Appa Wants Attention (Lee Family)

Onkey's Oneshot 2014

Title : Appa wants attention (Lee Family)

Rating : NC-17

Genre : AU

Pairing : Het! Onkey

Summary : Insecure Jinki

A/N : There’s a failed ahaha… I hope you enjoy this. Thank you so much for reading and please leave comment if you have time ^^

"Hmm..." Gwiboon stirred a little, feeling something warm on her cheek before she heard a chuckle. She frowned, slowly opening her eyes and saw a smiling face of her husband.

"Morning..." he landed a peck on her cheek and she hummed in reply, closing her eyes back with a content sigh.

"Princess will wake up soon."

Gwiboon hummed again, snuggling her head more to her pillow, "Queen's still sleepy though..." she whispered.

Jinki smiled hearing that, his hand started brushing his wife's hair, slowly, gently, playing with it and he saw how it made her formed a little smile on her lips.

A minute after he heard a knocks before their room's door was being opened, a little head peeking. "Eomma?"

Jinki smiled, pulling his hand and calling for his little princess who grinned, coming inside the room before closing the door and ran to the bed. She climbed on it, throwing her body to her father's arms as it made the bed bounce a little.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Uhm…does eomma still want to sleep?" the little girl asked, looking up to her father who nodded in answer.

"Cereal then."

Jinki frowned, "Is that mean you don't want to eat appa's food?" he got a grin as a reply before the girl burying her head on his chest.

"I love you..."

"But not appa's food..." Jinki pouted with hands enveloping around his little princess.

"I love appa's food, I just don't want to wait for an hour to eat breakfast because I'm really hungry right now..." the words were mumbled a little but Jinki could hear it perfectly.

"Okay, let's go eat then." he let go of his daughter, climbing down the bed and wait for her to give her mother a kiss on her cheek before she followed him.


"You want to help eomma cook?" Gwiboon bent down a little, patting her daughter's head and seeing her sparkling eyes.

"Ng! What do you want to cook?"

"Does yeonnie have special request?"

"Can eomma makes yeonnie pudding?" the girl tilted her head a little, making her mother pinched both of her cheeks.

"Let's see if we have the ingredients."

"Should appa help too?" Jinki who just came walking inside the kitchen said. He was standing as he raised his hand, feeling excited to join.

"No, appa can just sit and watch." Taeyeon answered without looking at her father.

Gwiboon laughed while checking the cupboard, giving the ingredients to her daughter who brought it to the dinner table near her father who sat there after being rejected.

"I swear she got it from you."

Taeyeon blinked her eyes to her father, not understanding what he was talking about. Gwiboon shot a glare to her husband and made him pointed a finger with squinted eyes, "Now that’s what she hasn't learn yet."

"What appa's talking about, eomma?"

"Just ignore him honey..."

Jinki pouted as he turned his attention to his phone and play.



Gwiboon pushed Jinki by the chest before he could get near her. Facing her back to Jinki, she gave the look to her husband through her shoulder before putting her head on the pillow.

"What did I do..." Jinki sighed, crossing his legs and waited for Gwiboon to tell him why she was angry.

"Turn off the lamp, I want to sleep."

"Baby..." Jinki cooed. One of his hands was on Gwiboon's shoulder and he could feel his wife stiffened at the touch. "I'm not letting you sleep before you tell me why."

It wasn't a threat, he said it with gentle voice but Gwiboon knew her husband won't let her sleep if she wasn’t smiling. Jinki always made sure Gwiboon sleep peacefully and in order to do that they couldn’t have something they hide inside their minds. He knew Gwiboon was angry by the way she’s facing her back to him and he too knew both of them won't have a good sleep if they're angry towards each other before they sleep and felt tired the next morning they woke up.

"Is it bad that a little bit like me?"

"What do you mean?"

Gwiboon lied on her back now and Jinki took it as a cue, his hand was moving up and down on her arm.

"You make me think that she might get some of my bad habits, you know?"

"She will still got it, whether from me or you, it's on the blood."

"We can change that." Gwiboon was staring at Jinki who smiled, patting her hand and nodded.

"Yeah we can and we will. It's alright, even if in the end she still got it, all she has to do is to find someone who will understand it. Just like how you understand my bad habits and me to yours." Jinki held Gwiboon's hand with both hands.

She smiled, loving the warm that started to spread from her palm. Gwiboon loved it when Jinki knew how to answer and erased her worries in a simple yet effective way. "Come here, baby..." she smirked a little as she could see Jinki raised his brows. He grinned as he scooted closer, lying on his belly and moved his face close to his wife's.


Gwiboon smiled, turning her body a little bit before she pressed her lips to Jinki's. She frowned, moving her body again trying to find comfortable position couple of times until she lied on her back again and sighed. "Seriously, come here and kiss me." she cupped Jinki's cheek with one hand.

Jinki moved to hover over Gwiboon, pressing their lips together as the latter hands went naturally around his shoulder, deepening the kiss. Jinki too pressed harder, pulling for a second to her bottom lips and she opened for Jinki to enter.

He slowly tasting every inch of , teasing a little with his tongue making Gwiboon impatient and she started to move her own. Jinki smirked, liking how she always took control when he’s too slow because he enjoyed it more as she rarely did it.

He moved his hand to her side, sliding there and slowly moved to her flat stomach before it went up to cupped her which made her arched her back, mouth still intact with Jinki's but she stopped doing wonders with her tongue.

"It's been a while, hmm..." Jinki pecked Gwiboon once, before tracing her jaw down to her neck with his lips, tickling his wife whose hand started playing with his hair.

"I'm kind of sleepy though..." she whispered, closing her eyes and feeling the wet trail her husband left. She hummed when he on her collarbone, brows knitted together when she felt him biting a little harder.

"I'll make it quick?"

Gwiboon opened her eyes to the offer, seeing the lust filled eyes and she couldn't ignore him as he had been asking since last week but she was really tired and he never force her when she didn’t want to do it. It will be too cruel of her if she said no again.


Maybe she should ignore him for couple of days every once in a while because he always became rougher when they made love after. She loved it when he whispered dirty words on her ears, hitting her spot hard but always makes sure she came first before him. His touch always became firmer, claiming her because she is belongs to him and how he stared intensely to her made her heart swell.

She liked it more with slow and steady, the one with full emotion but this kind of hard make love was okay too. It remind her of old times especially on their honeymoon where Jinki almost always did it hard, afraid of losing her even though they already wore their ring and said their vows. There even times when he wouldn't let her went out of their room because he felt like locking her up and she had to wait until he fell asleep just to cook or washed up.

Jinki enjoyed hearing Gwiboon's needy moan, and it only happen when he went rough. He was afraid their daughter will hear it and that was why it was hard for him to find a time to do it, as their little princess was quite clingy to her mother. She came at the unexpected times when she had a nightmare and Gwiboon didn't want her to catch them in the middle of doing something. But when Gwiboon was the one giving him permission, he took the opportunity to make her produce those sinful voices but made sure he swallowed all of her moans.

"Jinki..." she whimpered on his ear, begging him to make her come already and he deeper, harder as all he could hear were their harsh breathing combined with the sound of his own heartbeat.

He claimed as she moan hard, back arched and grips got tighter as her inside clenched him, making him came along with her with a grunt on his throat.

She made whimpering sounds when Jinki went down from his , finishing it before stopping completely. He paused for a second before pulling out slowly and lied down beside Gwiboon who instantly snuggled to him. He tried to calm down his breathing with a satisfied smile on his lips.

"Honey..." Gwiboon called.


"Wash me...I'm really tired..." she kissed his shoulder after.


Jinki got up from the bed, taking Gwiboon bridal style to the bathroom as he helped Gwiboon clean her body.

"Why are you feeling tired lately?"

"I'm not body doesn't feel good too, maybe it's the weather..." she closed her eyes when Jinki washed her hair, giving a little massage on her head and she hummed.

"If only Taeyeon let me cook and help her..." Jinki pouted, her daughter's face when she refused his help came to his head.

"About that, I think I can help you? I will tell her I'm busy tomorrow and maybe for the rest of the week and she has no choice but to have you as a help."


"Yes. And I need to go out tomorrow evening, my cousin needs some help with her wedding preparation."

Jinki finished cleaning their bodies and drying Gwiboon with a towel, wrapping her with it after and took one for himself.

"I'm not confident when you're not around." he pushed her out of the bathroom to the bed, taking clothes for both of them from the closet.

"You'll be fine, you're the one want this, right?"

Jinki took a glance at Gwiboon who was waiting with closed eyes on the bed. "Okay..."

He put clothes on her and tucked her on the bed. He wore his pajama, turned off the lamp and joined after, bringing her to his chest and gave a good night kiss.

"She didn't hate me, right?"

"She loves you as much as she loves me, Jinki." Gwiboon patted her husband cheek, giving one deep kiss as an assurance. "Now sleep."

"Good night..." Jinki closed his eyes, smelling the scent of Gwiboon's strawberry shampoo as he drifted to sleep.



Jinki scrunched his nose hearing a little girl's voice, he felt a week shaking on his body as he slowly opened an eye.

"Appa! Wake up! Breakfast time!"

"Nggghhh..." he groaned a little at the sun peeking through the curtains, "Where's eomma?" he looked at his other empty side where Gwiboon should be there.

"She’s on the kitchen. She told me to call you, come on appa, yeonnie's hungry!" the little girl was bouncing on the bed as Jinki tried to sit up. He looked at Taeyeon who opened her arms, asking him to hold her.

Jinki chuckled, bringing Taeyeon to his arm before he walked down the stairs.

Jinki put Taeyeon down on the chair after he reached the kitchen and he walked to Gwiboon to check what she was making.

"I thought it’s my turn?" he whispered, leaning down to look at Gwiboon's eyes.

"You can make the lunch, okay?" Gwiboon kissed Jinki's cheek before focusing on her pan again, "I wanted to wake you but you look so happy with your dream, smiling like crazy…" she whispered in the end with a hint of teasing tone.

"I did?"

Gwiboon hummed as a reply.

"It’s a good dream thanks to your bedtime stories..."

"What bedtime story?"

Jinki looked down in shock, finding Taeyeon standing between him and Gwiboon. The little girl was curious hearing her parents whispering to each other. "Hey, you were at the chair before..." he scooped the girl up as the girl watched her mother.

"I'm curious what eomma's cooking..."

"Eomma's making a pancake."

"Wow. I miss eating eomma's pancake...can we make cookies together again eomma?" Taeyeon leaned her back on her father's chest.

"Not today, honey. Eomma has something to do and will be busy. You can make it with appa if you want or wait until weekend." Gwiboon took a look at her daughter who was pouting already and cared her cheek. "Don't pouts too much honey, it's not good."

Taeyeon raised her eyebrows, "Why?"

"You'll melt many hearts by doing that." Gwiboon was smiling and check on the pancake while Jinki laughed.

"You should listen to eomma, princess." Jinki poked his head to Taeyeon's who turned to him while blinking her eyes cutely.

"Does heart made with ice? Why my pout will make many hearts melt? Will appa and eomma's heart melt too?"

Jinki peppered Taeyeon's face with kisses. The innocent question was too cute and he had to do it. "Taeyeonnie eomma what do I do, she's so adorable..." Taeyeon tried to protect her face by covering her face with her tiny hands.

"Ah, yeonnie?" Gwiboon took three plates and put two pancakes on each plate.

"Ne?" the little girl was giggling as her father tickling her side and kissed her forehead couple of times.

"Can you help appa make lunch later?" she brought the plates to the table and told her husband and daughter who was still playing with each other to sit. "Eomma has some works to do." she walked to the fridge and took a jar of apple juice with glasses.

"Okay." Taeyeon was sitting and already eating, chewing slowly as her father was cutting her pancakes into pieces.

Jinki looked up to Gwiboon who had a satisfy smile, saying I told you with her eyes.

"You're okay cooking with appa?"


"Is it because eomma's the one asking you?" Jinki pressed further while Gwiboon rolled her eyes.

"No...I really want to help appa. Since appa's taking a week off from your work, I usually have to wait until appa's not working to play with you. I miss appa's special omurice too!! Can we make omurice later, please?"

Jinki was touched hearing that and nodded, leaning to kiss Taeyeon's head again. "Of course. We can bake cookies too if you want?"

"Ah." Taeyeon shook her head. "I think I will make it with eomma. Appa never make one just like yeonnie, I don’t want it to be fail."

Gwiboon put a hand over trying not to laugh as Jinki's face fallen in instant.

“I think eomma has to teach appa how to cook, huh…”


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 11: More vampire Kibum please! These are so fun!!!
Chapter 9: all of your story are so cute and awesome.....
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Aww it was great that both onkey loved each other in the end :) nicely written!
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ Jinki surprised me with this! Hahahaha I didn't expect that one coming. Good job! :)
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: I didn't expect the twist at the end that the kiss happened in reality! :) the plot was interesting though hehe :) thanks for writing onkey ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwww. I'm so excited with the next part!
Chapter 3: why is kibum so cuteeeee here? ;A;
it was kinda trap ,in the beginning i thought it will be a diva!key XD
and sorrry i didn't read the earlier chapters ,don't really like jinboon tho ;(
nice story~ ;3 update soon please authir-nim~
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 3: Aww key is so cute here! Thanks for writing this chapter :)
suyuyuyu #9
Chapter 2: waaah it's cute^^...
Chapter 1: This is adorable. So cute! I love daddy onew, he's the best. :)