Chapter 9

Best Vacation Ever

“What did she say? Where is she?”

Chiyoko looked at her phone in confusion and worry.


“What is it?”

Her friends were staring at her in question.

“What did she say?”

“Where is she?”

“I don’t know,” Chiyoko whispered. “There was something wrong with her.”

“What do you mean?”

“Her voice… And she said…”

Her eyes followed the black car that was driving across the huge parking lot towards the exit.


“She said SuJu was getting kidnapped.”


They gaped at her. Chiyoko pinched the bridge of her nose. They just met the girl. She wasn’t sure if she should take her seriously or if Fay was crazy or pulling a prank. Her instincts told her to trust her, but this was just too insane.

The car had just stopped at the parking booth to be let through, but it looked like it was going to take a while. The parking guard was engrossed in a telephone conversation.

“Call her back.”

“I’m trying. She’s not picking up her phone.”

Tina was staring at the car and seemed to be thinking about something.

“I don’t know about kidnapping. But those security agents I’ve never seen before.”

The group looked at the car. If Tina said that, it was true. The girl had specialized herself in recognizing staff members. It made it easier to track SuJu.

“Security usually doesn’t travel in the same car, do they?”

“Not that many.”

“The members look pale.”

“Oh god, what if it’s true?”

They looked at each other.

“What do we do? Call the police?”

Chiyoko shook her head.

“We’ll start with security.”

They slipped towards the booth of the parking guard who was still on the phone. The men in the car were starting to look annoyed.

“If this is just a prank of Fay, she better bail us out of jail,” muttered Zoe.

The girls moved quickly and showed exactly why fan girls were so scary. They hadn’t even talked it over with each other, but they still knew what to do. Chiyoko and Tina veered off to the parking guard, tapping on the window to get his attention. He waved them off, still listening to the other line.

“Look, I already tried to call the others. Two of them aren’t answering. Where the hell are they?”

He sighed, ignoring the insistent tapping on his window.

“Yeah, I know it’s not your fault. I just wanted to make sure they’re not held hostage by fan girls or something. I’m not supposed to guard this place on my own, you know.”

He put the phone down and looked at the two girls in front of him.


“Mr. Hamatsu?” Tina asked.

The guard looked at her in surprise. So did Chiyoko. That girls’ knowledge was starting to border on Sasaeng. Well, as long as she didn’t bother the SuJu-members with it.


“Our friend told us she thinks SuJu is getting kidnapped.”

He blinked.

“Excuse me?”

“Yeah, I know it sounds weird. But we think it’s true.”

“If you’re here to play jokes, get out. I don’t have time for this.”

There was a loud hissing sound. Mai and Zoe had joined forces and pushed a pocket knife into the front tire of the car. They moved over to do the same to the other one. The parking guard jumped up, cursing. The driver of the car had the same reaction and got out of the car. Yelling at them. The girls pulled back a little, but stayed where they were. Ready to go back and slash the other tire.

“I don’t think there’s supposed to be this much security for four members,” noticed Chiyoko.

They looked at the guard who was starting to frown. He didn’t remember seeing those men with the rest of SuJu’s security and he had registered them all for their badges when they first arrived.

“I don’t think those bodyguards are supposed to carry weapons either.”

His hand hesitantly picked up the phone again.

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Chapter 15: I hope I can have Fay's fate when I go to sushows. Well, except the kidnapping part. Hahaha! Tis a wonderful story. ;)
Chapter 14: Eeepppppp! !!!!!!! Oh my goddddd! !!! I'm os happyyyyyyy! I love tjis chapter the most.oh my goooddddd kyuuuu and fay are soooooo have the potential to be together with their witticisms! ! Hahaha
Chapter 13: Awwwww why these friends are ao sweeeeet
Chapter 12: Oh my god hope fay got help.asap!!
Chapter 11: Oh my poor kyu he was so panick!
Chapter 10: Huh! So much of security!
Chapter 9: Oh myyyyyyy she oh myyyy u are so gooood
Chapter 8: Monster!!!! Hurting a girl !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Oh no now fay is involved. ???????
Chapter 6: Oh my god.oh my goddddd suspense? ? So sudden!!!