
“Good to hear you back.” That was Yi Xing’s first sentence after these twelve years. Jong Dae laughed at the phone.

“How are you, hyung?”

“I am okay. Let’s meet, Jong Dae-ah. I know you are living in Seoul too like me. We have to catch up, and I want you to meet my girlfriend.”

“Whoa! Are you about to get married?”

“Let’s just talk about that later, also about Li Yin jie’s coming home action.”

“Okay. Let’s meet. Today isn’t really busy in clinic too.”   And so they met up. Jong Dae arrived first at a café near Yi Xing’s workplace. Since Yi Xing said his girlfriend was working along with him at the same building, it didn’t hurt them to meet Jong Dae at that café.

“Hi, have you waited for a long time?”  Yi Xing said after he approached Jong Dae. They hugged and Jong Dae bowed to his girlfriend.

“No, not really. It takes an hour to get here, so I just relax myself after a long drive. Nice to meet you, Miss—“

“My name is Park Sun Young. Nice to meet you Mr. Kim.”

“Please call me Jong Dae. Nice to meet you too, Park Sun Young-sshi.” 

“So,”   Yi Xing opened the conversation after they sat, “how are you?”

“I’m fine. Beside working and running a clinic, I am okay.”

“I have heard that. Your mother informed us.”

“Yes, I know she would do that.”

“I have been in Seoul since I got graduated, and I am so sorry for not contacting you. But I figured out you would be so busy becoming a doctor also running a clinic, so I didn’t contact you earlier.”

“That’s okay, hyung,”  Jong Dae smiled. “Is there anything you want to tell me? Jin Ri said you wanted to tell me something about noona.”

“I’ll go first,”  Sun Young took her leave, as she wanted to make these two childhood friends be alone. Yi Xing smiled a bit to his girlfriend, and then turned his attention back to Jong Dae.

“Who is this Jin Ri? Is she your girlfriend?”  Jong Dae shook his head. “No, she is the daughter of Mrs. Choi, the woman who becomes my assistant there.”

“Oh, I think you have—“

“You know I can’t, hyung. I am kind of melancholic man. I can’t forget your sister easily.”  Jong Dae could see Yi Xing uneasiness. “What’s wrong, hyung? Is something happened to Li Yin noona?”

“No, nothing. It’s just we kind of lost contact to her to for the past five years. I mean, she is really busy at her work as patisserie so we haven’t really connected well. And you know my father is still angry about her decision to go to France. That makes our communication isn’t really good.” 


“Well, two weeks ago she contacted us. She said she wanted to go back to Seoul and work here.”  Yi Xing could see Jong Dae’s eyes were sparkling. Jong Dae clearly was happy to hear his first love was coming back to the city. He hadn’t seen her for twelve years; both of them were adults. Jong Dae was 28 years old, and that made Li Yin was 31 years old. He could finally fulfill his promise: to protect her, to be with her.

“But Jong Dae-ah, I do not know if she has changed a lot or not. I mean, I might not know her anymore.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, she is your sister. You will know her.”

“No, I mean it’s about her personality. She left us when we were teenagers. We all change, and I have no doubt she has changed too.”

“Why are you so skeptical about your own jie? I think you should be happy she will come back.”

“Well, I am not the one who is waiting her for about twelve years,”  Jong Dae’s smile disappeared a bit.

“Hyung, do you think I am crazy?”

“You are crazy in love. You should know we all change. She probably doesn’t even remember making any promises to be with you forever. She made that when she graduated junior high school!”

“Yet you still remember it,”  Jong Dae replied, “don’t worry, hyung. I am an adult now. I know people can change. I think I am ready to face the changes.”

Yi Xing sighed. He knew convincing Jong Dae to just forget about Li Yin was useless. Yi Xing knew this from Jong Dae’s mother. Just after Li Yin contacted him about her coming home, Yi Xing called Jong Dae’s parents’ house, only to find out the man had moved out from the house years ago. He then said his intention to inform Jong Dae about Li Yin’s coming.

Well, his mother wasn’t really amused about this news. She then told her son’s hopeless waiting for his jie, and that made Yi Xing felt guilty. Jong Dae did celibate for his sister, while Yi Xing couldn’t assure himself that Li Yin still remembered everything about their promises and childhood things. He attempted not to tell Jong Dae, but he knew his childhood friend would get hurt if he didn’t get informed.

So this was Yi Xing did. He informed the news, and saw Jong Dae’s reaction. And his prediction was true: Jong Dae still had hope.

“Okay, we can pick her up from the airport together. My parents will also come to Seoul to celebrate her coming. She said her arrival will be three days later.”

For the rest of those three days, all Jong Dae did was smiling to everyone he met, and it creped people around him, including Mrs. Choi and Jin Ri. He was really happy to know his angel would come back.

And the D-day finally came. Jong Dae wore his best shirt and even took time to get some cream for his face. Jin Ri gave those treatment creams for him, but this was the first time he wore it.

“Should I call your mother that you will finally get married?”  Mrs. Choi spoke from his behind. Jin Ri was just giggling seeing how Jong Dae was.

“Thank you, but no.”

“Is she the one who will come?”   She pointed again to the very same photo that she talked about days ago. Jong Dae nodded happily.

“I hope you will be happy, Jong Dae-sshi.”




And so, he arrived at the airport and met Yi Xing. He was so nervous because he would see her again. How would she look like? Did she recognize him? Would she be nice to him? Or like Yi Xing said, she had changed completely? All those thoughts haunted Jong Dae’s mind for the past three days earlier, and this time, while they were waiting the passengers.

“Jie!”  Yi Xing then screamed and waved his hands, “Li Yin jie! Here! We are here!” 


Jong Dae swore he couldn’t breathe for seconds, or maybe minutes there.


She was breathtaking. She shone all over like sunshine, like she used to be when they were kids and teenagers.  She smiled while carrying her handbag and reached the place where Yi Xing and Jong Dae stood up.

“Di di! How are you?”  She asked happily while hugging her brother tightly. She was still the same Zhang Li Yin Jong Dae knew: cheerful, sweet, radiating person.

“I am fine,”  Yi Xing released the hug, “and look who’s here, jie.”  Li Yin looked to his side and she gasped.

“Oh My God! Jong Dae? You are Jong Dae, right?”

“Yes, I am, noona.” 

“How I miss you so much!”  She then hugged him tightly. Jong Dae replied the hug too, and he buried himself over her shoulder. The very same strawberry smell was still there.

“You are still wearing that strawberry shampoo.”

“Of course I am. Now let me look at you,”  She released the hug and smiled, “you are getting taller than me. And you are now a very handsome guy. Good job, Jong Dae-ah.”  She gave him thumb-up action and Jong Dae just smiled brightly.

“Jie, let’s go. I have prepared you in my house.”

“Oh, wait. There is someone you two need to see.”  Li Yin then waved to someone behind her.

Someone that she just waved was a man. He was tall, handsome and his face was strong but tender. He got himself the trolley for the baggage.  Both of the boys were frowned.

“Jie, who is he?”  Li Yin smirked and then she approached the guy. “He is my boyfriend for the past three years. Jun Su-sshi, these are my brothers….well, my brother is him,”  she talked as she pointed to Yi Xing, “and he was is my childhood friend who is also my little brother. Yi Xing, Jong Dae, meet my boyfriend and now my fiancée, Kim Jun Su.” She introduced him while her hands were hugging his arm.

“Nice to meet you two. Li Yin has talked a lot about you two.”  Yi Xing’s eyes were about to pop out, while Jong Dae’s smile was disappearing. Li Yin and Jun Su couldn’t feel the sudden change as they were staring lovingly to each other.

“What? Jie…..you are engaged?”

“Yes…well, I haven’t talked to our parents yet, but that is why I brought him here. His family has a company in Seoul, so he will introduce me too to his family.”

Jong Dae felt like the ceiling of the airport with the sky itself fell down and hit his body so hard. It was like all his hope was disappearing suddenly and there would be nothing left. He felt like a big truck with thousands of cows or truck with some cars in it was striking him until he was flat on the ground. He had been waiting her for these twelve years and she just came back with another guy in his arms.

When she had herself promised to be with him forever…….

And somehow a voice struck Jong Dae, did she tell you that she would marry you? Did she tell you that she knew your feeling? This is your fault, Kim Jong Dae. If you were honest and told her your feelings earlier, you would not see this thing coming to you. You decide to keep your feeling and secretly hope that she knows it.  

That was his mother’s voice. His mother told him about the last sentence. She was right. He kept his feeling all by himself and prevented everyone to tell her his. He should know this would be coming. Li Yin was on another man’s arm. There was no way Li Yin knew his feeling, as she used to treat him like a little brother. All this time, it was never changed.

He could feel his tears were about to come, when Yi Xing talked, “you are really full of surprises, jie.”  Clearly Yi Xing became the peacemaker here, “Am I right, Jong Dae?”

Jong Dae lifted his head and tried to smile as good as possible, “yes, you are. Noona, you really surprised me.”

Li Yin laughed, “am I? I don’t really think it was a surprise. I mean, I am 31 years old. You two should think that I have someone beside me.”  All of them are throwing smiles, as there was nothing wrong and hurtful happened between them.

“So, are we going to my house?”

“Hyung, I can’t go,”  Jong Dae talked; his voice was shivering, “I….I have to go to the clinic. I—“

“Clinic?”  Li Yin cut his words, “Jong Dae-ah? Are you a doctor?”  Jong Dae nodded lightly, as his tears were about to flow out.  Li Yin then approached Jong Da; she grabbed his arms and then looked closely to him, “Congratulation, Kim Jong Dae!”  She then smiled cheerfully and he could do nothing than smiled back.

“Thank you.”

“Where is the clinic? I would like to go there too!”

“Uh, it is—“

“Jie,”  Yi Xing interrupted, “Jong Dae said he needed to go fast to his clinic. We better don’t slow him down.”

“Ah, yes, you are right.”  Li Yin released her grip, and suddenly Jong Dae’s heart was cold and empty, “you can contact us about your clinic, and your life. I bet you have a very beautiful wife back home. I pray every day that you will have a good life, Jong Dae-ah.”

Jong Dae just smiled bitterly, “No, I haven’t married, and thank you, noona, for the pray. If you excuse me, I need to go. Good bye, Yi Xing hyung, Kim Jun Su-sshi, and noona.”  Good bye noona.

Yi Xing felt puzzled as Jong Dae left them. He clearly could see the bitter at Jong Dae’s face. He also didn’t expect this thing would come…..well, who was he fooling to? He knew somehow this could be happened, but he dismissed the thought quickly for Jong Dae.

“So, shall we go?”  Jun Su’s voice brought him back from his mind. Yi Xing smiled, “okay. Will you go to my place?”

“I would love to. Beside, my parents haven’t sent me any cars or tried to pick me up.”  He smiled genuinely to Li Yin, who was beside him and hugged his arm tightly. Yi Xing could see that they were in love, and he had no heart to break them by telling about Jong Dae. On the other side, Jong Dae was destroyed. Yi Xing was in dilemma.

“Follow me then. My girlfriend has been waiting for us.”

“Wait, what? Girlfriend?”

“I’ll tell you later, jie.”  Yi Xing dismissed the topic and then they were going to his house. Li Yin sat with Jun Su on the back seat.

“Yi Xing-ah.”


“Does Jong Dae really not have any girlfriends? He looks fine to me.”  Yi Xing sighed. “As far as I know, jie,”  he answered, “he claimed he didn’t have any girlfriend. He said he was busy with the patients and clinic.”

“But I hadn’t thought that he really becomes a doctor, like he used to say when we were kids.”  And that is because of you, jie.

“He seems in hurry when he left us,”  Jun Su talked, “do you think he will be fine? His face was a bit pale.”

“Oh, he will be. He always has this box full of medicine if he isn’t feeling well. Just relax,”  Yi Xing lied. He of course didn’t know anything about Jong Dae’s car or anything inside of it. That was the lie he could think of.

“Yes, honey. Jong Dae is like that; he gets that from his mother,”  Li Yin spoke. Jun Su stared lovingly to her and they shared a light kiss. Yi Xing just eyed the action and he sighed in his heart,  “now let’s talk about your girlfriend, Zhang Yi Xing.”




Jong Dae stopped his car halfway. He didn’t know where to go or what to do. His life was crumbling down and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

His whole life was about Li Yin; his dream, his propose in life, they were all for her. He became doctor so that he could fulfill her dream about having a doctor as a husband; he had waited her for these twelve years just for her and her previous promise to be with him.

He knew he should be angry; he knew he should yell to Li Yin and tell her about his sacrifice, but no. He couldn’t do that to Li Yin. He couldn’t hurt her as it would hurt himself. He couldn’t see her crying or getting hurt.

He also couldn’t do that with the fact that he never told her about his feeling thus her actions were legal and normal, for those strangers’ eyes.

Yet he was the one that got hurt by someone so precious to him.

He gripped the wheel tightly and he felt his tears coming down hard. He then cried out loud. That hurt so much. His heard ached so much; he might not be able to take it anymore. 



I'm trolling you guys about the update LOLOLOL

no, I actually have said that I have like three chapters but I don't want to upload them at once so this is what I do. 

The fourth chapter will be here at the end of March keke (sorry for the trolling again *evil smirk* )

and please do not hate the girl here, if you see her perspective, you will understand (or you try to understand my understanding of her character haha) 

so sorry for mistakes and I don't know, is this chapter pleased you guys? Please comment *begging you a lot* 


@pop2po: she has returned......with another guy beside her keke.........I hope you like this chapter :) 


and for the JYJ's Junsu, I just think that Li Yin did collaborate with him with "Timeless" so....you know, it's just like that. 


Thank you


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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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chrst25 #1
Chapter 15: Wai... You're from indonesia?! Did you go to their (EXO) concert?
Chapter 14: amazing again I must say <3
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh the kid is called Ri In haha I gets that >~< This story is do beautiful gahhh all the feelsss~
nizzyool #4
Chapter 13: oh goodness Soojung is such a nice, realistic girl :)
and yeay Lu Han knows the truth!^^/
Chapter 12: Woah. More and more drama! NOOO THIS STORY IS GOING TO END SOON?? Wae T_T I feel sorry for Soojung. But being an ultimate Chenyin shipper, I will not let myself be like Jinri and feel like Li Yin is the bad one. Hueheu
CosmicLatte00 #6
Chapter 12: Now im starting to doubt your story line...my brain cant register a happy ending or at least a 'not' sad ending
Chapter 12: I really like the story but I want to punch Jin Ri in the face.
Wow this is super cool ^^ <3
nizzyool #9
Chapter 12: and yes... I feel bad for Soojung but thanks God she's a nice girl who understands the consequences of loving Jongdae all along. I hope she ends up with another nice boy.....like Jongin, maybe^^

aaaand will Jongdae and Liyin do.it.again? kkkkkkk because somehow I got a feeling they'll do so even though Jongdae will feel guilty to Soojung but in the end he'll just surrender to Liyin's wish >//////< gosh I sounded not good kkkk
nizzyool #10
Chapter 12: what........Junsu is a real bad news :[ *even though it's hard to imagine since he has that strong "Angel Junsu" image^^*

ooh Jin Ri, if only you know that Jongdae and Liyin part ways partly in order to protect you and Sehun -.-