Fun & Games

My Gurdian Angel named Lee Jinki

You nodded your head as Taemin jumped up as he began walking he put his arm around Onew’s shoulder as he walked in between the two of you happily on his lollipop.  You walked beside the two smiling boys as Onew tried to get in between Taemin to get closer to you Taemin happily refused as you let out a small laugh remembering the napkin in your pocket. Taemin took you and Jinki to a nearby festival that held rollercoasters and fairy floss with happy running children everywhere as Onew started eyeing the giant ride. He clasped your hand straightaway before Taemin could protest anymore as he pulled you towards the rides.

‘Andwae..’ You told him as you stood firmly on your spot he tugged at your arm a few more times while giving you big puppy dog eyes.

‘Please… Just one ride…’ He told you still tugging your arm as you saw an approaching figure it was Taemin holding onto another boy. He was lean and tall with nicely tanned muscles that showed along with a gorgeous smile that you highly envied. You remembered his face from the party the other day the boy was Choi Minho as he politely bowed to you and punches Onew on the arm.

‘Are you guys going on that ride?’ He asked as Onew’s eyes lit up looking at you with a pout. You rolled your eyes and just nodded your head as he quickly ran to get the tickets. Minho and Taemin also bought tickets as they left you to wait in the middle of nowhere when a sudden hand on your shoulder makes you jump in shock. You turn around to face a smiling Woohyun with a bunch of very good looking boys as you bowed to them. 

‘Annyeong I guess your shift is over.’ You told him with a flirty tone in your voice that you were shocked to hear as you looked around for Jinki but it was busy buying tickets as you smiled back at the boys.

‘Yeah it is so we thought we would come play. Alicia meet Sungjong, Sungyeol and Dongwoo.’

‘Oh, Annyeong.’

‘Noona are you going on that ride?’ The youngest asked you as they all looked up at the scary ride that was now filled with high pitched screams.  You gulped at the sight as you turned around to slightly nod your head at the smirking boys.

‘Noona do you want us to buy you a ticket?’ Sungjong asked you as you stared at how pretty he was as you shook your head slightly at his disappointment when Jinki came up from behind you wrapping his muscled arms around your stomach as the boys all faced each other immediately making you look at the ground.

‘I brought you the ticket. Who are they?’ Jinki asked you with his head carefully resting on your shoulder as you tried to squirm away from the awkward situation Onew held you tightly in his large arms.

‘Oppa these are my… Friends; Woohyun, Sungjong, Sungyeol and Dongwoo. Woohyun this is my friend... That I’m staying with at the moment; Lee Jinki and his friends Lee Taemin and Choi Minho. ‘

You looked up as all the boys politely smiled at each other as you thought maybe there is nothing to fear at all as you shrugged off the thought. The entire group of boys pulled you towards the Ride as you tried to make it look like you felt sick but they caught your horrible acting as it was finally your turn.  There were only eight seats on the entire ride and coincidentally there were exactly eight of youse put together as the people behind you sighed at the wait. You sat down as the man strapped you in as you looked back at the end of the ride really wanting to get off.  This ride was the one where at first you slowly reach the top and then they drop you very fast as your heartbeat increased when the ride move up. On one side you had Jinki who was smiling at you and on the other side was Woohyun who gave you a HWATING. As the ride reached the top you looked down and saw little ant people scurrying around as you anticipated the down part of the ride you squeezed your eyes shut but the ride didn’t go down as you complained out loud.

‘AISHH HOW LONG IS THIS? HUR-R-R AHHHHHH’ The ride pulled you down in the middle of your rant as you let out a high pitched scream as you heard on the other side of you Taemin screamed out in between his laughs; Saranghae Choi Minho.

The ride was over as your wobbly legs started to buckle underneath you as you pulled your hand out grabbing the closest person to you as their shirt went down you got swept up into someone’s strong arms as you looked up at a smiling Woohyun.  You blushed as his smiling face as you saw you accidently clawed his chest you let his body go as you squirmed out of his arms. Your eyes caught something it was big and it was fluffy you immediately run to it as all the boys followed behind. It was a prize stand it was one of those games where you have to shoot the ducks in order to get the prize.  You ignored the game as you looked up at a giant fluffy Winnie the pooh teddy bear. You were obsessed with Winnie-the Pooh and it shown in your eyes as all the boys caught on. Someone banged on the game table as you looked up at Jinki oppa who slammed a fifty dollar note on the table at the same time Woohyun grabbed his own wallet chucking out two fifties, the man working there nearly had a heart attack at the sight of the money as he gave them both guns in a hurry as you just watched in awe at the two boys who were staring at the poor ducks with intense glares.

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WAAHH!!! CUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked it VERY MUCH! <br />
It was REALLY cute & intense! Kept my eyes glued to the screen the WHOLE ENTIRE STORY i couldn't stop reading it! >< I LOVE IT! haah okay i'll stop spazzing now hahah but great story! Keep writing!
NOOOOO! why did you end it already? It makes me sad, very sad .. T^T<br />
Anyway, thank you so much again for the story alicia-ssi .. I really appreciate it .. Kamsamnida! Hope I can read some of your great fanfics in the near future :)<br />
THANKS A LOT again! -hugs- ♥ :)
NUUUUU It's done......<br />
Happy ending, though.<br />
loved it! <br />
I loved this story!<br />
So sad it's over! D:
Noooooooo!!! Why end it so soon?!! Why!??! Please NOOOO!! T^T :((<br />
<br />
Anyway, I hope nothing goes wrong :(<br />
Ican'twaitforthenextchapter! Update soon alicia-ssi! THANKS :) <3<br />
<br />
Btw, how's the kpop something? Did you meet them? Him?!! O_o :DD
update again soon, yeah?
ALICIA-SSI !!! I seriously love this chaaapter! Kyaaaa~! >//<<br />
GOMAWO and thanks for the update! Hope you can update again ♥ :)<br />
Kyaaaa~! I like it when Jinki is jealous .. LOL! but seriously .. XDD<br />
<br />
Anyway, thanks a lot for the update alicia-ssi .. hope you can update <br />
again soon! THANKS A BUNCH <33 :) ♥