
There are only two chapters....not three.....well, the last will be longer but I think I will not divide it into two chapters

so this is the first part! Later I will post the last chapter!

thank you for the love

“Wake up, dear….”


“Come on, don’t be a child,”  Li Yin whispers to him. He keeps struggling to avoid her voice. Li Yin chuckles. Her husband is so cute.

“I don’t want.”

“I will shower you with kisses if you don’t want to wake up.”

“Let you do it. I even am glad if you really do it.”

“You naughty boy! Come on! Get up!”

“No!”  Even when Li Yin pulls his hand in order to make him sits up, he is still whining. Li Yin finally succeeds in making him sitting on the bed. However, Jong Dae still closes his eyes and pouts.

“You little!”  Li Yin shakes her head in disbelief. Jong Dae is still a kid like she remembers. Well, if the term of ‘remembers’ is the same with what Li Yin believes.

After three weeks, there is no significant progress on Li Yin’s memory. Jong Dae gradually gets used to become her husband. They even went to their ‘honeymoon’ only to be really disturbed by emergency situation in the hospital. Yi Xing and Sun Young come to his place almost every day in hope that their sister will regain the memory, but it is no avail. Li Yin still thinks that she is married to Jong Dae and it has been for more than six years since they are married.

“Jong Dae-ah….”


“Why don’t we have kids?”  Jong Dae spats his coffee and coughs. Li Yin looks to him like he is an alien or something, “what? Is there something wrong?”

“No…no…thing…I mean nothing is wrong…It’s just….”  Jong Dae loses his words. He was grateful that Li Yin never asked about children or something but he hasn’t prepared for this time. He has no idea what to tell Li Yin, but luckily, Mrs. Choi is there as his savior.

“He is busy, Mrs. Kim,”  Mrs. Choi says, “you have the idea of delaying it because you two are busy.”

“But I am getting older,”  Li Yin replies, “shouldn’t this be the perfect time for us to have children?”

“Uh…..”  Jong Dae thinks hard to answer it, “I think—“

“Oh! The telephone!”  Li Yin gets up once she hears the ring, “I’ll take it!”   She runs into the living room. Jong Dae sighs in relief.

“I think I can’t do it anymore.”

“Jong Dae-sshi, please do not give up.”

“I think I have to tell her the truth. I like being her husband but not with lies like this. This is exhausting.”

“Then she will be sick more than you can imagine. Isn’t that what the doctors say?”  Mrs. Choi reminds him. He nods slowly. Suddenly, his phone is ringing. He takes it. Turns out, there is an emergency again in the hospital. “Mrs. Choi, I have to leave.”

“I have too. Jin Ri is afraid of something back in home. I don’t know what it is but I have to calm her down.”

“I will text Yi Xing hyung to be here with noona.”  He takes his bag and then waves to Li Yin. Li Yin seems tentatively listening to the phone and smiles when she sees the waving. If only they really have this kind of life.




“Oppa?”  Jong Dae looks up and smiles to see Soo Jung. She comes to his workplace. She looks good with that dress.

“Come here, Soo Jung-ah. Sit here.”  Jong Dae smiles to her again, “Is there anything I can help?”

“Here.”  Soo Jung gives him the ring. Their engagement ring. Jong Dae gasps. “What?”

“I know it. I can’t hope something that I can’t even get. Even if Li Yin unnie gets recovered, I will lose again. I have no opportunity to begin with.”

“Soo Jung….I….”

“I know. I am always with you and you think that marrying me might repay what I have done to you. Deep down inside your heart, I know you know the truth.”  She smiles lightly, “I can’t force something that I can’t even have. I can’t ask you to leave her. Even if we get married, there will be only fake laugh. We just compromise in the marriage, nothing more. I don’t want that kind of marriage. So rather than we keep on doing it, why don’t we stop it before boh of us getting hurt?”

“Soo Jung, I promise you it will be alright.”

“This will be alright. You always love her and no one can beat her. You love her ever since you know what love is. I can’t beat that. And I don’t want to live only for beating her in your heart. It’s the best for us just to leave each other and be friends, if that is okay.”

“I should be the one who said that.”

“Mom and Dad get the idea. I told them about the disease and my reason, which is I am too tired to wait for you. They understand it; unnie and Min Seok oppa also understand. So you don’t have to feel guilty when you face them. It is my own decision. I don’t want to have broken marriage like Li Yin unnie had. It’s the best just to end this thing, right, oppa?”  Soo Jung smiles to him. He caresses her cheek and smiles back. He is so lucky to have Soo Jung beside him for these past years. Soo Jung is always sacrificing, but Jong Dae realizes she is right. Even if they are still going through the marriage, that thing would only become a fake one; a mask to everyone. Their marriage will be empty and there is no happiness.

“Yes, right.”

“So here it is, the ring. You should give it to the one that you love.”  Jong Dae takes the ring and kisses her forehead. “Thank you, Soo Jung.”

“You’re welcome. Thank you oppa. Living with you make me more mature. With you, I know that we have to sacrifice what we like so people around us can be happy.”


“Hahaha, don’t be so pale,”  Soo Jung snickers, “how’s unnie?”

“She is fine.”

“Min Seok oppa said that there has been no significant progress.”

“Yeah. She is quite the same like three weeks ago.”

“I hope you have patience to treat her. I really want to meet her but as you all said, it could only burst the bubble inside her mind. I better not meet her rather than make things worse.”

“Thank you. I really hope you will be happy.”

“Oh, I am happy. It feels like something has lifted from my shoulders. Now I can go to clubs again and search for any young and eligible bachelor.”  Jong Dae laughs. Soo Jung really tries to be okay and Jong Dae appreciates it. She deserves someone way better than him. Someone that really adores her is what she needs. Jong Dae makes a note that he wants to help Soo Jung to find that man. As a man who lived with her for these six years, Jong Dae could contribute on something.

“Now I have to go. Unnie and I have appointment in salon. Good bye, oppa.”

“Good bye, Soo Jung.”




Jin Ri is afraid of many things. And now it is more paranoid. She glances to everywhere when she goes out from her place. Se Hoon is given to Chan Yeol, just to ensure his safety.

Lu Han doesn’t have to know more. It is enough that he knows Jin Ri is still alive.

On the other hand, Zi Tao is shocked when Lu Han tells him about Jin Ri. “Man! I have seen her!”  His comment when Lu Han gives Jin Ri’s photo that he always keeps.


“In the party! Don’t you remember?”

“What party?”

“Oh, he is the woman that I met during Kim Jun Su’s first marriage! Do you remember? I said I saw a girl and she was so beautiful but she was scared of something. She said something about taking care of her child and I saw her with her baby!”

“Wow….that means it happened six years ago….”

“You know me and women. I can’t forget women who are a bit weird in my mind. That girl was so young yet she already has a child! That is weird!”

“Wait,”  Lu Han stops him, “did you just say ‘baby’?”

“Yeah. She had a baby. If what you said is true, then the boy whom you helped is that baby. He must be six years old now.”

“Zi Tao, I must say I am happy to have you as my friend. You do have excellent memory.”

“Tell me about it. So you two were lovers?”


“You left her just like that, right?”

“That is because of my family! They want me to marry another Chinese person! I don’t want it. I only love her!” Lu Han speaks. He never wanted to leave Jin Ri just like that. His family and Jun Su are quite the same; they like to threaten but now, at the age of twenty six, he has control over his life and the first thing he does is to find Jin Ri. But nobody knows where she is back at their past neighborhood.

“So, she is married, eh? Want me to find the truth?”

“You are so nice, don’t you?”  Lu Han talks, “okay. Please help me, Zi Tao.”  It only takes one week for Zi Tao to gather everything. And the result makes him shocked.

“Lu Han….I guess….I don’t know….”  Zi Tao talks like that after Lu Han lets him go inside his house.


“This Jin Ri…she….”

“What happens? Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she is okay. But….okay, don’t get panicked!”  Lu Han frowns. Zi Tao is weird now. “That girl’s real name is Choi Jin Ri.”

“I know it.”

“Let me finish, okay? Her father has passed away and she only has a mother. Mrs. Choi used to work as nurse at local hospital at your past neighborhood.”

“Wait, ‘used to’?”

“Just!”  Zi Tao signs again to make Lu Han understand that he needs to wait, “she resigned herself after Jin Ri graduated and then moved to a house owned by someone named Kim Jong Dae. He is a doctor and now working as surgeon in hospital here, Seoul.” Mrs. Choi became his assistant and then when he left for taking his specialist degree abroad, Mrs. Choi worked and it does until now to a gynecologist named Park Chan Yeol.

“Park Chan Yeol is a doctor that works at the same hospital with Kim Jong Dae and they are senior-junior in medical school. Park Chan Yeol is also the doctor who was responsible for Jin Ri’s pregnancy and delivery. Both Mrs. Choi and Jin Ri are living at a lot with Choi Se Hoon, Jin Ri’s son. Park Chan Yeol and Park Yu Ra, his sister, are acting like unofficial legal guardians for the boy too.”

“I don’t get it. Is she married? I mean, Jin Ri.”

“No, she isn’t.”  Zi Tao frowns, “she had him out of wedlock. That is the real reason they moved. Mrs. Choi and Jin Ri were outcasted by their neighbors so they moved to search new surroundings. Kim Jong Dae was once living in that neighborhood so they know each other, I mean Mrs. Choi and Kim Jong Dae.

“Lu Han….this is interesting. I find out the date when the boy was born, and if I calculated it, she was pregnant by the time you two were in high school. Didn’t you say you two were lovers in high school?”


“I have this suspicion. Lu Han, you might be the father of her son.” 


Lu Han’s jaw is about to drop.


He has a son?


With Jin Ri?


“Have you told everyone?”

“No, I just tell you now.”

“Good. Don’t tell baba and mama. They will try to take him if they know it.”

“Got it. What will you do?”

“Check the truth, of course.”

“Don’t you get curious on why I saw her in the party?”


“Kim Jong Dae is friend of Zhang Li Yin and Zhang Yi Xing. In fact, now Zhang Li Yin is living with Kim Jong Dae with everyone says that they are lovers now.”

Wait, hold on a second,”  Lu Han says, “so you’re saying, Kim Jun Su’s first wife is now Kim Jong Dae’s lover? And this Kim Jong Dae is linked to Jin Ri and the boy?”

“Yeah. What a small world, right? You probably could meet her at the party but that might not be the right time according to the universe.”  Lu Han thinks again. What Zi Tao says is right. What a small world.

“So…..I will keep my mouth shut about this Choi Se Hoon from your parents but don’t hope too much. They can know everything if they want.”

“Thank you, Zi Tao.”

“And I happen to know where she works now.”

“Great. Give me the address and I will introduce you to many beautiful and y girls in Seoul.”

“Thank you but I don’t need it. I can search them by myself.”



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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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chrst25 #1
Chapter 15: Wai... You're from indonesia?! Did you go to their (EXO) concert?
Chapter 14: amazing again I must say <3
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh the kid is called Ri In haha I gets that >~< This story is do beautiful gahhh all the feelsss~
nizzyool #4
Chapter 13: oh goodness Soojung is such a nice, realistic girl :)
and yeay Lu Han knows the truth!^^/
Chapter 12: Woah. More and more drama! NOOO THIS STORY IS GOING TO END SOON?? Wae T_T I feel sorry for Soojung. But being an ultimate Chenyin shipper, I will not let myself be like Jinri and feel like Li Yin is the bad one. Hueheu
CosmicLatte00 #6
Chapter 12: Now im starting to doubt your story line...my brain cant register a happy ending or at least a 'not' sad ending
Chapter 12: I really like the story but I want to punch Jin Ri in the face.
Wow this is super cool ^^ <3
nizzyool #9
Chapter 12: and yes... I feel bad for Soojung but thanks God she's a nice girl who understands the consequences of loving Jongdae all along. I hope she ends up with another nice boy.....like Jongin, maybe^^

aaaand will Jongdae and Liyin do.it.again? kkkkkkk because somehow I got a feeling they'll do so even though Jongdae will feel guilty to Soojung but in the end he'll just surrender to Liyin's wish >//////< gosh I sounded not good kkkk
nizzyool #10
Chapter 12: what........Junsu is a real bad news :[ *even though it's hard to imagine since he has that strong "Angel Junsu" image^^*

ooh Jin Ri, if only you know that Jongdae and Liyin part ways partly in order to protect you and Sehun -.-