Stay With Me...

My Gurdian Angel named Lee Jinki


He soared up into the sky and you couldn’t watch as tears blurred your vision you screamed his name once more not knowing if he would answer back from the other side you hear Taemin calling him as well. You couldn’t see anything it was too dark as you continued calling his name awaiting his voice to come out from the darkness. You pulled at the light crushing your legs but it refused to budge making you scream in anger when suddenly there was movement at the cliff, you looked over when a light shone from the darkness of the gap and he was there. Tears stained his face and he had cuts over his body and his suit had ripped to shreds but he was safe, you couldn’t control your tears as he rushed over to your side.

‘I-i-I thought you had left me…’ You told him in a small whisper as he kissed every part of your face except your lips.

‘I wouldn’t I promised…’ He looked into your eyes as he placed a kiss on your lips before pulling away examining your body.

‘Jinki I can’t feel my legs…’ You told him as he nodded his head, he got up and called out to Taemin telling him he was safe as he suddenly started to push the light. He pushed and it began to budge he let out a scream as he finally pushed it off of your body. He pulled up the wedding dress you still had on from the photo shoot and placed a hand on your legs.

‘Can you feel me?’ He told you as his hand moved up your leg, you shook your head because you could feel nothing, you longed to feel his warm hands on your body but nothing seemed to work.   You started to cry as he held you in his arms you leaned into his chest letting out sobs, you listened to his heartbeat.

‘Oppa sing to me…’ You told him in a sleepy voice as you imagined you were back at his house sleeping in his arms like you usually do. He nuzzled his lips close to your ear as his voice let you drift to sleep like it always did.


Help finally came you though to yourself as you looked at her sleeping in your arms. You knew for certain her legs were broken and there is a slight chance she would never walk again but you couldn’t bear the thought of telling her. They are here as long as they help her it would be okay as long as she gets better I will be forever happy… 

Everything is still in chaos I can’t take her to the hospital not yet… Even if we get to the hospital they would be too busy taking care of others even if I pay them everything I’m worth it would mean nothing…but without her I’m nothing….

Taemin is safe that is good, I shall take her home and everything will be better I will not let her go not like this.

OH not this guy again who does he think he is? Nam Woohyun he doesn’t deserve her…

‘What did you do?’ His eyes linger on her body lifeless in my arms as he glared at me with anger filled eyes.

‘You were meant to protect her, what kind of man are you? How could you let her get hurt like this?’ His words stung as your heart felt like it had broken in a million pieces as you looked at her in your arms. He spoke the truth how I could have let her get hurt…It should’ve been me…


Normal POV

You woke up in a daze your body ached and felt like it you had fallen off a skyscraper and somehow survived. Your vision was blurred and a foul taste lingered in your mouth, you tried to get up but something or someone pushed you back down. You fell down on the stiff bed as you let out a groan causing the person to panic. Your vision became clearer as you looked into the eyes of Lee Taemin who had an arm sling around his arm with small cuts on his milky white skin.

‘Taemin…’ You spoke but your throat was dry causing your voice to sound like a witch as you touched your neck in horror.

‘Shh noona you need your rest don’t worry Jinki hyung and Woohyun Hyung are out getting food but they will be back...’ He told you as you leaned back in the bed recalling the past events that had happened.  You gave Taemin a small smile as you gave your body a quick glance to see your leg in a cast as you gasped. There was a metal cast not the usual clay cast they would put on your leg but a metal one that made you look like a cyborg or something. Taemin saw your panic as he pulled the blanket over your body as tears flowed.

‘Noona Jinki hyung is here…’ You nodded your head as He walked in as you soon forgot about your leg to see him run over to you with tears in his eyes. He held you tightly and you couldn’t get enough of him as he held you like it was the end of the world.

‘Oppa…’ You called him as he kissed you on your lips and you melted under the softness of his perfect lips lingering on top of yours like in the movies it felt like everything was in slow motion and when he parted from your lips he gave you a smile that caused you to swoon under his gaze.  The moment could have lasted forever but suddenly you remembered your leg as you pulled the blanket off to reveal your metallic leg that caused you to cringe at the sight.

‘Oppa..?’ You wanted him to tell you as he looked over to the direction of the door where the doctors were waiting.

‘You tell me’ You told him in a small voice that made his put his head down on the bed when he looked up his face was saddened as you waited for his answer.

‘You can walk it’s just that you will always have to wear that... I’m sorry I failed you I broke my promise I didn’t protect you…it should’ve been me…’

He laid his head down on your hand as you caressed his tear stained cheek bringing his face to yours, you slightly shook your head as you kissed him lightly on his lips before he smiled at you bringing his lips down on yours once more.

‘My sweet dongsaeng is in love…’ You heard a familiar voice from the doorway as you broke away from Jinki’s lips to him. It was your cousin Sunggyu, you haven’t seen him ever since you had been kicked out but he was always treated you with kindness and he was closer to you than anyone else. You remember this one incident when he would always interrogate your guy friends that made them nervous.  You opened up your arms for him as Jinki moved away to make room for your cousin to hug you tightly in his muscled arms as you caught sight of Taemin and Woohyun at the door way.

‘Sunggyu oppa what are you doing here?’ His face became serious as everyone became quiet as you looked at each of their faces who were now looking at the ground.

‘Oppa what is it?’ You asked him as he finally looked up as Jinki, Taemin and Woohyun walked outside closing the door.

‘When you arrived in the hospital and they needed you guardian’s permission for the surgery. Jinki continued to protest but there was no help so they looked up your address in the phonebook and the three went there to find that…Your house was destroyed and they found your appa and umma unconscious on the road barely alive. They told Jinki with their last breaths to take care of you and that I would be your new guardian… Then I received the phone call and I was in New York so I got here as fast as I could to get to you…’

You were in shock letting all the news sink in and before you knew it tears flowed endlessly down your cheeks as Sunggyu held you. You let out a scream of pain banging on his chest as he allowed you to let out your anger on his body.


Outside POV (Where Jinki, Taemin & Woohyun are watching through the window)

Jinki was holding back his tears in front of the guys as he watched her face change as the news fell on her.  Jinki was angry at himself because he couldn’t help her in any way and have to watch her in so much pain, how he didn’t her see her parents one last time and maybe if he never took her home to his house and selfishly kept her to himself then maybe…She would be happy with her parents instead of in pain with him…

Taemin started to cry sobbing on the chair as Woohyun & Jinki continued to watch as they both saw her screaming inside the small room. Jinki couldn’t handle it anymore as he had his hand tightly on the doorknob wanting to go in and hold her, to keep the pain from her to protect her like a   guardian angel always there for her…

His hand was about to open the door when Woohyun placed a firm hand on his shoulder keeping him still.

‘Don’t… She needs to release her pain… Just let her go there is nothing any of us can do to help her right now…’

He knew he was right as he went back to his place beside him standing at the window watching her cry into her cousin’s arms as his heart ached with her pain.


You finally let out everything the weight was lifted from your shoulders as you lay numb inside Sunggyu’s arms.  He your hair as he got up from his seat leaving you alone with your thoughts as you tried to remember your parents when you were a happy family, you sat in silence by yourself thinking what would of happen if Jinki never let you live with him? Would things turn out differently?

You look out the window to see Sunggyu, Jinki, Woohyun & a crying Taemin in a deep conversation that you longed to hear and be a part of.

Outside View

The four were in a deep debate about her as they argued what would happen after everything.

‘She should come stay with me? She needs her family and someone she actually knows’ Sunggyu told Jinki as Jinki’s anger began to rise with every word he spoke.

‘Someone she actually knows, she knows Jinki hyung she trusts him and if it wasn’t for him she wouldn’t even be alive.’ Taemin spoke out of turn as the elders glared at him for speaking out of turn. Jinki was happy that his dongsaeng was sticking up for him but right now he was flaring with anger that someone could easily take the girl he loves away from him.

‘Where were you?’ Jinki spoke in a tone that silenced everyone in the room as he gave Sunggyu a stare that caused him to quiver.

‘What do you mean?’ Sunggyu tried to maintain his stance but no one could stand up to Jinki when he is this angry not even the devil himself would dare stand up to Jinki in this state.

‘Where were you when her parents kicked her out with nothing? Where were you when she would cry herself to sleep? Where were you when she needed her family?’ His voice began to rise as the doctors in the room glared at him but he didn’t care as he started down Sunggyu.  Woohyun stepped in placing a hand on Sunggyu’ s shoulder as he placed his face close to Jinki returning his gaze.

‘Sunggyu is right she should stay with her cousin.’  Jinki’s eyes stared deeply into Woohyun’s gaze as they both flared with anger.

‘You stay out of this Nam Woohyun you understand me, you are nothing and never will be now move the Fcuk out of my way before you are placed in a hospital bed.’ Jinki refused to back down to someone that he saw was no threat to him as he shoved Woohyun back. 

‘You don’t know what you got yourself into’ Woohyun smirked before throwing a punch at Jinki but Jinki had fast reflexes and grabbed Woohyun’s arm twisting it behind his back before punching him in his stomach making him cringe falling to the ground. Jinki started to walk away not wanting to cause more chaos in the hospital but Woohyun was too worked up as he tackled Jinki to the ground throwing hard punches and receiving them back.  The two suddenly got pulled back as Sunggyu held onto Woohyun, Taemin and three doctors held back a very aggravated Jinki.  They both continued to pull but it was no use, Jinki’s lip was busted and had became swallow with blood dripping from his mouth and Woohyun’s jawline was turning purple from the hard punches he received from Jinki as both continued to struggle when Suddenly she walked out…

Normal *your POV*

You were in silence as you watched their conversation when suddenly they began hurting each other and in horror Jinki had Woohyun on the ground, you couldn’t watch anymore. You moved your leg slightly and winced at the sharp pain but had to stop them from hurting themselves anymore.  You got off the bed as your dragged your metallic leg to the door; you opened the door as you held onto the door frame for support. You began to break out in sweat as your whole body felt like it was on fire but finally the fighting stopped but they kept struggling.

‘Stop…Fighting…Please’ you told them in gasping breaths as they all became silent their eyes filled with horror at the sight of you pale clutching the door frame. Your hand slipped not supporting you anymore as you fell to the ground with a crash when the four boys came running towards you but right now you only needed one, you only needed him.

His hands wrapped around your body lifting you from the ground to the bed as he moved away to let the doctors check you but you couldn’t let him slip away as you clasped his hand.

‘I’m right here…’ He told you and you could tell he was crying as he kissed your hand. The doctors gave you pain killers that dulled the pain but made you drowsy like you were in a dream but were still awake making you talk nonsense like a weirdo. All four stayed with you but he never left your side always holding tightly onto your hand in the corner of your eye you saw Woohyun & Sunggyu getting quiet close and what you saw made you shocked they were holding hands. You felt glad that they were there for each other as you saw Taemin go outside to greet someone tall and handsome that you remembered to be Choi Minho. 

Sunggyu finally spoke up and the decision needed to be finally made as they helped you sit up on the stiff bed.

‘We need to decide where you are going to live now that I’m your guardian… I think its best you come and stay with me.’ Sunggyu talked in calm manner with Woohyun still holding tightly onto his hand as you looked at Jinki who had his head down but when his eyes looked at you they were filled with dread.

‘It’s completely up to you just know that I will support you no matter who you choose’ Jinki looked in your eyes as he told you as you nodded your head he squeezed your hand.

‘Sunggyu oppa I made my decision… I want to continue living with Jinki oppa’ You told him in the same tone as he nodded his head giving you a small smile and a hug before leaving with Woohyun who happily followed. You turned your head to face him and his eyes were wide in shock of your decision, you waved your hand in his eyes smiling at him.

‘That wasn’t a dream right...? You really chose me over your cousin’ He told you as his eyes began to water.

‘Of course Jinki you doubted me…maybe I should go live with Sunggyu oppa’ you teased as you tried to get up with a struggle before he laughed holding you down as he climbed on the bed beside you.

‘No stay with me always…Saranghaeyo’ You stopped laughing as you put your hands to your mouth in shock.

‘You never said that to me before…’ You told him in a small whisper as he smiled once more.

‘I do and I always will love you…’ He told you as he planted his lips on yours, you kissed him with more strength as he winced at his busted lip.

‘I’m sorry did I hurt you?’

‘I can deal with the pain if I get to kiss you…’

He was about to kiss you but you held him back as he gave you a confused look.

‘What is it? Are you in pain?’ He told you looking over your body.

‘No…It’s just that…I love you too Lee Jinki.’ You told him once more before his lips found yours making you feel like you were in heaven and you were with your guardian angel


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WAAHH!!! CUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked it VERY MUCH! <br />
It was REALLY cute & intense! Kept my eyes glued to the screen the WHOLE ENTIRE STORY i couldn't stop reading it! >< I LOVE IT! haah okay i'll stop spazzing now hahah but great story! Keep writing!
NOOOOO! why did you end it already? It makes me sad, very sad .. T^T<br />
Anyway, thank you so much again for the story alicia-ssi .. I really appreciate it .. Kamsamnida! Hope I can read some of your great fanfics in the near future :)<br />
THANKS A LOT again! -hugs- ♥ :)
NUUUUU It's done......<br />
Happy ending, though.<br />
loved it! <br />
I loved this story!<br />
So sad it's over! D:
Noooooooo!!! Why end it so soon?!! Why!??! Please NOOOO!! T^T :((<br />
<br />
Anyway, I hope nothing goes wrong :(<br />
Ican'twaitforthenextchapter! Update soon alicia-ssi! THANKS :) <3<br />
<br />
Btw, how's the kpop something? Did you meet them? Him?!! O_o :DD
update again soon, yeah?
ALICIA-SSI !!! I seriously love this chaaapter! Kyaaaa~! >//<<br />
GOMAWO and thanks for the update! Hope you can update again ♥ :)<br />
Kyaaaa~! I like it when Jinki is jealous .. LOL! but seriously .. XDD<br />
<br />
Anyway, thanks a lot for the update alicia-ssi .. hope you can update <br />
again soon! THANKS A BUNCH <33 :) ♥