You Can't Change Your Past

Fallen Angel

A/N: I'm sorry I still Can't reply your comment. But I have read all of them. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONCERN SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT. I really touch and appreciatr it. I'll try my best to reply just like I trt my best to update. If you want to find me, just find me on fb Selene Lee. I will be grateful. Thank you.




Sungyeol stirs from his sleep and slowly opens his eyes. He runs his eyes to his side, but found no one. He scans the room but only the tick of clock was heard. It was too quite and Sungyeol doesn't like it.

"Myung..." Sungyeol rubs his sleepy eyes, trying to get up but his lower part  was sore.

"He left." A voice was heard.

"Aah,  you scared me. Don't always show up suddenly like that." Sungyeol pouts, patting his chest to calm himself.

"That's because you are getting weak as human. It's still not late to come with me." Jonghyun said, leaning on the edge of the bed with his arms cross over his chest.

Sungyeol sighs. "Stop provoking me. I know what I'm doing." He then put on his clothes and slowly stands.

"I don't know what's got into you until you are so stupid like this. He doesn't deserve to have you, Yeol."

"You better leave here before Myung come home. I don't want to see another fight." Sungyeol said, walking to the kitchen. He hummed a melody along the way to the kitchen, ignoring the death angel who was still standing in the bedroom.

"I'm going to make Myung-myung ham... ham... what ham is that. Ah, whatever. Let see what we have here." Sungyeol mumbled cheerfully, checking the fridge. But when he was about to open it, Jonghyun appears again behind him.

"Why are you never listen to me, Yeol? What's good from a low man like him?"

"I don't have time to argue with you, Jonghyun-ssi. A death angel is not good to appear oftenly. You will break the rule." Sungyeol said calmly, picking the tomato and the lettuce from the drawer.

"You are the one who had broke that rule. You even doing stupid thing with that human." Jonghyun argued, walking closer to Sungyeol but Sungyeol was too busy picking up the ingredients for his hamburger. Being ignored, Jonghyun suddenly grabs Sungyeol's arm quite hard,  making Sungyeol to land on him.

"Am I not good enough, Yeol?" He looked into Sungyeol's eyes intensely. Sungyeol blinks, staring at Jonghyun's eyes weirdly. A death angel was born without feeling so it's weird to see a glimpse of pink aura radiated from his body. Maybe that's a trick to full an innocent angel like Sungyeol. Or... Maybe too much interacted with human makes this death angel become more human.

"I want you, Yeol. I want you just like that Myungsoo wants you. I want to have you just like Myungsoo having you. I want to taste the same." Jonghyun said without breaking the eye contact. Sungyeol gasped at his sudden statement. He never imagined that words would come from him.

"What happened to you, Jonghyun-ssi. Don't play any game with me." Sungyeol tried to release from his grab.  But Jonghyun didn't let him.

"I'm serious. If being a human is that nice, I also want to try. But I want to try it with you, Yeol. If I have to break the rule, then I want to break it for you." Jonghyun leaned closer and closer until their lips are only an inch apart.

"Hey, you demon. Let my angel go." Someone yelled from the distance, making Sungyeol turn to the voice.


"Che! Now I know how's the feeling being disturbed." Jonghyun chuckled, turning to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo walks straight towards them and quickly grabs Sungyeol away from Jonghyun. "You are being too much day by day, demon. I think I really have to call ghost hunter to catch you."

Jonghyun laughs out loud before approaching Myungsoo and whispers,  "You better concern about your own life, human. I think you are going to be the next list on my note."

Myungsoo widens his eyes at his statement. 'How did he know about my health problem?'

"Surprise, doesn't you? You better beware of death angel's word." He said before disappears.

"Myung-myung, where have you been? Did you see the doctor?" Sungyeol pokes Myungsoo's arm.

Myungsoo gasps, "Ah, oh, yes, Yeollie. I just came back from the doctor."

"Hmmph... why are you leaving me alone here? I'm so curious about the doctor." Sungyeol pouted, crossing his arms. Myungsoo turns to him, smiling at his cute gesture. Looking at him makes him instantly calm.

"I'm sorry, Yeollie, but you looked so tired, so I don't have heart to wake you up." Myungsoo came closer and hugs Sungyeol's waist. "Tell me, did I hurt you so bad?"

Sungyeol shooks his head quickly. "Aniyeo, Myung-myung didn't hurt me at all. But Yeollie is so tired right now because of you."

"Mianhe, who ask you to be so cute and so tempting like that. That's why I can't control my hormone."  Myungsoo rested his head on the crook of Sungyeol's neck, blowing some hot breath on his neck. His hand starts to roam under Sungyeol's shirt.

"Ha... ha... ha, it's ticklish. You are so naughty, Myung."

"Let's repeat our previous session, will us?" he said seductively.

"Andwee... I'm going to make food. Not only tired, Yeollie is hungry too. And I'm sure Myung-myung haven't eaten as well. You always forget to eat." Sungyeol tried to release from Myungsoo.

"Aigo, you are really look like my wife. I think I should marry you soon then."

Sungyeol tilts his head. "Does wife something delicious to eat?"

Myungsoo instantly bursting into laugh. "You are really adorable, my baby Yeollie. I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to eat you."

"Aaaaa.... no, I don't want. Go away." Sungyeol ran out the kitchen.

"Hey, wait, don't run. A big bad wolf is going to catch the rabbit."

"Catch me if you can, Myung-myung." Sungyeol ran up to the sofa, shaking his to make fun of his lover.

"Hey, don't be so cocky, just wait until I get you, naughty rabbit." Myungsoo smirked as he ran towards the sofa.

"Oh ... I'm scare. Big bad wolf is going to eat me. Help." Sungyeol sang,  now running up to the stairs. He is quite fast with his long legs. When Myungsoo was about to chase him to the stairs, he stops his way. He clutched his chest painfully.

"Myung-myung.... why are you so slow? I'm here. Come on, catch me, little snail." Sungyeol yelled from upstairs. Myungsoo walked slowly along the stairs as he tried to control his breath.

"Damn, what happen to my chest? It's  hurt me." Myungsoo panted as he reached the top stair.

'The first assumption, we are afraid that you got Cardiomyopathy. It may lead you to heart failure and... maybe death.'

Ha Ji won's  words rang in his head.

'Never underestimate death angel's word.' Jonghyung's words appear next.

"Did my ill that serious? Am I going to die?" Myungsoo mumbled to himself, trying to control his breath. At least, he still has hope until the final result come out. Suddenly a pair of soft skinny arms wrap him from behind.

"Stand still, Myung-myung." Myungsoo did as he said, letting those arms embrace him from behind. He could feel the warmth from Sungyeol's body flowing into him. It's magically make him feel calm and his pain slowly gone.

"The rabbit is tired, don't wanna play anymore." Sungyeol snuggled closer to Myungsoo's neck, arms still wrapping on him.

Myungsoo chuckles, "So, is the rabbit give up to the wolf?"

Sungyeol nods. "Myung, I miss Bora imo. Can we meet her today? I miss her food. And, Bora imo told me that she found a poor boy in town and now that child is living with her. I really want to see that child. He must be so cute."

"Sure, today I don't have any photo shoot so we can go everywhere."

"Yes, you are so nice, Myung-myung. Let me take a bath first. I feel smelly." like a little kid who is going to picnic,  Sungyeol ran towards the bathroom.

"Do you want me to help you, Yeol?" Myungsoo yelled.

"No, naughty Myung is tricking me." Sungyeol yelled back which cause Myungsoo to chuckle.





"Hey, who are you? Why are you holding on my baby?"

"I'm sorry, my love, I have to take our baby." A man said under a silhouette spoke.

"No, please give him back to me, I have to feed him."

"I can't, please forgive me." the man's voice trembling.

"Please don't take him. He is my son. My husband will be so sad." The woman pleaded. But then that man suddenly turn away and disappears.



"Noooo...." A loud scream from Bora making Hobin quickly running into her room.

"What's wrong, imo? Is there something happen to you?" Hobin asked in panic. He saw Bora was sitting on her bed with her face covered with sweat. She was panted hard.

"I have a nightmare, Hobin-ah. I saw a man taking my son. I can't see him clearly. I asked him to give my son back but he didn't want to listen. Instead, he started to run. I tried to chase him but I can't reach him." Bora explained in fear. She clutched the sheet tightly.

Hobin widens his eyes in surprise. 'She remembered. Is that spell slowly fade away?'

"Hobin-ah, I am sure that my son is still alive. He must be somewhere and I have to find him." Bora looked at Hobin. "But I don't where to find him." Their eyes met. Hobin could see the longing feeling in her eyes. How could he make a sweet kind woman suffering like this? What kind of angel is him? An angel should protect human, an angel should give happiness to human.   But look what he had done to her. He had ruined her life, gave her no way back.




"Congratulation, Ma'am. It's a baby boy." A wide smile spreaded across the young couple. Her eyes are b with tears of joy. Her hand was tightly holding on her husband.

"Thank you for giving me a baby boy, jagiya. Thank you for your sacrifice." Hoya hugged his wife tightly, his eyes are b with tears as well, not sure whether it's the tears of joy or... farewell tears. Because less his wife knew, Hoya had got the message, or for exact warning. Hoya had negotiated with God that he will leave after his son was born. God agreed but another consequences had been made. Their son, the heaven's child should be taken. And Hoya can't do anything against it.

"Hobaby, did you find our baby's name?" Bora's voice took Hoya's mind back. He turned to his wife, staring at Bora's happy face. How could he has heart to rip that smile from her? This is too cruel.

"Hey, what happen to you, jagiya? Why are you suddenly turn mute?" Bora rubbed his hand gently.

"N...nothing. Let me thinking about the name. You should rest, Bora-ah." Hoya smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'm so tired. Seems I lost all of my energy." Bora sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry,  baby. This is because of me." Hoya held her hand.

Bora quickly shooks her head. "No,  this is my biggest happiness, Hoya-ah. I feel my life is complete, you and our baby are the most precious people in my life. I'm grateful. We will raise our son to be a great man." Bora smiled as the sleepiness started to attack her.

Hoya was staring at her sleeping face in silence. Right now, he couldn't feel anything except pain and guilty.

End of Flashback



"I'm sorry, Hobin-ah. Imo shouldn't scare you like that. I just missed my son so much." Bora smiled, caressing Hoya's hair lovingly. Hobin stares at her face sadly. 'How good if I can embrace you in my true form. I really want to kiss you and tell you that I'm sorry. I love you so much, my Bora.'

Suddenly Hobin hugs her tightly. "Imo, don't be sad. Hobin will always stay by your side. I will protect you."

Bora's eyes are b with tears as she hugs Hobin back tightly. "Thank you, my dear. Thank you so much."

That's the only thing that Hobin could do for now. Even in a child form, but at least he can stay beside her, seeing her face everyday, and talking with her everyday. Maybe that's a little payment that he could do to fix his mistake.

Bora glances at the clock before slowly released the hug. "It's almost dinner. Let's make our dinner together."

Hobin nods, smiling at her. She smiles back, reaching her hand out to him. They are heading the kitchen hand in hand.



In the Seoul street, the air was cool and crisp and the aroma of fresh rain hung all around them. Woohyun and Sunggyu had been wandering the city for quite long. Of course, this is Woohyun's eagerness to keep playing around. Seems he has not got enough with this human world. And in the other hand Sunggyu couldn't do anything to do against his sunbae. They had walked together for a long while, not chatting much or about anything in particular, just walking and enjoying each other's company. But for Sunggyu, it was surprisingly much more relaxing than standing and keeping the time gate, and certainly much more invigorating. The trees were beautiful any time of the year, but there was something about the autumn season, and especially after a rain, that made the colors and smells more vibrant and appealing. The reds, oranges, yellows and the occasional spit of green made the surrounding look more like a magical kingdom.

In their way enjoying the environment, Sunggyu's eyes came across a big crowd and a violin being played.

Sunggyu stopped his way, staring at the crowd for a while.

"The music is so beautiful." He mumbled to nowhere but caught Woohyun's ears.

"Do you say something, Gyu?" He turned around.

"That music. The melody is so beautiful." Sunggyu repeated.

"Maybe it came from that crowd. Let's find out."

They scrolled over to the crowd. Looking around, Sunggyu found a stack of tree boxes. His eyes widened at the sight of a girl, not older than him, play the most beautiful violin he ever had seen.

Soft yet rhythmic tones came from the she made with the fiddle-bow. Looking over the girl, she noticed that she was tall with an lean figure, clad in soft pink lace long dress, tucked inside a pair of brown boots with edges of gold and a scarf wrapped around her neck. Her black long straight hair was waving against the wind. Milky white smooth skin and a perfectly shaped face with a small mouth and nose, squinty eyes with onyx black eyes and a matching pair of thin eyebrows.

Suddenly she stopped played and people gave confused looks towards each other.

Then she started playing again. The strength in the tones made the melody hard to not notice. Sunggyu's eyes widened slightly when she parted his lips and began singing.


Whenever I sang my songs

On the stage, on my own

Whenever I said my words

Wishing they would be heard

I saw you smiling at me

Was it real or just my fantasy?

You'd always be there in the corner

Of this tiny little bar


As she sang, she paused with playing the violin. After she finished she began again.


My last night here for you

Same old songs, just once more

My last night here with you?

Maybe yes, maybe no

I kind of liked it your way

How you shyly placed your eyes on me

Did you ever know

That I have mine on you?

Darling so there you are

With that look on your face

As if you're never hurt

As if you're never down

Shall I be the one for you

Who pinches you softly but sure

If frown is shown then

I will know that you are no dreamer


Another pause of the singing, the violin filling in. Now she played even harder. Pressing down on the strings with such force that Sunggyu thought he might break the violin apart.


So let me come to you

Close as I wanna be

Close enough for me

To feel your heart beating fast

And stay there as I whisper

How I loved your peaceful eyes on me?

Did you ever know

That I have mine on you?

Darling, so share with me

Your love if you have enough

Your tears if you're holding back

Or pain if that's what it is

How can I let you know

I'm more than a dress and a voice?

Just reach me out then

You would know that you're not dreaming


People cheered as she finished the song with one last with the bow. They their pocket to get some money to give the performer.

Her smile grew wide as she collected the money from the audience. Sunggyu stands still on his place, he could see how she said 'thank you' to them.

"For how long are you planning on standing there?" Sunggyu startled. He shook his head before turning to his side. "Sorry, I was spacing out."

"I clearly noticed." Woohyun sighed, his eyes looking at the girl. "She is beautiful."

"No, t... that's not what I mean. I just mesmerized by her voice."

"Nah, it's nothing. Here. Gave her some money." Woohyun handed Sunggyu 1.000 won.

" can't. You do." Sunggyu waved his hands nervously.

"Tch! Just gave her. This is an order from your sunbae."


"No but, just do it." Woohyun glared at him. Sunggyu sighed, taking the money in hesitant. He glanced back at the girl who was packing her stuff.

"Come on, Guy. She is going to leave. Hurry up!"

Sunggyu turned back to Woohyun, dumbfounded.

"Haizz... this guy. Why are standing there like a  statue? Look, she is leaving." Woohyun called, taking him back to reality.

"W-Wait!" Sunggyu called after her. Jumping down the stack he landed hard, his balance out of control sending him falling face first to the hard road.

"You okay?"


The girl helps him to stand up. "Did you call me before?" Sunggyu nods eagerly.

"Do you need something from me?" Sunggyu shooks his head. The girl crinkles her forehead. "So?"

"Um... your performance is so great. I... I... really like it." Finally Sunggyu found his voice.

She chuckles. "You are so funny.  You don't need to be in rush like that just to say this. But I'm so grateful that you like it."

"I am not weird, I just lost my balance!" He stated, now more confident.

They stood there, looking at each other. That girl were the first to break the silence. "Anyway, I have to go."

Sunggyu watched how that girl put on her black coat.

"Oh, here. I forgot to give you this." Sunggyu reached out his hand to show her 1.000 won.

The girl smiles, looking at the money. "I've got enough for today, so this time is free. But next time we met, you have to pay me twice. Got it?" She winked before turned away.

Sunggyu watched her leaving but not a moment later, Sunggyu called. "Hey, may you tell me your name,  lady?"

"Han Seungyeon." She said without stopping her way.

"How's your flirty moment? Going smooth?"

"A...aniyeo, I'm not flirting." Sunggyu protested.

"Okay, okay, how's her? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, I only get her name. Her name is Han Seungyeon."

"Mwo? That's all?" Sunggyu nods.

"Oh, my God, what a useless angel you are, Gyu. You can ask her anything,  her phone number,  her address, her school, whatever. Since we are in human world so just do it like human style."

"Yaa.. what for, Woohyun-ah? I'm not here for chasing woman. I'm not human. Angel can't do human thing."

"You are too innocent, dude. I think I need to train you a lot of thing."   Woohyun sighed as he wrapped his arm around Sunggyu. "Okay, we are going to do it step by step while looking for Hoya. Come on."

Sunggyu gave him weird look but still following him without protest. As the sun set, these two angel finally arrive at some place.

"Here we are, Gyu." Woohyun smiled widely, looking at the board written 'Le'Ciel Gallery'.





"By the way, where is my father? Why did he not come with you?" Sungyeol glanced around, hoping to see Hoya because he is kinda missed him.

Woohyun cleared his throat before speaks. "Yeol, actually I have some important mission to meet you. This is about your father." Woohyun paused, looking straight to Sungyeol's face. His expression suddenly turned serious.

"What happen,  hyung? What's about my father?"

Woohyun stayed silent for a while as he glanced at Hoya from the corner of his eyes. Hoya shooks his head gently, giving him code to keep his mouth.

"Um..  your father. He..." Woohyun paused. Sunggyu who was standing next to him started to feel nervous as well as he glanced at Hoya and then turned back to Woohyun.

"Ya, Woohyun hyung, tell me where is my father? What happen to him?" He urged. Now, the entire eyes are turn to him ; Bora, Myungsoo, Sunggyu, Hoya, and Sungyeol, waiting for Woohyun to answer.

Woohyun gulps in nervous before finally find his word.

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TEENTOP10031996 #2
Chapter 16: I think Myung's gonna die but noooo hope for the best and jonghyun of which group
Chapter 16: Myungyeol relationship was so so so so freaking cute I can't get enough of them~ Yeollie is such a cutie even a death angel can fall for him lol but sorry Jonghyun, I'll bet on my cats that Myungsoo will never let you take away his Yeollie kkkkkk. Myungsoo's illness scares me, what if he dies? What will happen to my Yeollie? oh wait, Yeollie live in heaven, so if myungsoo dies, he'll go to heaven and live a happy life with Yeollie there ^^ no wait, what if he meet his dead fiance in heaven? Will he go back to her?! uhh, sorry, I suddenly got too emotional please ignore my rant hehehehehehehehe. I really love woogyu's friendship, they're so silly together! Oohhhh, will Sunggyu have his own forbidden love story? Even Woohyun approved it XD

Can't wait to read the next chapter, I guess Sungyeol will meet Hobin? but poor baby doesn't know that he's actually his father hahahahah. Fighting on the next chapter Unnie~ I'm off to find your fb and bug you there heheheh (eh, we have mutuals?! lol)
Chapter 16: Omg, even death angel loves sungyeol haha so cute. And I hope myungsoo will be fine T^T
khasabat #6
Chapter 16: What happen with hoya?
Oh! I will wait to next chap!
loveforsin #7
Chapter 16: hoah.. sungyeol bring love and happiness for everyone include death angel,, such a lovely angle..
hope myung will be fine..
loveforsin #8
Chapter 16: hoah.. sungyeol bring love and happiness for everyone include death angel,, such a lovely angle..
hope myung will be fine..
khasabat #9
Chapter 15: How terible they are-
Please give hoya meet yeolie
#please update
TEENTOP10031996 #10
Chapter 15: please update