
I would like to tell you that this story is about to finish.....like three chapters more. 

Thank you!

Jong Dae sits in the bench at the hospital park. In his grip, there is a cup of hot coffee brought by Yi Xing. At this time, Li Yin is examined further by Min Seok and the rest of the team, even if that’s how they call. Jong Dae feels like there is a big stone on his shoulders. Seeing Li Yin is like that destroys his heart completely.

“How are you?”  Jong Dae rolls his eyes. “Hyung, do you really want to open the conversation with ‘how are you?’ We know what happens now so just spill what you want to.”

Yi Xing smiles. Jong Dae has every right to feel agitated. He is dragged, again, to Li Yin’s life when it seems like she is fine.

OH, but Yi Xing knows his big sister is never fine.

“Okay, I will tell you the whole story but let’s take a deep breath first. We need it.”

“I have taken it. So, what has happened?”

“I will begin it with a day after your departure to States. Jie declined honeymoon’s trips every year until it drove the Kim’s family insane. Jun Su hyung also began to change four months after the marriage. Jie had never given any attention to him like he was her husband; she always made herself busy in bakery with Jong In or with me and Sun Young. She used to find every excuses to run away from Jun Su hyung and his family. One year after the marriage, her ex-in-laws demanded her to have children and that was weird because they had active life, like really active life…..”


“He always pushed her to do whatever he wanted. He didn’t consider about her excuses anymore and he began to be rough on her. But….jie had never shown any symptoms of pregnancy and it intrigued all of us. We went to the doctor and it was revealed, Jie can’t bear children. She is unable to. After that, her in-laws were harsh to her. They moved the couple into their house and God knows what happened to Li Yin jie. She always turns the conversation into other topics when I try to ask her about this. In one point, jie could run away from the family and came to my house. I have married at that time. Jie was soaked with rain and her face was red because of….hitting or slapping? I don’t know. But she needed help, so I asked her to take the wheel and register the divorce paper. But she just said no and stated that my life depended on the marriage. I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t want to see my sister suffered because of me. So I went out from the company and single-handedly pushed jie to register the divorce paper. It happened one and a half year after their marriage.

“It raised my parents’ anger, of course. Moreover, they knew from Jun Su about your affair. Your and jie’s. They then cut their ties to jie but I still stood up on her. So that’s why they went back to China; they have cut ties from them because they thought we were unforgivable, especially jie. She filed it and the divorce went secretly because Kim family has influences all over the places. I found out that jie, since the fifth months of their marriage, had been living with a woman that became hyung’s mistress. I wanted to shout. I wanted to punch and kill that man. How could he do that? How could he?

“But jie stopped me. She said that she had to thank me because I sacrificed for her freedom. I heard her. I know raising this topic only makes her sad so we decided to keep it hidden, even from Jong In whom for the past years after the divorce I asked his help to take care of jie. I told Jong In especially to watch her over carefully because I know; I could see since she had been living with us she has acted weirdly. She is always cheerful and it seems like nothing bothers her or burdens her. Some months after the divorce, I could push jie to go to check her mental condition. The doctor said that she was a bit unstable but it was still retreat able. She was in denial state; she pretended that every single horrible things happened in her marriage wasn’t happened. However, she rejected the plan and doctor suggested me that I should follow what she wants to prevent the outbreak that could lead into more horrible state, but I should keep my eyes on her. So I asked Jong In to report to me.”

Jong Dae can’t hide his shock. He really thought that Li Yin was at some point, happy. She looked really happy when they met last time. She was beaming and Jong Dae felt betrayed because she looked happy with her life.

That is fake. She made it by herself.

He curses himself for feeling betrayed. Li Yin struggled a lot more than him. He, at least, has Soo Jung who keeps reminding him that life must go on. But Li Yin? She didn’t have one. Maybe Yi Xing now but it was too late. She had been broken and that is all thanks to Jun Su. Jong Dae is devastated by the news. He thought he endured the pain alone. He thought giving Li Yin to Jun Su is the best. But he is wrong. He is so wrong. Maybe he can save Jin Ri, but he can’t save Li Yin at all.

“This is not your fault. You have no idea that it could be turned like this, Jong Dae-ah. Stop blaming yourself.”

“And, what happened now? Is she in outbreak state?”

“No and yes. She got into traffic accident this morning.”

“What?”  Jong Dae shouts.

“She was driving the car, as what Jong In said to me, and then she got accident. She was rushed to the hospital but because of little bruises, she wasn’t admitted to surgery or something like that. However, when she woke up, she shouted that she needed to search her husband. Nurses called me and I called Jong In. They also asked about her husband once we got there. We stated that she had no husband but she kept repeating that she wanted to meet her husband. I asked her about his name and she shouted your name.

The nurses and ER Doctors know you so they began to talk and whisper. I then requested the hospital to check her condition further. They brought her into your brother-in-law wannabe and as you know, you are here and she calls you her husband.”  Jong Dae groans and closes his eyes with his palm. He is crying. He is crying because he finally knows the truth. Li Yin is suffering a lot.

“Jong Dae.”  Jong Dae looks up and there is Min Seok. It looks like the examination has over.

“Come with me. And you too, Zhang Yi Xing.”




Soo Jung cries after she receives phone call from Jong Dae. She is helped by Mrs. Choi and Jin Ri to pack her belongings. Sun Young and Jong In will come later and arrange Li Yin’s belongings, replacing what belonged to her first. Mrs. Choi keeps soothing her while Jin Ri just shuts because she feels that Soo Jung is the real victim here. Yes, Li Yin probably is in unstable state but that doesn’t mean that Jong Dae can ‘kick’ Soo Jung out from his place.

“Li Yin noona….she is sick. She is hallucinating that I am her husband for these six years and the doctors, including your brother-in-law, suggested to me that I have to keep that bubble of imagination alive. All of us have to do that or Li Yin noona can be mentally ill, forever. After she is released from the hospital, everyone needs to act like what she has been imagining is real. I am her real husband and there is no Jun Su or….you, in our lives. I am sorry but there is nothing I can do. You don’t want to see her ill, right? Please just follow this. I promise you, Min Seok hyung promise you too, that we will find the cure. We just have to play with it carefully. Soo Jung-ah, I am so sorry.”  That is what Jong Dae said when he called her. She rushed back to their place and cried a lot along the way. Mrs. Choi and Jin Ri were called and they came immediately.

“Dear, I am so sorry.”

“This….is not…your fault, Mrs. Choi. This is no one’s fault.”

“But unnie!”  Jin Ri can’t hold it much longer, “you should be angry! You should oppose oppa! He still has this soft side for Li Yin unnie and you can’t just accept it!”

“Then what should I do?”  Soo Jung howls, “If I am selfish, Li Yin unnie will be mentally ill forever. She has struggled a lot in her life! I have no heart to make her like that just because I am selfish!”

“That is not selfish!”

“She is the victim too in here, Jin Ri! If I were not there, if this Jun Su were not there six years ago, she and Jong Dae will have wonderful life and him being her husband for these six years is not just a bubble of her ill imagination!”


“I can’t do anything! Jong Dae still loves her no matter how hard I do!”  She throws herself into the sofa and cries. “No matter how hard I do, no matter how many years have passed, Jong Dae oppa still loves her and I can’t defeat her! I can never defeat her!”  She sobs loudly. It hurts for her. It hurts her. She has given up the years to get his love but once they got back, just in three weeks, Jong Dae’s attention is back on Li Yin.

But she can’t blame her. It’s not her wish that Jong Dae is drawn back to her. Li Yin has shown determination, as Soo Jung has seen for these days. She never called Jong Dae or even tried to meet him. They met for once and once only at the celebration, and Li Yin ignored Jong Dae just like he was her friend, nothing less nothing more.

Why? Why does she break-out? Why? No one can be blame. But everyone wants to shout their feelings.




“Whoa! Did we just move, dear?”  Li Yin asks cheerfully as she goes around the room. She does remember about the house, but the house she remembers is Jun Su’s house. The house where she was really a wife of someone.

Sun Young and Yi Xing help too with Jong In. Sun Young and Jong In came before and met Soo Jung (they asked for apology several times) and made the house just like it is a normal house, not a stage. Jin Ri and Mrs. Choi are there too. Mrs. Choi is smiling but Jin Ri looks so irritated.

“Yeah, we just moved. Three days ago. But everyone helped us so we unpacked fast,”  Jong Dae answers.

“Where is our room? I am so sorry about this. The doctor said that I got this temporal amnesia and I can’t remember some details. Will you forgive me?”  Li Yin asks cutely and she wraps her hands on Jong Dae’s nape and lightly kisses him.


“Yeah. It’s okay, noona.”

“What? I thought you call me Li Yin now….or maybe Ri In?”

“Ah! I forgot! Yes, I call you now Li Yin.” He smiles back, “the room is there. I will take you there.”  Jong Dae locks his fingers into hers and she happily follows him to the master bedroom. After Li Yin is gone, everyone is relieved.

“I oppose this! Soo Jung unnie is suffered!”

“Everyone is,”  Mrs. Choi, “don’t you think Jong Dae is too?”

“He is happy.”

“He has to happy. Jin Ri-ah, please. Nobody wants this thing,”  Mrs. Choi speaks, “you have heard the story. What will you do if you were in her place? We have been going through this kind of hardship and thanks to Jong Dae we still live now. If he wasn’t around, we probably would be dead.”  Jin Ri closes . Her mother is right. But she still feels angry to Li Yin.  

In the bedroom, Li Yin back-hugs Jong Dae dearly and kisses his cheek. “Dear?”


“I am sorry. You must be frantic when you heard I got into the accident.” Jong Dae just smiles and kisses her back, “No. Yes, I mean I was crazy when I heard that but when I saw you were okay, I felt relieved.”

“Jong Dae-ah…”


“We haven’t had our honeymoon, right?”  Jong Dae gets shocked. Li Yin remembers every details of her marriage with Jun Su, but it seems like in her bubble of imagination, she is married to Jong Dae and it is a happy marriage with the details from her real marriage to Jun Su. Jong Dae wants to cry. His beloved noona has turned into like this and he has part of making her into this state. But he has to hold his tears or Li Yin will get confused.

“Yeah, we haven’t. Why?”

“Don’t you…..want it? I know you are still busy with working (Li Yin does remember Jong Dae is a surgeon) but I want honeymoon. Maybe we can go to somewhere close enough from Seoul? So when your job is calling, we can go back immediately.”

“That sounds good.”  One thing that Min Seok and Li Yin’s psychiatric, Kris Wu, reminded is that everyone has to agree to any Li Yin’s opinion if it is still logical. Well, her first opinion isn’t logical so they just go with the flow: agree with anything Li Yin said. Once they disagree, her mental state will unstable again and it is dangerous for her.

“Really?”  She squeals happily. “Let’s plan it!”




Jin Ri really wants to punch something or someone. She, luckily, still cares about other people so she doesn’t punch something randomly. Her mother asked her to go back to their house for Se Hoon. He was put under Chan Yeol’s sister’s care before when Mrs. Choi and Jin Ri needed to play in that big grand scheme. And now, Se Hoon is diligently following her mother wherever she goes in that supermarket.

“Mom, can I take this?”  he points into one jar of cookies.

“No, Sehunnie, you will get toothache if you keep eating sweets,”  she talks softly but then he pouts.

“Mom, really?”

“Yeah, I am telling the truth. Now let’s go and we can make delicious food for Uncle and Aunt Park!”

Jin Ri walks throughout the supermarket and is absorbed to choose what ingredients she should buy, until she realizes that Se Hoon isn’t with her. She gets panicked. Se Hoon has never been lost from her before. That supermarket is big and Se Hoon is still a little kid.

“Se Hoon! Se Hoon! Choi Se Hoon!”  Jin Ri goes to search and call him frantically. She is scared of losing Se Hoon.

“Ajusshi, can I have those cookies?”  Jin Ri’s ears hear her son’s voice.

“Yeah, you can have it, if you are not crying anymore. We can go to information center and search your mother from there, okay?”


“Se Hoon-ah! Se Hoon-ah!”  Jin Ri finds him. Se Hoon turns around and smiles happily while running toward her, “MOMMY!”

“I miss you, dear. Please do not go from me again, okay?”

“Ung!”  Se Hoon nods his head.



“Jin Ri?”



Jin Ri looks into the one who called her and her jaw is almost dropped.

It is Lu Han.

He is Lu Han.

“Mom! This ajusshi promises me the cookies! He is nice ajusshi!”  Se Hoon speaks happily. Lu Han is at the same state of her; he is shocked.

“Sehunnie, we have to go.”

“But…why? That ajusshi—“

“Just go!”  Jin Ri drags her son who screams. Lu Han is stunned there and he can’t do anything. Just in a blink, Jin Ri is gone with that boy.

Is it really Jin Ri? Why….why does that boy call her ‘mother’? Has she married? Is it her real son?



so the illness thing....I just imagined it. I don't know if it can really happen but hey! This is fanfiction! Anything can happen! 

And all about the doctors and medical things, I don't know the details, so I just write what I know. I am sorry since I think there are lots of mistakes there. 


@nizzyool: hahahaha I am genius, right? *wink* but yeah, it's not really that mental illness but she is ill so....*it's confusing to explain*

@kyeoptaluhan88: because I said so LOL but yeah I tagged this story with 'drama' because it is full of drama and sadness. I just follow the theme since they were singing 'Breath' which is a very sad love song



and for others, please COMMENT! I LOVE THE COMMENTS!

Thank you






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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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chrst25 #1
Chapter 15: Wai... You're from indonesia?! Did you go to their (EXO) concert?
Chapter 14: amazing again I must say <3
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh the kid is called Ri In haha I gets that >~< This story is do beautiful gahhh all the feelsss~
nizzyool #4
Chapter 13: oh goodness Soojung is such a nice, realistic girl :)
and yeay Lu Han knows the truth!^^/
Chapter 12: Woah. More and more drama! NOOO THIS STORY IS GOING TO END SOON?? Wae T_T I feel sorry for Soojung. But being an ultimate Chenyin shipper, I will not let myself be like Jinri and feel like Li Yin is the bad one. Hueheu
CosmicLatte00 #6
Chapter 12: Now im starting to doubt your story line...my brain cant register a happy ending or at least a 'not' sad ending
Chapter 12: I really like the story but I want to punch Jin Ri in the face.
Wow this is super cool ^^ <3
nizzyool #9
Chapter 12: and yes... I feel bad for Soojung but thanks God she's a nice girl who understands the consequences of loving Jongdae all along. I hope she ends up with another nice boy.....like Jongin, maybe^^

aaaand will Jongdae and Liyin do.it.again? kkkkkkk because somehow I got a feeling they'll do so even though Jongdae will feel guilty to Soojung but in the end he'll just surrender to Liyin's wish >//////< gosh I sounded not good kkkk
nizzyool #10
Chapter 12: what........Junsu is a real bad news :[ *even though it's hard to imagine since he has that strong "Angel Junsu" image^^*

ooh Jin Ri, if only you know that Jongdae and Liyin part ways partly in order to protect you and Sehun -.-