Chapter 3

Best Vacation Ever

This was so unreal. Fay was going to meet her idols face to face. When it hadn’t even been two hours since she saw them on stage giving the best of themselves. She nervously played with her bracelet, making the bag on her arm swing a little. Her new friends had it into her hands before she was escorted to a waiting area for the meet and greet. They’d refused to let her go without a gift for the band. And demanding lots and lots of pictures.

Fay took a deep breath to steady her nerves. This was even worse than a job interview, but she’d survived those. No reason she couldn’t survive this. Even if it was SuJu. She managed to keep herself still while she waited. The rest of her group looked much less calm. Seven more girls and one boy. One of the girls had a scrape on her cheek, Fay noticed. A jealous fan perhaps?

“You can go in now.”

They looked up when a woman gestured for them to follow her. The others jumped up, completely ecstatic and about to pop out of their own skin. Fay traipsed after them quietly. For a moment she couldn’t do anything other than stare. She was awestruck. Super Junior looked so good it was nearly criminal. They’d just been dancing and singing for hours on end and here they were, shiny and polished as if they had only gone out for coffee. Not fair. Thank god she’d had time to put a new layer of make-up on before this. She’d sweated most of it off with all her dancing during the concert. She handed over the gift bag to the first person she saw. Ryeowook smiled at her.

“My friends helped me buy this for everyone.”

It were sweets from a store nearby. Zoe and Mai had run themselves out of breath to get them.

“Oh? Not for me? What if I don’t want to share?”

His eyes twinkled with mischief.

“I won’t tell if you don’t.”

He chuckled. Fay gestured at her camera.

“Can I…?”

“Off course.”

She smiled happily, but kept to the background. She felt like she would impose too much if she didn’t control her enthusiasm. It was already so chaotic. Everyone was all over the place. Somehow SuJu did notice her though. Just another charm of the popular group. They took really good care of their fans. Every now and then someone would break free from the crowd and start chatting with her. Shindong happily thanked her for the snacks. He’d already snuck them away from Ryeowook and was trying to pry the package open without leaving any evidence. He got caught though. Kangin hit the back of his head, but was quickly made an accomplice when Shindong stuffed some of the candy in his mouth too. He didn’t protest much. With a mouth full of candy he thanked Fay. She smiled and nodded. In her mind she was making a note to thank her friends for the millionth time. Those snacks were a brilliant idea. Not long after that Heechul suddenly plunked down on the chair next to her. He grinned when he saw her startled face.

“Did you like the show?” he asked, trying to start a conversation.

She nodded.

“Which part was the best?”

He tucked his hair behind his ear and stared at her intently. The question took her a bit by surprise. Luckily her mind didn’t fail her and she managed an answer that earned her a satisfied grin.

“Your part off course, Heechul-shi.”

She breathed in relief that she’d remembered how to address someone politely. They all looked a little surprised she’d understood him. Her Korean was far from perfect, but she could make out enough to understand it. Speaking it was still a bit shoddy, but she managed.

The atmosphere quickly relaxed. Everybody was talking and laughing. Fay shot so many pictures her finger was actually starting to hurt. She was smiling when she looked through them. She wasn’t expecting someone to lean over her shoulder and nearly had a heart attack when she noticed. Kyuhyun chuckled. He held his hands up in apology and pointed at the camera.

“Can I see?”

She handed it over.

“These are pretty good.”

She nodded, satisfied with the results herself. She accepted the camera back.

“You can just keep those with me in it,” he grinned, with a peek at Siwon who was right next to him. “The rest aren’t very interesting.”

Siwon snorted at the teasing comment.

“Sorry, no can do,” she smiled. “My friends would kill me if I did.”

“What about Kyu’s pictures?” Siwon asked.

He threw his arm casually around the maknae’s shoulders.

“What about them?”

“If I give an autograph for you and your friends, would you delete his pictures?”

He smiled evilly. Kyuhyun gawked at him.

“You…! And they call me the evil one!”

Fay bit her lip so she wouldn’t laugh.

“Sorry,” she shook her head. “Can’t do that either.”

“One of your friends a fan of him, huh?”

“Nope, I am.”

She blushed like mad when she blurted that out. Trying very hard to look as if she never said anything, she lifted her camera in question. Siwon smiled.

“Why don’t I take a picture of you and Kyu instead?”

“No, that’s okay…” she weakly protested.

Siwon ignored her protests and reached for the camera. Her heart was threatening to leap out of her chest. She was sure that if she opened right now, it would jump right out. Thankfully she was pretty good at hiding her nerves. Even though her cheeks were still burning. Kyuhyun smiled at her and Fay was about ready to faint. He pulled her next to him, posing brightly for the camera. Fay felt his hand rest on the small of her back. With some considerable effort she managed to focus her attention on the camera. Siwon chuckled a little when he gave her her camera back. She really didn’t want to know how red she was right now. Leeteuk called out to the members for a SuJu-group photo. Fay staggered to a chair. She gently massaged her cheeks, they were hurting from smiling so much. Okay, so maybe she hadn’t been as composed as she usually was. She grinned, stretching her overworked muscles again. It was so totally worth it. She cheerfully hugged her camera. This was proving to be the best vacation ever!

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Chapter 15: I hope I can have Fay's fate when I go to sushows. Well, except the kidnapping part. Hahaha! Tis a wonderful story. ;)
Chapter 14: Eeepppppp! !!!!!!! Oh my goddddd! !!! I'm os happyyyyyyy! I love tjis chapter the most.oh my goooddddd kyuuuu and fay are soooooo have the potential to be together with their witticisms! ! Hahaha
Chapter 13: Awwwww why these friends are ao sweeeeet
Chapter 12: Oh my god hope fay got help.asap!!
Chapter 11: Oh my poor kyu he was so panick!
Chapter 10: Huh! So much of security!
Chapter 9: Oh myyyyyyy she oh myyyy u are so gooood
Chapter 8: Monster!!!! Hurting a girl !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Oh no now fay is involved. ???????
Chapter 6: Oh my god.oh my goddddd suspense? ? So sudden!!!