
Onkey's Oneshot 2014


Drabble 1

Jinki had his head on the table facing to the left where he could see his bestfriend was sitting beside him, reading a novel which he said he will close minutes ago because Jinki had something to say and he needed his bestfriend full attention as it's an important matter for him to discuss.

"Kibum, it's been more than 5 minutes. Does the novel is that important for you? More than your bestfriend?" Jinki narrowed his eyes, lips forming into a pout as Kibum finally closed his book with a huff after he marked the page.

"Sorry, didn't mean too. It's just making me want to keep reading, you know? Maybe you should try reading it, hyung. The story is about—"

"Kibum!!" Jinki's hiss made Kibum shut his mouth, lips pressed tighly as he made a gesture of zipping his mouth after whispered a sorry with a small smile.

Jinki sat up straightly, turning his body slightly towards Kibum as he opened his mouth, ready to talk. A frown came between his brows before he closed his mouth back and let out a sigh as he slumped down on the chair. "I don't know how to say it to you..." he muttered.

Kibum tilted his head, feeling slightly anoyed but worried because he could see the older boy looked troubled. Jinki had something on his mind and the younger knew that it's always hard for Jinki to share his problem, especially when Kibum didn't force him to. Actually, it was always Kibum who ask the older if he had something bothering him even when Jinki only smiled, saying that it's okay where clearly he wasn't okay the way he dazed and looked distant at times. Kibum even threatened him sometimes to make the older talk, which made him felt guilty but proud later because Jinki told him that he felt a little bit better after sharing his story.

"It's rare for you to come to me first because you have something you want to share, hyung. Now, tell me first what's this about?" Kibum pushed the novel on the table a little as he put his head on his palm, facing Jinki with a small that encouraged him to start.

"My parents..."

"What about them?"

"They ask me what major I want to take."


"And I can't answer them."


"I can see the dissappointment in their eyes..."

"Are you sure?"

"I think? I mean, they smiled at me and told me that they understand, that they will wait until I know what to choose but..." Jinki made another sigh as his hand started to scratch his head in frustration.

Kibum his lips. Believe it or not but everytime he saw the older man like this, feeling uneasy and bothered, it somehow made him felt the same way. It was contagious, every condition the older's heart was in, Kibum will feel it in an instant, how when he was smilling a minute ago and saw Jinki didn't smile along hearing his story his own smile will be gone and mirroring the same fallen face of the older. And the way the older was currently feeling helpless made Kibum wanted the older to just spill whatever it was quickly so he could maybe gave a solution and went back to his novel.

"Hyung, you said they understand. Then it's okay, you don't have to worry about it." Kibum reached out to pat once on Jinki's knee, making the older set his eyes on Kibum.

"It's not only about them, Kibum." Jinki gulped, "But me myself, I can't stop thinking about it, about my future! I just...I don't know what I want...I liked many things before, hobbies and all but I never really try that hard, you know? My brain is capable of learning many things fast but I don't..." Jinki put his head on the table again, using one hand as a pillow and stared up at Kibum. "I don't have any motivation to do one thing seriously, just one thing..." he whispered.

"People have their own pace, hyung. Every person found their interest at a different time, there's a child who already knew what he wanted to become and tried hard for it, back up by the money and support too. There are others who knew what they want but couldn't pursue it because they can't. They are even some others who thought they knew what they want but after they got it, they didn't think that it was the thing that they want, maybe it was different from what they thought it will be. You're not alone, hyung. Many people are like you too, don't know what they want to do." Kibum shrugged. He pursed his lips for a second before it turned up into a big smile, the one that made his eyes crinkle prettily. "I'm just like you, hyung. I don't know what I want to do."

Jinki gave a glare for a second to the younger before his eyes softened. "But you already have the choices, Kibum."

"Oh, hyung...stop comparing, please?" Kibum sighed. He took a look at the time and found out that it was almost five, time for them to go home as the library will be closing in minutes. "I'll help you with the choices, but for now...let's go home first, okay?"

Jinki too saw the time and nodded slowly. "Okay...let's go home..."


Drabble 2

Kibum's hand was trying to push the older man away, head turning to the left as his other hand was clenching at his shirt, the part where the older just and revealed his pale skin.

The older caught the younger's hand on his, kissing the finger gently while staring at the red cheeks before he landed on the swollen lips. He closed his eyes and concentrated kissing the pretty fingers.

Jinki heard a whimper before opening his eyes. Kibum was shutting his eyes closed as he bit his lips, preventing another sound to came out. The older chuckled, pulling Kibum so suddenly by his hand as the younger crashed to his chest and he wrapped his hands on the younger's body.

"You look so adorable..." he whispered on the younger's ear.

"Let go, I want to sleep!"

"Bum-ah, I just came back from my business trip and you choose sleep over me?"

Jinki pulled himself just enough to stare at Kibum's eyes with fake hurtfull look. His hand was cupping the younger's face, rubbing his thumb on the faint scar under his right eye.

"I'm tired...you said you will arrive at ten but no, you came at five and I waited for hours because you didn't tell me! Just let me sleep and you can do any—no, we will talk again tomorrow." Kibum sighed and leaned to Jinki's warm hand.

"I'm sorry, bummie. I told you there's something wrong with the plane so I have to wait and change with another one. I have no battery left so I can't call you." Jinki pouted a little.

"You can borrow someone's phone!" Kibum rolled his eyes.

"Ah..." Jinki grinned, "I didn't think of that." he gave an apologetic smile before pecking Kibum's lips. "Forgive me?"

"I'm not mad at you, I'm just tired..." Kibum whined. "Let me sleep...my eyes are heavy..." Kibum pushed Jinki's hand away from his face and wanted to moved his body but Jinki's hand on his back prevent him.

"You won't come to work tomorrow because I miss you and I want you for the whole day, just for me." Jinki gave a serious look to Kibum who stared back with a little frown.

"Okay, whatever you want..."

Jinki smiled happily at the answer and kissed Kibum, "Good night, let's meet again in dream world, ng?"

"Hmmm..." Kibum kissed Jinki back, making it a little bit longer before he freed himself from Jinki and get ready to sleep.


Drabble 3

Jinki was so confused of what making Kibum had a big pout on his slightly pink lips. It was so cute actually, so adorable that Jinki wanted to pinch Kibum's cheek but he knew not to do it as not to make his boyfriend angrier.



Kibum crossed his arms and glared at the TV screen.

"Kibummie, I'm sorry that I'm so busy that I can't reply your text?"

Jinki flinched when he got a glare from Kibum. His guess was wrong, huh?

"I don't want to waste your time because I can see it clearly that you're confuse why I'm angry, Lee Jinki."

Jinki gulped. It was a danger when Kibum called him by his full name.


"You forgot your promise!" Kibum whined. He narrowed his eyes and pointed at Jinki. "You told me you're going to bring me on a date last week! I patiently wait for you, knowing that you're busy hope that you will tell me the exact date when you're able to spend just a tiny time with me." Kibum made a gesture with his hand before he sighed and crossed his arms again. "But I think you forget about it, again! Just how many times do I have to wait just for a date, hyung?"

Jinki wanted to reached out for Kibum because the younger's eyes were staring sadly at him.

"If you're not sure of the day then don't make a promise!" Kibum's eyes started to get teary. It was stupid crying over such a ridiculous thing like a date, but Jinki was such a very busy man and it was hard to went on a date with him.

Kibum needed one and a half month to make Jinki remember his name, what his job was, and how he knew Jinki—how he told him many times that he was Minho's friend, his colleague and that they met one day when celebrating Minho's birthday.

Kibum needed three months to make Jinki like him back before he confessed, not wanting the chance to get rejected.

Kibum knew that having Jinki as a boyfriend will be different. He knew Jinki loved him more than his past boyfriends but he knew too that he won't be able to spend as many time as he wanted with the older man.

"Kibum-ah, I'm so sorry. You know how it is, I told you before that I need to train many new employees."

"Jinki, I only need one date a month. Is that too much for you?" Kibum wiped the tear that just fell on his cheek. He tried really hard not to let any tear escape but he couldn't do it as tears polled on his eyes and started to fell one by one.

Kibum looked down to his lap, hating himself for crying and maybe wanting so much from Jinki.

"Kibum..." Jinki scooted closer and brought Kibum to his laps. The younger boy buried his head on Jinki's neck and gripped at Jinki's shirt as he cried. "Shush...don't cry, bummie...I'm sorry, okay? I won't make any promise again. I will bring you in a date when you're the least to expect it. I will try to find a way to make more time for you, I'm sorry, okay? Kibum-ah, stop crying, please?"

"Stop saying sorry, that's not what I want to hear..." Kibum wailed, giving a light slap once on Jinki's chest.

"What do you want me to do, then? What can I do to make you cry..." Jinki patted Kibum's head, kissing it couple of times in hope it will reduce the man's cry on his laps.

Kibum didn't answer and continued to cry his heart out for minutes.

Jinki didn't know how long Kibum cried but the man felt asleep on his arms and he brought his boyfriend to their shared bedroom.

He covered Kibum with the blanket and slipped inside beside the younger, bringing the man to his arms and whispered a good night.


Kibum just got home from teaching his class. He sighed as he opened the apartment door lazily and closed it, a pout on his lips.

He still had a bad mood because of yesterday. He could forget it when he taught the kids new dance steps, but as soon as he was alone again the upset feeling was back.

Kibum put off his shirt as he walk to the bathroom after he put down his duffel bag when he heard his phone was ringing. He huffed and searched for his phone inside of the bag, "Hello?"


"Ne, hyung?" Kibum let out another sigh unconsciously.

"I'll be back in an hour, you get ready okay? We will go on a date today."

"What? But, how about your job?"

"I told my friend to replace me and I already finished my paperworks for today."

"I see..."

"I'll see you at home, okay?"


Kibum had a small smile as he walked back to the bathroom, humming the song he played on the practice earlier.


Kibum frowned a little, it was Jinki's voice. He opened his eyes slowly and met Jinki's face. He was smiling and Kibum frown, "Am I dreaming? You called me earlier and said that we're going out..." he buried his head on Jinki's neck.

"You're not dreaming. I think you fell asleep while waiting for me."

Kibum hummed as he wrapped his arms on Jinki's torso.

"Do you want to continue sleeping on the bed?"

Kibum whispered a no and pulled his hands back with a pout on his lips. "We're going out..." he yawned.

"But aren't you tired, bummie?" Jinki put a hand on Kibum's cheek.

"I'll just wash my face. Change your clothes, hyung." Kinum gave a peck on Jinki's cheek before he stood up and went to the bathroom.

Jinki suddenly made a smirk and followed Kibum to the bathroom.

Kibum was drying his face with a towel when he felt arms wrapped around his body.

"Bummie, why don't we exercise for a little bit, hmm?" Jinki kissed Kibum's neck and the younger man whined.

"Hyunggg...let's just do that later..." Kibum wriggled out of Jinki's embrace but the older man only tightened his grip on the younger.

"But I want you now, bummie..." Jinki nipped the younger's ear, making Kibum arched his back and accidentally pressing his to Jinki's front where he could felt something there. Jinki's hard and there's no way Kibum could say no. The younger man always complied in the end when it came to having .

"Let's do it quick, hyung..." Kibum turned his head and met Jinki in a kiss.

They spend 30 minutes in their hot session on the bathroom. It's wasn't quick, but it wasn't that long either. Kibum always loved the and Jinki knew that. It was a little bit of torture actually because Kibum was sensitive and it didn't take long for him to get hard and almost , but Jinki knew how to please his boyfriend and brought him insane when he reached his .

Kibum cleaned himself and was waiting for his boyfriend on the couch, playing some games before Jinki came out from their room. He just took a shower and the fresh scent of soap came from him as he took a seat beside Kibum, distracting the younger man from the game.

"Ready to go?"


Jinki smiled and took Kibum's hand. He pulled the younger man to the door and asked him where he wanted to go.

"Let's just go to our usual place..."

"Really? You don't want to try a new restaurant?"

Kibum shook his head as he locked the door while Jinki waited for him. "No. It's okay. I just want to spend the rest of the day talking with you. It's kind of weird that I've been wanting to go on date, imagined going here and there but when the opportunity comes I just want to stay in one place and..." he shrugged, putting his key inside his pocket before Jinki took his hand and guide them to their car.

"As long as I'm beside you, you feel enough already, hm?" Jinki made a cheeky grin.

Kibum rolled his eyes but nodded second after with a scoff, "Yeah...It does enough with you beside me, wherever we are..."

Jinki bit his lips looking at Kibum's eyes. It was so soft, so full of his love towards him and he couldn't help but give a peck on the younger's cheek.

"Hey...." Kibum protested with a chuckle.

"Come on, you can order whatever you want and let's talk until the place's closed."


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 11: More vampire Kibum please! These are so fun!!!
Chapter 9: all of your story are so cute and awesome.....
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Aww it was great that both onkey loved each other in the end :) nicely written!
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ Jinki surprised me with this! Hahahaha I didn't expect that one coming. Good job! :)
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: I didn't expect the twist at the end that the kiss happened in reality! :) the plot was interesting though hehe :) thanks for writing onkey ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwww. I'm so excited with the next part!
Chapter 3: why is kibum so cuteeeee here? ;A;
it was kinda trap ,in the beginning i thought it will be a diva!key XD
and sorrry i didn't read the earlier chapters ,don't really like jinboon tho ;(
nice story~ ;3 update soon please authir-nim~
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: Aww key is so cute here! Thanks for writing this chapter :)
suyuyuyu #9
Chapter 2: waaah it's cute^^...
Chapter 1: This is adorable. So cute! I love daddy onew, he's the best. :)