~~~~~~~Eunhyuk's POV~~~~~~~~~

So the plan will be: i'll just sit in my car, wait for them to arrive, and go inside when they already found our sits. That way I'll be able to sit beside Aika and have a nice view Yesung's reaction.*evil laugh*

After 30 minutes of waiting, they finally arrived. I waited for 5 minutes again then went inside the restaurant too.

Like what I planned, Aika is sitting on the opposite of hyung. Yesung moved expecting me to sit beside him but I just ignored him.

I came closer to where Aika was sitting and sat beside her making her move.

Yesung looked at me with curious eyes but didn't do anything about it.

"Why were you just now? I thought you came before us?" he asked me.

"Yes, but when I realized you weren't here yet, I went outside first and made myself comfortable someplace else." I smiled. Then I looked at Aika who was blushing. Maybe she was shocked when I chose to sit beside her. "So, how are you Aika?"

"Uhmn. I'm fine. I'm sorry that we made you wait and waste your precious time. I fell asleep."

"That's okay. Because I know that after a long time waiting, I'll see you." she blushed then I turned to face hyung who was looking at me, then I smiled again.

~~~~~~~Aika's POV~~~~~~~~

Why is he wearing blue? I thought he will wear green too? Maybe he thought the same thing as I did. Maybe he knew that it will look weird if three people wear the same color.

I must at least talk to him comfortably. I don't want to look embarassing in front of him. I must answer his questions and ask him questions in return.

~~~~~~~Yesung's POV~~~~~~~

They were talking.

The waiter arrived and they stopped talking. We gave our orders then the waiter left.

They were talking again.

Then the food arrived.

They ressumed talking.

As in THEY were talking, not US!

It's like I'm not here.

Maybe Hyuk is doing this because he knows that Aika is his fan but..but..but.

Forget it! He doesn't even know that I like Aika so there is no use hoping that he will stop doing this.

"Hey, where are we going after this? Why don't we go the amusement park? Is that okay?" I said trying to tell that hey, I'm still here. I haven't left yet or something like that.

"Yeah that would be fun. Right Aika?"

"Yes, I think that's a great idea Yesung-oppa."

"Okay then next destination: amusement park!" eunhyuk said trying to sound funny. But he wasn't even funny! Why is Aika laughing so hard. This is depressing. *sigh*

We called the waiter and Eunhyuk paid the bill. Aika is looking impressed again.

"Oppa, according to what the members told in interviews, you don't pay for them right? Maybe those were not true. Or maybe you've changed." Aika said.

"Maybe I've changed because of you." hyuk replied. Aika blushed again. When will she stop blushing?

Changed because of you? He just want impress Aika. Maybe what I was thinking last night was correct. Maybe he does like Aika. Why did it turn out like this? I wish I didn't plan this date in the first place.

~@ the amusement park~

I told them that I will buy the tickets but Eunhyuk stopped me.

"Hyung, you wait here. I'll buy them. Stay here with Aika." then he left to buy the tickets. And Aika and I were left alone.

"Thank you so much for setting this up. I'm so happy."

*sigh* "That's okay. So we are friends now?"

"Ofcourse. I already told you, we were friends already when we went to Handel and Gretel right? You were the one who agreed to my joke and make Eunhyuk and I closer. So even if you didn't do this, we are still friends."

I knew it! I shouldn't have done this. This is all my fault.

Then Eunhyuk arrived bringing three tickets. We entered the amusement park.

We passed different booths where you play games and win prizes.

I saw Aika staring at a huge teddy bear.

"You like that?" I asked her.

She nodded. "But it's okay. This game is really hard. We'll just waste money trying to get it."

"That's okay. I'll get it for you." I said sounding proud.

It's a game where you must shoot a moving target.

I paid the owner of the booth. "Shoot the duck."

I looked for the duck. Found it. *bang* darn it. I missed it.

I looked at Aika. "Don't lose hope. Trust in oppa. We'll get this."

I paid the owner again. "Try to shoot the duck again."

*bang* missed again.

I paid the owner again. "Shoot the turtle this time. Maybe you are not good with ducks."

Sorry ddangkkoma *bang* missed again?!

"Oppa, it's okay. It's hard right? You don't need to do this. It's just a teddy bear."

"I'll try again." I paid again.

"Okay then. Shoot the monkey." that's better.

*bang* NOOOO!!!!! not again!

"Hyung. Let me try." eunhyuk said. ending it with a sigh.

I gave him the gun. Tsk. He will not succeed. Aika is right. This is hard.

He paid. "Which one do you want to shoot?"

"The turtle." eunhyuk said.

*bang* what? how? why?

"nice shot! here's your prize." he gave eunhyuk the bear then eunhyuk gave it to aika.

"Oppa, you're amazing! Thank you." then she looked at me. "You did you're best oppa, you were great too."

~~~~~~~~Aika's POV~~~~~~~~

We passed a Haunted House. Not a real haunted house but those things in the amusement park where you get scared by not real ghosts.

"Lets go inside!" i said to both of them. They didn't seem to like my idea but they still agreed.

We left the huge teddy bear in the baggage area. I don't like this huge thing to get in the way of the scaring.

We went inside the house and it was dark.

"Just stay in my back, Aika. If you're scared, I'm just here okay?" Yesung said.

I'm not scared. With the sound of his voice, it lookes like he is the one scared.

*scary girl's scream* woah! that was creepy. I bumped to Yesung who was looking more shocked than I was.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" I asked.

"I changed my mind. Eunhyuk will go first."

"Why..why me?"

"Because I'm older than you."

"And so?"

"So you'll go first."

*sigh* Am I the only one here who is not scared?

"Fine. I'll go first. You two stay behind me."

"No, I'll go first." eunhyuk said, then he went in front of me.

We continued walking then *another creepy scream*. I heard both of them gasp. But yesung's was longer and sounded more scared.

This is funny.

*boom* different things happened at the same time: A white bloody lady appeared in front of us, a sound of gustling wind, a very sad cry, shouts from the guy in front me and from the guy behind me, shout from me also because I was shocked because of their shouts and because I bumped hard on eunhyuk's back and my arm was hugged tightly by yesung.

The next thing I knew, my other arm was grabbed by eunhyuk, the other arm still grabbed by yesung and we started running fast.

And soon, we can see light from the exit.

When we were outside, we were trying to catch our breaths.

This is not like the dramas and animes I saw. The girls should be the one scared. They should be the one hugging the guy. Why did it turn out oppositely.

It's okay. This is really funny.

"HAHAHAHAHAH!" I laughed out loud. I couldn't hold my laugh anymore. They really look scared.

"What's funny?" yesung asked.

"You're asking me what's funny? You are funny. Both of you are funny. You were scared right? aaww, poor kids! HAHAHA!"

Eunhyuk looked away and Yesung looked at me but looked away too.

I stopped laughing.

They let me ride the carousel. They didn't go with me since they thought it was childish. Then why force me to ride it?

I thought it was childish too. But they said I should ride it because I'll look cute riding it.

This is boring. When I got off I saw a big ferris wheel and really wanted to ride it.

"We'll ride that next." they looked at what I pointed then sighed in relief. Maybe they thought it was something scary again. I really wanted to ride a roller coaster, but maybe not now. They look like they can't handle anything scary.

When we arrived at the bottom of the ferris wheel, there was a looong line.

"Never mind, we'll just ride the roller coaster!"

"No!" they said in unison.

"It's okay to wait." Yesung said.

"Yeah! it's fine." Eunhyuk agreed.

When we were at the end of the line and it's our turn to ride ont the ferris wheel, the guard stopped us.

"i'm sorry sir, but cameras are not allowed. You can deposit it on the baggage counter." guard-ahjussi told yesung pointing to the counter near the ferris wheel.

~~~~~~Yesung's POV~~~~~~

"Omo, is that yesung of super junior? Is that eunhyuk? They are so cute." I heard the ladies in the counter talking.

If I deposit the camera to them they might see the pictures I took. All of the pictures are focused on Aika. Aika might be in danger if that happens. I need to think of something.

Aika really wants to ride this.

"I'll stay here. Eunhyuk, ride the ferris wheel with aika."

"Oppa, why don't you just leave the camera there and ride with us?"

"Aigoo, what's taking so long?" "what's happening?" "why is the line not moving." the people at our back were complaining.

I stepped out of the line, "Eunhyuk, go."

Eunhyuk did what I said and they rode the ferris wheel.

I decided to go up the building so I can see what's happening to them. So that even if I'm not with them, I'm still aware of what's happening.

When I was at the floor high enough to see the what's happening, I looked at the window.

They were talking, Aika was facing her back at me while Eunhyuk was facing her. Eunhyuk was facing me.

Aika bowed her head and started wiping her eyes, then eunhyuk kneeled in front her, then leaned nearer to her face.

Is Aika crying? Why is Eunhyuk kissing her? What's happening?

I felt my anger rush, not anger, more like jealousy. I felt tears on my cheeks.

I ran to the elevator and pushed 1. I ran until I was at the foot of the ferris wheel. They were going down the stairs as if nothing happened. As if they did not kiss.

I breathed deeply. "Did you enjoy the ride?" I asked both of them.

"Yes ofcourse! It was fun. Although it was kinda short. I wish it was longer." so their kiss wasn't long enough huh? She wish it was longer?

"Hyung you should have rode with us."

What for? So that I'll see THAT!?

I drove aika to her dorm. Eunhyuk went home first because he has his own car.

I kept silent while I was driving. Aika was silent too.

When we arrived at her building. She went outside the car then said "Thank you so much for today oppa. I really enjoyed."

"Uhmn." I answered. Then she closed the car door.

When I arrived at the dorm Eunhyuk was at the kitchen, looking for something to eat.

 I rushed to him then pushe him by his shoulders.

"What was that about?"  I asked him.

"What?! Hyung what is wrong with you?"

"Don't act like nothing happened. You know what I'm talking about! The kiss!"

He stopped for a while then he looked at me, smirking.

"Oh, You saw that huh?"

I grabbed his colar.

"Hyung, do you still remember my promise?"

I loosened my grip on him then images flash backed on my mind.

-"When you find your special girl, I promise, I'll get her from you just like what you did to me!" eunhyuk said while crying then ran outside the practice room.-


What was the promise all about? What does Eunhyuk mean?

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sorry for the very, veeeery late updat. [like, almost a year late] anyways, I updated "I'm Falling Inlove with an Idol" enjoy reading ^^


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fxxxpxn #2
kawawa naman tong fic na to iniwan na ng author. MAg co-author kaya ako? XD Lols para naman may amgupdate neto :)
Please update -.-
Update please >.<
want want want
I so love it ♥ Hahahaha! Please update soon chingu :">
Looking forward to the next! xD
nicetomeetyou #7
Update soon! X)
can i request a story? a teukchulyesung love triangle story?
fxxxpxn #9
it's almost 2 months. Chinggu update! My story already reached. Chapter 23. TT
unnie . please update !!