

“Jong Dae?”

“Yes?”  Jong Dae looks up and sees Li Yin. His ‘wife’ calls him when they are having their dinner. “Can we go to your old place?”

“Excuse me?”

“Your old place. You did once have a house outside Seoul, right? Can we go there? I want to see the house again.”

“Well, the house technically isn’t mine again. I gave it to my senior, Victoria Song who likes to live in secluded place but I will call her. Maybe she has time.”

“Okay.”  Li Yin goes back to her plate and so does Jong Dae, until it hits him. How could noona know?



“How could you know? I mean, my old place.”  Jong Dae trembles. Does it mean that Li Yin gradually remembers? If that happens, that also means he could lose her. He doesn’t want it. After these times, he knows this is what he really wants in his life. He became a doctor to fulfil her dream. He has become what he is now mostly because of Li Yin. Being her fake husband is happiness for him. When she regains the memories back, she probably will leave him and he doesn’t want it.

“I have visited it with Yi Xing, don’t you remember? I had gone back to Seoul from France and I went there, although I kind of forgetting on why I went there…..oh! I wanted to visit Jin Ri, right? She was still pregnant!”

“Yes.”  Jong Dae sighs in relief. Maybe Li Yin’s mind has created another lie but he is grateful the girl doesn’t remember anything specifically.

“So, can we go?”

“I say I have to call her first.”

“Okay. Let me know. I want to visit every place there.”  They continue their eating session until the bell rings. Jong Dae gets up quickly and opens the door. Turns out, the one that rings the bell is Jin Ri. She brings Se Hoon with her. “Oppa, can we stay here?”

“Yeah, sure. What happened?”

“Lu Han has found us. I don’t know where to go anymore. At least in here, I will not be much burden.”

“Go inside. Li Yin will help you.”  Jin Ri looks a bit unhappy but Jong Dae brushes it. He knows Jin Ri’s feeling about Li Yin. He really has to explain everything to Jin Ri. With now Lu Han knows her whereabouts; Jong Dae feels that there is nothing to be hidden of.

But he can’t explain it in front of Li Yin. He could, later, after she gets asleep.

“Hey, Se Hoon! Watcha doin’?”  asks Li Yin. She mimics a girl that comes from certain cartoon which she can’t remember the title but she knows Se Hoon likes it. Well, that can be seen by his bags and water bottle.

“I am doing fine, Aunty!”

“What do you want to eat? We have cookies and milk for you.”

“I want it! I want it!”  Se Hoon screams happily and he follows Li Yin to the kitchen. Jong Dae and Jin Ri sits down. “I am sorry. It seems like I am disturbing your dinner time.”

“That’s alright. Jin Ri, what is really happening? How does Lu Han find you?”  asks him. Jin Ri looks down, as if Jong Dae scolds her. “Hey, this is not your fault, okay? It just happens. But I want to know the details.”

“Okay….”  She takes a deep breath, “we accidentally met. I just went to buy things in supermarket when I lost Sehunnie. Turns out he was with Lu Han. I don’t have any idea on how he ended up there but that is when we met. He knew that I had a kid but I had no idea before that he really searched me and Sehunnie. He went to Chan Yeol oppa’s place and claimed to be my co-worker in interior design firm. Since Chan Yeol oppa doesn’t really know my friends, he let him went inside his house and last thing I know, he played with Sehunnie. I yelled to him to get out but he said he only warned me. He had known the truth about Sehunnie however what I must be afraid of was his family. I don’t know what to do, oppa. I don’t want them; I don’t want his family finds us. Please, let us be here for couple days.”

“They will know you are here.”

“I know. But you are here. You can do any magic words that make people believe you, just like you always do.”

“Jin Ri, I am glad to help you but you know Li Yin isn’t healthy.”

“Why are you always thinking about her? We are your family too, right? Unless what you said six years ago has expired.”

“No, Jin Ri. Listen to me, okay. I….I need to tell you something.”  Jong Dae finally gives up. He doesn’t want Jin Ri to hold grudge or anger to Li Yin so he spills it. He spills everything to Jin Ri. Jin Ri really looks so shocked and opens so big.

“That is the truth. Please, do not hate Li Yin noona anymore. I love both of you; you two are my family. I can’t choose between you two.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I have been angry to her with no reason!”

“I am sorry. I don’t want to make you worried.”

“That Kim Jun Su is….UUUGGGGHHHHH!!!”

“Jin Ri! Don’t be so loud! Li Yin probably can hear it.”

“Oh yeah, sorry,”  she grimaces, “I have to do something for her. At least, I have to say sorry to her.”

“You can’t do it now.”

“But maybe I can do something,”  she thinks, “ah! I can live here! Well, maybe for couple of days I can help her in this house. I bet she must be happy with my welcoming attitude!”  Jong Dae smiles and hugs her dearly. Jin Ri is really his sister. He really loves her and always tries to protect her. “I will do my best to get rid of that Lu family from you and Sehunnie.”

“Thank you, oppa. Thank you so much for everything.” 




“We are here.”  Jong Dae says when his car is stopped at certain point. It is in front of his old house and clinic. That place is now belonged to Victoria Song, his senior. She is gone to Hong Kong to visit her family so it is empty. After Jong Dae can take another vacation time at the same time with Victoria’s trip, he and Li Yin goes there and leaving Jin Ri and Se Hoon there. There are Baek Hyun, Joon Myeon, and Kyung Soo to keep them safe. He really can count on his cousin and friends.

“This place doesn’t even change at all.”

“You remember?”

“Of course.”  Li Yin looks around and finds some flower garden near his house, “can I go there?”

“You can.”  Li Yin happily goes there. Jong Dae goes to the door to insert the key. He opens the door and smiles. Victoria has everything modified. His old living room is nowhere to be seen anymore. He sits and relaxes at the sofa but his eyes see an envelope. That has his name on it. Intrigued, he reaches it and opens it.


Dear Jong Dae,

This is your mother. I have this enough. How could you lie to me about Li Yin?

She told me everything. All about her so-called bubble imagination. I think you have forgotten about her. I am disappointed of you. She told me that she would ask you to go back to your house so I gave this letter to your senior. I demand you to go back to our house and explain everything to me!


Jong Dae gulps. He then looks up and sees Li Yin. She is smiling, but it is a bitter smile. “I don’t want to lie to you.”






“I have realized everything since two weeks after I moved to your house. The honeymoon realized me. I don’t know what happened but the bubble just burst out. I suddenly realized about the reality but when I saw you next to me, sleeping peacefully, I know I want it. I want to have a life with you. So I kept lying about the bubble thing. The doctors believe me; Yi Xing and Sun Young believe me; you believed me. But your mother called. She yelled to me demanded the explanation and I just had to tell everything. She asked me to end everything but I couldn’t bring it to you. So I asked you to go to this place. This place is secluded much so I think I can tell you everything here. I am sorry…..”

Jong Dae just stares in disbelief. Li Yin is healthy all over these times and he was lied to by her. He is angry but in the same time he understands. He also wants the lie to keep living. He even hoped that Li Yin would never regain the memory back.

She sobs. She really feels sorry over what she does, “you can go back to Soo Jung after this. We can just go home and I can move back to my place. Jong In must be lonely there. I have taken some flowers so I can arrange in my place.”


“What? Please don’t be mad at me. I did this because….”

“I understand.”  Jong Dae gets up from the sofa. “I also wanted the same thing. I wanted this whole scheme never ended. I want you to be my wife. I want to be with you.”

“But I lied to you!”  She burst out, “I left you, I hurt you, I married to someone else, I made you uneasy! I am nothing but burden to you!”

“You are not a burden and I am alright if you want to do anything to me. I accept it because I love you so much. I love you ever since I know what the meaning of love is and I can’t stop loving you. I will always love you in my life. That has been proven. For these thirty three years, I only love you, no one else.”

“Bu…but…I am…”

“No one is good enough. But if we try, we can be good enough with each other.”  He caresses his cheek, “I forgive you, noona. I would do the same if I were you, I guess.”

“You can’t just forgive someone else easily.”

“But if that person is you, I think I will always forgive you.”

“What is about Soo Jung?”

“We have ended everything. She came to me to end it and we know this is for the best. If we do go married, we will not have a happy marriage.”

“Jong Dae….”  She cries and runs to his hug. Jong Dae feels relieved. For all these times, this is what he wants. He has been waiting for years to have this moment.

“I love you.”  She whispers it.

“I love you too, noona.”

“What is about your mother?”

“We’ll think about that. Now, are you ready to tell me the whole thing? Like what happened when you were married to Kim Jun Su?”




“Where are we?”  asks Li Yin curiously. Jong Dae just smiles and keeps dragging her into one direction. Li Yin doesn’t know this place enough. They have spent the night together but suddenly Jong Dae woke her up in the morning, saying that she needed to get dressed nicely. Well, she only brings one dress so she wears it. Jong Dae just wears white shirt and black trousers. They dress quite nicely but she has no idea where he will bring her.

“Close your eyes now.”


“Come on. Don’t you believe me, noona?”

“Okay, fine. As long as you don’t really throw me into a pool or a river, I am fine with it.”

“I promise you nothing bad will happen.”  Li Yin does what he says. She closes her eyes and she feels like Jong Dae drags her further. She attempts to open them but she decides that she should believe Jong Dae.

“Now, you can open them.”  She opens them and her stare is stumbled on a little church. “Wha…what?”

“I have some help here.”  He says and some women wave to them, “they met me when I walked around and they said we can marry in here.”

“Ma…marry? But—“

“Why? Don’t you want it?”

“Of course I want it! But, how is about your—“

“That’s alright. We can take care of it. I can’t wait any longer, noona,”  Jong Dae explains, “I have been waiting for this long enough. Let’s just think about us, shall we?”

Li Yin can’t hold her tears. She hugs him. “Noona, will you marry me?”





“So, we fold it into this shape and voila! The shape is perfect and we can bake!”  Li Yin demonstrates how to make little cookies (on her own creation) to the crowd there. The women clap happily as Li Yin shows the baked cookies. They look delicious.

“You can try these now and then make the cookies for the whole family. These are also made from healthy ingredients and not using sugar so they will be perfect for diabetics.”

The crowd tries the cookies and they agree. Li Yin is such a fine pattisier. She makes many creations and all of them are mostly healthy so the elders in the area can eat them leisurely.

“Noona! Noona!”  someone just calls her. Everyone turns their attention to Jong In who pants heavily. “Noona! Ri In! Ri In!”


“She….just fell from the bicycle!”

“What?”  Everyone is shouting. Ri In is the beloved girl from this village. Everyone concerns about the child. Li Yin excuses herself and runs into her home, which is not that far from her bakery. Jong In follows with the ahjummas. After she enters the house, nobody is there. She then barges into the clinic and finds Jong Dae is preparing first aid kid. Ri In sobs and holds her knee.

“It hurts…appa….”

“Don’t worry. I will magically heal it.”

“Kim Ri In! How could you?” 

“Mama! Appa, mama is scary!” 

“Li Yin, she just fell from the bicycle. It’s not a big deal,”  Jong Dae tries to calm down his wife but it seems not working. Li Yin really loves her daughter because she is the miracle. The doctor has decreed that she can’t have any children yet Ri In was born. She becomes apple in her eyes and nothing can harm her. Thankfully, there is Jong Dae who can balance it. He is grateful but he also wants his daughter to feel what the world is.

“Just? You said it was a just?”

“Li Yin. She doesn’t break anything. Her knee is scratched but that’s it. I can treat her properly.”

“But Jong Dae! She is—“

“I will treat her well. You don’t need to be afraid. Ri In is fine.”  Li Yin holds her anger and examines carefully on how Jong Dae treats their baby. She shouldn’t doubt her husband (since scientifically, he is way better to treat wounded people than her) but she can’t help it. She just loves Ri In too dearly. No matter how many times Jong Dae reminds her, she always goes to this way.

“There! It will be as good as new!”  Jong Dae shouts when he has finished. Ri In cheers happily but then pouts a bit when she sees anger in Li Yin’s face. “Mama, I am so sorry.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, Kim Ri In? If you want to ride a bicycle, tell Uncle Jong In or your father or even me!”

“Li Yin, Jong In had followed her. It’s just a misfortune she fell.”  Jong Dae tries to accommodate the conversation, “now, Ri In, you can go play again with Uncle Jong In but promise me don’t go outside or even force Uncle Jong In to agree to you, okay?”

“Okay, appa!”  The little girl chirps and then runs from the clinic. “I have to scold her.”

“Li Yin, how many times do we have to talk about this? Ri In is big. She can protect herself when she rides a bicycle. You see for yourself. She didn’t even cry when I treated her wound. That is the sign that she is growing mature right?” 

Li Yin sighs. Jong Dae is right. She just got too overwhelmed but she can’t help it. Ri In might be the only child that she can get and so she loves her more than it should be, probably. “You are right…I…I just…”

“That’s okay. I can figure out what you feel,”  he takes her hand to get out from the clinic. They went back to the clinic after the marriage and registration (it took some time since she is a foreigner) and Victoria was happy to give the place back. Jong Dae traded it with his place back in Seoul. He also resigned from the hospital and became doctor there again instead. Well, now he has his own assistant who can help him (he is not Mrs. Choi). Mrs. Choi lives in Seoul together with Jin Ri and Se Hoon. About Lu Han, he can convince his family (finally) about Se Hoon and asks them not to bother the boy. Jin Ri gives him (finally, again) time to bond with Se Hoon as father and son.  They might not in relationship again, but seeing how determined Lu Han is, Jong Dae thinks Jin Ri will soon go back with him. And now, he can stand on his two feet and even blocks his family from messing with Se Hoon’s life just like they did to him.

His mother, however, never really accepts Li Yin to be her daughter-in-law but that begins to diminish when Ri In was born. Knowing that his son will never leave Li Yin and perhaps Ri In is the only grandchild she can get, she becomes adoring the little girl. Well, Ri In is too cute to be true, according to Jong Dae’s father (who gladly accepts Li Yin) and Yi Xing. Li Yin’s family has been noticed and they usually come near holiday seasons.

Jong In gladly follows the couple there and works together at the bakery Li Yin built there and also becomes Ri In’s personal baby-sitter, unofficially. Yi Xing and Sun Young have a son and Ri In always plays with him if the family goes to visit them there. All of his friends are also having their own happy lives, even Soo Jung does. Last time Jong Dae heard that Soo Jung has a boyfriend who adores her like she is more than anything for him. Min Seok told him that.

“Jong Dae?”


“I can’t believe this is happening.”  Jong Dae smiles and hugs her from behind. He rests his head on her shoulder. “But this is really happening. We are family and have a little girl.”

“This is real. This is our lives, noona. This is ours.” 



that's it! I hope you like it! I am sorry for everything hahaha

AND PS. I CAN WATCH TLP INA! *yes I am from Indonesia*  YEAY! SO EXCITED!

but I am waiting for SMTown too (and hopefully, more chenyin moments since LiYin will release a new single, right?) 

thank you





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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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chrst25 #1
Chapter 15: Wai... You're from indonesia?! Did you go to their (EXO) concert?
Chapter 14: amazing again I must say <3
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh the kid is called Ri In haha I gets that >~< This story is do beautiful gahhh all the feelsss~
nizzyool #4
Chapter 13: oh goodness Soojung is such a nice, realistic girl :)
and yeay Lu Han knows the truth!^^/
Chapter 12: Woah. More and more drama! NOOO THIS STORY IS GOING TO END SOON?? Wae T_T I feel sorry for Soojung. But being an ultimate Chenyin shipper, I will not let myself be like Jinri and feel like Li Yin is the bad one. Hueheu
CosmicLatte00 #6
Chapter 12: Now im starting to doubt your story brain cant register a happy ending or at least a 'not' sad ending
Chapter 12: I really like the story but I want to punch Jin Ri in the face.
Wow this is super cool ^^ <3
nizzyool #9
Chapter 12: and yes... I feel bad for Soojung but thanks God she's a nice girl who understands the consequences of loving Jongdae all along. I hope she ends up with another nice Jongin, maybe^^

aaaand will Jongdae and Liyin kkkkkkk because somehow I got a feeling they'll do so even though Jongdae will feel guilty to Soojung but in the end he'll just surrender to Liyin's wish >//////< gosh I sounded not good kkkk
nizzyool #10
Chapter 12: what........Junsu is a real bad news :[ *even though it's hard to imagine since he has that strong "Angel Junsu" image^^*

ooh Jin Ri, if only you know that Jongdae and Liyin part ways partly in order to protect you and Sehun -.-