her bed, listening to what the man was saying on the other line.

"That's why you need some refreshing first before studying those things you need to memorize!"

“I don't want to. Why are you forcing me?”

"Even if I got tickets for Yoo Huiyeol's show?"

"You can't get in there so easily. Your story needs to be chosen by them and if this happens, you’ll receive an invitation for the show." Gwiboon rolled her eyes, remembering the last time Jinki half lied to her about his surprise. He might say another lie just to make her say yes and she would only tolerate once.

"Wow. Don't tell me you sent hundreds of stories and still haven't got chosen?"

Gwiboon swore she heard Jinki smirked on the line. "Three times only…"

The man on the other line barked in laughter, thinking how cute Gwiboon is while whispering the answer to herself like she was embarrassed.

"Anyway, just stop calling me. I want to focus on my exams first and after that we can – " Gwiboon suddenly cut herself from talking. What was it that she was going to say? And… Did I just say we?

"And we can?"

"A-and you can call me again after that."

Jinki sighed in relief. He really wanted to go out with Gwiboon again and any place was alright. He just wanted to see her face again but the girl kept on refusing him. "Alright, good luck on your exams then."


After Jinki dropped the call, Gwiboon threw her phone on her bed and buried her face on her pillow. Did I almost say we can go out again?

She needed to distance herself from Jinki. That guy is more than creepy. He's dangerous.


Finally, two weeks had passed and Jinki wanted to jump on his bed like a little child. It felt like a month and he knew he was just exaggerating. He was busy with his exams too but he thanked his father for this good brain that he didn't have to work that hard. He thought of Gwiboon almost every day and this made his friend to ask him why he keeps on spacing out.

Jinki sat on his bed, tried his best to calm down and was ready to press the call button before he stopped. Should he wait to see if Gwiboon will call him first?

"That's not a bad idea." He smirked. He can definitely wait for another week.


Unfortunately, he waited for another week but Gwiboon didn't call and it frustrated him. He decided to wait for another week. At last, it's the third day of second week when Gwiboon came along with Taeyeon. He expected her to come with Gwiboon because he heard and checked his mother's appointment lists.

"Oh. Good afternoon." Jinki gave Taeyeon his warm smile and hugged her while the younger hugged him back, his eyes clinging on Gwiboon behind Taeyeon.

"Nice to see you, oppa."

"What brings our lovely client today?"

"Dress. Eomma has another party and she told me I have to come and get a new dress. Can you believe that?"

"I heard about it. Your mother sent us the design actually. You can go inside while I..." Jinki gave a signal to the younger through his eyes and Taeyeon understood it, so she told Gwiboon to wait while she tries the dress with Mrs. Lee inside the dressing room.

Jinki joined Gwiboon who already sat on one of the comfy chairs there while looking at him the moment she came in. "It's been a while, Gwiboon-sshi." He smiled like the usual but she could see that he looked brighter, like he was genuinely happy about something.

"How are you?" Gwiboon almost smiled but it’s just the corner of her lips that lifted up.

"I'm good, thank you for asking. How about your exams?"

"Not disappointing."

"Of course, you spend your time studying so it's impossible for you to get bad grades."

They kept staring at each other for a minute before Gwiboon took a deep breath, feeling suddenly nervous as she shifted on her seat and was about to look on her phone when Jinki took it from her hand.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to keep this with me so we can talk."


Jinki expected her to be angry, but she was not and that's a good response, right?

"I know a good cake store nearby. Want to go there?"

"Okay. When?"

Jinki blinked a couple of times. Did he hear it wrong? Did Gwiboon just say yes so easily?

"You're not busy?"

"My exams were finished."

"You want to spend time with me? Again?"

Gwiboon parted her lips after seeing the shocked face of Jinki. "You ask one more question and I'll change my mind."

"Saturday. I will pick you up in your house." Another sincere smile formed on Jinki's lips and he leaned to the table, making Gwiboon leaned to her chair.

"Let's ask Taeyeon if she wants to come."

"Why? You're scared being alone with me?"

Gwiboon glared at Jinki's unfaltering smile. "She loves cakes okay? Why not Minho too? I heard he just came back from Japan."

"Oh right, Minho! Let's ask him to come too!"



"Minho." Jinki stood up to hug the younger man before he sat back, followed by Minho who took a seat beside Taeyeon. The younger male came fifteen minutes after the three arrived because of some important errands.

"Gwiboon, it’s nice to see you again."

"Me, too."

Gwiboon met Minho a couple of times before but it was too short so they haven’t got a chance to get to know each other more. Although both heard stories of each other from Taeyeon, there's always an awkward atmosphere when they meet.

"I ordered a chocolate cake for you." Taeyeon smiled to her boyfriend, hand touching Minho's shoulder.

"Thank you, Taeyeon-ah."

"How's Japan, Minho?"

Minho furrowed his eyebrows which made his face looked manlier. "I didn’t enjoy it at all. I went there with Appa and met his business friends to make some deal before going back here. I even didn't get a chance to buy Taeyeon a gift." He stared sadly at his girlfriend but Taeyeon shook her head telling him it's okay.

"You will go there more frequently, I'm sure."

Their orders came a few minutes later and Taeyeon's eyes started to sparkle. She tried her own cake and Minho's which made her squeal because all cakes tasted delicious. Gwiboon only shook her head after seeing her best friend in this state.

"Why are you ordering the coffee flavor, oppa?"

"I don't have sweet tooth like you."

Gwiboon glanced at Jinki after hearing his reason. If so, why did he suggest coming here?

"You shouldn't order at all." Taeyeon put another cut into , closing her eyes and humming. Minho offered if she wanted to eat more of his and the girl nodded excitedly.

"Did I miss something about Jinki-hyung and Gwiboon-sshi? I remember you told me about them, Yeonnie..." Minho eyed both persons across him. They didn't look awkward at all. In fact, they look comfortable but they didn't talk to each other that much.

"Them? They're doing fine. Originally, it’s only the two of them that should be here right now. I don't know why they decided to ask us to go with them." Taeyeon pretended she didn't see Gwiboon's eyes that tell her to stop.

"It's Gwiboon's idea actually. I thought she’s scared of being alone with me but she's thinking of you, Taeyeon-ah. She said it’s because you like cakes." Jinki laughed while still thinking that Gwiboon only made that reason up.

"But hyung, you said you don't like sweets. Why asked Gwiboon to go here?" Gwiboon wanted to thank Minho because he asked that, but she did it in her head and turned to Jinki for his answer.

"I thought girls like sweet so..." Jinki was looking at Minho but he could feel Gwiboon's strong gaze on him and he felt nervous.

"I thought you will bring her to that special place, hyung..."

Gwiboon’s ears perked up after hearing Minho’s words. Special place?

Jinki was driving Gwiboon to her place while Taeyeon went with Minho to watch a movie (just the two of them) and Gwiboon said she was very tired too so Jinki offered her a ride.

As they were getting close to her house, Gwiboon suddenly remembered Minho’s words during their dinner which sparked curiosity in her head. She really (she meant badly) wanted to know what it is…

"Can I ask you something?"


"What’s the special place Minho was talking about? Can you tell me?"

Jinki chuckled before glancing at Gwiboon who’s surprisingly staring at him. "You can't hide your eagerness to know about something you want to know, huh? It's...I will bring you there, next time."


Jinki raised a brow. "I'm actually not sure if you will like the place."

"But there's a reason why it's special, right? Minho must have gone there, too."

"No, he hasn't. I just told him about it and showed the picture – ”

"There's a picture?"

Jinki lingered his eyes on Gwiboon because the young lady sounded like a little child that was asked by her mother if she wanted to go in an amusement park.

"I won't show it to you.” He replied with a smirk. He discovered one more thing about Gwiboon now. The girl was actually showing her true self quite easily. Jinki only needed time and he got lots of it.

"Then promise me you will bring me there!"

According to his mom, the first thing to do when you make a deal with a whining child is to say yes whatever the child's request is. And because Gwiboon’s being a child right now, he has to take advantage of it while it lasts, right?


Gwiboon didn't think about it too much. She just let Jinki brought her here and there, enjoying each time she spent with the man. She started to smile in front of him, and Jinki never mentioned about her smile again. He basically achieved his goal. But humans are not creatures who are satisfied easily. They're known for being greedy. And Jinki, as a human, wanted more. He wanted Gwiboon to smile only in front of him.


Gwiboon was making spaghetti for her and Taeyeon's lunch. Taeyeon said she missed her cooking so Gwiboon agreed to make it for her on her place.

"You sure you're still friends with Jinki-oppa?”

Gwiboon put a special sauce she specially made on her noodles. "Yes. I don't want to admit it but we're friends now I think.”

"I heard some people talking about you and your new boyfriend in the campus..." Taeyeon's hand got slapped when she was about to taste the sauce, lips pouting in a second.

"So? Let them gossip about it.”

Taeyeon took the plates and forks Gwiboon gave her and told her to put them down on the table as the older followed with freshly-made spaghetti and a smile on her lips. "Are you doing it on purpose? I mean, meeting on the cafe near our campus? You know many people go there."

"What do you mean by that? I always come to that cafe, Taeyeon-ah."

"You’re using him so those boys won't ask you out, right?" Taeyeon put some spaghetti on her own plate because she can practically hear her stomach protest.

"That's not my main reason. I won't notice if you didn't point it out."

"So your main reason is?”

"To know if he's a real good guy or not. You're the one who told me that." Gwiboon laughed. How can Taeyeon forget about that?

"Oh, that. So what do you think? Is he a good guy?"

"He is a good guy."

Taeyeon silently ate her food, waiting for Gwiboon to add more compliments but it didn't come. "That's it?"

"That's it. What do you want to hear?" Gwiboon wiped the sauce that smeared on her lips, frowning at Taeyeon's not-satisfied expression.

"What do you think about him?"

"My answer already summarized it don't you think?"

"Do you like him?"

"I do like him," Gwiboon raised her left hand to stop Taeyeon who’s about to say something. "As a friend."

Taeyeon’s shoulders dropped before eating another spoon, ignoring as Gwiboon scolded her to not slump down like that. "Minho and I talked, you know, that night after the four of us went together."

"Really? About what?" Gwiboon’s interest reached its peak when Taeyeon talked about her boyfriend. That's the only way for her to know Minho better.

"About you and Jinki-oppa. He said that you two look good together. You look comfortable sitting next to each other but...what is it? Minho said something's off."

"What do you mean by off?"

"I don't know. Minho's quite close to Jinki-oppa and he said there's something different. He can only tell that there’s something in the air between the two of you and it’s something he never felt before.”



Jinki turned to Gwiboon who was walking beside him, surprised when he saw the girl was smiling. His heartbeat quickened a little.


"This is what you want, right? Me, smiling to you?"

"Yes...?" Jinki frowned. Why Gwiboon suddenly brought this topic?

"What's so special about it?" Gwiboon stopped to walk inside a store with Jinki following behind.

"Your smile? I can't explain it in words."

Gwiboon was still smiling. She knows if she's another girl she would love to hear many flattering words like that. But she's not like other girl; she was different.

"Since I can smile in front of you now, we can stop meeting, right?" Gwiboon saw a pretty ring and tried it on her finger. It's a simple gold ring with an owl face on it.


Gwiboon put back the ring and walked further, seeing a necklace this time. "Why? You got what you want already."

"What do I want?"

Gwiboon turned to Jinki, tilting her head with a knowing smile. "This." She pointed her finger to her face. It was a smile, a normal smile, but Jinki knew there's something more behind it.

"You don't know what I want, Gwiboon-sshi." Jinki smirked, shaking his head as his hand reached out behind Gwiboon, taking a silver necklace with rose pendant.

"Don’t I?"

Jinki sighed for a second before continuing. "Do you know the meaning of this?" He dangled the necklace in front of Gwiboon's face. Gwiboon was the one frowning now, shaking her head as an answer.

"Each color of rose has different meaning. But this one is a necklace with no color. If I give this to you, what color do you want to paint it with?"

He took Gwiboon's hand, put the necklace in her palm and closed her fingers. Gwiboon blinked her eyes into her closed palm, lifted her gaze to Jinki who had this gentle smile on his face and gulped. The glint she knew perfectly was there on Jinki’s orbs again and she suddenly had a hard time breathing.

"I personally want red or pink." he said.

Jinki ended up buying her the necklace, even helping her to put it on and complimenting how it looks good on her. Gwiboon only nodded and muttered a thank you before he pulled her wrist to guide her into another store.

It’s been awhile since she received a gift, especially from a man.


Gwiboon looked up on the internet, finding what each color of rose means and sighed. She can guess the red or pink ones, and Jinki said he wants those colors.

She suddenly shook her head. It was clear that Jinki had a thing for her. She didn't want to be too full of herself but he showed it openly. Taeyeon said even people from her campus saw them as a couple although they were not. It was because Gwiboon always reject those who confessed to her, never once saying yes to them. Yet, all of a sudden, she brought her
boyfriend to the campus that the news spread so quickly.

She wasn't using Jinki as a shield for the invisible love arrows those boys were trying to send her but she started to think about it and felt guilty for what Taeyeon said. Was she using Jinki? Jinki was the one who wanted to make her smile and Gwiboon smiled now, even easily in front of him.

Did Jinki want more?

"I don't want to paint it with just one color. Can I put all colors together?" Gwiboon whispered, the rose pendant was on her fingers.




"Hey, are you spacing out?" Jinki waved his hand in front of Gwiboon's face, the latter only nodded. "Something's wrong?"

"No. I’m just thinking about something..."

"Do you realize how people look at us?"

"What’s about it?"

Of course Gwiboon noticed that. It's too obvious. Some were even gossiping in loud voices like she wasn't there. But they're just another people that Gwiboon didn't know. She didn't care what or if they're talking about her.

"Are you that famous? The last time I came someone asked me if I'm your boyfriend." Jinki grinned. He felt kind of proud actually to be called Gwiboon's lover.

"Really? Was it a girl or a boy?"

"Boy. I can see the disappointment when I said yes."

"I see..."

Jinki raised his brows. Gwiboon looks like she left her soul at home. She kept staring into spaces for the past hour, asking Jinki to repeat what he was saying couple of times. She wasn’t focusing on him and it made him sad.

"Aren’t you angry with that? I just told him I'm your boyfriend." He tilted his head when Gwiboon shook her head, a little smile on her lips.

"Well...we look like one, so what? I don't care what they think..."

"That kind of sting you know."

Gwiboon met Jinki's eyes, suddenly worried seeing the sad smile after he whispered those words. "I'm sorry. Do you want me to say that we are not a couple? Will your girlfriend be angry about it?"

"I don't know. Are you?" He winked at some girls who immediately blushed but continued talking to each other which made him shook his head. That was why he never liked those kinds of girls. If he winked to Gwiboon she will frown in disgust and won’t feel happy about it. Gwiboon was different.

Gwiboon scowled. "I'm not your girlfriend..."

Jinki chuckled, turning his head to other direction, seeing some girls and boys looking at them while whispering to each other. Some people just don’t know what manners are, do they? "But I want you to be mine. Are these things not enough for you to know that I like you?" He was not smiling anymore. He looked serious now and Gwiboon kept shut. Her eyes moved somewhere else, taking her time to answer.

"I know. I want to pretend that I don't see it but I can't. To tell you the truth, I like you, too. You are different. You don't give up easily and you keep on trying to make me look at you. But I...I'm not ready for this."

"You gave up on many things a lot, huh? You never try going out with one of them, you never know why they like you, and you don't even know why you hate them. The more I know you, the more I feel pity for you, Gwiboon-sshi."

Gwiboon shot a glare to Jinki. The young man was smirking, an evil one which she never saw before. Why suddenly Jinki said those mean words?

"I never knew you are weak like this. Are you scared someone will break your heart? There's a reason why people want to try to fall in love…because they have hope that it will work. They would just wish their hearts won't break into pieces even if they know that there’s a possibility for it to happen. But can't even take one step." Jinki shook his head seeing Gwiboon looking down, biting her lips hard. He was too harsh, yes, but he had to tell Gwiboon this. No one will tell her the truth, of what her problem is, not even Taeyeon even if she knows. She didn't have the heart to.

"I too will feel tired if in the end you won't take my hand, Gwiboon-sshi. You finally smile to me, but that's it, you're trying to pull yourself away from me, right? Not everyone will wait in front of a closed door. Why bother waiting when there are many other opened doors?"

Jinki stood up from his seat with Gwiboon still looking down. He waited for a minute before sighing, "I will give you time to think. I, too, have to think if I want to work hard to open that door of yours."


"I hate him! I really hate him! Good guy? It was a mask. I knew it was only a mask!!" Gwiboon sniffed over the phone and talked with Taeyeon who was actually on a date with Minho. She wanted to ask Gwiboon to call her again later but the older was crying. Minho was currently busy with his phone as well, waiting for her to finish her own talk with her best friend.

"Unnie, I'm sure he doesn't mean it. Maybe he just feels angry."

"Angry of what? He's the one who wanted to spend time with me. Now he's angry that I'm wasting his time? I hate him, Taeyeon-ah. It hurts. Why he had to say those words?" Gwiboon covered and bit her lips to hold her tears. Why Jinki's words bothered her so much?

"But unnie, I actually think what he said is right. I thought about it couple of times, but I didn't dare to tell you about it."


"There's a reason why he said that, I'm sure. He was angry for a reason, and I'm sure he means good. You need to calm down first and clear your mind, ne? You have class tomorrow, right? Go to sleep unnie, you don't want to look bad with baggy eyes tomorrow."


Gwiboon skipped her morning class the next day. She looked terrible and she knew if she showed up looking like that, people will wonder if she had a fight with her 
so-called boyfriend. She woke up a little late, chose to sleep again after being woken up by her 7 a.m. alarm and got up at eleven.

She had missed calls from Taeyeon five times and 3 messages, asking where she was, if she’s going to skip classes, and that she told their lecturer she was sick but she didn’t reply. Thank God her mother wasn't home. She went to her grandmother's house and said something about birthday party or marriage anniversary.

Gwiboon wanted to go back to sleep but she was dizzy (after being asleep for how many hours) and hungry at the same time but was lazy to cook anything so she called for a delivery. After eating and taking a shower, she plopped down on her bed and covered herself with her blanket as she watched some random shows. She tried to make her brain think about something else other than Jinki and his mean words.

But it came back again while she made dinner, after finishing her dinner, and when she was about to go to sleep. She was hoping there's an erase button in her brain so she could erase his words, or maybe erasing the very man would be a better idea.

She closed her eyes, didn't know how many minutes passed and when she almost reached the dream's gate, her phone beeped, meaning she got a message.

It was Jinki, saying he will see her at the cafe like usual.

She buried her face on the pillow. She didn’t want to meet Jinki but at the same she wanted to see him. She let out a deep, frustrated sigh when smirking Jinki came to her mind. She hated that image so much. What if he shows that kind of face again tomorrow?


"Did you think about it?"

Jinki came ten minutes ago, ordered his drink, kept silent while waiting for it and finally said a word after his drink arrived.

Gwiboon didn't want to look at him. She trained her eyes outside the window which made Jinki sigh. His eyes was trailing her face, noticing there were dark circles under her feline eyes as the owner didn't bother to cover it with make-up.

"I almost feel regret knowing you won't smile at me again after what I said the other day. But I prefer not seeing you smile again and see your other side than not seeing you ever again. I don't mean to offend you. I want to help you, Gwiboon-sshi."

"I never said I need help..." She whispered.

“I want to help you so I'm offering myself to you. You can do to me whatever you want as a boyfriend. Think of it as a practice. I really want you to know how it feels to have someone care for you. I don't care if you leave me after you're done. I will be your toy and you can do anything you please to me."

Gwiboon shook her head. What happened with Jinki? He suddenly sounded desperate, like he really, really wanted to make Gwiboon not scared of men or relationship anymore. She met Jinki not to hear things like this. She didn't know why she went to see him, but she wanted to see him again, to see how he was doing.

"Thank you for your offer, but I don't need it." She stood up from her seat then bowed to Jinki. "Thank you for these past few weeks. It's nice knowing you."

She smiled – a smile that Jinki never saw before. Her eyes were glistening with tears but he couldn't move and stop the girl when she walked passing him, leaving him alone on his seat, both hands clenching at his trousers.

She shouldn’t have talked to Jinki. She shouldn’t have smile at him. She knew she’ll regret this, but she still tried because, just like Jinki said, she hoped it will work. Even if it's not really her first time, it still hurts. But finding Jinki offering himself like that, it hurts more that he did it just to help her. Maybe she was wrong. He never liked her in the first place. It was just to help her...because he pitied her.


Gwiboon didn't take a long time to mop around. It only took her a week and she forgot about Jinki, well, trying to forget actually. She sometimes remembers him but she reminded herself it was just a waste of time. Jinki called her, sent her messages, but she ignored and deleted it all even before reading them. At least she got her answer, that Jinki was a good guy.


"I’m coming.”

Gwiboon opened the door after hearing the doorbell rang. Her mother told her someone will come over to bring her clothes for her mom’s friend's party.

After opening it, she held her breath for a second and saw the familiar face in front of her, one hand holding a dress enveloped in a plastic.

"I'm bringing your mother's clothes." Jinki bowed before speaking, without a smile on his face.

"Thank you." Gwiboon took the dress from Jinki and gulped, not knowing what to say.

"Well, I will go now." Jinki bowed to her again and turned his heels but stopped when Gwiboon's hand pulled his shirt. Gwiboon looked down on her hand, confused. Why did she do that?

" you want to come in?"

Gwiboon's heart was beating faster than usual. Jinki didn't turn his body and she was afraid if the man replies no.

Jinki didn't drink the tea Gwiboon made. She was actually buying time to think of what she wanted to say when she made the tea.

"I thought you don't want to see me."

"I do now." Gwiboon muttered. Jinki's gaze was scary. She felt like her body was shrinking under his intense gaze.

"What is it?"

"Why are you not smiling?"

Jinki's eyes went bigger before he laughed sarcastically. "Are you seriously asking me that question? You don't deserve to see my smile."

Like being shot in the heart, Gwiboon's breath hitched. A tear quickly fell from her eyes and Jinki clenched his jaw after seeing it, holding himself not to reach out to hug the girl.

"You remember you said that to me once, right? Now you know how it feels. Do you finally want to open that door for me?"

Gwiboon's eyes were still on Jinki's expressionless face. More tears fell down but she didn't wipe it. "Hearing t-that from you make me want to close it fully…but yes, I want to open it just for you. So can you please, please stop saying those mean words?” She looked down and covered her face with both hands as she cried. It hurts so much, she never felt it before. Why, why does it hurt?

Jinki let his breath out as he held and went to Gwiboon's side instantly, bringing the girl to his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry harder.

"I'm sorry, but I really wanted to see you like this."

Gwiboon squeezed Jinki's shirt tightly and let her cry out, hoping it will reduce the painful feeling in her heart.

Gwiboon came back to her living room after washing her face. She looked terrible but she didn't care at the moment. She sat back beside Jinki, suddenly feeling embarrassed that she cried because of him and with him beside her.

"You okay now?"

Gwiboon nodded, looking down at her lap.

"I'm sorry, Gwiboon-ah..."

"I-it's okay...I won't be like this if you didn't do that. It felt good actually, to cry...and to know what you’re thinking…" Gwiboon glimpsed at Jinki while biting her lips.

"Hey." Jinki's voice was so gentle. She slowly turned to Jinki and saw his genuine smile again. She almost wanted to cry for the second time.

"Have you decided what color to paint the necklace with?" Jinki's eyes went down to Gwiboon's neck where the necklace he gave her was there.


"What color?"

"Everything. Because I want to experience every feeling with you."

Jinki laughed timidly, a blush creeping onto his cheeks because he didn't imagine hearing those words directly from Gwiboon's lips.

"I never thought you will answer like that..."


"What is that?" Gwiboon's mouth opened wide as she saw various rose petals under the glass table. It was pretty, like there's a transparent box under the table where she could see them from every side.

"It's pretty, right? I made it for you."


Gwiboon turned to Jinki who was sitting calmly on his seat. She was still standing while looking at the usual table which turned into a specially-made rose petal glass table with red, pink, yellow, white and blue artificial rose petals in it.

"I got some inspiration and idea so I made it." Jinki shrugged, seeing a smile slowly forming on Gwiboon's lips which turned into a grin. This girl is so pretty...especially her smile.

"It's beautiful…" Gwiboon traced the table with her fingers and suddenly had the desire to touch the petals.

"Come on, you should try your dress, my mother is waiting inside." Jinki finally stood up and pushed Gwiboon slightly inside the dressing room as the younger's eyes never left the table.

"Want me to help you change?" Jinki whispered into Gwiboon's ears just before they reached the room. Her eyes widened, slapping Jinki's arm with a shocked face.

"I told you to stop teasing or else…"

"Hmmm?" Jinki tilted his head, an innocent smile on his face.

Gwiboon glared at him before shaking her head and said nothing as she opened the door and greeted Mrs. Lee.


Gwiboon got a message from Jinki, saying that he was waiting for her at the café and that she should hurry up after she finish her class. She put her books in record time into her bag and walk out of her class.

She was about to go inside the café where she could see Jinki sitting on the table beside the window when suddenly, Soyou, one of the girls from the same class as her, called her.


Gwiboon halted her steps, turning to the girl with a little smile.


"Uhm, the man you always meet at the café, is he your boyfriend?"

Gwiboon blinked at the question. The smile got wider, her eyes crinkled into moon shape as pink tints came on both of her cheeks. "Yes, he's my boyfriend."

After a few fake smiles, Gwiboon bid her goodbye to Soyou and grinned widely because she just said that she has a boyfriend now, proudly.

“Who is she?” Jinki asked as she arrived and sat across him with a small smile.

"Just someone I know."

"Why are you smiling to her?" Jinki frowned, mouth slightly pouting which amused Gwiboon.

"I can't smile at her? She's a girl, Jinki-oppa ."

"But other men could see it, Gwiboon honey." Jinki shook his head, a grin broke when he saw Gwiboon flushed with his mentioned pet name for her for the first time.

"I didn’t know you're the jealous type."

"You have many more things that you don't know about me.”

"Mind to tell me about all of them?" Gwiboon leaned on the table, hands propping on her chin as Jinki nodded.

"What do you want to know?"

"Teach me how to smile naturally."

“Just look at me. It’s enough to make you smile naturally, right?”


A/N : Thank you so much for taking your time to read this and please leave comment, if maybe there's a part that you like, hate, or if you have a question. I currently have 2 finished Het! Onkey and need a beta so if you're willing or maybe know someone who can help me, you can send me a message ^^


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 11: More vampire Kibum please! These are so fun!!!
Chapter 9: all of your story are so cute and awesome.....
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Aww it was great that both onkey loved each other in the end :) nicely written!
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ Jinki surprised me with this! Hahahaha I didn't expect that one coming. Good job! :)
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: I didn't expect the twist at the end that the kiss happened in reality! :) the plot was interesting though hehe :) thanks for writing onkey ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwww. I'm so excited with the next part!
Chapter 3: why is kibum so cuteeeee here? ;A;
it was kinda trap ,in the beginning i thought it will be a diva!key XD
and sorrry i didn't read the earlier chapters ,don't really like jinboon tho ;(
nice story~ ;3 update soon please authir-nim~
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: Aww key is so cute here! Thanks for writing this chapter :)
suyuyuyu #9
Chapter 2: waaah it's cute^^...
Chapter 1: This is adorable. So cute! I love daddy onew, he's the best. :)