{VIP_Cupcakes} Your love is my Wealth


Classy uniforms, branded bags, expensive accessories and luxurious vehicles. All the students in your new school have those and some of them are from Elite families making their world totally different from yours.


You on the other hand were just an average girl and your family owns a small restaurant. You exactly didn't know why you got a scholarship in the certain school and your parents just told you that your dad's friend offered the scholarship. Your parents wanted you to have a good future so they took the opportunity on hand.



Today is your first day in school. It would have been okay if you were still in the first year because you are not alone to discover the school but you were already in second year making it a bit hard for you. You were really amazed with the school structure because it was totally different compared to your old school. The building wasn't like a school but more like a hotel. The doors were all automated and hi tech. 


While you were on your way inside the students started to gather in the entrance of the building but staying at the sides like they were making way for some. Due to the crowd you weren't able to enter because they were blocking your way. All of a sudden female students started to squeal and when you turn to your back there were five cars stop outside the building. Each car a guy came out and everyone's squeals become louder. 


WHOA! They look like idol? You thought. 


You were stunned to your feet when they were heading your way making you panic where to go.  You were about to leave but someone pushed making you trip and falling towards them. You close your eyes waiting for yourself to hit the floor but you felt strong arms caught you. Upon opening your eyes you saw a guy with light brown hair with daring eyes making your eyes widen and suddenly a guy with white teeth appeared distracting you.

"Good job Kris, you caught her." the guy with pearly white teeth said. You turn to him and immediately noticed his weird ears.

"Well she's a clumsily one." the guy named Kris said with a smirk on his face.

Hearing the word 'clumsy', you released yourself from Kris and gave him a deathly glare. Making the five guys surprised with your sudden action.

"YA! How dare you call me clumsy, I wouldn't have tumbled if you won't be so royalty here!" You shouted pointing a finger to Kris.

The students gasp on how you treated Kris and a guy with blonde hair that look like a panda due to his eye bags approached you and you can see he was not amused with your behavior. 

"Ya! Do you even know who you're talking to?" he asked you.

"NO! And I don't want to know!" you yelled at him.

"Tao! Stop it, she's a girl." the Kris guy said to the panda guy making him back away from you.


Then Kris called the other two guys behind him which he address as Luhan and Lay. Those two amazed you because they were cute and handsome at the same time. Luhan looks like a real live anime while Lay looks so innocent with his purple head phone around his neck and that dimple on his right cheek.

The five boys ignored you and made their way inside the school building. After they were already inside the crowd started to subside and you immediately made your way to the faculty room. You met your adviser and she had leaded you to your classroom. You felt awkward because of the stares of some of your classmates because some of them had witnessed how you treated Kris and his friends this morning.


"That girl was really brave to yell at us." Tao said.

"Well, I heard that she was the commoner who had gained the scholarship, right Chanyeol?" Luhan said turning to the guy with weird ears.

"Yup, she was that girl; she really has a strong personality, Imagine she yelled at you Kris." Chanyeol said turning his gaze to Kris who was busy drinking his tea.

"I actually find her interesting, what was her name again?" Kris asked.

"Song Minji, her family owns a small restaurant and she is the only child." Lay answered reading your information.

Kris smirked and the four boys know that he has something in mind making them all smile.


A week passed but still you haven't found a friend. Everyone was just so cruel they don't even want to mingle with you because they knew that you were a commoner. So you always eat your lunch in the classroom rather in the cafeteria because the food there are too expensive and you can't afford to buy. 

While you were eating your lunch the classroom door suddenly opened and the Kris along with his friends came inside. No one was around at that time because all the students were at the cafeteria. You were the only one in the whole school who brought packed lunch.

"Don't you like the food that the cafeteria is preparing? They prepared first class gourmet food there, are you not interested?" Kris asked as he approached your chair.

"No! I'm not interested because I can't afford that kind of food." you answered not even bother to look at him.

"Hey, commoner you still don't know how to show respect to your sunbaes?" Tao said in an angry tone.

Kris stopped Tao and turns his gaze back at you. He tried to be nice but you still treated him coldly. He was getting pissed but he just maintained his cool look. You glared at him and return your attention to your food. He took your lunch box and threw it in the garbage bin making you burst in anger. Tao and Chanyeol started to laugh while Lay and Luhan shook their head and chuckled.

You glared at them most especially Kris. He brushed his hair with his fingers making you almost puke on his actions. You were already fuming in anger that you hit his feet making him whine in pain. 

The others were surprised from your action and so did Kris. "Ya! What did you that for!?" He yelled at you.

"YOU THREW MY LUNCH!!!" You yelled back at him.

"THAT WAS TRASH!!!" He yelled again.

You wanted to hit him in the face but you don't want to add more argument so you just took your bag and left the room making them stunned to their feet.

Jerk! What did I ever do to them to be treated like this, I hate this school. 


After that incident you never eat lunch in the school. But Kris keeps bothering you. For him, you are a challenge to him because you were the first girl who stood up from him. He knows he's attractive and girl would do anything just to be his girlfriend that made you different from all of them. Every time he saw you how pissed you are he feels happy. 

But to you he was a pain in the . He really likes to mess up with your things most especially your locker. You were already frustrated that you wanted to hit his perfect face but you can’t do that because his fan girls will curse you. They were already cursing you because Kris had given you a lot of attention and you don’t want additional curses. So you decide to keep yourself calm pretending nothing in wrong.


“Hey Love, let’s go out on a date.” Kris said blocking your way to your classroom.

“Why would I go out with such a jerk like you Wu Yi Fan? And I still have class unlike you who thinks money can solve everything.” You said giving him a deathly glare.


“Oh! I never expect you be this cold sweetheart, and hey, you called me by my real name. I can feel that things are improving, you like me already.” He teasingly said.

You rolled your eyes and turn your back at him but it took by surprise when he grad b\you by the arm and drag you out of the school building towards his car. He tried to lose from his grip but he was just too strong for you.

“HAJIMA! Let go out me! Where do you think you’re taking me?!” You yelled but he ignored you and pushed you inside his car/

“Step on it, to Yoora noona’s shop.” Kris ordered his driver which the man instantly obeyed.

Feeling defeated from Kris, you just let yourself behave but not even bother to look at him. Without you realizing the car had already stopped in-front of a dress shop and upon exiting the car a beautiful lady greeted you and Kris.

“Oh! Kris just in time, so this must be the girl you keep telling me, well I can say you have great taste when picking a girlfriend Yi Fan.” The Lady said making you blush.

“She’s pretty isn’t she noona, Minji this is Park Yoora, She’s Chanyeol’s sister. Noona, this is Song Minji, My Love.” Kris said introducing you to the lady.

You were surprised that she was actually Chanyeol’s sister and to show respect you bowed to her and she does the same.

The three of you headed inside Yoora’s shop and Yoora helped you picked a nice dress. You were hesitant at first but she insisted telling you that you should look your best for your first date with Kris. You blushed telling her that everything was just a misunderstanding but she didn’t listen and continued her work.

After almost 30 minutes of picking a lovely dress, shoes and accessories, you turn to the mirror to look at your reflection and you were surprised that you totally changed. The dress was light pink making your milky skin evident. It was actually your first time to wear such lovely dress and you thanked her for a job well done.

Yoora leaded you to where Kris was waiting for you and he was actually startled to see you as stunning as you made your way towards him.

“Wow! You look beautiful Minji-yah.” Kris complimented and you started to feel your cheeks getting warm.

The both of you headed out and went to your destination. You felt awkward that all of a sudden Kris was not teasing you. He was really gentle to you and always assists you with things. You started to change your impression towards him.

He brought you to a fancy restaurant and the both of you had a wonderful dinner. You never been treated like a princess before and Kris was the first one to give you such treatment.

“Ummm… K-Kris? I-I just wanted to apologize for how I treated you before.” You shyly asked for forgiveness.

“Not a problem Minji, I too is sorry for how I treated you, it was just you were the only girl who had that guts to fight back at me.” He said surprising you.

He explained to you that all his life being an heir of their family, He never found someone who he can really trust. Even when it comes to love, the girls around him was all dying just to be his girlfriend and you were different from all of them. He then told you that you attracted him for being such a fighter. You were actually speechless from his words and never imagine that he has that life.

“I think you are not the jerk I think you are.” You giggled. “But to tell you honestly Kris, I find you attractive but at the same time annoying, if I don’t pity you I would have destroyed your perfect face.” You said.

He chuckled. “Well Sorry about that, I promise starting tomorrow I will treat you like my princess that is if you give me a chance Song Minji?” He said holding you hand making your heart pound hard.

You look at him and you can see in his eyes that he was really sincere with his feelings towards you so you held his back his hand and gave him sweet smile. “I think I like that, let’s get to know each other Wu Yi Fan.” You responded making him jump for joy. 

As expected Kris really did what he had promised you. The next day he was very kind to you and he really did treat you like princess. The other students started to feel envy towards you because of what Kris is showing towards you.

As the weeks passed you to had developed feeling for Kris and you can’t deny to yourself that it wasn’t hard to fall for him. Yoora had told you before that he was a sweet guy and you had proved it. You started to love him and show affection to his actions but you were still too tell him how you truly feels.

You also develop good relationship to Kris’ friends most especially Tao. The four boys would always by your side whenever Kris wasn’t around. It was just after class that you were still busy finishing your project at the art room. It was also that time that Kris and the four boys had some matters to attend to. You were busy when all of a sudden three girls barge inside the room and mess up your work.

“W-what are y-you doing?” you stuttered.

They smirked not even saying a word and slap you in the face surprising you. The girl with long hair grabbed you by the hair and dragged you out of the room without any mercy. You wanted to fight back but you couldn’t.

“You ! How on earth such a commoner like you be in a relationship with the heir of Wu Industries?” The other girl asked you holding you by the chin making you unable to speak.

“She is disgusting!” the girl who was holding your hair said looking at you in disgust.

You were powerless and all you could do was cry. They keep slapping you and you can already taste blood in your mouth. You just waited when will they stop and but it felt like they wouldn’t. All of a sudden you heard someone yelled at them making the two girls gasps in surprise.

“YA! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY GIRL!!!”  It was Kris and you passed out.

The two girls let go of you and ran for their lives but Tao and Chanyeol caught them. They tried to lose from the two guys grips but they were too strong. Kris on the other hand approached you and embraces you tightly. He caressed your face but you were not responding. Panic came to him which he brought you immediately to the hospital.


You woke up and saw that Kris was beside you and he had fallen asleep. You smiled and gently caressed his hair waking him up.

“Minji, you’re awake, how are you feeling now?” he asked worry can be sense in his voice; he held your hand and gave it a soft kiss.

“I-I’m fine now Kris, Thank you for saving me.” You weakly said smiling back at him.

Kris then pulled you into a hug and you can feel that he was really worried. He asked for forgiveness for not being there by your side but you told him that it was fine. You told him that he was your prince and you were really happy that he came to save you and if he hasn’t you don’t know what would you be by now.

He told you that those two girls who hurt you are already kicked out in the school and banned from other schools. You were surprise that Kris had taken that so much action but he told you that he should not be troubled with those girls.

That was then you knew it was your chance to tell him that you love him so much. You cupped his cheeks and looked at him deep in the eyes.

“Is something wrong my love?” he asked.

You shook your head and smiled. “Aniyo Kris, I just want to tell you that I ‘m really lucky that I have meet a guy like you. You have proved me that no riches can stand a chance if you are in love. Wu Yi Fan, I –I…” Before you could finish your sentence Kris had already locked his lips to yours making your eyes wide but after that you slowly close your eyes feeling his lips to yours.  You kissed him back placing your arms around his neck as you deepened the kiss.

The both of you released from the kiss to breathe some air. Kris had noticed that you were already blushing very hard which he thinks you look adorable. He pinched your cheeks and gave you a peck on your lips.

“I love you so much Song Minji.”

“I love you more Wu Yi Fan” 


Hi there VIP_Cupcakes

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Sorry for the delay but I hope you will love it

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