~Two Flavours~

Heart Torn In Two

You got an invitation from Yoseob for a house warming party but when you got there it wasn’t really it was more of a teenager’s party. With alcohol and crazy teens everywhere you look, you spotted Yoseob playing spin the bottle in the corner as he caught your eyes you walked to him sitting down beside him the bottle somehow immediately lands on you as you didn’t know what was going on, Yoseob clasped your hand pulling you close to his body. He was wearing a plain oversized tee with black skinnies with his gorgeous blonde hair spiked to perfection. He whispered into your ear follow my lead. As his lips pushed down on top of yours as you heard oohs and ahhs from the people around you, Yoseob put his hand on your waist as you could feel him wanting more as your heartbeat increased you put your arm around his neck but as you did he pulled away.


You moved away from him embarrassed as the thought of other people seeing what happened. You got up quickly before he could catch you and make you tremble at the sight of his large eyes. You looked around for somewhere to sit down as you noticed a small corner near the drinks. You sat down in a huff as someone touched your right shoulder making you slightly jump as warm hands caught you before you fell of the chair you turned around to see a dashing smile it was your next door neighbour Dongho. Dongho was a very intelligent boy and for as long as you could remember he had lived next door to you always helping you in times of need, he was a close friend of yours but the both of you always seem to flirt with each other in a playful unattached way that made you feel comfortable in his presence.

‘You got invited to I see? Finally I have someone normal to talk to’ He told you with a charming smile as he rolled his eyes at a girl in mini shorts nod her head at him. You chuckled at how someone this good-looking has never had a girlfriend before but is always getting checked out by pretty girls.

‘Oh I’m far from normal my friend, I see lots of pretty girls why don’t you go talk with them?’ As another girl with tons of make-up winked at Dongho. He politely smiled but continued to look your way.

‘I see well if you’re not normal what does that make me? Anyway I don’t need them when I got a gorgeous girl right here. I see you played make out with prince charming over there.’

You followed his eyes to a laughing Yoseob hanging out with some girls conversed in a conversation. Yoseob turned his head to see you staring at him as he was completely unaware of your jealous at the moment as he waved at you but then he caught sight of Dongho turning his smile he looked at back to one of the girls tugging at his arm.

‘Uh-oh I think I got you in trouble with the prince.’

Dongho said as he lightly punched your arm as you were still staring at Yoseob who now is completely ignoring you.

‘Don’t worry about him, he doesn’t own me come on let’s get out of here.’

You tugged at his shirt pulling him outside to the cool night’s air. You walked with Dongho and felt safe in his presence as you guys walked past an ice-cream store your eyes gleamed at the sight of choc-chip ice cream. He saw your eyes as he pulled you inside the store, he ordered your favourite ice-cream and got your other favourite chocolate swirls.

‘I already know only chocolate’ as he smiled at you revealing his cute dimples. The ice-cream arrived as you went outside with your cone of Choc-Chip Ice-cream as your hand hit his you accidently caused him to drop his ice-cream and you already walked away from the store. You apologised to him as he just stood there laughing and in seconds the both of you were in the middle of the street laughing about something you weren’t sure why. You gave him some of your ice-cream as you watched his tongue come out of his mouth your ice-cream as he slowly his lips making you drool. He gave you the ice-cream back and in turn it started to melt as the both of you attempted to eat the ice-cream as fast as you could. The ice-cream was everywhere as it melted over yours and Dongho’s hands you looked in his brown eyes and felt something you have never felt with Dongho before, something you were only starting to feel for Yoseob. Your heart paced as you noticed the only thing in between the both of you were a small scoop of ice-cream and also his hand was clasp over yours crushing the cone.  The ice-cream fell to the ground but in a rush you & Dongho didn’t realise as the scoop of ice-cream fell to the ground his lips lightly touched yours. In shock you dropped the cone as you closed your eyes he turned his head to lean in closer as you fell into his kiss. The moment was short and sweet as he walked you home after he kissed you still holding onto your now very sticky hand, he kissed you on the cheek once more before you parted ways but when he tried to let go of your hand the stickiness of the ice-cream refused to let go. As he laughed he pulled your hand to his lips as his tongue lightly the stickiness of the ice-cream the skin of your hand that his tongue sizzled after his touch making you lust for more.

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Chapter 13: Mmh... I wouldn't know who to choose... And even for the two weeks before reading this ff I was thinking which I prefer but if I was her I will pick Yoseob..
how cute! :D
I picked Yoseob
DAMNN >< Gahh I wouldn't know who to choose.