
Li Yin couldn’t think straightly this time. Jin Ri’s statement filled her head and mind. She couldn’t straightly do her job anymore. Last order from a client was destroyed. The client looked upset, but she kindly said that Li Yin must be under stress because of the marriage so she forgave her and asked her to make a new one. Jong In looked to his employer with this curious look.

“Noona, is everything alright? After that pregnant lady and her husband came, you look distracted.”

“I am okay…..”  She sighed. Who was she kidding to? She wasn’t okay at all, “Jong In-ah, do you happen to know someone named Kim Joon Myeon?”

“What? No, of course not. Why are you asking this?”

“I thought you might know him. Sometimes world becomes so small.”

“Okay, you are clearly distracted and need some vacation, noona. Why don’t you call your brother to pick you up here? Well, if you don’t want Jun Su hyung find you like this, you should call Yi Xing hyung.”  YI XING! Of course! He must know everything!

“Jong In, I will raise your salary this month, but just this month, because suddenly you become so clever.”  Jong In wanted to protest, but Li Yin dismissed him by waving her hand and dialed Yi Xing’s number.


“Yi Xing-ah, it’s me.”

“I know. Why are you calling?”

“You need to go to the bakery. Now.”

“Are you kidding me? I am in the middle of—“

“Someone just told me that Jong Dae loved me for this whole time and now he was devastated and torn, and seems like that person begged me to cancel my wedding. This is more important than those things that you do now.”

Yi Xing suddenly became silent. Li Yin knew he got shocked and prepared things to be told, which means he knew this the whole time. How could he never tell me?

“Okay, I will go there. Just wait for me, okay? Do you plan to close the bakery?”

“Yes, I will close it now and you better come fast, Yi Xing. I can’t think anything right now.”




Jong Dae frowned to see Jin Ri came back after she said she wanted to go to hospital with Chan Yeol. She looked okay and Chan Yeol just left her back in that unit when Jong Dae predicted that Jin Ri should be in hospital.

“Why do you come back to this place? Shouldn’t Chan Yeol register you to enter the hospital?”

“Yes, why do you?”  Mrs. Choi looked confused too. Jin Ri just lesuirely took a glass of water after Chan Yeol left and made Jong Dae with her mother asked those questions.

“Doctor Park said everything was alright. He said I still could sleep here for couple days, or maybe weeks. He didn’t know exactly.”

“Are you sure? Your due is like, two weeks again. You should really pay attention of what Doctor Park said, because you looked like you didn’t care at all.”

“Mom, I swear he said those words. If you don’t believe, you can call him and ask him by yourself!”

“Okay, no yelling, Choi Jin Ri. You should really think how you will feel later when little Sehunnie yell at you,”  Jong Dae stated, “and I think I will go to my bedroom.”  He then walked into his own bedroom and lied on the bed with big sigh.

He hadn’t told both Yi Xing and Li Yin about his movement yet. He secretly didn’t want a smiling Li Yin came there with Jun Su who also shone like her; both were gleaming with happiness and later they would spend his time listening to their wedding planning. No, he didn’t want to hear that. He never wanted to hear that.

Maybe what those people have said is right. I have to move on. Moving on might make my mind is not drifted to noona and this marriage. Maybe I have to find someone else….but who? I don’t really have good connection to girls.

He got up and took his phone. He knew someone who would be happy to set him up with someone. He knew this guy when they were in university; he was in art major while Jong Dae was in medical faculty. They met because of one unwanted event: the girl that the man loved liked Jong Dae secretly. Well, things were bad back then, but they were this time, adults. They had forgotten about that bad blood; this man even had already got himself a girlfriend.

“Hello? Who is this?”

“It’s me, Kyung Soo-sshi.”

“Ah! Kim Jong Dae, right? How long haven’t we met? It’s about eight months since the reunion, right?”

“Yes. This is my house’s number. I am in Seoul right now.”

“Really? That’s terrific! Do you get any job in this city’s hospitals yet?”

“No. I want to prepare myself to go to States. I got scholarship there. I move here just to pack things and prepare my departure.”

“Are you for real?”  Kyung Soo sounded very happy, “so, do you need me to throw a farewell party or what?”

“Uh, yeah. I think you can do that….and Kyung Soo-sshi?”


“Do you happen to have….I don’t know….a girl that you can—“

“You finally want to release yourself from that celibacy. Thank God.”

“Who told you?”

“Baek Hyun-sshi. He called your act ‘celibacy,’ which I agree. So, what do you want? I have some girls that I am acquainted to and I know they will be very happy to know you, as you know them.”

“Uh, it’s just….well, normal girl. Age doesn’t matter to me….unless she is like ten year older or younger than me, that matters,”  Kyung Soo laughed, “and uh, maybe she wants to….I don’t know….it’s not like—“

“Let me guess. You do not want a long-term relationship? You are naughty guy, Jong Dae-sshi.”

“No! I don’t mean that! I mean this girl will not think that we will have a very good prospect…like, I just want to hang out with her without any intimate feelings first. You know what I mean, right?”

“You want to search a friend first, and then you can decide whether she is worth or not?”

“Yeah, it’s like that, although I don’t really want to call her like that.”

“It seems to me you are heartbroken now, and you need a heartbroken, normal, and easy-going girl, right?”

“Yeah, it probably likes that.”

“I have one. She just got dumped from his boyfriend, and she is now available. I know her quite a while and she is fun. You will like to hang out with her, if that’s what you mean.”

“Okay. Can you make me meet her?”

“What about that farewell party? I can arrange that for you now. Are you available next week?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Good. See you next week, Jong Dae-sshi. I will contact you about the place.”  Talking to Kyung Soo was definitely a fun thing to do for Jong Dae. After that bad blood was gone, Kyung Soo and Baek Hyun had spent some time to set him with girls, but he used to reject it. But not this time; the girl that he had been waiting for had chosen someone else, and this meant he had to move on, even though it was so hard and hurtful for him.

Just after he turned off the phone, his pocket was vibrating.

It was Yi Xing.

“Hello, hyung?”

“Are you really in Seoul?”

“Yes, why?”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“Uh, I was busy packing.”  Jong Dae lied.

“But your little friend there wasn’t busy at all. In fact, she approached Li Yin jie today!”

“What? WHO—“  Jong Dae knew the answer. It had to be Jin Ri. No wonder Chan Yeol looked a bit hesitated when he left earlier, “what did she do? What did noona tell you?”

“Nothing much. She just said that that little girl was complaining about your condition. It seems like she is blaming Li Yin jie about your bad mood or things like those.”

“What? That brat—“

“Hey, why didn’t you tell us about your sudden move? Jie will be more suspicious than before! She originally now thinks that you hate her now.”

“Hyung, it’s just,”  he sighed, “you should know how hard it is. I can’t just show up like that without having my heart ached to see them snuggling together, smiling and laughing together to prepare their marriage. I can’t do that, hyung. I need time.”

“I understand. But you need to see from her glasses too. She really thinks that you hate both her and Jun Su. I think you have to show up some time, you know.”

“I—“  Jong Dae suddenly remembered about that farewell party. “Uh, hyung. Someone wants to make a farewell party for me. He said next week he will make it.”

“Wait, what?”  Yi Xing was shocked. He was never informed before about this ‘farewell’ thing, “farewell? Who’s gonna leave? You? Where?”

“I didn’t tell you again, I am sorry. I got accepted to study my master degree in States. I will leave just after the marriage. My friend back in university wants to make a farewell party. Maybe in that party we can all meet and settle things down.”

There was a silence from Yi Xing’s side after Jong Dae explained. “I am looking forward into it, Jong Dae-ah. Just tell me the address and we will be there. And by the way, congratulations.”

“Thank you, hyung.”

“Happy now, jie?”  Yi Xing said after Jong Dae hung up. Li Yin couldn’t conceal the bitterness in her face. She looked so sad and guilt ate her. How could I not know? How could I become so blind? He did really say that he loved me and it is hurtful for him to watch, and I just easily asked her to become my man of honor! Stupid Li Yin!

Yi Xing actually called Jong Dae and tricked him into telling his real feeling with Li Yin heard it live. Once she heard it, she really felt like the sky was fallen into her. She really couldn’t do anything. She….was confused.

“What do you want now?”  Yi Xing asked, “you know why he hasn’t told you about his feelings. He just thinks about your happiness, jie. He thinks that you belong to him and he has no right to be meddling with it. And just now he told us that he got scholarship. He will leave for his own good, and for yours too, with now you know the whole thing.”

“Why didn’t he tell me that he loved me?”

“For how many times do I have to tell you that he feels that he needs to accomplice things in his life and then propose to you?”  Yi Xing groaned, “jie, I am not blaming you; no one here has to be blamed. It’s just….things happens like this, and all of us have to accept it.”

Li Yin stood up from the seat and reached her phone, “what do you want?”

“I need to call Jun Su oppa. I will say to him that we have to change the man of honor, because Jong Dae—”

“Jie, please don’t tell him that Jong Dae loves you. It will tense the situation more. I don’t want it.”

“I want to talk to Jun Su oppa because Jong Dae has to prepare his departure to States, thus he can’t have many times to prepare our marriage,”  she smiled weakly, “and of course, I will talk to him about the party.”




Kyung Soo and Baek Hyun had prepared the farewell party well. They reserved a nice restaurant at the heart of the city. Jong Dae had to leave Jin Ri and Mrs. Choi at the unit, but they promised to call him immediately if there was something happened.

Every friend that Jong Dae got from university was coming. They filled the restaurant and sat at the tables following the plan. Baek Hyun and Kyung Soo were seating with Jong Dae while others were seating near them.

“Guys!”  Baek Hyun shouted with raising wine glass, “we gather here to congratulate Kim Jong Dae for his accomplishment. As you know, he got himself a scholarship to continue his study in States, and he will leave in one month later. Since he said he just had this one free time,”  Clearly Baek Hyun was mocking him, and Jong Dae just smiled, “we think this is the perfect time for us to throw party to our ever-lasting angel boy who does nothing but kindness to all of us. To Jong Dae!” 

People raised the toasts and after that, they were chatting with other. Some of them also ran to Jong Dae to congratulate and wish him well. Jong Dae also turned around to see other of his friends who came.

“Min Seok hyung!!!!”  Jong Dae shouted after seeing this chubby (but not poufy) man who was his senior with Chan Yeol in the university. While Chan Yeol later took specialist in gynecology, Min Seok decided to become an orthopedist and this time, he worked at national hospital.

“Hey! Long time no see!”

“I miss you!”

“I heard that you will take a master degree?”


“Well, good luck with that,” Min Seok smiled. His hands were tied to another hand, “is she your—“

“Meet my wife,”  Min Seok said, “darling, he is Kim Jong Dae, my best junior in university.”  They greeted each other, “uh, Kyung Soo said that you need a girl now.”

“What?”  Jong Dae shrieked. “How could you—“

“It’s because the girl that he wanted to introduce to you is my sister-in-law.”  The wife smiled after hearing Min Seok’s words, “she is getting ready.”

“I don’t understand. How could he—“

“He just talked to me yesterday, since the girl that he originally wanted to introduce to you suddenly has another guy. Kyung Soo doesn’t have any heart to break you, so he talked to me, just to ask suggestions. Funny thing is, my sister-in-law is living in States but she went here for visiting her parents and us. I asked her if she wanted to meet you. She is quite excited to meet you, and she understands that you don’t want to make things faster, because she also just wants to know you.”  And then Min Seok blinked, “and you have to thank me for promoting you.”

Jong Dae smiled genuinely and then he saw the girl. She had long straight hair, and slim body. Her face is beautiful but there is arrogance in her face. However, when Jong Dae saw her smiling to Min Seok’s wife, he knew she was a kind and nice girl.

“Oppa! I arrive!”

“Good time, Soo Jung-ah. This is the guy that I have talked a lot about,”  Min Seok said, “Kim Jong Dae, please meet my sister-in-law, Jung Soo Jung, or you can call her Krystal because she wants to be called like that by her friends in States. And Soo Jung-ah, meet my dongsaeng in university, Kim Jong Dae.”  They bowed to each other politely.

On the corner, Baek Hyun and Kyung Soo did high-five because their plan looked like working.

“Uh, what do you want?”  Jong Dae asked nervously, because, face it, Soo Jung was a beautiful girl. Min Seok and his wife suddenly left them together so Jong Dae hadn’t prepared everything.

“Maybe I want to sit first, Kim Jong Dae-sshi.”

“Please call me Jong Dae.”  Jong Dae replied. He then guided her to sit with him.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. So, what do you want to eat? I think the waiters can give it to you.”

“I am fine, thank you, Jong Dae-sshi.”

“I think we need to settle the age first. I am not grown to hear someone calls me with such honorifics like that.”

“Don’t they call you doctor?”

“Yes, but they usually call me ‘doctor Kim’ rather than ‘Kim Jong Dae’ or ‘Jong Dae-sshi.’ Well, scratch that, Kyung Soo-sshi always calls me Jong Dae-sshi despite I have asked him to drop the honorific so I can call him the same.”  Soo Jung laughed. She really found what Jong Dae was funny, even though Jong Dae didn’t want to make joke at all.

Jong Dae smiled back. The girl was really easy-going despite her looks.

“I am twenty-eight years old.”

“I am twenty-five years old. That means I have to call you ‘oppa.’ Are you okay with that?”

“I am okay with that, Soo Jung-sshi.”

“No!” Soo Jung spoke, “now you are the one who should drop the honorific. Why don’t you call me informally? Since I call you ‘oppa’ I think that’s okay if you call me as your dongsaeng.”

“Okay. Then it is settled.”

The time passed and Jong Dae really felt happy. His heart was lightened a bit and that was because of Soo Jung’s presence. She really brought a sunlight into his life *a bit*. People were right about him. He had to see another girl beside Li Yin.

“Well, well, who’s busy now,”  A voice cracked the happy moment. Jong Dae looked and saw Yi Xing with Sun Young, together with Li Yin and Jun Su. Soo Jung held his arm because earlier she laughed so much until she said her stomach was hurt so she gripped it naturally.

“Hyung! Noona! You really come!”

“Of course we do,”  Yi Xing smiled, “where do we have to sit now?”

“Uh, I don’t—“

“You must be Zhang Yi Xing and Zhang Li Yin, right?”  Kyung Soo came into the scene, “my name is Do Kyung Soo and I am the organizer of this party. Your seats are there.”

“I will go there, hyung, noona.”  Jong Dae said that, and he exchanged glance with Li Yin, who looked like she was hurt so much. Jong Dae frowned but Soo Jung’s cough made him come back to her.

“I am sorry for touching your arm. Looks like that girl doesn’t like it at all.”

“What? Who?”

“That girl. She’s the one with long hair,”  There was only one girl with long hair since Sun Young’s hair was cut short.

Jong Dae shook his head; Soo Jung barely knew them so it was normal she misunderstood, “no, she isn’t jealous, if that’s what you are implying. She will get married near my departure date.”

“Really? With the guy that she has been holding into?”


“No wonder she grips him so tight.”  On the other side, Li Yin’s eyes couldn’t see anything else beside Jong Dae and that stranger. He said that he loved me and now he is lovey-dovey with another girl? How can he move on so fast? Is everything a lie? But why….

“Jie, you obviously look jealous there,”  Yi Xing whispered. Li Yin sighed, “what do I suppose to do? I know he loves me but now he is—“

“Why are you jealous? You have yourself Jun Su hyung here. Jong Dae has any right to be with anyone he likes, jie.”

Li Yin suddenly realized that. Jun Su was happily drinking the wine while watching the live performance by local band. She had Jun Su this time and she should be happy, but why…..

Li Yin wanted to go out from there. That party suddenly suffocated her. She couldn’t be there any longer. 




I am really bad at making timeline in details. Let's just pretend Jinri's due day, the marriage and his departure are like, in one day, okay? 

@nizzyool: your prediction is almost right. Please just choose again, because you have already chosen Tao, right? Well, he is not *spoiler* just think about someone that looks like sehun ;) *because in my mind, he really has sehun's traits too, a bit* hopefully it helps :) and I will not cancel the wedding. The wedding will be happened :) 

and for others, please comment, I beg you! "flying some kisses"

thank you too for new subscribers, welcome to this story! I hope you like the progress so far! 



Thank you, 


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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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chrst25 #1
Chapter 15: Wai... You're from indonesia?! Did you go to their (EXO) concert?
Chapter 14: amazing again I must say <3
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh the kid is called Ri In haha I gets that >~< This story is do beautiful gahhh all the feelsss~
nizzyool #4
Chapter 13: oh goodness Soojung is such a nice, realistic girl :)
and yeay Lu Han knows the truth!^^/
Chapter 12: Woah. More and more drama! NOOO THIS STORY IS GOING TO END SOON?? Wae T_T I feel sorry for Soojung. But being an ultimate Chenyin shipper, I will not let myself be like Jinri and feel like Li Yin is the bad one. Hueheu
CosmicLatte00 #6
Chapter 12: Now im starting to doubt your story line...my brain cant register a happy ending or at least a 'not' sad ending
Chapter 12: I really like the story but I want to punch Jin Ri in the face.
Wow this is super cool ^^ <3
nizzyool #9
Chapter 12: and yes... I feel bad for Soojung but thanks God she's a nice girl who understands the consequences of loving Jongdae all along. I hope she ends up with another nice boy.....like Jongin, maybe^^

aaaand will Jongdae and Liyin do.it.again? kkkkkkk because somehow I got a feeling they'll do so even though Jongdae will feel guilty to Soojung but in the end he'll just surrender to Liyin's wish >//////< gosh I sounded not good kkkk
nizzyool #10
Chapter 12: what........Junsu is a real bad news :[ *even though it's hard to imagine since he has that strong "Angel Junsu" image^^*

ooh Jin Ri, if only you know that Jongdae and Liyin part ways partly in order to protect you and Sehun -.-