Mr.Dream (2/2)

Onkey's Oneshot 2014

Gwiboon was fidgeting nervously, sipping her drink as she kept glancing at her phone. Jinki said for her to wait on the cafe near school as he's on his way.

She took a look at her surrounding, seeing people talking with their friends or family or lovers. She felt like she's the one alone there and she's scared. She never went to anyplace alone, there's always someone she was going with, someone to hold on, to put her arm around other person's hand and make her feel safe.


Gwiboon saw Jinki waving from the door as she smiled a little, the man was walking to the table before sitting across of her, calling a waiter and made a thumb up. The waiter patted his back before going away, preparing for his drink.

"You came here a lot?"

"Yeah, once a week, sometimes more."

Gwiboon nodded, eyes taking a better look at the man's clean blue shirt. It looked nice on him, she liked how he folded the long sleeves and how he wore his dark blue tie kind of messily.

"How are you? Had a good sleep last night?"

Gwiboon shook her head slowly, "No...I can see your face clearly..." her voice became smaller suddenly, her eyes avoiding Jinki's as she felt her cheeks became warm.

"Huh...I was thinking if maybe this is not a good idea? Since you see my face, it will only make you dream of me more frequent."

Gwiboon smile sadly, not knowing what to say because what Jinki said was true.

Jinki was about to say something when the waiter from earlier came back bringing his drink, "Jinki! This is your usual...and a treat from our boss for your friend..." the waiter smiled sweetly as he put down a piece of cake to Gwiboon who stared dumbly at the man. "Enjoy." he nodded before leaving them.

Jinki half shouting thank you to the waiter before chuckling, turning back to Gwiboon and tell her to try it.

"You know the owner?" Gwiboon blinked her eyes.

Jinki grinned, drinking his coffee. "He's my cousin actually."

"Ah..." Gwiboon took the fork and tried the chocolate cake, it melted inside and she made a note to bring her friends there next time and make sure they tried it.



"How did you know it's me?"


"How did you know that I’m Mr. Dream?"

Gwiboon bit her lips, feeling embarrassed at the nickname her friend made for him. "It's your lips..."

"Are you sure it's me? I mean, I think some other people has similar lips to mine and..."

Gwiboon shook her head, looking straight into Jinki's eyes. "I'm sure it's you. It's been haunting me for quite some time that I can tell the different of people's li—ughh, it's sounded weird..." she covered her face with both hands, making Jinki laughed because he still could see her red cheeks.

"Hmm...maybe you should try watching movie or drama with actor you like before you went to sleep so they will come to your dream? Have you tried it before?"

Gwiboon cupped her face, whispering a yes.

"How about thinking of your boyfriend?"

"I don't have one..."

"You don't have one." Jinki repeated what Gwiboon said, making sure that he heard it right.

"Yes. Is it weird? I have never had a boyfriend before..."

Jinki gasped, not trying to hide his shock face when realization hit him, "Seriously? You?" his eyes were scanning the girl across of her because he was sure there's nothing wrong with her looks.

"My friend said that I'm too naive, so they protected me and told me to reject any confession."

"You never like any of those men who confessed to you?" Jinki was watching as Gwiboon continue eating her cake.

"None. But even if there is, I will listen to my friend's opinion of what to do."

"Why, you can't decide it?"

"I usually made the wrong decision." Gwiboon her lips, "I don't like being babied by my family and friends but it's really dangerous for me to do what I wanted to try."

Jinki hummed, "It's okay, at least you have people who are willing to take care of you."

"Yeah...I won't be able to find you if they didn't help me. I have no idea that there's night class at our school." Gwiboon drank her water after finishing her cake.

"I'm sure not all students know about it too. It's like a secret." Jinki grinned, feeling proud of his class. "You have to be special to enter the night class too."


"Some of us are athlete, some are into arts and some are trainee or more interest in music. Those who went to night class usually were busy in the morning pursuing their dreams and came to school to balance it."

"Which are you?" Gwiboon leaned a little bit closer unconsciously, feeling interest seeing the glint on Jinki’s eyes.

"Music. I love to sing and play piano."


Jinki sent her one of the songs sung by him because Gwiboon wanted to hear him. It was a bad decision when she heard it before her sleep. She liked his voice, it was soft, full of emotion, and calming and it lulled her to sleep as she played it on repeat.

Gwiboon just woke up and she muffled her scream through her pillow, burying her head into it as she replayed her dream with her eyes closed.

She realized that Jinki actually said something when he cupped her face, just before he kissed her on the lips. She could see how his lips parted, whispering some words that she couldn't hear with a gentle smile after.

"Why I never noticed it before..."

Gwiboon felt like wanting to sleep again for once because she wanted to know what Jinki said on her dream.

"Did Mr. Dream treat you nicely?" Yongjoo was looking at Soyou who was copying her homework furiously, hands moving in light speed as her eyes moved from her own notes to Yongjoo's.

"Yes. Apparently the owner of that cafe is his cousin and gave me this chocolate cake that's so yummy! You have to come with me next week!" Gwiboon her lips remembering the taste.


"And we were talking about night classes, and some other stuff before he went to his class."


Gwiboon made a thin line with her lips, knowing that Yongjoo didn't believe in her, that she knew she hide something from her. "And he sent me his voice recording of him singing and I slept while listening and I dream of him again but this one was different because it never happened before..." she confessed.

"What?" Soyou stopped for a second, lifting her head and cringe feeling the pain on her neck. She rubbed her neck while staring at Gwiboon who sighed.

"He said something but I can't hear it. It usually only him kissing me but this time he said something before he kissed me. I don't know why it never happened before but my guess is because of his voice, just like how I dream of seeing his face after I knew him."

"Are you telling me that the more you know him, the longer your dream will be?" Yongjoo tapped her chin, one brow raising seeing Gwiboon's blank face.

"Huh, I didn't think of that one. Oh god, is that mean I should stop seeing him?" Gwiboon put on a worried face, she didn't want to stop seeing the nice guy but if it only worsened her dream she had no choice to do it.

"I'm just guessing, seeing the condition you’re in. It's okay, just meet him for now and if there's something different with your dream, tell us again." Yongjoo put a hand over Gwiboon's, making sure that she's fine as the latter nodded.



Jinki replied back without looking at Gwiboon who took a seat, he was looking down into his notes, one hand holding a pen while the other on his temple.

"What are you doing?"

"Homework. It's English." he sighed, pausing to take a drink before smiling weakly to Gwiboon. "I'm usually okay, but the teacher gave a lot of new words and I'm trying to memorize."

"I usually make a sentence when learning new word, with names people I'm close with so it's easier to imagine them doing it."

Jinki made an o with his lips, nodding as he started writing on his notes again. "Why I didn't think of that before..."

"Is it for today?"

"No, I just want to finish it quickly so I can use my time to play hahaha..."

Jinki scribed for some more while Gwiboon waiting for her order. By the time her drink arrived Jinki had closed his notes and put it inside his bag.

"So, how are you?" Jinki gave her a warm smile and it made Gwiboon nervous, her hands were playing on the table.

"Still the same."

"It's the same dream again?"

"Yes." she lied.

"I wish I can do something just to make you sleep peacefully for one night."

" least I can stop thinking about who's on the dream. Finding you is quite helpful."

"You can lie but your eye bags can't."

Gwiboon turned her head to look into her reflection on the shop window, biting her lips worriedly which made Jinki laughed. "I have to admit you're doing a good job to hide it, but I still can see that you look tired."

"I actually sleep, but I feel like I'm going on a journey. Like I’m awake and going to the same place over and over again."

"I know that feeling."

"You do?"


Gwiboon saw how Jinki's eyes suddenly had this intense stare before she broke their eye contact. "What did you dream of?"

"My past girlfriend."


"Why you're so gloomy?"

"He had a girlfriend."


"That's why I'm like this!" Gwiboon made a gesture to her face, sighing before she drank her chocolate milkshake.

"It's normal to have a girlfriend, you're the one who's not normal by never being in a relationship before." Yongjoo raised a brow.

"You're the one who keep rejecting those confessions!" Gwiboon wailed.

"Can't you see that they want to eat you with their eyes? They're wolves, literally." Soyou squinted her eyes, pointing how serious she was.

"How can I know that they're wolves? You didn't give me a chance!"

"You're so..." Yongjoo slapped her own head, "There's a bad guy on manhwa that you read, right? When does the main character found out the man was a bad guy?"

Gwiboon thought for a while, "Hmm... the girl usually found out in the end..."

"That's why!" Gwiboon jolted feeling Yongjoo slapped her back, "You will never know until you experience it yourself! You will only found out in the end, but we who have experience can tell you so you don’t have to go through all of that and that's why you have to listen to us!"

"What about Jinki?"

Soyou dropped her spoon hearing Gwiboon's question, "What do you mean? That he's a wolf or not?"

"Is he?"

Soyou shared something through her eyes with Yongjoo who only shrugged. "Doesn't look like wolf, but I'm not sure...what do you think, So-yah?"

"Same. But why are you asking about your Mr. Dream?"

"Just curious of what you're thinking of him." Gwiboon stirred her drink with the straw, eyes on the glass.

"Do you like him?"

Gwiboon stopped her hand movement, "He's nice."

"Do you?" Yongjoo pressed.

Gwiboon looked at both of her friends in the eye, trying to read what reaction she will get for her answer.

"I'm not sure..."

"The fact that you're thinking about it means that you're interest in him."

Gwiboon parted her lips, ready to say no but she couldn't. She only nodded weakly, "I won't say what you want to hear."


She felt something warm on her cheek. It felt good that she didn’t want that warm to go away and—


Gwiboon opened her eyes and met Jinki’s warm orbs that stared at her with concern. "Are you okay?"

She gulped hard because Jinki was so closed. The warm on her cheek was Jinki’s hand and she peeled off Jinki's hand away from her with trembling hand. "Y-yeah. Did I fell asleep?" she brushed a strand behind her ear as Jinki sat back on his seat.

"Yup. I'm sorry, did you wait long?"

Gwiboon rubbed her eyes and nodded before shaking her head, "No, I'm working on my homework and it made me dizzy so I closed my eyes and...yeah." she chuckled.

"You didn't cover your eye bag today." Jinki leaned a little bit closer to Gwiboon to take a better look of her.

"I woke up late so I didn't have time." Gwiboon called the waiter who now knew her, smiling to him and he knew what she wanted without him have to come to the table and ask her.

"You woke up late? How come, I mean, didn't you dream again and it woke you up every couple hours?"

"I'm just too tired I think?"

Jinki hummed, leaning into his seat. "Did you have a dream? Just now?"


"So taking a nap won't make you dream?"


"Maybe you should sleep in the evening and wake up all night?" Jinki smiled at the waiter who brought both his and Gwiboon's drink.

"That's not healthy."

"But if it works?"

"Maybe I'll try on weekend..." Gwiboon shrugged, started drinking.

"Talking about weekend," Jinki pushed his glasses away from him, "Want to go see me on practice?"


"My friend has a studio and he gave me the key so I can go whenever I want. I usually went on weekend, do you want to come?"

"Your friend will be there too?"

Jinki grinned, "Nope, just me alone."

"Then…I'll think about it."

"Should I go?"

Gwiboon was sitting on her bed, moving her dangling foot while calling Yongjoo and asked her if meeting Jinki was a good idea or not.

"I'm afraid because it will be different this time."

"What will be different?"

"It will be only the two of us. There’s other person on the cafe, but he said there will be only him on his friend's studio. I'm sure I won’t be able to form a single word!"

"Yeah, right. You have met him couple of times now, it will be the same!"

"Can you come with me? or Soyou, maybe?" Gwiboon pushed her body to the bed, lying on his bed and sighing while staring into the ceiling.

"Yah! He wanted you to go, not me or Soyou. Besides, Soyou has a date and I want to go with my friend."

Yongjoo cleared in the end and Gwiboon raised a brow before a smile came to her lips, "Who's your friend?"

"You know who..."

"Nope, I don't." Gwiboon could feel the smile grown into a grin. She heard Yongjoo mumbled something on the other line. "Tell me if he finally to confess his feeling for you."

Yongjoo groaned on the other line, "Yah! I told you that it'll be me who confess to him! He's too dumb to read my signals!"

"But I'm sure he likes you too."

"Why are we talking about me? We're talking about you and Jinki and that you will go with him to get to know him better."

Gwiboon's lips turned downward, failed changing the topic as Yongjoo remembered what they were talking about. "Okay, I'll go with him."

"Great, have a good time, ng?"

"You too..."


"Why are you staring like that?" Gwiboon checked if there was a stain on her shirt of if there were some strand out of its place as she tried to check on her reflection on the car window.

"You look cute."

Gwiboon bit her lips, not meeting Jinki's eyes as she whispered a thank you. She only wore a simple t-shirt with leather jacket over it and a pair of jeans with sneakers but it looked cute to Jinki who always saw her in uniform.

"Come on." Jinki opened the passenger door for her and closed it after she got in. He ran a little to the driver side and went inside, smiling to Gwiboon.

"You're really okay with this, right? You didn't agree because I forced you or something?" he said as he started driving.

"No, I want to. Soyou and Yongjoo have another plan so..."

"I'm your second option." he stated with a chuckle.

"N-no!" Gwiboon turned to Jinki in panic. She didn't think it will give different meaning when she only said the truth. "I don't always go out on weekend, only sometimes when my friends are free. You're not my second option because they left me alone. I just think that it'll be better going out than staying alone at home and I really want to see you on practice—"

"Gwiboon." Jinki cut Gwiboon when she started rambling. "It's okay. You don't have to explain it to me, I was just kidding."

Gwiboon blinked, "Really?"

"Yeah, don't worry." Jinki gave a reassuring smile and Gwiboon sighed, shoulders slumping down in relief.

"You said that you will be staying at home alone when your friends have their own plan?"

"I'm not comfortable going out alone so I prefer staying at home, watching or reading, those boring stuff." she laughed a little.

"Why alone? You don't have any siblings?"

"I'm the only child. My parents always went on a date on weekend. They always tried to make some time and usually left me alone because I'll end up being ignored in the end as they're so busy talking about their jobs."

Jinki took a glance at Gwiboon who was pouting and smiled to himself, "It's so rare for a parents to do that, they must love each other."

"I'm proud of them but kind of hate it at the same time. They told me to get a boyfriend when they found out I'm sulking because of it." Gwiboon turned to Jinki who laughed at that, "Why are you laughing, it's not funny..." she tried to sound angry but she had a smile on her face seeing Jinki's crinkled eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's just that your parents sound so fun."

Gwiboon grinned at the compliment, "Thank you. They are such a good parents."

Jinki the lamp on, making Gwiboon squint her eyes to adjust to the light before she gasped.

The studio wasn't that big or small, but quite spacious. One wall was covered with full length mirror with the floor made by wood which a little bit shiny, making it easy for people to move their body freely with dance steps and saw what mistakes they made. There were a piano in one corner of the room, a sofa and a mini table beside it.

"It wasn't usually like this, I cleaned up yesterday with my friend since you said you will come." Jinki was happy at the expression on Gwiboon's face. Her eyes were sparkling and he wondered what the girl was thinking because this was just a normal practice room where he and his friends spent their time at and there's nothing special about it to be honest. "Seems like you like it, huh?"

Gwiboon nodded and finally stop her eyes for moving around the room before meeting Jinki's, "I really want to see what you and your friends usually do here."

"You can come whenever you like, when you are bored and had nothing to do."

"Thank you." Gwiboon clasped her hands in excitement. "You know, I'm feeling bored right now."

Jinki laughed, walking and sat behind the piano and telling Gwiboon to sit on the couch. "I have been practicing couple of new songs lately, do you want to hear it?"

"Yes, please." Gwiboon sat up straight like a good kid, hands on her laps as she waited for Jinki who prepared himself.

An image of similar situation from novel or manhwa she read came to Gwiboon's mind. She was imagining if her boyfriend will be one who's good at sport, a smart one who wore glasses and likes to read book and a little bit cold, someone who have beautiful voice, one who could play many types of instruments, or someone like Jinki who was singing with his chocolate-like voice while playing the piano, producing beautiful and calming melodies which made Gwiboon melted inside.

Jinki talked about some artists that he liked, about what his friends liked to do. He was sitting on the piano stool but facing Gwiboon, his eyes were sparkling and he looked so excited telling his stories.

"Are all your friends like you too?"

"What do you mean?" Jinki tilted his head.

"I can see how much you love what you do the way you're talking about it."

Jinki smiled, "It's normal, I think. Everyone will look like me when they're talking about what they love, just like earlier when you're talking about your parents."

Gwiboon pressed her lips, "I looked like that?"


Jinki his seat, back facing Gwiboon before he looked at her through his shoulder, "Want me to teach you how to play?"

Gwiboon quickly shook her head, "No, I'm fine." she didn't want to ruin the beautiful melodies into something that made you cringed when you're listening to it.

"It's okay, come here. I wasn't this good at first too." Jinki called Gwiboon with his hand.

Gwiboon hesitantly walked to Jinki who scooted a little bit so Gwiboon could sit beside him. Jinki taught the chorus part of one song he played earlier, the one Gwiboon said she likes the most.

Gwiboon practice couple of times before Jinki joined by playing the chord and start singing. Gwiboon smiled, playing the notes she learn with gained confident because Jinki made her simple child like playing turned into something more by his help. Gwiboon laughed and gave up after three times repeating, letting Jinki took control and continued until the song finish.

Gwiboon sighed in contentment, tracing the piano keys with her fingers. "You have to send me the song and your own version." she turned to Jinki who was staring intently at her.

"I will."

Gwiboon blinked nervously seeing how gentle Jinki's eyes were before she shifted her gaze, "Are you hungry?" she tried to calm down as her heart was beating loudly she felt like it was the only thing she could hear on the silent room.

"Yeah. Let's go somewhere and eat."

I hope you won't get any dream tonight? ^^

Gwiboon sighed reading Jinki's message. "There's no way I will be able to sleep peacefully tonight..."

She put away her phone to the night table, snuggling more into her pillow and let the warm orbs with gentle smile lead her to her dream.


"How's Jinki?"

"He's fine." Gwiboon was typing on her phone with a lazy smile on her lips. She shouted in protest when Soyou suddenly grabbed her phone from the table, reading what she typed.

"I'm going to get busy starting this week. I will tell you if I have some time to meet. It's okay, right? We can still talk if you want to tell me about your dream." Soyou read Jinki's text out loud.

Yongjoo took the phone from Soyou's hand and Gwiboon could only groan, burying her head on her arms at the table.

"What happened on the weekend?" Soyou nudged Gwiboon who was still pressing her face to her arms.

Yongjoo was checking the chat history between Jinki and Gwiboon. Snickering every once in a while and chuckling here and there. "Even your words scream pure, boon-ah..."

"What's with my word?" Gwiboon made a pout, "Nothing happened on weekend, why you asked?" she moved her head sideway, staring at Soyou who propped her head with a hand.

"Your reply is just...can't you see that he wants you to say...more?" Yongjoo frowned.

"He sounds like he's avoiding you. It's just my opinion, though..." Soyou grinned.

Gwibon stared at both Yongjoo and Soyou, moved from one to another as she was confused which topic she should focus on.

"Wait, what do you mean avoiding me?" Gwiboon decided to took her phone from Yongjoo before slumping down on her seat again.

"He reasoned out. He's been the one who send you message first but suddenly he pulled himself, by saying that he's busy. It's just..."

"Unless he did it on purpose, to make her, you know..."

Gwiboon parted her lips lightly, shaking her head asking for an explanation.

"To make you miss him." Yongjoo answered with a sigh.

"Really?" Gwiboon asked innocently.

"Poor Jinki..." Soyou whispered.

Gwiboon thought that what her friends told her was wrong, that it was a bad guess and that they might or something. She started to think that maybe they're right after a week because Jinki never asked to meet again although he still sent her texts.

Gwiboon should be thankful because for once, she didn't dream of Jinki. She slept well after more than a month having a dream (nightmare) every single night.

But she missed Jinki. She wanted to see him, she didn't care if it's only on her dream. Gwiboon didn't want to stop dreaming for Jinki, her Mr. Dream who kissed her gently.


"He said yes!"

Soyou almost fell back when Gwiboon came running towards her and hugged her tightly.


Gwiboon grinned, letting go of Soyou but still had her hands around the slightly taller girl's waist. "He said he has a free time today!"

"Who?" Soyou frowned seeing Gwiboon's bright smile, she hadn't seen it for a week or so as far as she remembered.

"Jinki!" Gwiboon whispered excitedly, "I admit that your thought might be right, but we're going to meet again and it will be the same like before...right?" her expression fallen for a second before she grinned again.

Soyou pressed her lips together, patting Gwiboon head, "I won't say anything to ruin your mood."

"Thank you." Gwiboon hugged Soyou once again before she linked her arm with her, walking to their class.

Gwiboon inhaled deeply when she saw many books sprawled on the table where Jinki occupied. He pushed two tables together and it was full of notes, papers, books, bottle of water beside his arm near the window. He only smiled slightly, clearly looking tired with the eye bags.


"Haha, I know right..."

Gwiboon took a seat while carefully staring at Jinki. "Did you sleep?"

"Yeah." he started to clean up, closing his books, notes, and arrange the papers neatly and put it together before he pushed it away.

"For how long?"

"I don't know, three, four?"

"You should at least sleep..." Gwiboon said worriedly.

"It's only temporary, I took a nap too so it's okay."

"But—" Jinki's reassuring smile made her stopped in understanding.

"Let's talk about other thing, I think my mind is about to explode. It took too much information but didn't store any of it." he leaned his head to the window. "What did you do last week? What did I miss?"

"Not much, really." aside from how much I miss you... "Nothing special in fact." how can something be special when you're not there with me?

Gwiboon groaned inside, why those words suddenly appear? Why her conscious decided to be cheesy out of nowhere?

"Whatever you were doing are better than me studying all of these." Jinki sighed, shaking his head as he open the water bottle and drink it. "Ah, how about your dream?"

"Ne? What about it?" Gwiboon felt her heart suddenly beat faster for a moment.

"You still dream of me?"


The way Gwiboon avoided Jinki's eyes made the man raised a brow, "Oh? What is it, did I suddenly turned into a monster on your dream?"

Gwiboon pouted, eyes coming back to Jinki seeing the happy glint on his orbs. "The dream stopped."


"It stopped. I stop dreaming about you."

"Seriously? Why?" Jinki's face turned serious, he leaned closer with eyes focusing on Gwiboon who was confused with the sudden change of expression.

"I don't know? I think, maybe...because we stop meeting?"

"That doesn't make sense..." Jinki whispered more to himself, but Gwiboon who also leaned in heard it.

"What did you mean?"

"You haven't see me before but you dream of me. Now you stopped dreaming of me because you didn't see me. Why it didn't stop earlier?" Jinki frowned while asking the question to Gwiboon.


Jinki saw how Gwiboon looked lost as much as him, "That shouldn't be what I focus on. You must be happy now that you finally find out the answer, right?"


"To stop your dream, of course. All you have to do is stop meeting me now and you won't dream of me again."

Gwiboon missed the hint of sadness on Jinki's voice although the man was smiling, "But I don't want to!"

"But..." Jinki was confused and shocked at Gwiboon's words, "You told me you want to stop your dream."

"I did want that. But now..." Gwiboon bit her lips, not sure if it was the best idea voicing what was inside her mind. "It didn't bother me anymore, the dream. I prefer that I can meet you and keep dreaming than not dreaming and can't see you..." her voice gradually became smaller as she dropped her head in embarrassment.

"But you can't. You kept waking up in the middle of your sleep and you can't focus on your study. You're tired of it, dreaming of me."

Gwiboon took a breath, slowly raising her head back and met Jinki's eyes that she couldn't read. "I woke up because it's just a dream. I can't focus because I want to know who or why he's coming to my dream and I...I'm tired because I can't find that man. I found him now and I don't want to stop seeing him."

There was a pause, Gwiboon stared at Jinki who stared back at her. She waited for any response but it looked like Jinki was blanking for a while and she bit her lips, looking away because she didn't know what more to say.

"I thought I can wait until I finished my exam, but you just make me changed my mind."

Gwiboon frowned hearing Jinki, she wanted to ask what he meant by that but she was shoved into her seat by Jinki who already moved to the chair beside her, the corner of his lips turned upward into a smirk she never saw before. "Has someone told you how adorable you are?"

Gwiboon's eyes were opened wide when Jinki leaned in, pressing his lips to Gwiboon's for a second and pulled away just as quickly before she could do anything. "Do you know how hard I have to hold myself not to do this?"

Jinki landed another peck on her lips, "To feel your lips?"

Jinki was about to kiss Gwiboon again but she finally woke up from her trance and pushed Jinki away before he succeed. "W-what are you d-doing?" she stuttered. She could feel her heart beating so fast, she couldn't look away from Jinki's eyes, couldn't believe what just happened.

"I'm waking you up from your dream." Jinki whispered as he took Gwiboon's hand, bringing it to his lips and kissed it. "I want you to know that the reality is sometimes better than dream."

Jinki leaned again and Gwiboon shut her eyes in fear, her hand clenched Jinki's tightly and he couldn't help but giggled. "You're too adorable..."

He landed a kiss on Gwiboon's cheek this time, a little bit longer before pulling away as Gwiboon slowly opened her eyes.

"You’re mine now." Jinki grinned, "Is there any objection?"

Gwiboon gulped down, shaking her head slowly as an answer and Jinki laughed at that. Gwiboon felt disappointed when Jinki let go of her hand, but he pulled her to his chest and hugged Gwiboon, whispering a thank you on her ear which made her smiled.

I found you,

and I will never let you leave my dream again.

You can come as much as you want now,

Jinki oppa.


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 11: More vampire Kibum please! These are so fun!!!
Chapter 9: all of your story are so cute and awesome.....
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Aww it was great that both onkey loved each other in the end :) nicely written!
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ Jinki surprised me with this! Hahahaha I didn't expect that one coming. Good job! :)
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: I didn't expect the twist at the end that the kiss happened in reality! :) the plot was interesting though hehe :) thanks for writing onkey ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwww. I'm so excited with the next part!
Chapter 3: why is kibum so cuteeeee here? ;A;
it was kinda trap ,in the beginning i thought it will be a diva!key XD
and sorrry i didn't read the earlier chapters ,don't really like jinboon tho ;(
nice story~ ;3 update soon please authir-nim~
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: Aww key is so cute here! Thanks for writing this chapter :)
suyuyuyu #9
Chapter 2: waaah it's cute^^...
Chapter 1: This is adorable. So cute! I love daddy onew, he's the best. :)