



~~~~Aika's POV~~~~


I went straight to the dorm after Heechul and I said our goodbyes with each other to drop my stained clothes and shoes there. I didn't want to bring those in mall with me.

I got my shoulder bag, stuffed my cellphone, wallet, Ipod, and anything necessary then put some powder, lipgloss, and blush on. Voila! I'm ready to go. That is right I didn't change my attire because they look fine and I'm too lazy to change.

When I arrived at the mall i just went inside the shops that i saw. Look at the shirts, pants, bags, shoes, I looked at all of it. I enjoy this so much. But I must admit, the clothes here are more expensive than my country's clothes. OMO! they are beautiful.

When I got tired of window-shopping, I passed by this music store and the first thing that i saw was the poster of SUPER JUNIOR. woah. cool! And those very large Mr. Simple albums. Hyukjae-oppa (eunhyuk) is so cool here. For me, and maybe even for others, he has the coolest cover. 

OMO! OMO! I am definitely going to buy this. I don't care how much I spend. I don't care how many days I will not eat. I'll buy this and that's final!

I don't want to be empty handed when I meet another member in the streets. I already missed two chances and I don't want to miss another one. 

~~~~~~Yesung's POV~~~~~~~

 It's been a long time since I went out with a member, especially Siwon. He is so busy with his drama nowadays that he almost got no time for himself.

This time we chose to go the mall. Wearing shades, scarves and hats, we are pretty sure no one would know us.

"Hyung, since we are here already, why don't we go check out our stalls in the music store and see how our sales are?" he asked me.

"Good idea"

The sales are looking good. In fact when we came there, there is this fangirl who just keeps on jumping and making weird faces while holding an album.

Wait a minute, is that...AIKA.. gosh! it IS her! OMG, what should I do?

I didn't know why I did it but I kept on pacing back and forth. DING! got an idea.

"Siwon-ssi, see that girl over there?"

"Ow, the wierd-cute fangirl who doesn't care if there were people around. yeah, why? do you know her?"

"Yes I know her. She's Aika, Alex's friend. Well you see, she doesn't speak korean and only knows english. Can you help me say hi to her?' i tried using my aegyo on him but looking at his face maybe I failed again.

"Fine. That would be okay. What was her name again?"


Then we walked to her direction.

"You are Aika right?"

She stoped staring at the poster and then looked at Siwon with angry eyes like he disturbed her from her daydreaming but widened her eyes when she who she's glaring at. 

I waved at her from Siwon's back, this time she didn't only widened her eyes but blushed as well. Oh, so cute. 

I noticed what she's holding, a Mr. Simple album with Eunhyuk as the cover. *insert dying turtle-yesung here*

Why, why Eunhyuk! why not me?

"Yesung hyung!" i heard a clap then i blinked. "Aish, i've been calling your name for the Nth time! What would you want to tell her? i thought you want to talk to her?"

"Ah, yes. Ask her to have lunch with us"

"Hyung, I want to go home. Do you really need to drag me into this?"

"Please, my treat, in any restaurant you like."

~~~~~~~Aika's POV~~~~~~~~

"Aika, have you eaten yet? If not, would you like to eat with us since we were planning to eat, and why not eat together right?" Siwon-oppa said.

No need to translate that, i understood everything pretty well. 

"That's fine with me oppa, just wait for me okay? I'll just pay this in the counter." there is no reason to put down the offer.

He is the third member I met in just 4 days. Except the fact that I met yesung twice already. And he's still staring at me.... 

It's not that I don't like him. He is the member of my favorite band, i admit he is the best singer there, and at times he is the second in my bias list (Eunhyuk always at the top!) but he is creeping me out. 

I swear when I was paying he was still staring at me. And I was not wrong..

"Hyung do you really like her that much? Stop staring at her, people might misunderstood you." i heard Siwon say.

"Yah! what the hell, she might hear you."

"What, I thought she doesn't understand korean?"

"ah, yeah that's right , I forgot"

~~~~~~~Siwon's POV~~~~~~~

We went to traditional korean restaurant nearby. Those types of restaurant that have private rooms, we want to take this disguise so we can be comfortably eat.

HAHAHA! I am gonna eat all I want since hyung is paying.

When the arrived, all side dishes that you can think of is here. The meat look so tasty, I was in the middle of putting the meat in my mouth when

"Siwon tell her to taste all of these. She's foreign here so I want her to experience Korea to the fullest."

I rolled my eyes, Fine. 

"Aika, since you are new here in Korea, we ordered all of these for you to know the taste of our country."

"Thank you so much for all of these oppa" she smiled, she is cute. She is not the type of girl that is beautiful at first sight but if you will look at her carefully, she is indeed beautiful. No wonder yesung likes her.

"Yah! Siwon-ssi, stop staring. She's mine. I don't want competition here. Especially if it's you, I might lose. Find your own."

I saw her blush. Why? Isn't it she don't understand korean?

"Why? Did she say she's yours? If not, that means she not yet yours." I was joking. I want to see yesung-hyung freaking out. But I didn't remove my eyes from Aika. Something really smells fishy about this. She blushed more when I answered hyung.

"Aika, do you really not understand korean?" she just looked at me, shocked with the question I asked. So she does understand us. 

"Why do you pretend like you don't" I asked her.

"Siwon-oppa, because yesung=oppa keeps on saying he likes me. He'll feel awkward if he knows I know. I'll feel awkward too." hmn. This is interesting.

"Aika" i said in a flirty voice, "I will not tell him you understand korean if you smile right."

She gave me a questioning look, but she still did what I said

"Good, now tuck your hair behind your ears as if I said something that flattered you" she did it, so funny, so cute.

"Yah! Siwon! What the hell are you doing! You are just here to translate for me. You have no right to flirt with her!" 

HAHAHAHAHA! This is really fun. I hope I can hold this laughter longer or else. HAHAH! 

OMO! She's really blushing like crazy now. I wonder why hyung doesn't figure it out yet.

No one was talking until we finished eating. Hyung is mad at me, maybe Aika is mad at me too. I'm so evil. I love this.

"Siwon-oppa can you please tell Yesung my thanks for all of this. Since he's the only one paying and not you, since you are like this."

"Don't wanna, why don't you tell him yourself." i joked again. Seeing her turn red because of anger.

"Yah! Siwon-ssi , why are you like this?"

"Yesung-hyung, she says that she's really thankful about this but she wants you stop bugging her." aw, hyung you are cute when you become sad and pout your lips like that.

"Is that so?" he pouted again. I'm laughing inside my mind again.

"Yah! Siwon-ssi! Please stop this prank already."

"Hyung I was just joking, she really is thankful but she didn't say stop bugging her. I think it's okay to bug her."

*thwak* *insert turtle-yesung hit the back of head of evil-christian-siwon*

*insert death glare of devil-aika to fellow devil-siwon*

*sigh* "Hyung don't you think we should go now? It's almost time. We should help with the preparations for the party. I don't want to get scolded by Alex again"

"Ah, that's right. Tell her that it was nice meeting her again and I hope we meet again." 

"You understood right. I don't need to translate."

"uh-uhmn." aw she's really cute.

~~~~~Aika's POV~~~~~~

We went out of the restaurant and we said our goodbyes to each other.

I forgot to ask for their autographs, again. 

This day is really great. I had free breakfast and lunch. I met so many members in just one day.

Okay! Time to prepare myself for the party! Maybe a simple shirt with skinny pants is okay. I'll wear the shoes that heechul bought me since I don't want to wear rubber shoes.

Simple retouch in my face, powder, lipgloss, blush on, and let's put some eyeliner. Okay! it's already 5:30, time to go.

I arrived at the bulding 5 minutes before the time. Since guard-ahjussi knows me already, he smiled at me this time. He seems nice. Maybe he's job is so tiresome. Poor him needing to guard a building where Super Junior lives. I wonder how many stalker comes a day.

I went to the elevator, pressed 11 then the elevator went up. I knocked on their door twice but loud enough for someone to hear.

There were approaching footsteps then the door opened.

"Who is.. oh Aika-ssi"

It's Heechul.

"Heechul-oppa, you live here? i mean of course live here. Where's Alex?"

"Oh you know her? You must be her friend that she's talking about. What a great coincidence."

"Yes. yes I'm her friend."

"and you are wearing the shoes I bought you. Looks like you like them."

"Haha, of course I do. They're from you."

"ofcourse, come inside."

"yeah, thanks"


Why is Yesung here. Since when was he here? Did he hear me?

"You, you..understand....korean?" he said.

"It's about time!" that was Siwon. 

~~~~~~tsk tsk.. things are getting more interesting.~~~~~




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sorry for the very, veeeery late updat. [like, almost a year late] anyways, I updated "I'm Falling Inlove with an Idol" enjoy reading ^^


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fxxxpxn #2
kawawa naman tong fic na to iniwan na ng author. MAg co-author kaya ako? XD Lols para naman may amgupdate neto :)
Please update -.-
Update please >.<
want want want
I so love it ♥ Hahahaha! Please update soon chingu :">
Looking forward to the next! xD
nicetomeetyou #7
Update soon! X)
can i request a story? a teukchulyesung love triangle story?
fxxxpxn #9
it's almost 2 months. Chinggu update! My story already reached. Chapter 23. TT
unnie . please update !!