Mr.Dream - Extra

Onkey's Oneshot 2014

Jinki winched as he checked on his arm, he should be careful the next time while playing in the field, he was too into the soccer and fell, accidentally bumped into some rocks and cut himself.

He knocked the infirmary's door before coming in. He scratched his head with his unwounded hand, finding no one on the room. He sighed and decided to tend himself then, carefully and winching couple of times before he finished.

Smiling at his work proudly, he stood up and ready to leave when he heard a voice and turned to see the divider.

Is there someone here?

He took couple of steps and found that someone was under the blanket, sleeping peacefully.

He went closer, examining the person who turned out to be a girl. Jinki watched girl's face intently. He felt something inside and frowned, looking down at his heart while asking himself what's wrong with it.

His eyes went back to the girl, moving slowly from her long eyelashes, trailing down to her cute nose before landing on her slightly parted pink lips before he gulped again.

She looked tempting and Jinki wanted to slap himself because the girl was only sleeping and did nothing but it was enough to make wild images running on his mind.

He wasn’t aware that he was kneeling beside the bed, face inching slowly but surely like he had been drawn by her. He stared at her for a minute and checked around if there was someone else where clearly the room was empty, except from him and the sleeping girl.

Jinki bit his lips as his eyes went back to the girl, thinking how beautiful she was and how he wanted to wake her up and get lost on her eyes. He wanted her to see him. But he didn't have the heart to wake her so he only shook his head.

He recognized her uniform, that she wasn't from the night class and that it'll be hard to find her again.

If only I can leave something...

He wasn't sure if he could see her again, if he had a chance to talk to her, to find out if she already had a boyfriend and he felt his heart clenched at that word.

If she already has someone...

Jinki leaned in, staring at her lips before he pressed his own towards it.

His pulled away as his hand came to cup her cheek, feeling how warm it was. He moved his thumb gently, caressing the skin before he felt the girl stir a little. Jinki froze for a second, worried that she might woke up but she fortunately she didn't.

"I hope I'll see you again." he whispered before retreating his hand back. He heard footsteps and quickly walked to the door, almost bumping to the nurse who was shocked when she opened the door.

"Oh! You scared me."

Jinki smiled as she asked him if he needs any help. He shook his head, telling that he already took care of himself and bowed before leaving the room.

Jinki walked slowly on the hallway, drawing the sleeping girl's face inside his head as a smile creeping into his lips. He should feel guilty, but he didn't. He stole someone's kiss, but he didn't feel like he did something wrong at all. A voice scolded him inside his head and he made a pout, "I'll apologize later..." he whispered confidently, "after she's mine."


"Jinki-yah! There are afternoon students outside! They are all so pretty!"

Jinki's friend put a hand over his shoulder, telling him about his opinion of each girl. Jinki didn't listen to his friend because his mind went to sleeping beauty on the infirmary. He never stopped thinking about the girl but he realized the next day that it's impossible for a girl that pretty to not have a boyfriend so he didn't bother to search for her.

Jinki could see from afar that there were three girls near the gate, he squinted his eyes a little because it was quite dark. He kept walking with his friend, eyes trying not to stare too obviously at the girls when one of them stopped him and his friend.

The girl nodded her head a little with eyes staring to Jinki. "Do you have a time?"


"Jinki-yah, I'll go first, okay?"

Jinki's friend patted his back as he left Jinki with the girl who was waiting for him.

"My friend need your help, do you have time now or maybe we can come again tomorrow if you can't."

The girl was so straight to the point that Jinki felt intimidate for a second. He shrugged before nodded to the girl, "No, it's okay. Tonight is fine."

"Great, let's talk on the cafe!"

The girl looked totally better with a smile on her face, Jinki thought. Jinki followed the girl who approached him to her friends, he saw the other two was hugging each other before the one with brown hair pushed the girl who had her back on Jinki.

"Her name is Gwiboon and she wanted to...ask you something."


The girl turned her body and Jinki felt his heart skipped a beat. It was that girl, the one he kissed at the infirmary.

So your name is Gwiboon?


She was prettier that what Jinki could remember. Her jet black hair was being tied into a ponytail. Her cat-like eyes were moving here and there, trying to avoid his eyes and it made Jinki laughed inside. He spent more time staring at her lips, how she was biting it and it remind Jinki of how it tasted.

Do you have a boyfriend, Gwiboon? 

"Hi, your friend said you need my help?" Jinki gave his best smile to the girl who nodded shyly.

Can I try to make you mine?


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 11: More vampire Kibum please! These are so fun!!!
Chapter 9: all of your story are so cute and awesome.....
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Aww it was great that both onkey loved each other in the end :) nicely written!
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ Jinki surprised me with this! Hahahaha I didn't expect that one coming. Good job! :)
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: I didn't expect the twist at the end that the kiss happened in reality! :) the plot was interesting though hehe :) thanks for writing onkey ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwww. I'm so excited with the next part!
Chapter 3: why is kibum so cuteeeee here? ;A;
it was kinda trap ,in the beginning i thought it will be a diva!key XD
and sorrry i didn't read the earlier chapters ,don't really like jinboon tho ;(
nice story~ ;3 update soon please authir-nim~
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: Aww key is so cute here! Thanks for writing this chapter :)
suyuyuyu #9
Chapter 2: waaah it's cute^^...
Chapter 1: This is adorable. So cute! I love daddy onew, he's the best. :)