Try to catch me now

The Bet

“Oh, come on Hebe, it can’t be THAT terrible, I just talked to him on the phone…” Gui Gui said. Actually, it was mostly to calm herself, as she couldn’t take any terrible news at that time. She was already really fragile. The funny thing about Aaron was how he could break her defense by being such a jerk, while other people could hurt her oh-that-much, without her reacting at all.
“Believe me… Okay, I have to tell you that this hurts me to tell you, but as I’m your friend I’ll have to. As I said I was going to see if Aaron was alright as his father just died, but he seemed a little TOO fine. In fact, he was… he was kind of too busy kissing his secretary to notice that the door opened. Gui, I’m sorry, and I promise you that he isn’t going to get away with this.” Hebe said. She sounded truly sorry, and she didn’t sound like she was lying, which was Gui Gui’s problem.
“Wait… Aaron was kissing Rainie?” Gui Gui asked. Aaron sure wasn’t going to get away with that, no one lied to her. She just had to find a way to get her revenge.
“Yes. He was. Gui, I’m so sorry, I truly am… I didn’t think that Aaron was such a jerk either!” Hebe said. Gui Gui smiled a little bit, just to cheer herself up.
“Hebe, you don’t have to keep on apologizing to me, it’s not like you kissed him… but, can I ask you for a favor?” Gui Gui asked. She had never thought that someone as good hearted as Aaron would do the cruelest thing a guy could ever do.
“Of course you can, tell me what it is and I’ll do it” Hebe said. Gui Gui smiled evilly.
“Well… would you please make a scene at school, and make Aaron seem like an idiot? You know, just like ‘how could you cheat on Ying Jie, bla, bla, bla…’” Gui Gui said.
“Oh, like… ‘How the hell do you dare to cheat Gui Gui?! She’s a freaking innocent girl! She hasn’t done anything bad in her entire life! You should be ashamed of yourself!’?” Hebe asked casually. Gui Gui nodded, but then realized that Hebe couldn’t see her, as it was a phone call.
“Wow, you’re good at that kind of stuff… could you also please call Aaron and tell him to come to Melody’s place? I have a stunning plan…”

Two hours later it knocked on Melody’s door. Gui Gui of course opened it. It was Aaron. He was wearing a black suit that looked fantastic on him. She told herself to focus. It worked when she saw lipstick marks on his cheeks, and partly on his mouth. It almost looked like the girl had tried to eat him or something like that.
“Aaron Yan, you seriously have a problem! You seem like you don’t care at all about me! You should’ve called to tell me that your father passed away, honey!” she said. Of course she would bring on the other topic when the fight was warmed a bit up.
“Ying Jie, sweety, I had a lot of other people to call also, okay?” Aaron asked her sweetly. How come he treated her as an affair who was bothering him when his wife was about to get home?
“So you just forgot me or what?! And I don’t like that you’re calling me Ying Jie. It’s either Wu Ying Jie in situations like this, or Gui when we’re okay.” She said. She was ice-cold.
“Ying Jie, no offense, but it’s a bit more important to inform my gang members about this than informing my girlfriend. End of discussion.” Aaron said. She had been waiting for a comment like ‘end of discussion’.
“Well, end of relationship.” She answered and rolled her eyes.
“Wu Ying Jie, please… I have a responsibility towards the gang… And I love you.” Aaron said. She didn’t doubt that he lied anymore. His actions didn’t match his words.
“You should really get going, Aaron. If I can’t be your everything I don’t want to be anything at all. How could you just lie to me like this?! It’s like our whole relationship has been fake!” Gui Gui yelled at him. Aaron sighed.
“So… You’ve found out about the bet?” he asked her.
“What bet?!” she asked. She had a slight idea, but she didn’t know anything. No one had told her anything. She just thought that he was a cheap cheater.
“It doesn’t matter…”
“Yes it does. Explain to me. NOW!” she wanted him to explain what he had just said. What bet?
“It’s just… I and the guys overheard you and Qiu Sheng Yi talking about him meaning that you could get me… And… I was dared to date you, make you confess to me, and then dump you during four months… And then we just clicked, and you’re my cute and loveable girlfriend whom I love” the first part he didn’t say very loud. The ‘loveable girlfriend’ part was obviously only because Gui Gui looked scary.
“And you think that I’ll just look forgivingly at you and say ‘it’s okay sweety’?!” she asked yelling. Aaron looked even more scared.
“Well, I was hoping so, but…”
“I never ever, EVER want to see you again! Pighead! I bet that you don’t even want to be a doctor! You’ve always WANTED to take over a mafia gang, haven’t you?!” Gui Gui yelled out loud. She had to get her frustration out in some way.
“Gui, don’t act rash…”

Gui Gui was collapsing in tears on Melody’s floor. She couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted her old life back. Ever since she started dating Aaron her life had big time. She didn’t have a family, the only friends she had was weird clique people, the friends that she used to have was selling her phone number to weird stalkers. Melody opened the bathroom door, and of course saw Gui Gui.
“Are you okay?” Melody asked.
“No.” she answered simply. It was a stupid question; Melody could obviously see that she wasn’t okay.
“Can please you tell me what’s wrong?” Melody asked warmly.
“I want to move out. I mean, not only away from this place, but… Away from everything.” Gui Gui answered determined. She needed to get away from everything that reminded her of Aaron. Melody sighed.
“I have some family in Chengdu… I’m sure that you can live with them if you’re sure… They’re not very wealthy, in fact they’re pretty poor, but they’re very friendly. If you help out I’m sure that you’ll me taken as a part of the family. You can be transferred to a high school there. They have a son at your age… Maybe he can help you think of something else than Aaron?” Melody asked and smiled. Gui Gui nodded determinedly.

The next day in school Aaron was walking around by himself. Jiro was on a date, Calvin was teaching a really stupid girl Spanish (though he didn’t know how to speak it himself) and Chun was sick from food poisoning. He couldn’t find Gui Gui anywhere. It was his last day in school, though. He had to lead the Yan gang on full time, now that his father had died. It was important.
“You’re the biggest idiot on earth, do you know that?!” he heard someone say behind him. He turned around and saw Hebe. She looked angry.
“Why did you let her leave you?! Gosh, you have finally found it, and then you just leave it! You were freaking kissing your secretary!” she yelled.
“Not exactly… she kissed me, because she thought that I wanted her to.” Aaron answered coldly.
“Well, that doesn’t matter anymore, ‘cause she’s right now in the airport, waiting for her plane to arrive so she can move to mainland China!”
“What?!” he asked. He could feel the tears take shape in his eyes, and he wasn’t the kind of person who cried. That was when he realized how much he loved her. He didn’t learn to appreciate her before she left him.
“She’s moving to mainland China. If you really love her then hurry up and find her!” Hebe said. Aaron nodded. He had to find her before she left. He just had to. He started running to the airport, while texting some of his gang members so they could help him find her.
When he finally arrived to the airport he had a hard time catching his breath, and he stank like a goat, but all that didn’t matter. He ran to the check-in place.
“Have Wu Ying Jie checked in yet?” he asked the lady who was working there.
“I’m sorry, Mr., but…”
“I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Aaron Yan, and I just took over the Yan gang.” He said.
“Well… four persons by the name Wu Ying Jie has checked in. Two of them are going to Beijing, one to Shanghai, and one to Chengdu. I guess you know which one of them you’re looking for…” she said.
“I… I don’t…” he said and sighed.
“Then I’m sorry, Mr.” the lady said and smiled.
“Can you tell me if someone named Qiu Sheng Yi have checked in, then?” he asked. If Wang Zi was going with her it was easy to find out. She looked it up in her system.
“Two persons named Qiu Sheng Yi has checked in. One of them is going to Copenhagen, and the other one is going to Shanghai together with a girl named Huang Jing Yi.” She said. He smiled. It was obvious that Gui Gui was going to Shanghai with Wang Zi and Albee.
“Can you give me a ticket to that plane?” he asked.
“You’re lucky, Mr. there’s one ticket available for that plane” the lady said and smiled.
“Thank you.” He answered.

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Chapter 24: LOVE THIS STORY!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #2
Hehe , super awesome!
Dropping #4
love it , thanks :D
I remember reading this on winglin<br />
& loved it soo much. x] A cute fanfic ~
Great story!!!!hahaha
Sincera #7
Wonderful story!
CharleneSa #8
sigh gril i love this story i remember i was reading it everyday luckily winglin didnt go down at that time lols