Chapter 4

Best Vacation Ever

None of the fans were eager to leave, but security escorted them out professionally and without chances of slipping away.

“You’re staring.”


Kyuhyun looked up at Siwon who was grinning at him knowingly. He huffed in annoyance.

“I was not staring.”

“You were.”

“I was not!”

“You were,” Sungmin jumped into the conversation.

Siwon grinned in victory.

“I was not staring. I was just looking. Am I not allowed to look?”

“Well, that depends, what was our little maknae looking at?”

Heechul appeared out of nowhere and flung his arm over Kyuhyuns shoulders, expertly trapping him by his side.

“The girl he was talking to,” Sungmin answered.

“His fan,” Siwon added oh so helpfully.

The three hyungs continued to mercilessly. Kyuhyun glared at them and managed to slip away from Heechuls grasp.

“She was nice,” he shrugged.

“She was,” Sungmin nodded.

“She was pretty too.”

Heechul grinned his catlike grin.

“We should do these fan meet and greets more often, shouldn’t we?”

“Do we really need Kyu for that? We can handle it ourselves, right?”

“Yeah, show his pretty fans there are more interesting members around.”

Even though he knew they were only teasing, it still irritated him.

“You have your own fans,” he grumbled.

“Oh my, Kyu is protesting. Scared we’ll whisk her away?”

“It’s not like we’ll meet her again.”

“But you want to?”

Their eyes glittered. Kyuhyun started blushing as he realized he really did want to. He ignored the others snickers and settled down in his seat to play a game on his phone.

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Chapter 15: I hope I can have Fay's fate when I go to sushows. Well, except the kidnapping part. Hahaha! Tis a wonderful story. ;)
Chapter 14: Eeepppppp! !!!!!!! Oh my goddddd! !!! I'm os happyyyyyyy! I love tjis chapter the most.oh my goooddddd kyuuuu and fay are soooooo have the potential to be together with their witticisms! ! Hahaha
Chapter 13: Awwwww why these friends are ao sweeeeet
Chapter 12: Oh my god hope fay got help.asap!!
Chapter 11: Oh my poor kyu he was so panick!
Chapter 10: Huh! So much of security!
Chapter 9: Oh myyyyyyy she oh myyyy u are so gooood
Chapter 8: Monster!!!! Hurting a girl !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Oh no now fay is involved. ???????
Chapter 6: Oh my god.oh my goddddd suspense? ? So sudden!!!