Chapter 20

Like Strangers




______ went out to meet Jinyoung for their date.

'I don't want to hurt Jinyoungie, so I need to let go of my feelings for Jaehyo Oppa.

Now that he knows, I feel better. If that's true, and I'm getting over him, why do I keep repeating myself?' she thought to herself.

"______-ah!~" Jinyoung said, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"You're not going to ask me to 'Guess Who' this time?"

"Psh, yeah right! That was a fail! You'd probably imagine Lee Kikwang next."

"Nah, his arms are massively HUGE!~" she said dreamily.

Jinyoung spun her around and glared at her.

"Yah! Quit fantasizing about him!"

"You're the one that brought him up, you Babo." she giggled. "It's all your fault! Don't plant B2ST in my brain and then blame me for my mind going into the gutter."

"Only look at me." he said holding her face between his hands, to keep eye-contact.

"I'll try." she said leaning in to kiss his lips. 'I am trying, I really am...'

"You better try." he said firmly.

"Or what?" she challenged. "What are you going to do?"

"Make you see only me." he said.

“Okay, fine.” She giggled. “You do that.”

She hooked her arm with Jinyoung's and they began their date.

They stopped at a food cart to get some ddukbokki.

Jinyoung fed her a piece, and wiped the sauce off the corner of .

" was your week without me?" he asked.

"It was...derptastic." she said. "I can't go a day without being made fun of, can I?"

"Nope." he chuckled. "You're just so easy to tease."

"I spent some time with Block B, and that's about it. It was fun, even though you weren't here."

"Oh, well Thanks!" he said sarcastically. "It's nice to know how much you actually missed me when I was gone! I know, I'm so boring right?"

______ giggled and kissed his cheek.

"You're never boring, Jinyoungie, but you are a pretty bad guitar teacher."


"Boy, you are slacking off!"

"Well, if my student would listen to me and stop staring into my eyes. We could get somewhere with those lessons."

______ rolled her eyes and walked away.

Jinyoung smiled and followed after her.

“Yeah, yeah.” She giggled. “Come on, we kind of have school tomorrow.”

“I’m not a bad influence! I would never keep you out all night!” he said wrapping his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest. “Come on, let’s fly to Japan.”

“What the…you freak!” she laughed.

“I’m just kidding! That would take an hour or two and the sun is already going down, and we’d still have to get back. That would leave us with no time to do anything.” He pointed out.

“You…are so weird. How about we just go watch a movie?” She laughed.

“Sounds good.” He chuckled as she pulled him to the nearby theater.

Meanwhile, Jaehyo was still sitting in the tree house thinking.

"If Naeun knew about it. Why did she work so hard to change me? I thought I wasn't good enough being myself." he whispered. "Naeun lied to me...why? No, the question is, why did I chicken out when I had the chance to confess to ______?”

He pulled the ring out of his shirt and closed his fist around it.

The next morning, in school, Jaehyo was sitting with the guys.

“Where is Noona today?” U-Kwon asked.

“I guess Jung Jinyoung walked her to school.” Jaehyo muttered. “I have no way of competing with him.”

“What?!” his six friends shouted in unison.

“I heard what I wanted to hear. She said that she has feelings for me.”

“Well that’s good! Why are you so bummed out about that?!” U-Kwon asked. “Noona likes you and you like her!”

“Correction, our boy is hopelessly in love with her.” Taeil said.

“Yeah, well you weren’t there. She said she was feeling conflicted about her feelings for me and her feelings for him.”

“You just have to step it up a notch, Hyung.” P.O. said.

“Or five notches…because you are FAR behind, Hyung.” Kyung said earning a glare from Jaehyo.

“You don’t think I know that?! What she said made me feel like it’s a burden for her to like me and when she told me, it made her feel lighter. She said…she said she wants to get over her feelings for me so that she can devote herself to him. What can I do?”

“Aigoo!~” B-Bomb sighed. “You’re just going to give up? I thought you loved her? How can you give up so easily?”

“I’d rather, silently, bow out, than have her hate me for starting drama.” Jaehyo said softly. “I can’t go back to not having her in my life. So it’s friends…or nothing.”

He got up and walked off somewhere.

“Hmm…who says, those are the only options? How about we find Jaehyo Hyung a hott girl and get him la-…” Kyung started to tell them his idea but got cut off.

“NO!” they all snapped.

“Plus, Jaehyo Hyung isn’t the type of guy to just hook up with a random girl. He’s like a penguin.” Zico said.

“A penguin?!” they said giving the leader a weird look.

“He doesn’t look like a penguin…” P.O. said.

“You didn’t let me finish!” Zico grumbled. “Aigoo!~ Really, guys? Really?! I mean he’s like a penguin, in the way that he gives his heart to just one person. Penguins mate for life.”

“This is our swaggerific leader.” U-Kwon laughed. “Now he’s talking about cute animals? He’s just out of his relationship with Hello Kitty, and he’s already moving on.”

“Yah!” Zico growled. “Don’t talk crap about my ex girlfriend. We are still on good terms, okay?! Now back to the Jaehyo Hyung, and ______ Noona issue. We can’t just let him give up, right?”

“No, of course not."

"That's why we need to observe how she is with Jaehyo Hyung, and with Jinyoung-ssi, and compare it.”

When Jaehyo walked into class he saw Jinyoung and ______, already there.

“Good morning, Oppa!~” she said earning growls and glares from his fan girl.

Jinyoung made a cat growling sound.

______ laughed and playfully smacked his arm.

“What? I swear she made a hissing sound.”

“Oh, Annyeonghaseyo Minhyukie Oppa!~” ______ said when she saw B-Bomb walk in. “Oppa, you don’t have this class right now.”

“I know, I just had to bother Jaehyo for a moment.”

“Yah, Lee Minhyuk, I don’t want to get in trouble! I’ve never had a detention in my life and I don’t plan to start now. Can’t you say it later?” Jaehyo said taking his seat.

“You may insist that you are the oldest in the group, but I’m still older than you!”

"So...what did you have to say?" Jaehyo asked. "Come on, class is about to start."

"Oh, nothing, Jiho just asked me to spy."

Jaehyo rolled his eyes.

"Why? As you can see, they're doing great. Wouldn't it make me a bad guy if I suddenly came in and tried to break it up. I'm no home wrecker. He's handsome and he treats her well. They are flirting constantly. What do you expect me to do? If I try to win her, and I fail, I'd just look like a complete Babo. It's not like he's a bad guy..."

"I know that, but..."

"But, what?"

"We won't let you give up on her..." B-Bomb said slowly walking backwards out of the classroom. “Annyeong, I'll see you at lunch!~ ______-ah, Annyeong!"

“Annyeong Oppa!~”  she said waving goodbye to him. “Jae Oppa, are you okay?”

‘Am I okay? How am I supposed to be okay? Can you just confess to a person and walk away before waiting for a reply?! Of course, I’m not okay!!’ he screamed in his head. “Um…y-yeah, I’m fine.”

He didn’t say another word for the rest of the class period.

At lunch, she went to put her books in her locker and heard arguing.

“Annyeonghaseyo Jaehyo Oppa.” She heard Naeun said.

“How dare you! How could you act so innocent?!”

“What? What did I do?!” Naeun asked softly.

“You know, very well, what you did to ______.”

“I didn’t do anything to her.” Naeun lied. “Why are you being like this Oppa? Are you mad because ______ has a new boyfriend now?”

“Shut up! She trusted you and so did I!”

‘So did he?’ ______ thought.

“You say that ______-ah, was flirting with Soohyun! I’m sure it was the other way around. I remember how she was, with guys like him. She hates guys like that. You were supposed to help me! You said you would!”

‘Help him?! Help him with what?” ______ whispered to herself, as she continued to eavesdrop.

“You’re ruining my life, by doing the opposite. I know, that I’m an idiot for trusting you. I told you about how I feel about her.”

‘How does he feel about me?’ she wondered.

“Are you still in love with Seo ______?” Naeun asked.


“Why would I tell you?! You’d just make it worse!”

“Well your makeover worked, look at all the attention that you get from women now.” Naeun pointed out.

“I don’t care about that!!” Jaehyo snapped back. “This makeover, was supposed to help me impress her, not break up our friendship. I know it’s my fault, I took your side and I lost her.”

“What would you do if you liked someone so much but they liked someone else?!”

“I DO!” he shouted. “I love her so much, but she’s with Jinyoung and she wants to get over me. I would move on and let her be happy.”

“Even, if it means being alone forever? You never were able to flirt with other girls.”

“Well, I’m not like your idiot boyfriend who flirts with any girl he wants to. I only see her! So, my answer is yes. Even, if it means being alone forever. That’s what her happiness means to me. That’s how much she means to me. As much as it hurts, because I know if I didn’t trust you, she and I would be together. That one was my mistake.”

______ sat on the floor, trying to take it all in.

‘Jaehyo Oppa loved me too?’ she thought. ‘I know that I’m trying to get rid of my feelings for him. It’s not as easy as I hoped it would be. Aish, I’m even more confused now! All that progress I made last night, is gone.”

“It’s your pickiness with girls that keeps you single!” Naeun said. “if you weren’t so picky, you’d have a girlfriend right now.”

Jaehyo glared daggers at her.

“Oh yeah, silly me!~ Why go for a girl that loves me, for me?! Why go for a girl, who treats me like I’m good enough just being myself, when I could go for a shallow girl. My bad, what was I thinking?!” he said sarcastically.  “Oh, right, I’m not one of those guys, who could jump from girl to girl!”

Jaehyo turned to walk away.

 ______ ducked to hide behind the wall so he wouldn’t see her, when he passed.

‘Oh my god…what do I do?’ she thought.

Jaehyo got to the table with the guys.

“So this morning you were depressed and now you look like you want to murder someone.” Zico said.

“Yes, that someone is Son Naeun!” he growled and turned to see ______ take her seat next to Jinyoung.

“______-ah, you look pale, did something happen?” CNU asked.

“Oh, no, I’m just tired and a little light-headed. I’ll be fine.”

She stole a glance at Jaehyo and sighed.

“Maybe you’re hungry, Noona.” Gongchan said sliding his plate over to share his lunch with her.

“Aww…thanks Channie. You're so sweet!~” She said with a smile and ruffled his hair.




Omo! Now ______ knows about Jaehyo's feelings too. O_o

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I'm having SEVERE writers block right now....I'm working on the next (possibly the last or second to the last) chapter now


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I have a question,in this story do they go to a camp?
I just commented now, omG.
I can't believe it's done.. Great story once again!
Aw the end was so cute and derpy. Just like Jaehyo. c:
Good job!
Sleepy derp.. Aww... Naeun should be nice now >:| Anyways, the gifs are so daebak~!!
Glad you updated!!
Eirenne #5
finally an update~~~ :)
update soon~~ :)
asdfghatejklove #6
Ahaha! LOL at the gifs xD
You updated! Hurray!
Derp. Jaehyo, derp.
Jinyoung, you are such an angel..