The Fume of Jealousy

Fallen Angel

Sungyeol couldn’t stand still on his passenger seat, his face looks bright, he really can’t wait for the photoshoot of his first new make up commercial. He still don't know the plan, how to do or how to act but he'll find out soon. While in the other hand, Myungsoo doesn't really care, it's just another boring day of work for him.
“Looks like someone can’t wait for his first job.” Myungsoo commented, eyes look straight to the road. Sungyeol glances over his shoulder and grins.
"Of course, today we are work couple, Myung-myung."
Myungsoo chuckled as he turned to Sungyeol. "You should use 'work partner' instead 'work couple'."
"What's the different between partner and couple?" Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo.
"In work, people often use partner, partner is a friend who shares a common interest or participates in achieving a common goal. And people usually use couple for... Lover." Myungsoo explained, glancing at Sungyeol for a while before turns back to the road.
"Aahhh.. That's mean we are couple and partner at the same time, right?"
Myungsoo cleared his throat. "Maybe. But listen, there are some things that you can do as couple but you CAN'T do with your work partner."
"For example?" Sungyeol tilted his head.
"Touching somewhere private, kissing on the lips, and.... Play dicky-pricky." the last word was almost like a. whisper.
"Arasso. Don't ask waeo too much." Sungyeol said softly.
"Listen to me, Bang Yongguk is your partner not your couple. So don't do weird thing with him. Arasso?"
"Wh..?" Sungyeol was about to ask again but quickly shut his mouth when he saw Myungsoo was glaring at him. "Arasso."
"Good." Myungsoo smirks.
Sungyeol turned away from Myungsoo and looked out the window. Myungsoo drove along the road in silence, only the roar of the engine was heard between them.
A moment later, they finally arrive at the studio. Sungyeol was the first one walks in. When Myungsoo was about to push the elevator button, Sungyeol immediately stops him. "Let me do that, let me do that, Myung-myung."
Sungyeol then pushes the up button.
"Weirdo." Myungsoo commented.
"Yongguk-ssi had taught me to use this elevator." Sungyeol grinned childishly.
'Che! That Yongguk again.' Myungsoo frowned. "I told you, stay away from that Yongguk guy. He is not good for you."
"But he is nice to me, he is caring. And also handsome."
"Don't say that You're falling in love with him."
Sungyeol glanced at him. "Falling in love? Just like what I feel towards Myung-myung?"
"How could I know what do you feel about me?"
"I feel happy to be with Myung-myung. Even You're annoying sometimes. And I want Myung-myung to be happy too. Is that falling in love?" Sungyeol explained innocently.
"That's not love, angel. You're too innocent and kind, that's why you have those kinds of feelings towards this annoying human." A voice interrupted and suddenly Jonghyun appears between them.
"You." Myungsoo and Sungyeol said in union, glancing at Jonghyun. Fortunately, There's no one else in the elevator.
"Ya, you again? I think I should find a Ghost hunter to catch you." Myungsoo glared at him.
"There's no one able to catch me, not even a weak creature called human." Jonghyun smirked before turned to Sungyeol. "And you, angel. I couldn't believe you want to work to the filthy human like them. You should think about how to regain your power and go back, not enjoying the human world like this."
Sungyeol remains silent. "This is not your place. You're an immortal creature, You're different with them. Human will get old, sick, and die. Human and angel are never able to be together. If Father knows what you did, He will be so mad and probably will punish you."
"I... I don't want to hear that. You're bad. You're so bad." Sungyeol cried as he covered his ears.
"Hey, stop it. Don't try to persuade him with your nonsense." Myungsoo snapped.
"One day you will understand what I mean, Angel. Until then, use your time wisely." Jonghyun said and disappeared.
Myungsoo turned to the crying Sungyeol and hugged him. "Don't cry, don't listen to him." Myungsoo calmed him down.
"B..but he was right. We are different, Myung-myung. Father is going to punish me."
"Shhh.. Everything will be alright." Myungsoo patted soothing Sungyeol's back.
"Myung-myung, I don't want to be a model anymore, I don't want to do photoshoot anymore. I wanna go home, Myung-myung." Sungyeol looked up.
"Nah, you can't do that. We had signed a contract so we can't cancel it anytime we like. It will break the policy."
"But I'm not in my mood to do that." Sungyeol frowned.
Myungsoo sighed. "I should stop you to sign the contract. You can't do human things."
"What? So what you said is I couldn't live as a human. You're not different with that annoying death angel. You're so mean."
"No, no, You're misunderstanding me."
"No, you're annoying." when Myungsoo wants to explain more, the elevator door was already opened. Sungyeol stomped out from the elevator.
"Ya, Yeol, wait. That's not the right way to the studio room." but Sungyeol was already out of sight. "Che! That stubborn angel." Myungsoo frowned as he entered the studio.
The studio was set in pink and blue. No wonder, because Sungyeol was casted for girl cosmetic.
There's the real director of the commercial, some assistants and there is a guy. A tall man dressed in a very quirky way, leather and a bandana in his hair.
“Okay, good morning everyone!” the director starts while the rest people gather around him. “Please meet Matthew, he's working with us today! He's an actor... he's going to be the fake photographer for the commercial. Here there's a paper that explains you what is going to be like.” the director says while one of his assistant give each one of them their parts.
“Please, study the script and then we can start! Who's the main model here?” he asks.
Everybody glances into each other, looking for the main model.
"Hyung, where's Yeol? Didn't he come with you?" Daehyun approaching Myungsoo.
"Is the main model not come yet? Tch! I hate indiscipline people." the director frowned.
"I'm sorry, Sir but the main model..." Myungsoo came to explain.
"The main model is here." a voice interrupted as someone opened the door. People in the room turn their gaze.
They saw Bang Yongguk came with someone behind him.
'This moron.' Myungsoo greeted his teeth.
"Hyung, why did Yeol come with that ice man?" Daehyun asked. "Oh, my, why did you let my Yeol to be with that ice man?"
"Shut up, Daehyun-ah. I'm not in my mood to answer you." Myungsoo scolded, eyes never leave the tall angel behind Yongguk. Sungyeol glances at him for a while before turns away. Looks like he still mad with Myungsoo.
"This is Lee Sungyeol, Mr. Choi. He is the main model." Yongguk introduced.
"Oh, I see. Hm, he looks cute. You have good eyes, Yongguk-ssi. Okay, let see how good is he in acting." The director smirked, scanning on Sungyeol. "Give him the script."
Sungyeol took the script from the staff, dumbfounded.
"Yeol, the script will tell you how you should act in front of the camera. Please read it carefully. If there's something you don't understand, you can ask the director." Yongguk explained with smile.
"Today we are going to do perfume commercial. Please read the script carefully and learn your line." the director explained. "I'll give you half an hour to learn the script."
The rest people spread into some groups, started to busy with their activities.
"Yeol, please take a seat so you can learn your lines." Yongguk suggested but Myungsoo then quickly approaching Sungyeol.
"Come with me, Yeol." he grabs Sungyeol by his wrist and drags him to the side, leaving Yongguk there.
"Myung-Myung, it's hurt." Sungyeol whines. Myungsoo quickly releases his grip. "Sorry."
"It's okay." Sungyeol said softly.
"Are you still mad at me?" Myungsoo asked, looking at Sungyeol. Sungyeol shooks his head. Myungsoo smiles in relieve.
"Myung-myung, let's go home. I don't want to do photoshoot." Sungyeol pleads.
Myungsoo. "You can't, Yeol. Like I said, we can’t cancel the job once we had signed the contract or else the company will sue us and probably will imprison us.”
Sungyeol scrunches his face in disatisfaction but remained silent. He glances down and starts reading his part in silence, scanning quickly through the lines. It's a good idea actually, Matthew is a French celebrity photographer who tries to catch the essence of the fragrance with a photo, everything must be fun. “What'd you have to do?” Myungsoo asks, leaning over his paper to try to read.
Sungyeol tilts his head to meet his midnight eyes. “I have some lines about how love smells like and stuff...and then I have to talk with him saying I am tired...” he replies.
Myungsoo nods. “I am very curious to know how it'll be at the end!”
Myungsoo looks at the guy, Matthew, who's speaking with the other guy who's impersonating his stylish assistant. And then look again at Sungyeol' paper.
“What?” Sungyeol asked when he looked at Myungsoo's weird look.
“Here it says that.. he...he has to... caress you?” Myungsoo repeated what he has just read on Sungyeol's paper.
Sungyeol frowns and then read again.
“Really? Oh, yeah, apparently” he shrugs, looking again at the script and try to remember it.
Myungsoo doesn't look away. Nor at his paper. After one second, Sungyeol can feel Myungsoo’s eyes on himself and turns his head again.
“What’s wrong, Myung-myung?” he said when he spotted Myungsoo's dark look on his face.
“Caress you.” he repeats like he's trying to realise.
“Ne, caress, I know what it means. Caress means touching you gently, right? So, that fake photographer has to caress me. Isn’t like that?” Sungyeol explained innocently, couldn’t get the situation.
“Why did your aura become dark cloudy green like that?” Sungyeol leaned closer to Myungsoo’s face. “As I know it means jealousy. But I don’t quite understand what’s the meaning of jealous. Tell me, Myung-myung, what’s jealous?”
“I... I don’t know, I have to prepare my stuff for the photo session.” Myungsoo said as he walked away.
Sungyeol furrowed his brows cluelessly before looking down at the paper.
“Are you ready, Lee...?” a voice coming closer. Sungyeol looked up. "Lee Sungyeol imnida." as he threw a sweet smile.
"Ah, Lee Sungyeol. So you're the main model, right? We haven't officially know each other. I'm Matthew, your partner."
"Ne, we are work partner not work couple." Sungyeol grinned. Matthew laughed as he ruffled Sungyeol's hair. "You're so funny. I like it."
From distance, a pair of eyes were watching on them.
"Have you learned the script?"
Sungyeol smiles softly and nods.
“Yeah, I am trying to remember everything”
“Oh, don't worry.” and when he says that, he actually puts his hands on Sungyeol's forearm, to reassure him. That's enough to make Myungsoo growl. His heart is clenching. Luckily, no one notices him.
“If something goes wrong, we will repeat the scene, it's easy.” Matthew assured.
Myungsoo rolls his eyes. He should go to prepare the lighting and layout before the shooting begin but he can't move. He won't move. Not until that Matthew take those giant paws off of Sungyeol.
Myungsoo crosses his arms on his chest, waiting. Looking at them in silence. Matthew is taller than him and broader and he's a grown-up man. But what a difference. He tries to flex the muscles of his arms to show off. Ah, that Matthew could be a man but he hasn't Myungsoo's body. Sungyeol loves Myungsoo's body. Sungyeol loves Myungsoo.
‘Don't touch him. Just don't. Step away. Now.’ Myungsoo’s inner thought screams.
The thing is that Myungsoo knows how precious and hot and wanted Sungyeol is in anyway, whenever someone talks with him, he's like a magnet, everyone is charmed by his presence and his icy angel eyes and his flirty way of touching people and his innocence. Well, it's what got him at first anyway. Sungyeol is a tease with anyone, even if he's not interested, and by the time Myungsoo finds it difficult to deal with all the attention the angel draws on himself.
“It's an act, Myung, it's not that he wants to do it...” Myungsoo simply says to himself, focusing on his camera stuff once again. Myungsoo huffs for a second but he stays quiet.
“Oh yeah, I did.” Sungyeol laughs, shyly. Myungsoo could die because he's too cute for this world when he does that sweet smile thing.
“Have you ever studied drama?”
“No, this is my very first time and my first job.”
“Well, don’t worry, just do your best and I’m here to help you.” Matthew winks. Again he touches his shoulder, squeezing it even. Myungsoo breathes loudly.
Sungyeol smiles and nods. Myungsoo doesn't miss the way Matthew looks at Sungyeol when he says, “Thank you very much, Matt.”
‘Aish, his eyes are full of lust. Seems he wants to eat Sungyeol.'
“Guyyyyyyssss! Let's gooo!” the voice of the director interrupts the conversation and Matthew does a gesture with his hand towards Sungyeol before start walking.
“Okay Yeol, ready???”
Sungyeol looks at the paper before nodding. “Yes, ready.” he is about to follow Matthew to the set for his part when he feels Myungsoo's hand on his wrist.
"Yeol, don't get too close with that guy."
"Waeo, Myung-myung? He is my partner in this job. He is so kind to me, he taught me about acting." Sungyeol said with a smile.
"Do you remember what I said about partner and couple?"
Sungyeol rolled his eyes, thinking. "Partner is for work and couple is for lover."
"What else?"
"About what we can do with couple and can't do with partner."
"Good. Don't forget about that. Matthew is your partner. Partner. Arasso?" Myungsoo emphasised the partner word.
"Ne, ne."
“Lee Sungyeol!! Come on! We're about to start!!”
Sungyeol nods and turns once again to Myungsoo.
“I remember everything, Myung-myung. Don't worry. Look, your aura is more green than before. I don't know what's jealous actually but looks like your jealous is getting worse." Sungyeol said worriedly.
"I..I'm not jealous. You're wrong. I just didn't want someone abuse you. That's it."
"Woah, You're really my hero, Myung-myung. Gumawo." Sungyeol was about to hug Myungsoo when the director calls him again.
"I'm comiiingg." Sungyeol said as he quickly turned away from Myungsoo.
Myungsoo stunned there, his eyes landing on Matthew who's currently watch them from his spot in front of the cameras.
Sungyeol takes his place next to Matthew for their skit, Myungsoo walks towards the filming area to stand next to the camera and the lights, preparing to shoot. God, if he could, he would sit and admire Sungyeol and everything he does and says all the time. He would do anything only if that man stops touching Sungyeol.
“..yung...Hyung.” Daehyun is shaking Myungsoo by his arm when the photographer snaps out of his thoughts and looks at him.
“What????” he groans.
“Why are you so interested in Sungyeol's skit. I mean it's – oohhh.”
There they go. Daehyun turns his head towards Sungyeol in the very moment he sees that funny actor touching him.
Myungsoo has wide eyes and following the whole scene with a never-before-seen concentration. Sungyeol is still, in a corner, with the camera in front of him, he's acting all shy and faux-sad, he has to confess the actor that he's tired while Matthew slides his hand on Sungyeol's cheek and neck.
"Oh, my gosh, that actor touched my Yeollie. Hyung, look. Oh, gosh." Daehyun squished Myungsoo's arm.
Myungsoo's stomach suddenly hurts. A strong tug in the middle of it. Maybe more like a knot. He starts squirming, clenching his camera tightly when the director shouts to repeat the scene again and Matthew caresses Sungyeol as the script says, Myungsoo tries not to go up in flames. He just can't look at them. Matthew's hand on Sungyeol's body and can't he not touch him, please?
"Hey, Mr. Photographer, what are you looking at? We don't hire you to just standing there and watching. Do your job while the other was filming." The director shouts at Myungsoo, taking Myungsoo's sanity back for a little.
Of course, this doesn't stop him from replaying the scene of Matthew his angel's neck in front of his eyes.
Holding on his anger and jealousy, Myungsoo then starts his job, taking their photo scene per scene. Sungyeol is now shooting the last scene, where Matthew, the fake fotographer asks him, “What do you smell when you think of 'Infinity' fragrance?”

Sungyeol acknowledges Myungsoo's presence in the room and meets his eyes in front of him. It looks like he's looking at Matthew but for a second he doesn't. Myungsoo doesn't miss the way Matthew leans on him. Myungsoo is getting annoyed. He already is, probably. Myungsoo was ready to complain with the director (he would never, maybe just in his head) he heard Sungyeol's voice and his worlds stops.

Sungyeol pulls his sweetest face to answer with a simple word. "Love."
Myungsoo's heart beats faster because of the way Sungyeol said it. Myungsoo stays still, heart still heavy in his chest, butterflies in his stomach. Everything would be perfect if Myungsoo wasn't see Matthew touches Sungyeol's shoulder. His hand doesn't leave Sungyeol and when he's not touching him, he's all up in his space and Myungsoo swears he saw him smell Sungyeol. Incredible. He's about to complain with the director for real this time, out loud, when the scene is cut.
“Great! Well done." The director shouts.
"You do a good job, buddy." Matthew whispers to Sungyeol before grabs him by his wrist. Myungsoo widened his eyes at his action, clenching his fist and decided to walk away.
“You are too good for a newbie, Lee Sungyeol. Everything was just perfect." the director praises.
"Gumawo, Sir." Sungyeol smiled widely.
"Yongguk-ssi is never failed to recommend me a good talent. Okay, enough for today, but remember Lee Sungyeol, we are going to do another shoot. Don't be late."
"Ne, noted, Sir." Sungyeol bowed.
The director smiles then leaves them.
"Hm, it's so rare to see our director praising someone. Looks like, he's so satisfy with you, Yeol." Matthew said.
"Really? Woah, I'm so happy. I was afraid that I can't do anything." Sungyeol said excitedly.
"Like I said, just believe in yourself coz you're perfect just the way you are." Matthew winked at him. Sungyeol grinned widely at him before ran his gaze to find Myungsoo.
"I think I should go now, Myung-myung is waiting for me."
"Myung-myung?" Matthew raises his brows.
"Ne, we are couple. See you tomorrow, Matt. Bye, bye." Sungyeol waved and left him. He then approaching Myungsoo who was packing his stuff.
"Myung-myung, how's my first job? The director said I did well." Sungyeol said cheerfully but Myungsoo just ignored him, busy with his camera.
"Myung... Did you take my photo? How does it like? May I see it?"
"I don't know." Myungsoo said coldly as he walked out.
"Myung, wait for me."

"Just sit here, Hobin-ah, imo will make warm milk for you." Bora smiles and walks toward the kitchen.
Hoya sat there, glancing around. 'She must be so lonely all this time.'
"Hey, buddy, how it feel to see her again?" a voice was rang.
"Ya, Nam Woohyun. How dare you leaving me alone." Hoya snaps angrily but trying to control his voice so Bora couldn't hear him.
"Sorry, Hoya, but I can't break the rule. I only could help you this far. And now, it depends on you to survive there."
"What you said is I'm also the part of this destiny?"
"You can say like that. Sorry, I can't tell you more. But I promise I will always guide you from here. Don't worry."
"Ridiculous, I'm also an angel. An archangel for heaven's sake. Don't involve me with this destiny game." Hoya grunted.
"Wow, wow, take it easy. Your destiny hasn't ended yet, buddy. That's why you have to finish what you left behind before you go back to heaven."
"If you want me to finish what I've left behind, why did you turn me into a kid? Why didn't you let me stay in my angel form. It's much more easier to me to meet her."
"Sorry, you can't. We have to keep everything on its place. Everything has to happen naturally."
"Hobin-ah, here your milk." Bora called out as she came with a glass of milk on her hand.
"Good luck, buddy. I was watching you." Woohyun's voice disappears.
"Gumawo, imo." Hoya smiles his child like smile, taking the glass from Bora. He then gulps it in one go.
"It's soooo delicious." Hoya said after finished drinking his milk.
"Aigoo, look, you have moustache because of the milk." Bora chuckled as she wiped Hoya's mouth with her finger.
Hoya blushed slightly.
"Hobin-ah, do you really not know where's your parents?" Bora's voice took Hoya back from his dream.
Hoya shooks his head.
"Your parents must be so worried about you right now."
"I don't have anybody. I want to live here." Hoya said, put on his innocent mask.
"I'd love too but I can't do that. We have to find your family."
"No, I don't want. I don't have anybody. I only want to be here with you." Hoya insisted as he started to cry.
"Okay, okay, I will let you to stay here. But promise me if your family comes to find you, you have to go back."
'No one will find me afterall.' Hoya nods eagerly. Bora sighed. "You're really a stubborn kid."
Hoya grinned cutely at her, making Bora smiles back and pinches his cheek. "Your cuteness is really my biggest threat, young master."
Hoya could feel his heartbeat increasing once again at her smile.
"Come on, Hobin, I will show you your room." Bora got up as she stretched out her hand.
"Yeay, gumawo, imo!" Hoya cheered childishly, grabbing Bora's hand. Bora chuckled at his cuteness as their made their way upstairs.
'You look beautiful with that smile, my Bora.' Hoya looked up as he following her happily.
They then stop in front of a room.
"This is your room, Hobin-ah. Wanna see it?" Bora looked down. Hoya nodded eagerly. Bora smiles and opens the door slowly. The room was dominated with sky blue color. There's a baby box on the left side and a batman bed nearby the baby box. And also a colorful drawer on the right side.
"Here is your room, Hobin-ah. And that's your bed." Bora pointed to the batman single bed in front of them.
"Imo, why there's a baby box here? Do you have a baby?"
Bora smiles. "I had a baby but he is away from me right now. I prepare that baby box for him so when he came back, he can sleep on that. But he has not been coming back for  several years and he must be keep growing. So I prepare that batman bed for him. But he still hasn't came back yet." her last words sounded weak and sad.
A sharp pain stabs Hoya's heart. He looks up sadly. 'I'm sorry for making you like this, my love.'
"Hobin-ah, you can find your clothes here." Bora said as she walked towards the drawer. "Each drawer has different clothes. I set them by the year. The first drawer was for my one year baby. So you can choose the sixth drawer." Bora smiled, opening the sixth drawer. "Let see which clothes that suit you."
Hoya's heart was broke into pieces. He never thought that Bora would become like this. He had erased her memories but her strong mother feeling slowly took those memories back to her.
He tried to control his feeling and speaks. "Where's your baby now, imo?"
Hoya's question makes Bora stops her action. "I don't know. I even didn't clearly remember about them. But those blurry memories were strong enough to tell me that I had family, my son and husband." Bora said, her eyes were far away. Hoya looked at her in pain. He never thought that what he had done giving a huge damage on her life.
'Was this what Woohyun meant, to fix the damage that I had caused.' Hoya thought, eyes staring deeply at Bora.
"Aigoo, ya, little kid. You make me saying nonsense that you even didn't understand. Come here, dear. Pick your clothes and clean yourself. Imo is going to make dinner. Tell me, what do you want to eat?"
"Scramble eggs with peperroni and cheese." Hoya quickly answers. That's the first human food that he ate when he was on earth. And Bora was the one who gave him that food. 'I really miss your cooking, my lovely wife.'
'Why did I feel familiar with that?' Bora thought.
"What's wrong, imo?" Hoya asked.
"Ah, nothing. Okay, imo will make it for you." Bora smiles and walks to the door.
'I will fix what I had ruined, Bora. Just give me time.' Hoya thought, looking at Bora who had walked away.


"Myung-myung, why are you so angry all of a sudden?" Sungyeol's voice wavered through the bathroom door that the grumbling raven haired man had just slammed angrily. Myungsoo rubbed a hand down his face and tried his very hardest not to think about what he'd just experienced, finding distraction in anything else, he turning on the taps to wash his face. Sungyeol's voice rose again, this time much clearer as Myungsoo towel dried his face. He whirled around just in time to come face to face with the clueless angel. At just about three inches apart, Sungyeol repeated his previous question. Myungsoo sighed and pushed past him back to the bed.
"Yeol, there are some things I just didn't ever want to know." He muttered, taking a seat on the bed and proceeding to clean his precious camera. Sungyeol's face creased into a bemused frown.
"But you're weird since we came back. You ignored me and you know, your aura is getting dark green and red and complicated color. What happened to you actually?" He began, causing Myungsoo to look up at him sharply. "It's nothing."
"You kept saying nothing but your action was the opposite, Myung." Sungyeol stated his voice staying on a monotone level where most other's may have risen in exasperation.
"You want to know what had happened? Just ask yourself. How did you ask me what had happened that casually." Myungsoo yelled, putting his camera back to its place madly as his voice level increased in gruffness and volume.
The angel furrows his brow in confusion, his dark brown hair flopping over his forehead. He really didn't get what was Myungsoo talking about. Myungsoo looked so infuriated and it makes Sungyeol getting more confuse.
The angel took three long steps forward and sits beside Myungsoo. Myungsoo eased back eyeing Sungyeol warily.
"What are you talking about actually, Myung-myung? Did I do something wrong?"
"Yeah, extremely wrong."
"But.. But what did I do?"
"Just ask yourself. I don't want to talk to you anymore." Myungsoo said, grabs his camera, getting  up from the bed.
Sungyeol pursed his lips, sniffs a bit, nearly to cry.
"Waaaa... Myung-myung hates me, Myung-myung ignores me, Myung-myung doesn't love me anymore." Sungyeol burst out.
"Ya, ya, Don't cry, the one that has to cry is me. Stop it."
"Y.. You are going to leave me. Myung-myung is going to throw me away. Waaa..." Sungyeol's cries getting loud.
"Stop. You're wrong. I didn't say that I hate you and didn't want you. I just.... Jealous." The last word was barely heard almost like a whisper.
"What is jealous? You even didn't tell me what does it mean. Did I do jealous wrong to you?" Sungyeol sniffs.
"Don't try to say anything if you didn't know the meaning. Jealous is when you see your close person get close to another person."
"Does it bad?" Sungyeol wipes his tears.
"Of course, you make me feel bad. My whole body was tensed up and hurt. And it's because of you. I hate when you're get close to another man except me. I hate when someone touches you. I hate it when you're smiling so friendly to them. My heart is hurt to see it."
"No, jealous is so bad. I make Myung-myung jealous, so it means I was hurting Myung-myung. This is bad. I don't want to be a bad person. I'm an angel." Sungyeol said in panic. His cries suddenly turn down.
'He looks guilty. This is good.' Myungsoo smirks.
"Yeah, it's so bad, Yeol. It's not good at all." Myungsoo said in drama king mode, clutching his hand in front of his chest.
"No, no, I'm not bad. What should I do to fix it? I don't want to be bad. I'm a good angel." Sungyeol looks panic, his tears that had gone suddenly b again.
Myungsoo smirks again before speaks. "Promise me that you won't get close to another man except me. And you won't let anyone to touch you except me."
"Is that mean that I will be back to be a good person again?"
"Of course. If you can do that then my jealous will be gone and you will turn back to be a good angel again."
"Really? Okay, okay, I will do that. I will do what Myung-myung had said. I won't let anybody to touch me except Myung-myung. I won't get close to anyone except Myung-myung." Sungyeol said with serious face.
"Um, I promise." Sungyeol nods eagerly.
Myungsoo tried to hold back his laughter. This angel is too cute to handle.
"Okay, I forgive you now."
"Are you okay now, Myung-myung? Did your jealous is gone now?" Sungyeol asked innocently, leaning closer until their faces were only a mere inches.
"Y..yes.. Much better." Myungsoo blushed.
"I'm so relieve to hear that." Sungyeol smiles victoriously.
'He looks so innocent.' Myungsoo smiles slightly before speaks. "I love you, Yeol." with that he closes their gap with his lips pressing on Sungyeol's. Sungyeol stunned there for a while before opens it slightly which make Myungsoo's tongue skillfully slides in. He slowly turns their kiss into the passionate kiss. But suddenly Myungsoo pulled back from the kiss and clutches his chest.
"What's wrong, Myung-myung? Are you hurt?" Sungyeol asked in panic.
"My.. My heart is hurt." Myungsoo said, seems in deep pain.
"You look so painful. Your aura is pale. Looks like your jealous hasn't gone yet." "I..I'm okay, Yeol." Myungsoo said weakly.
Sungyeol shooks his head in guilty. "No, this is my fault."
Sungyeol then hugs Myungsoo and slowly his body is glowing.
'I feel warm.' Myungsoo thought as the glow is getting bright. A moment later, Sungyeol releases the hug.
"My pain is gone." Myungsoo said in surprise as he looked at Sungyeol. "What did you do to me, Yeol?"
"I'm so happy that you feel better, Myung." Sungyeol smiles but then feels dizzy. Fortunately, Myungsoo caught him in time. "Yeol, what's wrong?"
"I'm so tired, Myung-myung." Sungyeol said. He looks exhausted.
"Was this because of me? Because you helped me before?"
"I'm okay, Myung-myung. I just feel exhausted because of my first job." Sungyeol lied.
"But your body was glowing before." worry look was still on his face.
"I'm okay, that's often happen whenever I'm panic. Don't worry." Sungyeol smiles.
"If it's like that, you better take a rest, Yeol. You still need to gain your power. Don't force yourself too much."
"Ne, I will take care of myself, Myung-myung." Myungsoo smiles.
"Now, it's time to sleep."
"No, I don't want to." Sungyeol pouts cutely.
"You have to. If someone is tired so they have to sleep."
"But I don't know how."
"Just lay down." Myungsoo instructed as he laid Sungyeol on the bed.
"Now, close your eyes." Sungyeol laid there, slowly closes his eyes but then instantly opens it again.
"What's wrong?"
"Promise me, Myung-myung won't go anywhere."
Myungsoo smiles. "I promise."
Sungyeol smiles back and closes his eyes again.
"You're so naive, angel. Your kindness will become your biggest threat." a voice mumbled from distance, watching at the scene before him.

"I think I know now what's that death angel wants? But I can't tell Hoya about this. I can't break the cycle. It would change the destiny. Now, it depends on their love. Aish, why is this matter could slip from my vision? And it's really annoying that all I could do is just sitting here and watch." Woohyun groaned in frustation as he ruffled his hair desperately.
But a moment later Woohyun snapped as he clasped his hands together. "Ah, I have an idea. But I have to ask Father for his permission. Hope He will give allow me." Woohyun grinned as he got up from his place and headed out.

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TEENTOP10031996 #2
Chapter 16: I think Myung's gonna die but noooo hope for the best and jonghyun of which group
Chapter 16: Myungyeol relationship was so so so so freaking cute I can't get enough of them~ Yeollie is such a cutie even a death angel can fall for him lol but sorry Jonghyun, I'll bet on my cats that Myungsoo will never let you take away his Yeollie kkkkkk. Myungsoo's illness scares me, what if he dies? What will happen to my Yeollie? oh wait, Yeollie live in heaven, so if myungsoo dies, he'll go to heaven and live a happy life with Yeollie there ^^ no wait, what if he meet his dead fiance in heaven? Will he go back to her?! uhh, sorry, I suddenly got too emotional please ignore my rant hehehehehehehehe. I really love woogyu's friendship, they're so silly together! Oohhhh, will Sunggyu have his own forbidden love story? Even Woohyun approved it XD

Can't wait to read the next chapter, I guess Sungyeol will meet Hobin? but poor baby doesn't know that he's actually his father hahahahah. Fighting on the next chapter Unnie~ I'm off to find your fb and bug you there heheheh (eh, we have mutuals?! lol)
Chapter 16: Omg, even death angel loves sungyeol haha so cute. And I hope myungsoo will be fine T^T
khasabat #6
Chapter 16: What happen with hoya?
Oh! I will wait to next chap!
loveforsin #7
Chapter 16: hoah.. sungyeol bring love and happiness for everyone include death angel,, such a lovely angle..
hope myung will be fine..
loveforsin #8
Chapter 16: hoah.. sungyeol bring love and happiness for everyone include death angel,, such a lovely angle..
hope myung will be fine..
khasabat #9
Chapter 15: How terible they are-
Please give hoya meet yeolie
#please update
TEENTOP10031996 #10
Chapter 15: please update