
It Will Always Be You

A month has passed since everything happened and Naeun admits that she is already used to Hongbin being around and sticking with her.

So it’s really odd for her not to see him today.

No texts. No calls. And even Hyuk doesn’t know where he is because he and Hongbin have different schedule for today.

Lunch time has passed and still there is no sign of Hongbin. Naeun kept on thinking about the possibilities of why Hongbin isn’t around. Maybe he’s too busy? Or there is an activity that requires him to be outside of the university? Yeah, maybe that’s it. She just tried to shift her mind away from thinking about Hongbin’s whereabouts and prepared for the rest of her classes.

It’s already dismissal and still there’s not even a single trace of where Hongbin could be. She called him countless times and sent tons of messages but he didn’t reply to any of it. She asked Hyuk once more and he said that even his other classmates don’t know where he is. She visited every room in the engineering building but she failed to find him.

So where the hell is the great Lee Hongbin?

Naeun sat on the bench near the engineering building. She is seriously getting worried and her paranoia is starting once more. She remembered the first time that she got so worried about Hongbin that she even thought that he might commit suicide at the rooftop.

Right! She hasn’t checked the rooftop yet.

Naeun ran up the rooftop as fast as she could with horrible things going inside her head. Its half past seven in the evening and lights are getting dimmer as she gets closer to a secluded part of the building but Naeun cared less. What she cares for right now is that she needs to see Hongbin and make sure that he is safe.

She’s already at the fifth floor and the next floor is the rooftop when she noticed that the stairs have lightened candles on every step. This made her pace slow down and felt weird about the lightened candles in a glass holder with different colors.  She got scared a bit. What if someone is doing rituals here at the night? Naeun was distracted a bit but she didn’t forget about Hongbin so she still continued, even if fear is slowly creeping up on her.

Naeun found out that the candles are directed to the door of the rooftop and it made her fear be replaced by curiosity. And since the rooftop door is made of glass, she is able to see more lit candles. She slowly opened the door and the heavy feeling that she was feeling since the start of the day has lifted.

Hongbin is there, seated on the floor while leaning on the wall with a guitar also leaned on the wall just beside him. He noticed Naeun and smile formed on his lips.

“I thought you’ll never come.”

Naeun went to him and sat beside him. “What in the world are you doing here Hongbin? And why—“

He kissed him on the cheeks. “If you don’t want me kissing you all the time then better learn how you should address me.” 

Naeun rolled her eyes. “Why are you here? And what’s with all the candles and stuff? You can set the whole building on fire. And were you expecting me to come here?”

“Yeah, I was. And it really means to me that you are here.” Hongbin asked, expecting to hear something that he wants her to say right now.

“You made me think so hard where the hell you were. I was so worried about you.”

Hongbin smiled once again. ‘Why does this dude loves to smile all the time?’ Naeun wondered. But she admits that he really looks charming when he smiles. Well, he looks good all the time, whatever he does.

Then suddenly, Hongbin went to some hidden corner and put out a bouquet of roses and gave it to Naeun, which the girl accepted with confusion written all over her face.

“Happy first monthsary, mommy.”


“We’re in a relationship for a month now.”

Naeun was speechless. She can’t believe that Hongbin kept track of the days and prepared something special for this day. While her on the other hand just let the days pass without thinking of how long has it been since Hongbin and her entered a relationship. A fake relationship.

And again, he does things as if they are real and Naeun still can’t understand why.


And before Naeun could utter another protest, Hongbin get the guitar and started playing and singing a song.


Star that shines in the sky

Star that shines far away from me

Seems like you came down to my heart


Naeun continues to be speechless as she never thought that Hongbin is able to play the guitar and sing. The guy indeed has it all.


Star engraved in my heart

Star that shines in my heart

I think that might be you


With Hongbin’s eyes closed, Naeun is able to study every feature of his face. His nose and lips are like perfectly made to fit into his face making him so beautiful. He is a true artwork but unlike the others, he is unique and no one can do such one like him.


Can you hear a quavering voice? Oh star

Can you feel my passionate heart?

You’re my star


Naeun felt her heartbeat pace up a bit but she cared less. All her attention is now on appreciating Hongbin’s perfection.


The love I dreamed about for a long time

I know it's you

Be with me forever


He opened his eyes and their gazes met. But no one wants to break it.


Even if time passes

Hope that you always shine on the same place

My heart, will only be given to you


They both feel as if they are melting. Her by his voice and him by her deep dark eyes.


The star engraved in your heart

The star that shines in your heart, I hope that is me

Forever I will love you


Some unknown force makes them slowly lean closer to each other little by little.


My eyes will only look at you

Oh, Will you only look at me too

Let us be each other’s star


He finished singing but still their stares won’t let go until they are just inches away from each other. They got lost in each other’s eyes.


They are getting closer and closer.


5 inches…


3 inches…






~You’re phone is ringing. Pick it up now, right now! You’re phone is ringing. Pick it up now, right now. ~


Hongbin’s phone rang and it made them get sane and realize how close they are with each other. They awkwardly smiled at each other then Naeun looked down and bite her lower lip while Hongbin decided to pick up the call from Hyuk.


“Damn you, Han Sanghyuk.” He cursed under his breath before pressing the answer button.


“The candles are sweet as well as the song. Who would have thought that you can do all those things to a girl? You sure know how to catch a woman’s heart.”

“How did you—“ Hongbin’s eyes wandered around in search of Hyuk.       

“But you can’t just kiss her. Not yet, hyung. Not yet.”

“Have you been watching all the time?”

“It doesn’t matter. I already blew the candles by the stairs. You and your lame surprise might kill others, you know.”

And then the younger hung up.




I am completely sorry.

I know. I have been away for so long and I didn’t left any update. I’ve been at my mother’s hometown which is a far away province and it was impossible for me to update the story. So I’m really sorry.

Btw, Eternity was great. Even if I was meh with the song at first, I really love it now. And the M Countdown stage was amazing. The fanchants were so loud, Starlights were undeniably awesome and Vixx was ./dies


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p.s. Was Jin Seyeon the girl in the MV? Cause I really think that’s her. Or maybe just a girl that looks like her.

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Chapter 3 has so many typos. I will try to edit them when i have time. And sorry if this update is later than expected. Thanks to the subbies!!! Lovelots!~


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Chapter 21: Its my second time reading this>< still fangirling but I hope to see your updates soon bcs i miss you writing ㅠㅠ
xoxo12xoxo #2
Chapter 21: Eyyyuyyyyyy hongbin is so cuteeee
zSecretz #6
Chapter 20: Update soon pls!!!! Love naeun and hongbin
xoxo12xoxo #7
Chapter 20: Goshhh such a plot twist! Nice tease authornim. Urghh .haha
Chapter 19: Aaaaah!!!! I love this!! No no no! I really love this!!! XD
xoxo12xoxo #9
Chapter 19: waaaait what??? hospital?? omggg cliffhanger again how dare youuuu authornimm DD: xD
kaitlynhbu #10
Chapter 19: **fangirls over hongeun** omfg there need to be more fanfics about these two