It's really a mystery mystery Why? KEKEKE

Heart Torn In Two

A beautiful spring afternoon during the school break and you receive a letter that says you are invited to the brand new club in Seoul for its grand opening. On the invitation it indicates that it will be a masquerade party and you already have the perfect things to wear…

Excitedly you run into your bedroom with the invitation in hand you open your wardrobe to see the soft white fabric of your jewel incrusted dress that slightly touches your knee.

You then quickly call your best friend (Alicia) and tell her to take you shopping for the mask…

Linking arms with your bestie you search around classy expensive shops until your feet ache but still can’t find anything for tonight and you give up hope after your bestie leaves to meet up with her boyfriend someone name Lee Jinki guess have to meet him soon enough ….

Plopping down on your bed you have given hope in finding the perfect mask to wear, the doorbell rings interrupting your thoughts running to the door no one is there until you look to the ground to find a small velvet grey box, you open the box to find a beautiful white feathered mask that just stops at the bridge of your nose (like the one Krystal wears in Juliette yes that is my inspiration lol) It matches your dress perfectly but there is nothing left inside the box but a sweet flowery scent..

Running inside for a shower, you then feel refreshed and quickly slipped into the dress the soft silk feels smooth on your warm wet skin you softly curl your dark black hair leaving it out and the finishing touch the white velvet mask completes your look.

You arrived at the club it is large and pumping with loud music and many limos and cars are already outside you hand your invitation to the security and are let in… The place is filled with many people dancing in colourful wild masks and is laughing having fun…

Walking around because you don’t know what to do you attempt to call your bestie that told you that she will be there as well but before you get a chance to dial a bunch of rowdy guys in animal masks bump into you causing you to drop the phone onto the dance floor and a quiet curse escapes your lips as you venture in to the dance floor.

Pushing and bumping into everyone else you spot your phone in an open space you head towards it , finally reaching the phone as your hand touches the phone another hand gets in the way and you touch their hand their warm hand clasps your own and you look up to see a boy staring into your eyes…. His eyes were large and a dark shade of brown he was wearing a plastic white mask that also only covers half his face and he had a cute dimple on the side of his cheek because he was smiling down at you… He had light blonde hair and had a side fringe that swept down covering some of his large eyes. He wore a black formal pants with a white buttoned up shirt but the top button of his shirt undone revealing some of his skin and a loose stripped black tie, he had an outfit that was perfectly matched with your own like a prince from a fairy tale his smile grew after seeing that you were still holding on to his hand embarrassed you immediately let go and he released your phone.

After realising the awkward silence the both of you a loud pumping dance song came on and he asked with that dimple of his DO YOU WANNA DANCE?? His voice was unexpected it was a sweet voice that still had a manly charm that made you blush when he asked with a nod of your head he grabbed your hand and linked fingers with you and your heart nearly skipped a beat but it was a quick dance song that you didn’t know how to dance to but then he did a body wave that made you nearly start spazzing in the middle of the dance floor and then you let go and let him lead you.

The whole night was filled with laughs, very hot body waves, flirtation and lots of skinship not that you are complaining. Then this guy came and pushed you down onto the dance floor and you saw that your ‘Mystery man’ got very pissed he picked you up from the ground and asked if you were okay before going over to the guy while holding tightly onto your hand…


The guy then replied I DON’T THINK SO


DRUNK GUYS; I care why??

And then ‘mystery guy’ goes straight up to that guy and stared deep into his eyes. His gaze was intense those eyes that five minutes ago were Happy and laughing are now staring deep into that guy’s soul and eventually that guy quivered underneath his gaze and bowed down and apologize.

You and ‘mystery guy’ left after that to a table to drink he was smiling again which made you feel light and safe with him… The midnight bell rang and you know what that means everyone takes off their masks… Slowly everyone was taking off their mask and your heart pounded hard against your chest in the thought that you will see his face and he will see yours. Slowly you lifted your hands to pull off your mask but out of nowhere your mother shows up and tells you that it’s midnight you need to go home and rest. So, she drags you away from him before you could even steal another glance at those big dark eyes….

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Chapter 13: Mmh... I wouldn't know who to choose... And even for the two weeks before reading this ff I was thinking which I prefer but if I was her I will pick Yoseob..
how cute! :D
I picked Yoseob
DAMNN >< Gahh I wouldn't know who to choose.