
My Gurdian Angel named Lee Jinki


They began shooting as you leapt in the air feeling loved at the thought they were playing to win for you. Everyone in the carnival started gathering behind you to watch the intense battle as both kept getting equal shots they both kept pouring out money as you felt really guilty until you heard a girl behind you whine to her boyfriend as he stepped up to the podium chucking his money at the greedy cashier earning death stares from both Woohyun & Jinki. All three battled it out as the girlfriend stuck her tongue out at you as you ignored her returning back to the battle. After another round it was the big shot as the greedy cashier pulled out the mega duck which was absolutely tiny and looked impossible to shot, he placed it far at the back of the store and said if one of them can get the duck they can get the prize but they only get one shot each. All three decided to shot at the same time.

‘Hwaiting JINKI & WOOHYUN OPPA SARANGHAE’ The word slipped out of your mouth before you could take it back as they both smiled at you then glared at each other making you let out a small smile as the guy demanded a cheer from his girlfriend as she just yelled at him and told him just to concentrate on winning her the bear a she turned back and sighed.

‘3, 2, 1 bbang’ The cashier shouted out as you heard three loud shouts as the duck fell to the ground as he looked at the poor duck that was now destroyed by the three shots. All three shots hit the duck as they all looked at each other in confusion when suddenly the girl whined as the guy talked to the cashier for two seconds and he immediately handed Winnie-The-Pooh to the annoying girl that you wanted to punch in the face.  

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WAAHH!!! CUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked it VERY MUCH! <br />
It was REALLY cute & intense! Kept my eyes glued to the screen the WHOLE ENTIRE STORY i couldn't stop reading it! >< I LOVE IT! haah okay i'll stop spazzing now hahah but great story! Keep writing!
NOOOOO! why did you end it already? It makes me sad, very sad .. T^T<br />
Anyway, thank you so much again for the story alicia-ssi .. I really appreciate it .. Kamsamnida! Hope I can read some of your great fanfics in the near future :)<br />
THANKS A LOT again! -hugs- ♥ :)
NUUUUU It's done......<br />
Happy ending, though.<br />
loved it! <br />
I loved this story!<br />
So sad it's over! D:
Noooooooo!!! Why end it so soon?!! Why!??! Please NOOOO!! T^T :((<br />
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Anyway, I hope nothing goes wrong :(<br />
Ican'twaitforthenextchapter! Update soon alicia-ssi! THANKS :) <3<br />
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Btw, how's the kpop something? Did you meet them? Him?!! O_o :DD
update again soon, yeah?
ALICIA-SSI !!! I seriously love this chaaapter! Kyaaaa~! >//<<br />
GOMAWO and thanks for the update! Hope you can update again ♥ :)<br />
Kyaaaa~! I like it when Jinki is jealous .. LOL! but seriously .. XDD<br />
<br />
Anyway, thanks a lot for the update alicia-ssi .. hope you can update <br />
again soon! THANKS A BUNCH <33 :) ♥