{kaylalush} Savior


Miracles really happen, anytime, anywhere as long you believe in them. That's what you always tell yourself. A miracle happened to you when you were accepted in the swimming club in your school. Though you were not the best swimmer in town but you were able to surpass the audition of the certain club. You love swimming very much and you were even inspired when you notice one of the members of the club. Luhan, Mr. Flower boy/Mr. Ace Swimmer.

Luhan was one of the best swimmers in your school and you always love to see him every time he practice swimming in the pool. You wanted to know him better but you were too shy to approach him.

During club hours, the practice session are split into two. The first one to practice were the pro-swimmers of the club, that was Luhan in included. Then the second practice was for the low level swimmers and that's where you belong. 

Though you and Luhan were in the same club, your status is too different. He was in the higher position while you were in a lower position. But one incident changed everything.

It started when you were punished by your sunbae to clean the whole place after club practice because you didn't get the right. You thought no one would enter the club anymore so you started cleaning the locker room then suddenly you heard someone enter the pool area. You knew that only members of the club have a card pass to enter so you decided to look who was taking a swim at the pool.

You were surprise as you try to take a peak to see who was swimming. It was none other than Luhan. He returns to the club to practice more for their upcoming competition. You tried to hide on one of the closets near the pool as you watch him practice. Every time he swims, he never fails to amuse you. He was really perfect.

You enjoyed watching him swim and totally forgotten your punishment. Luhan on the other hand was really focused on his practice. He was done doing the freestyle and was about to do the butterfly. He took a deep breath and started swimming again. But when he was already in the middle of the pool he felt his leg started to numb. He couldn't move his leg anymore and he started to drown.

"AHHH!!! HELP!!! ANYBODY THERE!? HELP!" he shouted struggling to breathe. You started to panic upon seeing him drowning. You rushed towards the poll and immediately jump in the water to save Luhan. After you have pulled him out of the water you noticed that he wasn't breathing.

"Omo! Eotteokhae, Luhan-shi, please wake up" you said as you try to shake him but it was no use. So you have no choice but to resuscitate him.

Luhan regained consciousness after he had withdrawn all the water he swallowed in the pool. When he slowly opened his eyes he was surprised to see you.

"ummm.... Luhan-shi, gwenchanayo?" You ask him looking at him very worried.

"ye, Gwomawoyo" he replied smiling at you.

"aahhhh.... I have to do what I got to do... you were already drowning there and I have to do something bef...." before you could continue what you were saying Luhan suddenly pulled you and crashed his lips on yours making you surprise from his sudden action.

He released you from his kiss and smiled. "May I ask the name of my savior?" he asked.

"Ummm... It's J-JI Hye.. K-Kim Ji Hye" you answered and you were already blushing very hard.

"Nice to meet you Ji Hye, such a cute name for a cute girl like you, I'm Luhan, Thank you for saving me my miracle" he said making you blush even harder.

That was then the start of your relationship. You never imagine that he would ask you to be his girlfriend and since you already like him you didn't hesitated to accept him. After that moment Luhan always approaches you and he also volunteered to help you improve your swimming skills.

He seldom calls you by your name instead he addresses you as 'my miracle' making you feel butterflies in your stomach every time he calls you that.


"Luhan!" you shouted calling him which he immediately turns to you and smiled seeing you approaching him.

"annyeong my miracle, ready to take a swim?" he ask as he snakes his arm around your waist pulling you close to him then planted a soft kiss on your forehead making you blush.

"uummm... Y-yup" you shyly responded.

The both of you headed to the swimming club for practice. You never imagine that Luhan would be this sweet towards you. He sometimes surprises you with his kisses whenever you are alone in the locker room. Sometimes you ask yourself why you deserved this special treatment form him. Yes, you did save him from drowning but you never ask for anything in return. Talking to you was enough but being his girlfriend was a bit too much if he just wanted to repay you.


Luhan and the varsity of the club were away for their national competition, so that means you will be practicing all by yourself for a few days until Luhan returns.

While you were heading towards the locker room to getting yourself ready for practice you heard two girls talking about you inside the locker room.

"I can't believe that Kim Ji Hye, can she be any flirter?" the 1st girl said.

"Yeah, I know right, she was actually a nobody to Luhan oppa, but now she's too clingy to him" the 2nd girl annoyingly said.

"Did she hypnotize him or something just to fall for her? She just saved him from drowning that's all" the first girl said.

"She must have forced oppa to be his boyfriend, that Crazy !" the second girl added.

Upon hearing their conversation you felt very hurt and drop the bag you were carrying. The two girls then rushed outside the locker room and immediately spotted you. They looked at you with disgust, one of them grab your hair and slap your face telling you that you should stop getting near Luhan or else you will get something worse than a slap. After they left you, there was nothing you could do but cry wishing that Luhan was there to protect you.


While at the hotel where Luhan and the rest of the swimming team are staying, Luhan was happily resting on his hotel room while he scans your pictures in his phone. He was really happy to have you as his girlfriend. He was totally in love with you and he knows that his heart wasn't lying about his feelings towards you.

Suddenly his roommate entered their room and immediately noticed that Luhan was smiling widely as he looks through his phone.

"Ya! Luhan, what are looking at your phone?" his roommate asks.

"Ji Hye's photos, I kind of miss her already, look isn't she cute?" Luhan chuckled showing his your picture to his roommate.

His roommate disagreed with Luhan "Seriously man? Are you sure you're in love with her? Geez man, she just saved you from drowning. I think being her boyfriend is too much for being grateful to her" his roommate said.

"What did you say?" Luhan asked felling pissed off from what his roommate just said about you.

"She's not good for you... can't you see there are a lot of hot girls out there chasing you? and..." before his roommate could finish his sentence Luhan throw a punch on his roommate’s face making the guy shock to see an angry Luhan.

"How dare you say that about my girlfriend? It’s my choice who I want to love and you have no right to just her. If it wasn't for Ji Hye I would have died by now! For your information I liked her before she even saved me!" Luhan shouted and immediately left the room fuming in anger.


The swimming team returns bringing with them the trophy and the gold medals. No one actually knew that they returned even you didn't know that Luhan was back. While you were busy cleaning the locker, you were shock when a pair of strong arms back hugged you and planted a kiss on your cheek.. You turn to see that it was Luhan, your Luhan. You were really happy to see him but at the same time sad when you remember what those two club members said to you.

"I miss you my miracle" he happily said.

You weakly smiled hearing his voice "I miss you too my miracle" you replied turning to him so that both of you were facing each other.

"Look my miracle, I won first place, and don’t you want to congratulate your very talented boyfriend?" Luhan cheerfully said showing you his gold medal.

"Congratulations my miracle, great job" you weakly said.

Luhan noticed that your expression and he ask you if something was wrong. You couldn't held how hurt you were and you just burst into tears which Luhan let you bury your face on his chest as he caresses your hair. You told him that a lot of people hate you because you became his girlfriend.

"Let's just stop this, Luhan" you said.

Luhan became confused from what you just said "stop? Stop what my miracle? Explain to me Ji Hye" Luhan worriedly said.

"Let's B-Break Up" you said, your voice was a bit shaky.

"WHAT!? WHY!?" Luhan asked shocked from what you just said.

You told him that you were grateful when he noticed you and thanked you for saving him but letting you be his girlfriend was too much as a payment for saving him. You didn't tell him that you were actually threatened by the other girls being his girlfriend. It was against your will to let go of Luhan but you were afraid if you don't follow those girls. You were about to leave Luhan but he grab you by the arm and pulled you into a hug. You wanted to escape but he was just too strong for you. 

"Stop talking nonsense Ji Hye!" Luhan shouted. He was hurt hearing that you wanted to break up with him.

"I know something is up, tell me what happened when i was away?" he asked but you didn't replied. Luhan sighed and asked you another question.

"Kim Ji Hye, tell me the truth, do you love me?" he asked making you surprise from his question. You wanted to hold on to your tears but you just can't.

"ji Hye, I’m asking you again, Do you love me?" he repeated.

You burst into tears again and hugged him very tight. "Yes, Luhan, I love you so much. I have always love you even before you thought I never exist, I already love you" you said.

He hugged you tighter and letting you calm a bit. "Why do you want to Break up with me, if you love me that much Ji  Hye?" he asked you.

"Well... when you left for the competition I heard two girls gossiping about me being your girlfriend. They said I hypnotized you just to be your girlfriend. I was shocked that I dropped my bag; they saw me and one girl slap me on the face. After that they threatened me if I won't leave you alone I will be receiving something worse than a slap on the face" You told Luhan

 He begins to feel angry after hearing that you were bullied by those girls. He told you that you should mind those girls for being so insecure about you. He added that he doesn't care about a thing what other people say about you because he really loves you.

"You know you were wrong when you said you love me before I knew you existed. Actually, when you signed up for the club I already noticed you. Call me a coward, but I was actually shy to approach you. You were actually the only one I have eyes in the whole club and the whole school also add up the whole world, I Love you so much Ji Hye, I was very happy when I regain consciousness from drowning that you were the first person I saw, I thought to myself it was actually my chance to know you and thank you for saving me" Luhan explained making you cry even more.

He cupped your cheeks wiping your tears. He pecks a kiss on your lips making you smile. He then kissed you again but this time more passionately and you kissed him back. Luhan told you that he will always protect you and for those who had hurt you they will get their punishment.

"I Love you Ji Hye, my miracle, I promise to protect you always" Luhan said hugging you.

"I Love you too, Luhan, My miracle" You responded as you rested your head on his chest enjoying the warmth of his embrace. You know you were safe in his embrace an all you have to do is believe in him.


Luhan had reported the two girls who had hurt you and the school had taken action about it. The girls tried to deny that they didn't hurt you but the school has a proof from the shot that was taken by the schools cctv. Even you didn't know that there were actually cctv around the campus making you feel even safer from people who wanted to ruin your relationship with Luhan.


Hey there! kaylalush

I just finished your request..

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Enjoy and Thank you


Poster credit to: lulu83657 @ EXO Planet Graphics

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