Chapter 7

Like Strangers




Jaehyo watched Jinyoung and ______ talk to each other so comfortably, but she still wouldn’t speak a word to him.

“So, whose house should we go to? Whose is closest? Mine is pretty far.” Jinyoung said. “It’s definitely not in walking distance.”

Jaehyo pointed to ______.

“Hers / Probably mine.” They said at that exact same moment.

Jinyoung just eyed them suspiciously.

‘How does he know where she lives? I thought she said she doesn’t know him!’

“You’ll get along with my mother, Harabeoji.”


“Up until middle school she refused to let me leave the house without lugging around a full first aid kit.”

“I told you, you were dangerous. You are just an accident waiting to happen.”

‘She really is clumsy.’




Jaehyo and ______ went out for ice cream after their first day of middle school.

“Jae Oppa!~ Slow down with those long legs, you’re too fast for me.”

‘Then don’t be such a slow poke…” he teased while his ice cream.

“Aw…Oppa!~” she whined.

“Okay, Sorry!” he chuckled and stopped so that she could catch up.

All of a sudden she tripped and her ice cream went flying smacking him in the face.

She regained her balance before falling and spread out her arms in a cute stance.

“I’m okay.”

“Yah! I’m glad that you’re okay…but I am the one with a cold nose!~” Jaehyo said pointing at his face.

______ couldn’t hold in her laughter.


She laughed so hard.

“Omo!~ I can’t breathe!!~”

“Yah! It’s not that funny…”

“You look funny!~” she giggled.

“YAH! You’re laughing?!”

He wiped the ice cream off of his face and prepared to throw it at her.

“N-no! Don’t do it!~”

“Then stop laughing…”

“I can’t help it!~” she said in between giggles.


He took a step forward.

She took a step back.

“Yah…Oppa! Don’t!”

“Come here!~”

“No way!”

“Come on!~”

“No…whoa!~” she tripped again and this time she fell on her .

They heard a SQUISH as her hit the ground.

“Oh! EW! Tell me you did not just land in a pile of dog poop.”

“Ewww…it’s still warm!~”

“Oh my god!!!~” he laughed. “You are the clumsiest person that I know. This is totally daebak!~”

“YAH!!! It is not!~” she whined.

“That’s what you get for laughing at me!” he said squatting down to look for whatever caused her to trip. He picked up a tiny rock he found next to her foot. “Was it this? It’s not even a centimenter!”

“It’s not that!~”

“Well it’s either this or the dog that left that pile of crap as a present.”

“Aish! I hate you!” she whined.

“You do not!~” he chuckled and put out a hand to help her up. “Waaa!~ that is deadly smell. It’s a good thing we live nearby.”

“I’m going to need to shower before going in the house.”

“Y-you mean in the yard.” He stuttered and turned really red.

“YAH! What are you thinking?! I just meant with the hose. Not you derp!”

“Uh…oh…right!~ You…um…might want to stay about 2 feet away for me.”The smell is terrible and I’m still eating my ice cream.”

“Your face stole mine.” She pouted and continued walking but almost walked into someone.

In the process of trying to avoid them she stepped into the path of a bike.

“Yah, Babo!” Jaehyo said pulling her out of the way. “Seriously?! I have yet to see a more accident prone person.”


--------------------end of flashback-----------------------------------------------------


Jaehyo smiled at the memory.

“What is the longest you have gone without tripping?”

“Um…I don’t know.”

“2 seconds.” Jaehyo muttered answering the question for her.

She just glared at him.


‘At least she looked at me and said something. It was an angry glare but it still counts right?’ Jaehyo thought. ‘That’s the most I’ve gotten in a year.’

Later at lunch she was with the guys, as always.

“We got a project today.”

“You’re partners in a project?”

“Actually there are three of us.” ______ muttered.

“Who?” Gongchan asked.

“Ahn Jaehyo.” Jinyoung said.

The maknae just nodded.

“Um…how does that work when ______ Noona and Jaehyo Hyung don’t speak to each other?”

“Well maybe when they know each other, they’ll talk?”

______ made a face.

‘I know I have to talk to him sooner or later. More than one word this time. For the sake of our grades, I need to face my worst fear. I can’t let Jinyoungie down too.’

She looked around for anything that would help her to change the subject.

Her gaze landed on Jinyoung’s guitar case.

“Hmm…I’ve always wanted to learn the guitar.”

“That…was random.” Jinyoung laughed. “Really? I could teach you.”

“Really?!” She said. “What’s the price?”

“Waaa!~ Why do you assume that I would charge you?”

“Would you?”


“That’s why…you meanie.” She pouted.

“Nah…one condition though.”

“See?! There’s always something. What is it?” she asked. He leaned over and whispered something into her ear, causing her to blush. “Why didn’t you just ask?”

“I thought I just did…” he chuckled.

“What?!” the other 4 said. “What did he say?!?”

“I’m going to teach her to play the guitar. Duh! Weren’t you listening?!” Jinyoung said. “Aigoo! Deaf people…I swear…”

After school, they were sitting in ______'s living room, working on their project.

'So many memories in this house.' Jaehyo thought. 'So many in this room alone. I wonder if she misses me as much as I miss her.'

'Yeah...this isn't awkward at all!~ The guy I'm in love with on one side. On the other side is a guy I'm very attracted to who makes me laugh and flirts a lot. I can't even concentrate right now."

Jinyoung went to the bathroom leaving the awkward two, alone.

"Jae Oppa."

Jaehyo turned to look at her.

'She called me by that nickname again.'


"You talked to me." Jaehyo said softly. ‘She called me Oppa again. For a moment it felt like we were back to normal.’

“I said it out of habit.”

“Are you still mad at me?” he asked earning a glare from her. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’, but at least we’re talking to each other. It’s a relief, I feel like I can breathe now.”

“Let’s just work okay…”

Jaehyo sighed.

“Tell me something…”

“AISH! What?!” she snapped.

“Jung Jinyoung, are you dating him?”


‘Thank you, God!~’

“Well, not yet.”

“N-not yet? What does that mean?!”

She rolled her eyes.

“It means what you think it means.”


-----------------Flashback to Earlier that day---------------------------------


“Nah…one condition though.”

“See?! There’s always something. What is it?” she asked. He leaned over and whispered something into her ear, causing her to blush.

“You could go out with me. Maybe, on Friday night?”

“Why didn’t you just ask?” she said her cheeks turning redder. ‘Did he really just ask me out?! Oh my god! Seriously?! I’m kind of freaking out right now.’

"I thought I just did..."

After lunch they were walking together.

“So, what’s your answer?” Jinyoung asked nervously.

“That was kind of sudden.”

“Yeah, I know. Is that a ‘no’?”

“Nope, definitely not a no.”

“So you’ll go on a date with me?”

“Why do you make me feel so cheap? A date for guitar lessons?”

“I would have asked you out anyway. So it’s a ‘yes’?”

“Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”


------------End of Flashback-----------------------------------------------


“Is that your ideal man? That’s he type?”

“I guess so, Jinyoungie is an amazing guy. Wait! Why is this any of your business anyway?!” she snapped at him again. ‘Why the hell does he even care? Why does he act like it’s his business?! This is just making it worse.’

"Aish...I was just curious."

"Well don't be so nosy. It has nothing to do with you." she growled, glaring at him.

Jaehyo frowned.

"I'm trying to protect you, so you don't get hurt."

"Funny, you're the only person that has ever hurt me so bad. Just stop! It's not like you, ACTUALLY care about me! We're not friends anymore, remember?!"

"Right...we're not friends..." he muttered under his breath.






Aigoo!~ At least they spoke to each other...well...they yelled but it's a start right?

haha XD

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I'm having SEVERE writers block right now....I'm working on the next (possibly the last or second to the last) chapter now


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I have a question,in this story do they go to a camp?
I just commented now, omG.
I can't believe it's done.. Great story once again!
Aw the end was so cute and derpy. Just like Jaehyo. c:
Good job!
Sleepy derp.. Aww... Naeun should be nice now >:| Anyways, the gifs are so daebak~!!
Glad you updated!!
Eirenne #5
finally an update~~~ :)
update soon~~ :)
asdfghatejklove #6
Ahaha! LOL at the gifs xD
You updated! Hurray!
Derp. Jaehyo, derp.
Jinyoung, you are such an angel..