What is Fate?

Fallen Angel

"I can't. It breaks heaven's rule. I can't do that. Father will be so mad with me."

"But I safe you. This is how you thank me? An angel is a holy person and you had promised me that you will grant my wish."

"Yes, I did. But not to raise dead people. Myung, heaven, earth and hell, their have their own rule. We can't broke that rule. When someone is alive, they obey with the rule on earth, once they are dead, the guardian angel of heaven will review their sin and goodness. If their sin is larger than their goodness, they will be sent to hell but if their goodness is larger than their sin, they will be reborn in this world and for the chosen holy soul, they will be trained to be a guardian angel and do the heavenly task." Sungyeol explained.

"I'm sure that my Jin will be sent to heaven. She is a good girl. The best girl that I ever met."

"We can't make sure that someone surely go to heaven. It depends on their karma. Karma is a cycle which not only involving this life time but also past and future time. Our present life is depend on what we had done in the past. And what we do now will be affecting our future. If your girlfriend has a good karma in her past life, his present life will be good but if she ruined her present life, she will get a bad karma in her future."

"Arrghh, too complicated. I don't care about karma or anything. I just want my Jin back."

"Sorry I can't help you, Myung." Sungyeol looked at him with a sad look.

"At least please take her to me just for a while.."

"I can't either. Each soul that had left this world after 49 days, their soul was forbidden to enter human's world. Their memories will be remove. Just let her go, Myung. She will be sad if she saw you like this. Your fate was already end."

"Stupid angel. It's useless to safe you.  I better let you die outside there. You're a useless angel. Just go away then." Myungsoo snapped angrily at Sungyeol, making the tall angel gasped in surprise.

"I just tell you the truth. You can ask everything to me but fate, death, and reincarnation, that's out of my control."

"I don't want anything, I just want my Jin. I want her." Myungsoo said bitterly.

"Myung, everything happen for a reason. God will never give you trial more than your capability."

"Shut up, if God love me, why He took away the most important person in my life. I hate you all."

"Ya, Kim Myungsoo, don't say bad thing about God. Aplogize now."

"I just say the truth. You think I will scare of you just because you're an angel, never." Myungsoo assaulted.

Sungyeol glared at him angrily.

"Kyaaaaaaaa.... Apologize Nowwwww... You're bad people. Apologizeeeee..." Sungyeol cried out loud. His voice even could raise the dead. Myungsoo covered his ears irritatingly.

"Y..ya... S..stoopp it."

"I wannttttt goooo hooommeeee... Daaaaddddddd... Human is baddddd." Sungyeol kept crying.

"Stoppp it you giant crybaby. Wouldn't you be ashame to cry like that? No wonder heaven threw you away. No one needs a useless angel like you." Myungsoo said sarcastically.

"Waaaaaa... No one dare to insult me. Waaaaaa... I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." Sungyeol yelled as he hit Myungsoo's head quite hard, and stormed out the room.

"Just go away. I don't care at all." Myungsoo said coldly as he rubbed his head.




"WHAAATTT...?!!!! You let my son go to earth by himself???!!! How dare you?" Hoya snapped at Sunggyu. Sunggyu down his head in fear.

"Forgive me, Hoya-ssi. I just couldn't bear to see him beg me like that. But don't worry, he will be back in an hour. I gave him a map to heaven's gate and a gps bracelet so we can trace him wherever he go. Just don't worry."

"It's useless, since long time ago, God has cut the access for angel to go to earth. So, if you still force to go there, you will lose all you heavenly power except if you have an important mission on earth. And you can only come back to heaven until your mission is done."

"B..but didn't an angel can come back whenever the heaven's gate is open?"

"Yes, as long as they don't expose themselves to human. If they do that, they never be able to enter heaven. Human world is dangerous. Furthermore, he never been there before. How if he meets bad people. How if he get lost. He is clumsy and crybaby. He can't do anything without me. Oh, my, this is the horrible thing that I’m afraid of.” Hoya sighed deeply.

"I..I'm s..sorry, Hoya-ssi, I never thought that thing would turn like this." Sunggyu stuttered, extremely guilty.

"No, this is my fault, Gyu. If I didn't do something wrong. If I didn't break the heaven's rule, this wouldn't be happen." Hoya said weakly as he held his head in desperation.

“Don’t worry, buddy. He will be fine down there.” Hoya turned around.

“How could you said that, Woohyun-ah. My son is alone down there. And if Father knows, He will be so mad."

Woohyun smiled meaningfully. “He won’t if it’s written on Sungyeol’s fate.”

Hoya raised his eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Like father like son. Did you forget what had happened several years ago?”

Hoya widened his eyes in shock. “Don’t say that...” he trailed off.

Woohyun smirked as he nodded at him.

"He has a mission. A mission that could change his life."

Hoya looked at him with pale face.




“Hey, what’s wrong with you, buddy?” Daehyun looked at Myungsoo who was packing his photography things. They had just finished the photography session with the models.

“Nothing.” Myungsoo muttered without turned to him.

“Nah, but your face looks like you want to eat someone. What’s wrong? Tell me.”

“I’m fine. It's just someone pissed me off." Myungsoo mumbled annoyingly.

"That person must be so unlucky, have to deal with an ice prince like you." Daehyun said plainly which got a dead glare from Myungsoo. Daehyun grinned as he raised a peace sign to Myungsoo.

"Quickly pack your thing, we gotta go now."

When they are packing their things, suddenly Myungsoo stopped and turned to Daehyun. "Daehyun-ah, do you believe in angel?"

"Eh? Angel? Of course. A hot beauty chick is always be an angel for me." Daehyun grinned which got another dead glare from Myungsoo.

"Ya, you moron. I mean the real angel from heaven."

"Aw, don't say you're like a little girl who still believe in fairytale." Daehyun teased.

"Stop teasing me before I kick your ." Myungsoo said coldly.

"Take it easy, buddy. Why are you suddenly mention about angel?"

'I can't tell him about that angel. He wouldn't believe me.' Myungsoo thought. "I dream about an angel came to my house last night."

"Haha, that's mean you will meet your soulmate soon. Congratz, Mr. Kim Myungsoo."

Myungsoo sighed. "It's useless to talk with you."

Myungsoo walked away but then stopped when he heard someone calls him.

"Myungsoo oppa, wait." Myungsoo turned around.

"Ne, Dasom-ssi." Myungsoo said plainly.

"Oppa, are you free tonight? I have a birthday party in Eden Club and I hope you could attend.” Dasom said a bit nervously. She gave her sweetest smile to Myungsoo. It was became a public secret that Dasom had a big crush on Myungsoo. But Myungsoo never give his response, and this time is the same.

“I’m sorry, Dasom-ssi. I have another job to do.  Maybe next time. “ Myungsoo said with a slight smile. Dasom’s smile instantly fade away at the answer. This is the umpteenth time Myungsoo has rejected her.

“Ow, but my party is going until late so you can join whenever you had finished with your job.” Dasom didn’t give up.

“Sorry, Dasom-ssi. I’m not interested with party or crowded place. You can ask Daehyun to join. He is a partyholic.” Myungsoo said as he gave Daehyun sign.

“Ah, Dasom-ssi. I have a free time, I will glad if you want to invite me.” Daehyun grinned to Dasom. Dasom groused a bit but tried to flash a smile. “Of course, Daehyun-ssi, you can join my party.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Dasom-ssi. It's my pleasure to go to your party." Daehyun smiled widely. Dasom forced a smile to him but her eyes never left Myungsoo.

"Myungsoo oppa, I will be waiting for you if you change your mind."

"I'm afraid that I wouldn't. Just have fun and happy birthday." Myungsoo smiled then left them.




Sungyeol walked alone among the crowded Seoul street. He is crying. He never thought that his vacation will turn to a nightmare. His excitement to go to earth was slowly fade away. What he wish right now is to fly back to heaven. But his wing was still injured. He keeps his wings underneath his shirt so he doesn’t catch much attention.

"I have to call Sunggyu hyung. He must be has a way." Sungyeol mumbled as he took his bracelet and pushed some button but nothing is happen, he tried again but still nothing happened.

“What’s wrong this? Why I can’t use it?” Sungyeol mumbled to himself. He then try to send a telepathy but failed.

"Why I can't use my power?"

He snapped his finger and pointed to a dumpster nearby him but nothing happened.

"Why I can't use my power?" He feels strange. He took out his map from his pocket, but it’s blank.

“Waeo? Why did the map disappear? What happen?” Sungyeol started to panic.

He looks around him anxiously. He is totally lost right. Without anybody, without his friends, and especially without his father. He doesn’t know where to go right now. Tears slowly down his face once more. If only he listened to his father, if he wasn’t stubborn, maybe this thing would never happen. But it’s too late to regret anything. Sungyeol wrapped his body with both hands. He was trembling, from sad and fear. He was walking aimlessly around the street. He looked around him cluelessly. This world is totally strange. Without his realize, he was crossing the street when a car suddenly drove towards him in speed.

“Watch outtt....” A woman ran towards Sungyeol and pushed him away. They landed on the sidewalk.

"Hey, are you blind?" the driver yelled angrily then drove away.

"Are you okay, son?" that woman asked in concern as she helped Sungyeol to get up. Sungyeol looked at her blankly.

"Are you hurt?" The woman looked at Sungyeol with worry look. "Did you feel dizzy or something?"

"I...I'm okay." Sungyeol answered softly.

"Oh, thanks God. Young man, be careful when you across the road. It's dangerous." the woman said softly. She looks around 25 with a hair that tied into a bun and dark brown eyes. Sungyeol stunned on his place as he was looking at that woman without words. Her face was distracted him.

"Young man, young man. Hey, are you okay?" the woman asked as she waved her hand in front of Sungyeol, taken her back from his thoughts.

"I..I'm fine." Sungyeol blushed a little as he tried to get up from her but then he let out an ouch.

"What happen?"

"Looks like I sprain my leg." Sungyeol said painfully.

"You can walk? Where do you live, son?" the woman asked.

"I live so far away." Sungyeol answered sadly.

"Are you from Busan?" Sungyeol shooks his head.

"Gyeonggi?” Sungyeol shooks his head again.

“Jeonju?” Sungyeol kept shook his head. “I don’t know the place around here.”

'Maybe he get lost.’

“Do you have family?” Sungyeol nodded.

“But they are in heaven.”

‘Is his parents dies? Strange kid but he doesn’t look like a bad guy.’ The woman thought as she scanned on Sungyeol.

“Do you know your name, son?” Sungyeol nodded shyly.”My name is Lee Sungyeol.”

The woman smiled. “My name is Bora. You can call me Imo.”

Sungyeol raised his brow. “But, as I know, Imo is for an old lady, but you look not old.”

Bora chuckled. “Don’t be fooled by my face. Believe it or not, I’m nearly on my 45. How old are you?”

“2.500 years old.” Bora laughed out loud.

“You have a good sense of humor, son.” Bora said between her laugh. Sungyeol tilted his head in confusion. “Why are you laughing, Imo? I didn’t make any joke.”

“Okay, okay, I trust you. Come on, I’ll take you to my home and help you to treat your leg. My house is not far from here.” Bora said as she help Sungyeol to walk.

“Gumawo, Imo.”



Myungsoo drove his car in speed. His mind suddenly flashing on the tall angel that he saw this morning. Does he really an angel? Where is he now? Back to heaven? How’s his wound? How he go to heaven? Flying? Doing some magic?

Myungsoo shooks his head. ‘Why this matter so bothering me? I don’t care. I don’t believe in angel or some kind like that.’ Myungsoo reminded himself.

He glances at his watch. It’s five o’clock.

“Crap, I forget my promise. Hope, I will be arrive on time or else she will yell at me.” Myungsoo mumbled as he speed up his car to Le’Ciel Art Gallery.

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TEENTOP10031996 #2
Chapter 16: I think Myung's gonna die but noooo hope for the best and jonghyun of which group
Chapter 16: Myungyeol relationship was so so so so freaking cute I can't get enough of them~ Yeollie is such a cutie even a death angel can fall for him lol but sorry Jonghyun, I'll bet on my cats that Myungsoo will never let you take away his Yeollie kkkkkk. Myungsoo's illness scares me, what if he dies? What will happen to my Yeollie? oh wait, Yeollie live in heaven, so if myungsoo dies, he'll go to heaven and live a happy life with Yeollie there ^^ no wait, what if he meet his dead fiance in heaven? Will he go back to her?! uhh, sorry, I suddenly got too emotional please ignore my rant hehehehehehehehe. I really love woogyu's friendship, they're so silly together! Oohhhh, will Sunggyu have his own forbidden love story? Even Woohyun approved it XD

Can't wait to read the next chapter, I guess Sungyeol will meet Hobin? but poor baby doesn't know that he's actually his father hahahahah. Fighting on the next chapter Unnie~ I'm off to find your fb and bug you there heheheh (eh, we have mutuals?! lol)
Chapter 16: Omg, even death angel loves sungyeol haha so cute. And I hope myungsoo will be fine T^T
khasabat #6
Chapter 16: What happen with hoya?
Oh! I will wait to next chap!
loveforsin #7
Chapter 16: hoah.. sungyeol bring love and happiness for everyone include death angel,, such a lovely angle..
hope myung will be fine..
loveforsin #8
Chapter 16: hoah.. sungyeol bring love and happiness for everyone include death angel,, such a lovely angle..
hope myung will be fine..
khasabat #9
Chapter 15: How terible they are-
Please give hoya meet yeolie
#please update
TEENTOP10031996 #10
Chapter 15: please update