Smile (1/2)

Onkey's Oneshot 2014

Title : Smile

Rating : PG-13

Genre : AU, Romance

Pairing : Het!Onkey

Summary : "You know, dress and make-up make a girl prettier, but a simple smile won't cost a penny to make a girl look beautiful."

A big thank you to Georgia unnie for being my beta ♥ x100



"Jinki-sshi, you're smiling all the time. Does your heart actually smile too?" Gwiboon played with the straw on her glass, eyes to the man in front of her.

The young man was looking through his eyeglasses, brows furrowed together as he read something on his phone. He looked up when the young lady suddenly spoke and saw how bored she was because her face tells him so. It was the same expression she wears whenever she’s with him.

"Taeyeon-sshi will be done for ten minutes. Just close your eyes and when you open them, she will be there next to you," Jinki smiled to her before looking down again on his phone.

Gwiboon only rolled her eyes, put her glass aside and slightly moved forward to the table between them, a lazy smirk on her face. "Had someone ask you the same question?"

Jinki closed his eyes for a second, opened it again and nodded to himself. He will deal with her. It's not like he meet this young lady every day. Besides, being good to the best friend of his mother's client won't bring anything bad, right?

So he put his smile on once again, the smile that Gwiboon hated to see because she thought it was so fake she groaned inside in disgust.

"This is the first time, Gwiboon-sshi, and the answer is no, my heart doesn't always smile like my lips does. I just don't like it when people see me not smiling. They said it scares them when I don’t,” Jinki put his straight face for a second before flashing his smile again and Gwiboon who saw the expression nodded in agreement.

There are many types of clients who always come to Jinki’s mother: a girl who wanted to celebrate her birthday, a young woman who wanted to get married, a man who needed a suit to an important appointment, and some other more. He gets the chance to talk with them and some family and friends they brought along sometimes. These family members and friends share good and happy stories, tell about the upcoming events, their own lives, and even share some secrets about the client that Jinki preferred not to hear but had to because he had no other option.

Taeyeon is one of these regular clients. She comes to his mom when she needed a dress that has to be made especially for her. It started by Taeyeon's mother who did the same from the moment she became good friends with Jinki's mother. Sometimes, Taeyeon comes with her mother, her boyfriend, or with her best friend who was currently sitting in front of him.

This Kim Gwiboon is unique, at least in Jinki's opinion. She never give compliments to the dresses that looks good on her best friend; only a shook of head as no or a nod as yes and it frustrates him. The girl has the mouth to talk. Couldn't she at least say something?

Another uniqueness of this lady, unlike any other family members or friends of his mom's clients, is her constant ignoring of Jinki when he was supposed to accompany her, acting like he wasn't there and chose to give attention to her smart phone.

So this was a shock to him because this was the first time Gwiboon started a conversation without him being the one who started it like usual. And now that they were actually having a dialogue (not a monologue like before courtesy of him), the young man suddenly thought this was his chance to know her more. "How about you, Gwiboon-sshi? Why do you always look like you're in a bad mood? Have you ever smiled before? A real smile, not a forced one?"

Gwiboon made a forced smile which made him chuckle to himself. "I'm not a robot. I do smile occasionally. And this bad mood face you're talking about is my normal face, so..." Pointing to her face, Gwiboon only shrugged, not getting offended or realizing the sarcasm in Jinki’s remark.

"You're such an interesting girl." Jinki made a big smile, leaning unconsciously closer to the table and noticed that the girl was actually really pretty up close. Gwiboon looked like a doll with her jet-black hair tied up into a ponytail, cat-like eyes, pouty lips…but he shifted his eyes to the other way and gulped when he realized he was staring too long.

Unbeknown to Jinki, Gwiboon was in fact secretly paying attention to him in her many visits with Taeyeon. How the older man greeted and talked to them, being nice and polite, especially the smile that felt like it won't come off of his face. She didn't know where it came from but she suddenly had the feeling that she wanted to talk to him, wanted him to see her and talk to her like how he did with other clients.

"Do you have any siblings?"

Jinki was about to check his phone again after minutes of silence when Gwiboon asked a question. He met the girl's eyes and searched for something, waited for seconds before answering. "No, I don't."

"I wonder why you're always here talking to the clients."

"Because my beloved mother’s friends always compliment me of how good of a son I am and she thinks it's a good idea for me to talk with clients and erase their boredom."

"And you like it?"

Jinki shook his head with a smile. "I like it because she gives me money for every hour I spend with them."

Gwiboon smirked after knowing the reason. A man won't spend his precious time talking with random people for nothing. Although Jinki looked like a good man, she believed there's a reason why he was doing it. But, well, his smile looks natural and sinc –

"Are you two talking to each other?"

Jinki and Gwiboon snapped their heads to Taeyeon who was now wearing a stunning, beautifully-shirred emerald green dress with a timid smile tinted on her face. Gwiboon only nodded her head as an approval because her best friend really looked pretty.

The shy lady bit her lips, turned her body to show her simple, line dress. "How do I look?"

"You look beautiful, Taeyeon-sshi,” Jinki seconded as he focused his eyes on Taeyeon’s face and how her innocent beauty matched with the dress. What he liked the most with his job is when his mother’s designs make her clients handsome or beautiful and he is the very first witness of this. It kind of entertains him especially the way the clients react sometimes. They are very (or slightly) predictable.

"Thank you, Jinki-oppa.” Taeyeon moved her eyes from Jinki to Gwiboon whose eyes were moving from Taeyeon's head to her feet. “Unnie, Minho-oppa will like this, right?"

Gwiboon would never understand why Taeyeon worries so much about her appearance because she looked pretty in anything, even with a simple shirt and jeans. Still, she answered a "Yes, he will" with a sigh, her lips curved into a smile as she waved her hand and told Taeyeon to go back inside the dressing room to change her clothes quickly while she leaned back on her chair and checked her watch. She needed to go back early and she could’ve make it at home by now if Taeyeon didn't force her to come with her.

Jinki who had been watching silently noticed the change of expression on Gwiboon's face, not expecting to see her smile. It was the first time he saw it and he was...

"You should smile more often, Gwiboon-sshi."


Jinki propped his face on the table with one hand and his eyes on Gwiboon who looked shock at his words. "You know, dress and make-up make a girl prettier, but a simple smile won't cost a penny to make a girl look beautiful."


"Is it that hard to smile? Should I make a joke? Should I do something funny? I sound so desperate, don't I?" Jinki laughed to himself, hearing how he sounded and couldn't believe he said those. A simple smile from a girl made him crazy and he wanted to see that smile again. What was it that made Gwiboon smile earlier? Was it because she was talking with Taeyeon, someone who’s close to her?

On the other hand, Gwiboon was unimpressed with Jinki’s unexpected blabbing that she only scowled. "Now you sound like a creep...and no, you don't have to do anything to make me smile." She looked up seeing Taeyeon approached them, wearing her casual clothes. "I will only do it for those who deserve it.” Smirking, she stood up from her seat, bowed at Jinki and walked out of the room without waiting for Taeyeon.

"Thank you so much for accompanying her, Jinki-oppa. I won’t take too long - " Her smile turned into a frown at the man who had this distant stare. "Oppa?"

"Ah?" Jinki was a little bit in daze as a cause from Gwiboon's word. He was actually half-joking and half-serious earlier. He didn't expect Gwiboon to reply and the word somehow shocked him. "You're welcome, Taeyeonnie."

"Are you okay?"

"Of course. Is there any reason for me to be not okay?"

Taeyeon wanted to say something but decided to hold it and said her goodbye to the older man.

Jinki only smiled to Taeyeon and walked her to the door, eyes lingering on Gwiboon's back who was now walking to her car.


"That guy, he's creepy." Gwiboon said as she looked at her rear view mirror and shuddered when she remembered the sudden change on Jinki's face earlier. The glint was somehow dangerous and she didn't feel good about it.

Taeyeon frowned at Gwiboon's statement and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? I have known him for a couple of years and I think he's a nice guy."

This might be the first time Taeyeon heard a comment about Jinki being creepy because her mother told her many times how good Jinki is followed by hundreds of compliments in hope that Taeyeon will like Jinki. That was before Taeyeon told her mother about Minho, her boyfriend.

"Do you know him that much to tell me he's nice?" Gwiboon stopped the car because of the red light and turned to Taeyeon, whose eyes were now on her phone and her hands tapping on the screen. "Huh, Taeyeon?"

"Hmm, wait a minute, eomma asked me about the dress. I already sent her the picture but..." Taeyeon read the message she wrote once again before sending it to her mother. She smiled and turned to Gwiboon. "Yeah, I spent time with Jinki-oppa because eomma wanted him to be my boyfriend so I know him quite well. We ended up talking about our mothers, like how his mother always tells him to get a girlfriend, just like me before I told eomma about Minho."

Gwiboon just nodded and turned her eyes back on the traffic lights. "Will still think of him as a creepy man..."

Taeyeon pouted at Gwiboon, crossed her arms in front of her chest before shaking her head. "All men are creepy for you, unnie. You just have to spend time with them and that’s when you can tell who’s really creepy and who’s really normal."

"That day won't come in near time, Taeyeon-ah..."


"Why do we have to come to this place?" Gwiboon groaned as she walked lazily and followed her mother inside this very, very familiar place.

"Honey, you need a dress for my friend's party and I heard from Taeyeon's mother that she always buy her clothes from Mrs. Lee. You see how gorgeous her dresses are, right? She told me you came here a couple of times with Taeyeon, too. Why you never tell me about it?" Mrs. Kim, Gwiboon’s mother, halted her steps and waited until her daughter was beside her before continued walking to the front door of Lee's residence, her hand pulling on Gwiboon's wrist who only sighed.

"Good afternoon."

That very familiar, warm voice greeted Gwiboon and her mother with a never-faltering smile again on his face. Gwiboon didn't want to see Jinki with his smile so she chose to stare at the carpet while her mother was talking to Jinki. Jinki on the other hand was throwing glances at Gwiboon, not forgetting to smile.

"Good afternoon. I made an appointment by the name of Kim."

"Ne, I'm waiting for you, Mrs. Kim. My name is Jinki and I'm the son of Mrs. Lee. Let me bring you both to her.” Jinki bowed politely that made Mrs. Kim look delighted seeing that manner coming from the young man.

He walked them to the other room where there is Mrs. Lee sitting behind her desk and stood up when she saw them coming.

"Mrs. Kim! I heard a lot about you from Taeyeon's mother. Nice to finally meeting you."

The mothers were now hugging each other, not forgetting to give little pecks on their cheeks which made Gwiboon roll her eyes. Is it really necessary to greet one another as warm as this when it’s only the first time they met?

As Jinki saw Gwiboon’s bored expression, it was when he decided to intervene. "Eomeoni, I think Gwiboon-sshi can't wait anymore to try her dress.” He cut their mothers’ conversation politely as he really wanted to help the young lady to finish all of this quickly. Or…you can say he was lying.

The truth was he wanted to see Gwiboon trying the dresses his mother made. He heard his mother talking about a new client whom she mentioned as Taeyeon’s friend and he could guess right away that it was Gwiboon. He even asked his mother when the appointment day was and made sure he didn't have anything to do that day so he could see her.

Mrs. Lee only laughed at this and looked on Gwiboon with eyes swimming in apologies. "Oh, right. I chose couple of dresses that will look good on her. The photo you sent me helped a lot. Thank you for reminding me, Jinki-ah.” After that, she walked near the hanging dresses and asked Gwiboon to choose which one she wanted to try first.

Jinki only watched Gwiboon checking the dresses, her face made different expressions that made Jinki laugh inside. Why it was easy for her to make many expressions but smile?

A few Jinki’s stares and Gwiboon’s grimaces later, the young lady finally picked a long, blue dress and tried it on. She saw her reflection on the mirror and was amazed on how simple and beautiful the dress was. She opened the curtain of the changing room, showing her mother, Mrs. Lee, and Jinki how the dress looked like on her.

"You look pretty, honey..." Mrs. Kim came first to her, fixed her long, dark hair a little with a big proud smile on her face. She sighed in relief after hearing her mom’s compliment and prevented her lips from breaking into a wide smile. She must never forget that that creepy guy is just around the corner, always ready to bug her about smiling and all that.

"She looks beautiful, isn't she, Jinki-ah?”

Uh-oh. Speaking of the smile-maniac.

Jinki stood there while holding his breath and lips were slightly apart because there’s no doubt that Gwiboon looked gorgeous. She reminded him of Snow White who had a perfect, milky skin and black, long hair. As soon as his eyes met with Gwiboon's, he gulped, nodded at Mrs. Kim and replied a "She does..." but was disappointed when she broke their eyes’ connection so suddenly.

"How is it, Gwiboon? Do you want to try another dress or are you satisfied with this one?" Mrs. Lee, not noticing the tension between the two, asked Gwiboon who was checking on her reflection again along with her mother.

"I like this one. What about you, eomma?"

"Yes, I think this is perfect. We’ll take this, Mrs. Lee."

Gwiboon was waiting at the usual table with Jinki because her mother said she wanted to talk more with Mrs. Lee. She played with her phone again, ignoring the stare from Jinki which made her nervous. She tried to focus on the news she was reading about an idol group who's making a comeback but she couldn't as she kept repeating the same sentence over and over again and her mind refused to process the words.

"You smiled again earlier. I guess it's not that hard, huh?" Jinki smirked. He knew she was feeling nervous. He can see it as she tried so hard to make her face looked normal and she hadn't move her hand even a bit.

Gwiboon suddenly bit her lips with Jinki’s words. She wanted to ignore it, pretend that she didn't hear it, and maybe act like no one else is there except for herself. But Taeyeon's words suddenly rang on her head, the one where she said Jinki's a good guy. Is he?

"It's easier than to smile all the time like you."

Why? Why she kept replying Jinki's words with sarcasm? Gwiboon could just say a normal reply but she didn't know why chose to turn her good words into bad ones.

Gwiboon closed her eyes while looking down as she felt guilty. Jinki hadn't said anything and she thought that maybe he was angry. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that." Gwiboon said it like she was scared her words hurt Jinki as her hand went to brush her hair in frustration, "I love the dress so much I think that's why..."

Jinki raised his brows, how Gwiboon said each word carefully surprised him. "The dress looks beautiful because you're the one wearing it."

It was a compliment, a genuine one, but when she looked at Jinki smirking at her, she hated how it sounded like a tease. Why did she bother to think that her words will hurt Jinki?

"I think I should just wait inside the car. Thank you for your time." She abruptly stood up from her seat and bowed to Jinki.

A bit dumbfounded by Gwiboon’s abrupt action, Jinki quickly caught her hand to make her stop. "Wait!" The young lady asked a ‘what’ through her eyes to Jinki who gave an apologetic smile. "I'm telling the truth. You do look beautiful especially when you're smiling. I really like seeing it. If only you could do it as much as I do – "

"Let go of my hand."

The coldness in Gwiboon’s voice made Jinki let go of her hand. She looked him in the eyes and bit her lower lips to hold the sudden anger she felt. "Stop telling me to smile. I don't like you, why should I smile in front of you?"

After that, she ran out of Lee's residence and went to her car, put her earphones on and played a random song from her phone. She needed to calm down. The warmth from Jinki's hand, his gentle eyes, his sincere was the first time a man had ever done that to her.

Gwiboon shook her head, both hands curled into a fist as her chest rose up and down, breathing harshly through her nose before closing her eyes. Smile? You want me to smile at you?

It’s not like she feels uncomfortable around boys. It’s just she had no idea how to respond when those who were not from the same classes with her started to approach and asked her questions when she is alone walking along the corridor or eating inside their university’s cafeteria. Some boys tried to get close but she always glares at them, answering with ‘I'm busy’ when they tried to talk to her and then she walks away. She did the same thing when Jinki initiated conversations with her two times so she didn't say anything and chose to ignore the older who was confused and sad inside and respected her who didn't want to be bothered. She just wanted to avoid a creature called man.

Gwiboon was fine with men from her family: her father, uncles, or cousins. She didn't feel disgust toward men, just...scared. She hadn't got her answer of why, and she was thankful that her mother could understand when she told the elder not to rush her to get a boyfriend.

She could read through Jinki's eyes, not that she’s confident of herself, but she was familiar with that kind of stare. The stare that tells, ‘Hi, I want to know more about you.’ Jinki was not like that at first, he was not interested at her and that was actually what she wanted in the first place. Why did she have to talk with Jinki the last time they met? She regretted how a simple act could change his impression of her.


"Why did you say that, unnie?" Taeyeon shook her head, eyes judging Gwiboon who refused to look at Taeyeon after the latter told her about the incident that happened regarding Jinki.

Out of the blue, the sight of Jinki's smile while giving her compliments yesterday came to Gwiboon's head that made her scowl. The more she wanted to erase it, the more her mind kept repeating that scene. "I told you he looks creepy and I hate him because he smiles a lot.”

"But it's still wrong to say that to him. Why don't you apologize and show its sincerity with a smile?" The last part came in a whisper because Taeyeon kind of expected Gwiboon to be angry about her idea.

"Smile? Why should I do that? I told him I won't smile for him!"

Taeyeon pointed her index finger to Gwiboon, eyes squinting as she leaned to the older, "That! That is so ridiculous! I still don't get it, unnie. It's just a smile! Your harsh words would be enough as a reason for you to give him a smile!"

Gwiboon bit her lips, thinking that Taeyeon was right although she didn't want to admit it. But how? How can she say sorry to Jinki if she didn't even want to see his face?

"Unnie, this is your chance. You have less than an hour left to prepare yourself. I don't know why you have to come today and tell me about this because Jinki-oppa is on his way here. What a coincidence." Taeyeon took her phone to see the time before meeting with her best friend’s eyes again.


"He's delivering eomma's dress. I think it will be great for you to talk to him today or you prefer to come to his place if you need more time?" Taeyeon offered. She wanted Gwiboon to apologize quickly because she's the one at fault. She would feel sad if someone told her directly in her face that she or he hated her for a reason that she didn't know like Gwiboon did to Jinki. She didn't know what Jinki was feeling but there's no way he was happy about it, right?

"I really don't feel like talking to him. I need more time but I don't want to come to his house either..."

"It's your choice, unnie. I won't force you to do something you don't want. I'm just giving you an advice as a friend."

Gwiboon huffed at Taeyeon's idea. She did feel a little guilty and her best friend’s suggestion was actually not bad although she's sure she won't be able to smile at Jinki like the younger wanted. But must it be now? It was like two days ago she met Jinki and she knew that it will be awkward when they're face to face again.

"You have to decide quickly because I will make a reason if you want to see him."

But then again, she knew Taeyeon will win this.

"What a surprise to see you here, Gwiboon-sshi."

That bright smile again, Gwiboon thought. She wanted to hide behind the curtains to avoid that sunny smile. But when she saw Taeyeon signaling her to smile before closing the door behind Jinki, Gwiboon has no choice but only to grunt silently.

On the other hand, Jinki wanted to sit in front of Gwiboon but decided to flop down on the big couch instead. Taeyeon was torn to sit on her previous seat or join Jinki but she didn't want to feel the glare her best friend was sending to the older man so she sat back on her seat earlier.

"You know, Gwiboon and her mother came to see my mom, Taeyeon-ah." Jinki tucked his feet under his thighs and rested his hands on his lap as he gazed at Gwiboon whose eyes were on the table.

"Ah, I heard about it, oppa." Taeyeon smiled, glanced secretly at Gwiboon and waited for her snarky comeback but she only felt tensions coming from the older girl.

Then again, Gwiboon asked herself. What should she say? Why her mind suddenly couldn't make any good sentence to say?

Jinki nodded to himself. "How fast…Ah, Taeyeon-ah, I want to ask you something."

"What is it, oppa?"

"What do you feel when Minho compliments you?"

"Uh..." Taeyeon blinked in confusion but answered anyway. "Happy of course?" She was a bit suspicious why Jinki asked her that. She knew that glint on the man's orbs.

"See? That's what a normal reaction should be. The weird thing is, this girl I know felt angry instead when I gave her compliments. Do you have any advice, Taeyeon-ah? I really want her not to hate me but unfortunately, it couldn't be done in normal ways I know.” The young lad obviously turned his fierce gaze to Gwiboon as Taeyeon followed his eyes.

"There must be a reason why she hates your compliments. Maybe the way you say it? Or your choice of words?"

"They’re the usual, Taeyeon-ah. You look good, you look pretty, stuffs like that which is just normal. If not, what’s normal then? Is it normal to be happy if I gave her insults instead? That can’t be, right?" Jinki frowned as he thinks of the possibility.

Gwiboon didn't budge, eyes still on the table. She wanted to say no and explain to Jinki that she hated compliments. She had enough of them because she heard men whispering about her when she’s walking alone or with her friends and it feels uncomfortable. The girls who got jealous of her were doing the same with smirks on their faces while not genuine compliments come out of their mouths and as hard as she tried to ignore them, there was a time she had enough and just cried. She didn't want to hear it especially when it comes from the man who smiles all the time. She couldn't tell if it was a simple compliment or there was something more behind it.

Taeyeon looked at her best friend worriedly. "No, you can't do that. I'm sure she will be angry even more."

"What should I do then?"

"Why don't you ask her?"

"She doesn’t even look at me."

Gwiboon's jaw clenched at that and looked up to see Taeyeon's pleading eyes and tilted head, still hoping that she will eventually say something to deescalate the tension. Seeing her best friend pleading like this, Gwiboon breathed deeply and decided to temporarily eat her pride. "I'm sorry, Jinki-sshi."

Jinki was about to drink his tea but halted when he heard the voice coming from the girl who hadn't say a word and a smirk slowly crept on his face. Gwiboon's words sounded cold but there's something on it…like she really meant it. "Why are you sorry, Gwiboon-sshi? You didn't do anything."

Gwiboon turned her face to Jinki's direction. "I'm sorry for saying something childish to you the last time we met."

Taeyeon was showered with relief as her unnie finally fixed this tiny problem but waited for Jinki’s reaction who looked calm and happy like usual. It was hard to read Jinki because he kept on smiling. She didn't know if that smile meant he's okay or he's angry.

Jinki brought one hand to rub his chin, wondering what made Gwiboon apologize to him. Must be Taeyeon, eh? "It's okay. I shouldn’t have said those words if I know you don't like hearing them. Next time, I won’t ask you to do something as hard as smiling." He raised his eyebrows in interest to see the sparks of anger in Gwiboon's eyes.

There was an awkward silence which lasted for seconds but felt like half an hour especially for Taeyeon. She felt like she was shrinking seeing the battle of gazes before her eyes. She was afraid if she interrupted she will be burnt by the invisible lasers.

"Thank you, Jinki-sshi..." Gwiboon smiled a little, not a forced one but more like she almost laugh for allowing the man to irritate her again. Jinki's lips pursed, surprised by the sudden smile as Gwiboon turned to Taeyeon. "Taeyeon-ah, I think I will go back now. Enjoy your time with Jinki-sshi." She stood from her seat and hugged the confused younger girl who only nodded to Gwiboon before she walked out of the room.

"Why she didn't explode?"

"Ne?" Taeyeon snapped her eyes to Jinki who looked like he's in deep thought.

"I expected her to yell at me but she actually smiled. Did you see that, Taeyeon-ah?"

"No, I didn't." Taeyeon felt even more confuse at the excitement on Jinki's eyes. So Jinki wasn't angry at Gwiboon and he...did he actually want Gwiboon get mad at him?

Jinki, who was obviously still taken aback by Gwiboon, asked, "Can you tell me when you're going to meet her again?"

Was Jinki crazy? It was obvious that Gwiboon didn't want to see him but he wanted to meet the girl again? Taeyeon thought she knew Jinki quite well, but the reaction he shows isn’t normal. Maybe she judged Jinki's character too early.


"You have got to be kidding me...”

The young lady saw Jinki sitting across her best friend while waving his hand to Gwiboon who had one hand on her hip and the other clutching books into her chest. She glared at Taeyeon who looked like she wanted to cry so she sighed and tapped her foot in annoyance.

"Come sit, Gwiboon-sshi. You haven't eaten, right?"

Gwiboon wanted to walk away but her stomach was crying for half an hour now because she was concentrating reviewing her notes at the library and she couldn't go to another restaurant just to eat alone. She finally took a seat beside Taeyeon and ordered her food.

"Sorry for bothering without asking but it's the only way for me to see you and talk to you."

"Let me eat in peace first." Gwiboon lifted up her hand, telling Jinki to stop talking without looking at the man.

"Unnie, I'm sorry." Taeyeon murmured and tugged Gwiboon's hand. The younger refused to tell Jinki when or where she's going to meet Gwiboon again but Jinki was persistent. He said he will tell Minho about Taeyeon’s secret which Jinki only knows. Yes, Jinki threatened Taeyeon and the latter couldn't say no because he told her he only needed her help once. Taeyeon hoped Jinki would keep his words because she didn't want to get involve between him and her unnie’s problem. She already was but she’s trying her best to get out of it. She could only imagine for the worst and hope for the best to happen.

"It's okay, Taeyeon...I unders – can you stop staring, please? It’s uncomfortable." Gwiboon snapped seeing Jinki looking at her from the corner of her eyes. Jinki said a gentle 'ah' and smiled, turned his face on the other side and watched other customers eating while talking happily. Gwiboon was eyeing him for a while, her lips and faced Taeyeon.

"Taeyeonnie, please don't do this again, I'm begging you." Gwiboon said in whisper but the young man can still hear her desperate tone. Ignoring it, Jinki smiled as his eyes caught a cute baby boy opening his mouth while his mother feeds him.

"I promise. I can't do anything about this since Jinki-oppa told me he will tell Minho-oppa my secret..."

"What secret? Do I know it?"

"Of course you do. I never hide any secret from you, unnie."

"Then how come he knows about your secret and Minho didn't?"

"She asked my opinion as a man if Minho will be okay about it." Jinki interrupted and earned a ‘I'm-not-asking-you’ look from Gwiboon.

"Which one is it? That you hate him when you first met him? Or when you lied at him that you already had a boyfriend just to make him jealous?"

"Neither.” Taeyeon shook her head while looking down at her lap. "Doesn't matter which is the secret, I – ” She looked randomly and saw one of the waiters approaching their table. "Our food is coming, unnie."

As soon as their meals arrived, they started to eat. Gwiboon continued to disregard Jinki's stare because she was so hungry and Jinki enjoyed how Gwiboon ate like a princess. He almost finished his food while Gwiboon only had half of her plate empty. She eats too slow for his liking. Didn't she say she's hungry? Or maybe she’s doing it on purpose to make him impatient so he could leave her alone? Whatever her intention is, she can’t do anything about his decision to wait for her until she finished eating.

Another fifteen minutes had passed. Gwiboon has already finished eating and Jinki was reading some news on his phone when they heard Taeyeon spoke in an unsure manner.

"Unnie, can I go to the toilet?"

That made Gwiboon’s eyes widened in fear and quickly grabbed her best friend’s hand which caused the latter to be startled. "You won't leave me alone with this man, right?"

Taeyeon wanted to laugh but she stopped herself and nodded. "No. I'll be quick, really."

Hearing Taeyeon’s assurance, Gwiboon let go of the younger's hand as she stood up and went to the toilet.

"You really think she’ll leave you?"

Gwiboon narrowed her cat-like eyes at Jinki and crossed her arms. "That's not important. Is there something you wanted to say that you blackmailed Taeyeon to see me?”

Jinki showed his toothy smile again at Gwiboon. Ah, how he missed her feistiness. "You sure are sensitive. Yes you’re right. I know you won't come to my place again unless Taeyeon or your mother forced you. I can ask her where your house is anytime and as much as it will be fun to see your shocked face, I prefer to see you outside."


"I just want to talk to you. I want to know more about you."

"You can ask Taeyeon.”

Jinki saw Taeyeon walking back to their table but still gave a reply. "I sure can, but it’s less interesting because it's too easy."

As soon as Taeyeon was back on her seat (eyes back and forth from Jinki to Gwiboon) and was about to ask what they’ve talked about, Gwiboon spoke what’s on her mind. "Taeyeon-ah, why don't you answer all of his questions about me so I don't have to waste my time talking to him?"


"I won't ask questions to her, Gwiboon-sshi. I’ll ask you personally and you’ll answer them. It's okay if you don't feel like talking now. We still have much time." Jinki said with hands resting under his chin.

Gwiboon shook her head and refused the idea strongly. She really didn't want to talk to Jinki, not at all. "What should I do to make you stop – ” She paused to breathe in deeply. “ – pestering me like this? Should I report you for being a stalker to the police?"

"I didn't do anything. At least not yet."

"Really, if you don't want to say anything, I'll go home now."

"I'll give you my number and you call me whenever you want to meet."

Feeling that her patience is slowly vanishing into thin air, Gwiboon put her hands on her hips in frustration and nearly yelled at Jinki. "I won't call you, geez, can’t you understand?!" She dropped her head, one hand grabbed Taeyeon's and squeezed it, like asking for the younger to help because she had to control her fury or she will explode. In fact, she badly wanted to punch Jinki's smiley face right now.

"Oppa, Gwiboon-unnie is on her period so I think you should come and talk to her again next week."


"You are, aren't you?"

"But you don't have to say it!"

"She wanted me to understand that you're not in the mood to talk and I...should stop talking..." Jinki zipped his mouth, his hand went up to brush his hair awkwardly as Gwiboon gave her the glare which said stop talking.


Listening to what Taeyeon said that Jinki won't give up easily and that she has to do whatever he wanted so he won't keep bothering her, Gwiboon decided to meet Jinki on a cafe near her university one Monday afternoon. Jinki did give her his number and Gwiboon called him to meet up.

"You sure you don't need Taeyeon to be here?"

"I want to finish this quickly so give me the questions now!”

"I actually prepared a few questions. Let me check my notes."

Gwiboon stared in disbelief when Jinki opened one of his many notes on his phone. After finding what he was looking for, he handed his phone to the young lady and gave her his sincerest smile.

"Seriously?" Gwiboon scrolled down her index finger on the screen and there were like twenty questions, but it was so random and unusual. One certain question caught her attention though. "Why you want to know how much diaries I have?"

Jinki shrugged, hands propping on the table under his chin. The grimace on Gwiboon's face got deeper as a sigh escaped from her lips, the thing where Jinki unconsciously stared as he waited for her answer.

"These are not normal. Ask me normal questions."

"When was your first kiss?"

Gwiboon really wanted to cry right now. A good guy, Taeyeon-ah? Are you serious that this weird, creepy guy is a good guy who you see as your older brother?

Gwiboon, just finish this quickly so you can go home...

"5th grade. My best friend moved to another town and he…kissed me when we're on the swing together." Gwiboon's eyes became gentle as the memories came back one by one. How she missed him…

"First boyfriend?"

"8th grade." Gwiboon narrowed her eyes again. Jinki’s really going to ask about her love life, huh? "My classmate.” She suddenly felt uncomfortable. Jinki was smiling but his eyes...what was it? She knew she saw it before but when?

"And you broke up because...?"

"Different high school."


"Like yours?" Gwiboon challenged. Did he think he had the best love story?

"Nah. I broke up with her because she had with my best friend."

Gwiboon almost felt her eyes bulged out but what she didn’t expect was an unheard question coming from her like she was afraid to break Jinki which only made the young man chuckled. "You really believe that?"

"Y-You're lying?"

"What do you think?"

"I d-don't know..."

"Let's skip it. We are talking about you – "

"Why can't we talk about you?”

"You...want to talk about me?" Jinki tilted his head, his voice swimming in uncertainty.

"I will ask you questions, too, just to be fair." Gwiboon leaned back comfortably to her seat. She let Jinki know about her because she wanted him to stop bothering, but she at least needs something in return. Knowing the stories of Lee Jinki won't be bad, right?

"Alright..." Jinki was kind of shocked. This girl had some interest on him now and he should be happy about that. "Is it because you want to know the girl that cheated on me, right?"

Gwiboon shrugged first before nodding. "That made me curious, yes. Will you answer if you're lying or not?"

"Will you get mad if I tell you it's a lie and I only mentioned it to make you talk about yourself?"

"So you're lying.”

"Not totally. We did broke up because she cheated on me, but she didn't had with my best friend...only someone that I know.” Jinki massaged his neck and it made Gwiboon guilty for a second before remembering that he just asked her the same questions relating to her love experiences. That only made everything fair, right?

But that didn’t stop her lips from being guilty. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Do you want to ask more questions or should I continue mine?"

"You can continue, I will ask mine later."


"Woah. You're talking with him, unnie? Daebak!!!"

Gwiboon rolled her eyes, turned her body to other side of the bed, eyes caught the TV that was still on. " said he'll stop..."

"But I didn’t expect that you’ll really do it. How was it? He's not that bad, right?"

"After an hour of talking, I found that he's…different from what I thought but I still won't say that he's a nice guy."

"I'm sure even if you don't like him as a man, you will like him as a friend."

Gwiboon frowned after hearing that. She could imagine Taeyeon saying it in dreamy eyes. "Uh-huh. Why so?"

"Just because. Like I said, I feel like I have a brother when I met him."

"But he's – he – did he do that, pushed you to tell him your stories to know you better?"

"I was the one who started the conversation because I wanted him to know that I already have a boyfriend. After that we're just...I feel like meeting an old friend, unnie."


"You don't have to force yourself just because I said it. I'm not pushing you, okay?"

"Yeah, I know. I'm just...I want to know why you said he's a good guy."


"I'm sorry I'm late. I met my friend and she asked me if I can help her with her assignments that I forgot the time.”

Gwiboon met up with Jinki at the same cafe again, only this time Jinki was late for an hour. Gwiboon was excited okay, she won’t deny it. She prepared some questions (she said that Jinki was ridiculous for doing it but she did the same) for Jinki but the excitement already left after waiting for ten minutes and he’s still nowhere to be found. She wanted to leave and send him a text telling that she went home already but strangely she was willing to wait, with a little bit of anger lingering.

"You want to eat something? I will buy it for you as an apology." Jinki smiled showing his teeth but it was kind of awkward after seeing how cold Gwiboon's face was.

Gwiboon just shook her head which made him disappointed. "It's okay. You don't have to do that. I guess it's more important that you forget the time."

"But you're more important."

"Can you please stop?"


Gwiboon sighed, "That. I don't like it when it’s so easy for you to say what you're feeling, those sudden, I don't know." She was almost hopeless because she didn't know to explain it as Jinki gulped down his coffee.

"I forgot that you don't like it when I do that. I'm sorry. I will try to...reduce it."

"Skip it. Let's finish your notes."

Gwiboon can’t understand herself, really. She didn’t like Jinki’s smile at all, but she also didn't like the way his face shows how sorry he was. She only got annoyed because she had been waiting for an hour although it didn't feel that long because she reread her notes again.

"Only four questions left but I made new notes." Jinki took his phone out and quickly showed the notes to Gwiboon but his face dropped when she shook her head and put it down without seeing what's written on it.

"You asked too much. It's my turn to ask since I didn't ask anything the last time." Gwiboon gave her phone to Jinki who raised his brows. She wanted to know more about me?

He read the questions, nodding once in a while and looked back to Gwiboon after he finished. "Is it fun, making the questions?"

"I won't deny it so yes, it is fun."

Jinki grinned again, eyes back on the notes as he chose which question he wanted to answer first.

"This, about Taeyeon and Minho, didn't she tell you about it?"

"I want to hear your side of the story." Gwiboon blinked her eyes. She wanted to know exactly what happened to both Taeyeon and Jinki when their mothers wanted them to meet each other.

"Nothing special since my mom does that a lot, telling me to meet her friends’ daughters. But it was different with Taeyeon. She met me with this determined face saying that she already has a boyfriend and asked for my understanding. I was shocked because none of them did that before. They were all like...I don't know, flirting me? They all acted too sweet I wanted to puke."

"You don't like any of them?"

"Of course some looked pretty and kind but I'm not interested so I never called them to meet up again." Jinki couldn't count how many girls he has met because of his mother, but he could count with his fingers how many of them he wanted to know more, hoping something different will happen if he did called them and made things work.

"I see."

"How about you, Gwiboon-sshi? Your mother didn't do the same, telling you to meet guys? Don't tell me you actually had – no, I asked Taeyeon about that."

So he still asked Taeyeon even if he said he wanted to know the answer from me? Unbelievable. "No, she didn't. She understands that I…" Gwiboon paused. It won't be polite to say that she didn't like men in front of a man especially with Jinki's blinking as he was listening to her intently. Should she tell a lie? "...want her to not interfere." That’s better.

"I'm so jealous of you. Some of my friends' mothers gave them the freedom to date whomever they like. Why can't our mothers do that?"

"I asked Taeyeon if she asked her mother why she did that and she said she's worried. Taeyeon had accidents with some guys in the past who persistently come to her house but she refused to meet them. I guess I will do the same if I'm Taeyeon's mom. It's a good thing she met Minho who can protect her."

The longing on Gwiboon's eyes didn't go unnoticed by Jinki. The girl did want to have a boyfriend, someone to lean onto but there's other reason that stops her.

They talked a bit longer. Gwiboon asked questions while Jinki answered them gladly. There were funny questions in Jinki's opinion like if there’s something embarrassing happened on his date, what pet he had, or what are his favorite movies. The questions on Gwiboon's notes were random, like she really write down everything that just came across her mind or everything that she wanted to know about Jinki while Jinki, on the other hand, had reasons behind his every questions to Gwiboon.

Jinki smiled inside every time he saw Gwiboon's lips curved upward slightly. She still hadn't shown her full smile yet but he knows he was getting there. "I really don't want to ask this but Gwiboon-sshi, do you really hate it every time I mention about your smile?"

Gwiboon looked to her left and saw some familiar faces on her campus. "Since you're the first ever who say it in front of my face…" she ended it with a deep breath as a memory came to her mind, her face scrunched a little."It's hard for me..."

"What makes you smile then?”

Gwiboon laugh quietly as she looked down on her lap. Jinki was taken aback because that question made her laugh? Seriously?

"You trying to make me smile were funny and I wanted to smile because of that." Gwiboon tilted her head, a smile on her lips as her eyes met Jinki who held his breath, because that's the smile that he wanted to see.

"Wow." he whispered.


Jinki shouldn't have let that wow escape from his lips because the smile was gone again in a second. He bit his lips and cursed in his head. "That's what I wanted to see and I...sorry, should just keep it in my mind." He laughed nervously and shut his mouth before he say something stupid and would make Gwiboon annoyed again.

But Gwiboon is curious as to what Jinki would say. Better hear it now than never. "No, no, it’s okay. And you what?”

"And I like it."

That was the first time Gwiboon felt happy seeing the smile on Jinki's face.


That night, Gwiboon was ready to sleep. After putting some night cream on her face, she decided to check her phone for awhile. Suddenly, a smile surfaced on her face when she saw a message from Jinki saying ‘good night’ with an emoticon but covered after realizing what she just did.

She replied back with a ‘good night’ before slipping inside her blanket and closed her eyes. Out of the blue, she remembered her conversation earlier with Jinki. That put another smile curved on her lips but bit it to hold her stupid smile.

"Taeyeon-ah...what should I do? He really is a good guy."


Gwiboon was dreaming about smiles and more smiles when K.Will’s You Don’t Know Love floated in the air which made her stir from her sleep. She reached for her cellphone with closed eyes and answered in a groggy voice. "Hello?"

"Do you have class today?"

Oh. It was Jinki. Of course it's him. “Yes.”

"What time will you finish?"

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe around 2:00 in the afternoon?"

"Do you want to go somewhere with me?"

"Where...?" Gwiboon whined, feeling like her time to sleep was disturbed but she couldn't deny that Jinki's voice was warm and felt like music on her ears.

She heard a chuckle from Jinki before the older answered. "Somewhere calm?"


"You want to go to the beach?"

"Just saying it randomly."

"It's not in the beach but it's fun there. I hope you'll like it. I won't tell you now because it's a surprise."

Gwiboon was thinking where it could be but made her almost falling asleep again as her eyes were closed.


"N-ne?" Jinki’s voice made her eyes snapped half-lidded since the light coming through her curtains blinded her a little. "I'm sorry. I'm still sleepy. Why did you call me this early?" She finally moved her eyes so she can see her clock. It’s only seven in the morning?!

"Because I have to prepare for it. I don't want to prepare beforehand without telling you. What if you say no? I don't want my hard work to go to waste."

"Okay. I'll go with you."

"Nice. See you after class then."


On the other side of Seoul, Jinki hanged up his call with a big smile that his lips might tear off. He had a plan, something that suddenly came to his mind right after he went home from meeting Gwiboon last week. He wasn't sure if it would make Gwiboon smile but, hey, he will try until he reached his goal like how he usually does.



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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 11: More vampire Kibum please! These are so fun!!!
Chapter 9: all of your story are so cute and awesome.....
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Aww it was great that both onkey loved each other in the end :) nicely written!
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ Jinki surprised me with this! Hahahaha I didn't expect that one coming. Good job! :)
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: I didn't expect the twist at the end that the kiss happened in reality! :) the plot was interesting though hehe :) thanks for writing onkey ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwww. I'm so excited with the next part!
Chapter 3: why is kibum so cuteeeee here? ;A;
it was kinda trap ,in the beginning i thought it will be a diva!key XD
and sorrry i didn't read the earlier chapters ,don't really like jinboon tho ;(
nice story~ ;3 update soon please authir-nim~
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: Aww key is so cute here! Thanks for writing this chapter :)
suyuyuyu #9
Chapter 2: waaah it's cute^^...
Chapter 1: This is adorable. So cute! I love daddy onew, he's the best. :)