Test and Bond

Fallen Angel

A/N : Hi, everybody. Here is another update. After read a lot of fluffiness, let's give Myungyeol a bit test. No life without obstacles, right? Hope this test will build their love. Enjoy ^^ I think I don't need to remind you how bad my grammar, you had already knew me well, right? Hehe. Got to work now, I will reply all of your comment  later. Bye. ^^




"Having enough fun with the innocent angel?" Jonghyun appears in front of Myungsoo who was preparing his stuff.
"Stop disturb me, demon. I'm not in my mood to talk with you." Myungsoo answers without turn to him.
"And neither do I. I just want to remind you that you've done a big mistake. Do you think that he will stay by your side forever. Don't forget that you are different. He is a holy creature and you're only an ordinary human. Once he regains his power, he will leave you. Just like your fiance, Park Myungeun." Jonghyun emphasises the last word, making Myungsoo turns to him. "Do you know about Jin?"
Jonghyun laughs out loud. "Do you forget that I'm a scheduler, an almighty death angel. I manage people dead time, including your girlfriend. March 21, 2014, dead time 10.20 pm because of heart cancer. I even still remember you were sitting beside her on her last time in Seoul Center hospital."
Myungsoo stared at him sharply. "Do you know where is her now?"
"Why do you want to know? Didn't you already have Sungyeol now? Or you still couldn't forget her?"
"Don't mess with me, this is not related with Yeol."
"Who said this is not related to Yeol. You have him now so why bother to know the one that had already gone. It wouldn't change anything. She couldn't live anymore. Don't say that you just take Yeol as your toy, are you? If it's like that than you better give him to me." Jonghyun said expressionessly, the true color of a death angel.
"Shut up, don't try to provoke me. I love Yeol and will never give him to anybody, especially you, demon."
"Good to hear that but it's not good enough for me to give up. We come from the same world and I will make sure that you and Yeol won't last forever. Soon or later, you two will be separate." Jonghyun said, walking towards Myungsoo. "The one that had faced death angel himself is mean to die." with that he disappears.
"What is he talking about, that annoying demon."
'Where did he take Jin go?' Myungsoo thought.
"Myunggggggggg...." a loud voice calls him from outside. Myungsoo raises his brows. "What happen with Yeol?"
Walking to the living room, he gasps for what he seen.
"Myung-myung, look, I did it, I did it. I can use my wings again." Sungyeol cheers, flying around the living room.
'He will leave you once he regains his power.' Jonghyun's voice rang on his head.
"Come down, Yeol. You will hit things in my living room." Myungsoo said expressionlessly.
"Just a moment, Myung-myung. It's been a long time since I use my wings. I'm so happy."
"Yeol, come down now."
"Yes, just a bit more."
"I SAID COME DOWN." Myungsoo yells, making Sungyeol gasped at his voice as he slowly coming down.
"Why are you mad at me, Myung-myung?" Sungyeol looks sad.
"Forget it, I want to go now." Myungsoo said as he grabbed his bag.
"Do you want to go to the photoshoot?"
"I want to go with Myung-myung. I want to see Myung-myung doing photo shoot." Sungyeol said in excitement.
"You better stay here."
"Yeol, don't keep asking question. I don't have time to answer you. I said you stay so it's mean you stay." Myungsoo said annoyingly. Sungyeol pursed his lips in dissatisfaction. "But I want to be with you."
"I want to be alone right now. Stay here and don't do anything dangerous. Arasso?" Myungsoo orders.
"Um." Sungyeol hummed.
"I can't hear you."
"Arasso... Myung-myung is so bad. You are so cold to me. It's annoying." Sungyeol snaps, stomping to the bedroom. Myungsoo sighs before walks toward the door.
Inside the bedroom, Sungyeol was sitting on the bed with his hand crosses over his chest.
"Myung-myung doing bad thing to me again. I hate Myung-myung." Sungyeol puffed his cheeks.
"That's the huge difference between us, angel and human. Human is unpredictable and complicated. They could be so in love with you in one time, but in other time they could throw you like garbage." Jonghyun suddenly appears.
Sungyeol glances up, glaring at him. "Myung-myung is not like that. He is a good man. Even though sometimes he is annoying but Myung-myung is a good human."
"Woah, living on earth couple days make you become almost human. Don't say that you had forgot your angel form."
"I don't. I just... feel him." Sungyeol said, down his head.
"Feel him? Are you talking about love?"
"Love?" Sungyeol tilts his head.
"Yeah, love. Only love can make you like this. You're falling in love. But don't forget about your true kind, Yeol. You're an angel, an angel shouldn't fall in love. Human love is different with angel's love. Human's love refers to , exploring body, and lust. Just like whrat you've did with that human. But after that, the feeling that remain was pain. The pain of broken heart." Jonghyun explains without expression, emphasized each word, sending the dangerous alert to the tall angel.
"Stop. I don't want to hear that. You're bad. You talk a lot of bad things. Go away." Sungyeol cast him away.
"Think about what I've said. If he loves you, he won't be that cold with you. You better stay away from him." with that Jonghyun was gone.
Sungyeol sighs. "That's not true. I don't believe him. He is bad."

"Is this what are you worried for, Hyun? Is that death angel has feeling towards my Yeollie?"
"No, not really. But this is the only beginning. I don't know what this death angel want. Death angel was born without feeling. That's why I don't arrange their fate." Woohyun answers, his eyes didn't leave the globe. "Aish, I really want to find out what's his motive showing himself between Yeol and Myungsoo." Woohyun groans.
"Omo! even a calm God of Love like you could feel anxious. Looks like this matter is really serious." Hoya widened his eyes in panic, glancing at Woohyun.
"Ya, Nam Woohyun, please, please protect my Yeollie. I would die if something happen to my baby Yeollie.". Hoya cried as he hugged Woohyun tightly, making the God of Love choke.
"L... Lee H.. Howon, p...please stay away from me. You make me even more anxious." Woohyun hardly talk.
"Opss, mian. I'm losing control a bit." Hoya grins.
Woohyun sighs. "I think I know now where is Yeol get his character from?"
Hoya narrows his eyes on him. "You mean?"
"Ah, nothing. Let's keep watching on them instead." Woohyun laughs awkwardly.

"How is Yeol, Hyung? Did you find him? Is he okay?" Daehyun asked Myungsoo once he reaches the studio.
“Yeah, he is okay.” Myungsoo simply answers.
“Where’s him? He didn’t come with you, hyung?” Daehyun asked again, looking around.
“No, I told him to stay at home. I don’t want him to ruin anything like he did.” Myungsoo said as he pulled his camera from the bag which instantly caught Daehyun’s attention.
“Woaahhh, Pentax 645D, the most wanted camera. Daebak! Isn’t this the camera that you dream of? Where did you get it, hyung?” Daehyun asked  with enthusiasm, slowly touching the camera.
“I bought it yesterday with Yeol.”
“But didn’t you say that your money hasn’t enough yet to buy this camera?”
“Yeah, I use my father’s credit card.”
“Really? I thought you were the one who said that you wouldn’t never use your father’s facilities.”
“Yeah, I forced to use it, because that owner insulted Yeol. He fooled him to do stupid thing just because Yeol want to buy a camera for me.” Myungsoo said, a bit indignant as he remembered the incident.
“Insulted Yeol? Aigoo, how a gentle boyfriend you re, Hyung. Like a hero on the drama.” Daehyun teased which cause a dead glare from Myungsoo.
“Mian.” Daehyun grins “And you’re also so lucky to have a sweet person like Yeol to be with you, Hyung. I’m sure that he will give you a lot of happiness. He is like an angel, pure and innocent.” Daehyun smiles sincerely at him. Myungsoo just keep silent at the statement. He did was an angel to him, phsycally and emotionally. To be with him, Myungsoo could feel peaceful, he could turn back to his old Myungsoo. Sungyeol had changed him. Sungyeol’s voice, Sungyeol’s scent, Sungyeol's presence, had slowly started to fill him, making him slowly addicted to him. But that becomes his biggest fear now. Nothing is absolute. Besides, they are from the different world. It's not easy to him to open his heart, he didn't want what had happened to him repeat again. But he has no power to change anything. How if the fate still not on his side? How if the Destiny leave him once again? Does he ready to face another tragedy in his life?
"Hyung...why do you look so pale? Are you sick?" Daehyun's voice took Myungsoo back from his thought.
"I'm okay. Daehyun-ah. How about we go to Heaven Club tonight? I treat." Myungsoo suddenly suggested.
"Ey, usually you always refuse me whenever I invite you to drink. But today you're the one who invite me first. What happen to you, Hyung? You're so different lately."
"Nothing. Just want to have some fun. Are you in or not?" Myungsoo makes sure.
"Of course I'm in." Daehyun smiled widely.
"Okay, then. Now it's time to work." Myungsoo said, walking to the studio room. But to be honest, his mind was still in mess. He couldn't stop thinking about many thing. Jonghyun's words really disturbed him. He can't concentrate at all. Fortunately, the photo shoot didn't take a long time. So it's mean he could leave that place earlier. When he was about to leave the place, someone approaching him.
"Myungsoo-ssi, where's is Yeol-ssi? Did he not come with you?"
'This annoying man.' "No, he didn't."
"Then how about my offering? Have you told him yet?"
"I haven't. But I think Yeol wouldn't agree. So you better find another model." Myungsoo said flatly.
"I thought I have told you that I want Yeol-ssi himself to give me the answer. I wish you could take him to meet me. I wouldn't force him if he doesn't agree with this. But I want him to meet me personally." Yongguk said sternly, looking straightly into Myungsoo's eyes, giving him an I-won't-lose-to-you look.
Myungsoo stared at him without expression before speaks. "So I will make sure that Yeol will refuse by himself." then go away.
"Hyung, what that ice man talking to you?" Daehyun asked curiously, approaching Myungsoo once he was away from Bang Yongguk.
"Nothing, he wanted to meet Yeol."
"Aish, that ice man still didn't give up. What are you going to do? Will you take Yeol then?"
"What else could I do? Just let Yeol to meet him."
"Andweeee... Don't let him to be near Uri Yeol." Daehyun quickly response.
"But I will make sure Yeol will refuse him." Myungsoo said confidently. Daehyun's face light up.
"That's my Hyung." Daehyun wraps his arm around Myungsoo then make their way out to Heaven Club.
As soon as the security let them into the club, they can hear the song blastig in to their ears. The place is not too crowded and not too spacey either.
"Hyung, do you want to go to the dance floor or just stay here?" Daehyun asked as they reached the table.
"I better wait here."
"Okay then, I want to strengthen my body a bit." Daehyun then left Myungsoo.
"One brandy please." Myungsoo orders.
"Releasing stress, buddy?" Myungsoo turns to the voice.
"Go away, don't disturb me." Myungsoo said coldly, turned back to his glass then gulping in one go. "Sir, give me more."
"No need to be that fierce. I just want to accompany you. Beside, I always curious about this place. Why did people like to stay here, sitting with their glasses, dancing like crazy, and even have openly. Was that fun to be here?"
"Don't ask me. Just find out by yourself. You know, you're as noisy as Yeol." Myungsoo said annoyingly.
"Good idea. Maybe I need to take that angel here." Jonghyun said plainly, making Myungsoo to turn to him.
"Don't you dare to take Yeol to this place. Don't ruin his innocence."
Less he know, his conversation was caught the bartender's attention as he stared at Myungsoo weirdly.
"Sir, are you alright? Are you drunk already?" the bartender asked.
Myungsoo looked up. "I'm okay, please give me another glass."
"Oh, okay. But, don't drink too much, Sir. It's not good for your health." the bartender advised.
"Thank you but don't worry, my tolerate to alcohol is quite good. Just give another glass."
'How could hw said that he didn't drunk when he was talking alone like that.' "Okay, Sir." the bartender said before turned around to make the drink.
Jonghyun smirks at the confuse bartender before turns back to Myungsoo.
"You talked about Innocence before. How could you say that when you had him, ripping him from grace. So what did you call that? Human education?"
"I... It's just a mistake. I just lost my control a bit." Myungsoo said, there's a doubt between his words. He took a sip on his drink. That was his tenth glass already.
"A mistake? So what will you do to fix your 'mistake', human?"
"Stop insulting me. Go away, I don't want to see you. If you want Yeol then just take him, I don't care anymore. Afterall, he will leave me soon or later. More earlier he left, it would be better." Myungsoo snapped before gulping on his drink.
'I think he is really drunk now.' The bartender thought as he glanced at Myungsoo who was talking alone.
"Watch out for what you wish, human. Don't beg me if I make it come true." Jonghyun smirks before disappear.
". How could I free from that demon. Sir, give me another glass."
"But, Sir. You are already drunk."
"Don't act like that annoying demon. I had enough of his mouth. Just give me drink."
"But.." the bartender a bit hesitate.
"I said give me another drink." Myungsoo snaps. The bartender gasps and quickly making the drink for him. But later, he asks his friend to call Daehyun on the dance floor. Myungsoo couldn't stop drinking. He took glass after glass until his head feels heavy. A moment later, Daehyun approaches him.
"Hyung." Daehyun says gently.
The raven haired boy rolls over on the couch groaning. Daehyun gently shakes his friend. "Hyung."
"Nnng. My head hurts," Myungsoo mutters.
"Hyung, we better go home. You're already drunk."
"Nggh.. Yeol." Myungsoo mutters barely but clear enough for Daehyun to hear. Myungsoo looks really drunk, he even couldn't stand steadily. Daehyun lifted Myungsoo from his sitting position and circled Myungsoo's hand around his neck then leave the place.

"Myung-myung haven't home yet. I'm really bored." Sungyeol pouted, staring at the TV uninterestedly. But even he was bored, he didn't dare to go out. He didn't want to make Myungsoo mad anymore. Instead, he was learning about many thing from the TV. Of course not about gay thing anymore. He was learned about how to decorate the house, how to make cake, and about household things. And Sungyeol is getting used to everything. Myungsoo has taught him many thing. That's why he is getting familiar with human world.
When Sungyeol was sitting leisurely on his usual spot, he hears someone knock on the door.
"That must be Myung-myung." Sungyeol's face turns bright. He abruptly got up and ran towards the door.
"Hi, Yeol, please help me. Looks like Myungsoo Hyung is drinking too much." Daehyun said, wrapping on Myungsoo.
"Is he sick, Daehyun-ssi?" Sungyeol asked, his cheerful face instantly change.
"No, he is just a bit drunk. Please help me to take him to his room." Daehyun asked. Sungyeol then obediently help him. They take Myungsoo on his bed.
"Yeol, please take care of him. I don't know what, buy seems There's something bothering his mind. He looked a bit stress."
"Really? Is there something bad happen to Myung-myung?"
"I don't know, he didn't tell me. Maybe he would tell you once he is wake up. I should go now. Good night, Yeol." Daehyun smiles before walks out.
Sungyeol turns his glance to the lying Myungsoo. He could feel his aura turns dark again. And it's painful to see him like that. Sungyeol approaches the bed and sits beside Myungsoo.
"This is rather careless of you Myung-myung. Aren't you the who's supposed to keep me out of trouble." Sungyeol asks aloud. A confused expression plastered on his face. Myungsoo stirs a bit from his sleep.
Myungsoo slowly opens his eyes and looking at Sungyeol blanky. He stares at Sungyeol before laughing out loud. "Ahhhh, Yeol, where have you been. I miss you so much." Myungsoo grinned as he moved from his bed and hugs Sungyeol.
"Myung-myung, I miss you too. What happened to you?"
"Yeol.... Yeol.... Please stay with me. Don't go with that demon. Don't leave me." Myungsoo mumbled incoherently as he tighten his hug on Sungyeol. He burried his face on the crook of Sungyeol's neck

"What are you talking about, Myung-myung? Demon? Yeollie won't leave Myung-myung."
"Yeol, I know I had done a big mistake. But I don't want you to leave. I don't want to lose you like I lose Jin. You're important to me." Myungsoo said, Sungyeol could feel something warm soaking through his shirt.
Sungyeol is shocked by this, partially because he hadn't realized Myungsoo was currently able to form even a partially coherent sentence, but mostly because he hadn't realized that's what Myungsoo thought of him.
Sungyeol lifts Myungsoo's face and looks deep into his eyes. Myungsoo was crying. Sungyeol ran his thumb to Myungsoo's face and wipes his tears. Sungyeol feels more painful now to see Myungsoo like that. "Myung-myung, don't cry. Yeollie is hurt seeing Myung-myung like this. Yeollie will stay forever with Myung-myung.” Myungsoo snuggles his head closer on Sungyeol shoulder then closes his eyes.
"Yeol" he murmurs in his sleep. "I love you."
It takes the angel a moment to process what he's just heard, but then it hits him. Myungsoo was confessed to him.
"I love Myung-myung too." Sungyeol smiles. Craning his neck, Sungyeol lightly kisses  on the forehead. His soft black hair tickles his neck as Myungsoo nuzzles into his neck. Sungyeol gently leans his head on Myungsoo's. I love you too, is the last thing Myungsoo heard before being lulled to sleep by the warm embrace of the tall angel. In distance, a pair of dark eyes were watching on them without expression.


“What? He said forever. Oh, my, it’s mean my Yeollie will stay on earth forever?! Omo, omo, my head, my head is pinning. I feel dizzy.” Hoya tensed up, holding his head and turns away from the globe. Woohyun rolled his eyes. “Here he goes again, drama father.”

"This is my fault for not taking a good care on Yeol until he managed to escape and everything would never turn like this." Hoya sighs heavily with his head down.
"Gosh, how can I have a pessimistic friend like you. You're a god for heaven's sake. Don't act like a hopeless human. Everything was set. And this is Yeol’s fate." Woohyun groans, feel a bit upset.
"But I'm also a father. How could I see Sungyeol face the world alone. He is slowly losing his grace as an angel now.” Hoya said in guilty.

“Don’t forget something, buddy. Sungyeol is half angel-half human. So this is his test to choose which way he wants to go and how his destiny will lead him. And Myungsoo is his biggest test.”

Hoya stares at him. “Will he get through?”

“We’ll see. Just keep faith on him, buddy.” Woohyun smiles, staring back at Hoya.





Okay, after many scene of Myungyeol, let take a rest for a bit, just a bit. Hehe. And let’s move to Bora and Hoya. But I will never leave uri lovely Myungyeol. Don’t worry. ^__^


“How do you feel to see her again?”

"I don't know. I just... Suprised." Hoya said softly, glancing through the crystal globe. Bora and Sungyeol were seen talking so friendly. Smile is never leave Bora's face.
"They look so close. Maybe this is what they called the power of love. Mother's love will never end. I was wondering if she knows who is Sungyeol, you think how will she react?" Woohyun asked, narrowing at Hoya who was stunned on his seat. His eyes were never leave the globe.
"She is beautiful as always. Is this part of the fate, Hyun?" Hoya asked, his voice sounds far.
"Maybe. But maybe this is not part of Yeol's fate." Hoya looks up.
"So, whose fate?"
Woohyun smiles, looking at him meaningfully.

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TEENTOP10031996 #2
Chapter 16: I think Myung's gonna die but noooo hope for the best and jonghyun of which group
Chapter 16: Myungyeol relationship was so so so so freaking cute I can't get enough of them~ Yeollie is such a cutie even a death angel can fall for him lol but sorry Jonghyun, I'll bet on my cats that Myungsoo will never let you take away his Yeollie kkkkkk. Myungsoo's illness scares me, what if he dies? What will happen to my Yeollie? oh wait, Yeollie live in heaven, so if myungsoo dies, he'll go to heaven and live a happy life with Yeollie there ^^ no wait, what if he meet his dead fiance in heaven? Will he go back to her?! uhh, sorry, I suddenly got too emotional please ignore my rant hehehehehehehehe. I really love woogyu's friendship, they're so silly together! Oohhhh, will Sunggyu have his own forbidden love story? Even Woohyun approved it XD

Can't wait to read the next chapter, I guess Sungyeol will meet Hobin? but poor baby doesn't know that he's actually his father hahahahah. Fighting on the next chapter Unnie~ I'm off to find your fb and bug you there heheheh (eh, we have mutuals?! lol)
Chapter 16: Omg, even death angel loves sungyeol haha so cute. And I hope myungsoo will be fine T^T
khasabat #6
Chapter 16: What happen with hoya?
Oh! I will wait to next chap!
loveforsin #7
Chapter 16: hoah.. sungyeol bring love and happiness for everyone include death angel,, such a lovely angle..
hope myung will be fine..
loveforsin #8
Chapter 16: hoah.. sungyeol bring love and happiness for everyone include death angel,, such a lovely angle..
hope myung will be fine..
khasabat #9
Chapter 15: How terible they are-
Please give hoya meet yeolie
#please update
TEENTOP10031996 #10
Chapter 15: please update