Siblings fight

The Bet

The weeks passed, and there was only one month to the costume party at Gui Gui’s old school. She and Aaron had planned to announce their engagement that day, if Gui Gui was healthy by then. Problem was; she was still in chemo therapy. The good thing was that the cancer cells slowly got killed, and though Gui Gui was tired, confused, and didn’t eat a lot, Aaron was okay with it. As long as he got the girl he loved back, he wouldn’t mind staying with her when she was acting like a complete stranger, and was as bold as Britney Spears, right after t off her her.
Gui Gui was looking at her engagement ring, studying every little detail on it. It had a pink diamond, shaped as a square, and framed by other, more normal colored diamonds. It was really, really beautiful, and she had never seen anything like it before. She had one of her less tired hours, as she had just gotten blood, so she was pretty clear minded, and someone that you could talk to. She was secretly smiling.
The door opened, and she hurried to pretend to sleep. Aaron walked in. Of course Aaron knew she wasn’t asleep, but she liked to pretend to, to get away from all the questions.
“How are you feeling?” he asked. She opened her eyes.
“Like a cat that has been driven over, but knows that it still has eight lives left… You?” she asked and sighed. Aaron smiled charmingly.
“I’m feeling just fine, honey, but I have news… Categorize them as good or bad yourself. Your mother – real mother – has found out about your hospitalization, and has already contacted both Show and your uncle and aunt…” Aaron said. Gui Gui wasn’t able to move.
“How does she know?” she asked.
“Oh, she’s been fooling around with one of your doctors once, and they just started dating seriously… He’s nice, don’t worry, honey…” Aaron explained.
“My good luck is really abandoning me again, huh?” she asked. He smiled. It knocked lightly on the door, and it opened two seconds later.
“Hello, Miss Wu… How are you feeling?” A doctor asked.
“You might as well start to call me Mrs. Yan, just to get used to it” she smirked. The doctor smiled warmly.
“Your face has gotten some color since I saw you last time, and you look like you have much more energy… That’s usually a good thing. We’re planning on scanning you the day after tomorrow. If the results are good, you’ll be discharged and allowed to go to that party you’re talking so much about” he smiled.
“That’s good news” Gui Gui smiled brightly. Her cheeks were lightly red, and as she was wearing her wig, she almost looked like she did before the treatment. Maybe even better, as she was smiling again. Aaron couldn’t help but smile back at her.

The next day, and unexpected drama happened; Melody and Jane came to visit Gui Gui at the same time. The problem was, that those two hated each other because of something with Gui Gui’s father. He had been a cheater.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” was the first question Melody asked. Gui Gui couldn’t help but get wet eyes. She was finally looking at her real mother, knowing that they were related.
“I’m feeling better… They’ll scan me tomorrow to see if the cancer has gone away…” Gui Gui answered, smiling. Melody smiled back at her and kissed her forehead.
From a near distance, but still a distance, Aaron was watching with a big smile on his face. He loved how Gui Gui looked so happy.
“Well, then we’ll all pray that it has… I promised the class to hand you these” Melody said, and found a bunch of letters in her purse. They all had different names on them. Gui Gui opened the first one. She started to read it.
“Dear Wu Ying Jie.
I hope that you’ll get better soon. The school is nothing, without you to create drama, and interesting gossip. We’ll all pray for you.
-Cecilia Cheng”
She quickly skimmed through a lot of other letters, to find the interesting ones. Jiro, Calvin and Chun had written one together.
“Dearest Ying Jie…
As we’re almost your brothers in law, we really want you to get healthy soon. Aaron really needs you. We also deeply apologize for the stupid bet we made. It was our entire fault, and you shouldn’t blame Aaron for it. Happy Halloween (in a month).
-Jiro, Calvin and Chun”
They had written their names themselves, but you could see that it was written by Calvin, as he had the neatest handwriting. She smiled a bit, and was about to open the letter from Ella, when the door opened again. In walked Jane, Show and Cyndi.
“Hey sis, how’s it going?” Show asked and laughed a bit.
“Well, though my hair is abandoning me it’s going pretty good… Right now my hair is looking pretty much like David Beckam’s… At least when I take off my wig” she laughed. She noticed that Jane shot killer-glares at Melody.
“Mel, it’s a long time ago… How’s David?” Jane asked. She sounded like she wanted to kill someone (probably Melody), and didn’t look very happy either.
“Well, because of you, and your children, he left me before I even got to tell him that I was pregnant. Janie, you’re my sister, why would you make my boyfriend believe that I was a who cheated on him? Isn’t it enough that he cheated on me with you – twice?” Melody asked Jane.
“No, it isn’t, and he did it way more than twice. I loved David just as much as you did.”
“But he was engaged to me, he may not have loved me, but you could’ve at least waited until he dumped me. I would’ve been okay with him dumping me for you, but the whole behind-my-back thing kind of made me lose my respect in you. Could we please continue this conversation outside this room?” Melody asked. She looked at Gui Gui. She didn’t want her daughter to get worried.
“Okay, we’ll continue the conversation outside.” Jane said coldly. They walked out of the room, and continued their disagreement.

“Show isn’t even David’s child. You used the most evil way to steal my guy away from me. You lied to him. I knew that you guys had done things, but I had already forgiven both of you…” Melody pointed out. She hated her sister for what she had done.
“How do you know about Show?” Jane asked.
“It’s easy… He looks exactly like Michael, the one that you really loved. You still decided to snatch the guy that I really loved away. You still decided to make the rest of the family hate me, by saying that I was just a reckless who had gotten pregnant with a random guy from school while being with David…” Melody was crying. She hated to admit it, but she was crying.
“Michael loved you, and you didn’t even see it!”
“I started putting my whole life into the child I was carrying around, but it ruining my relationship with David wasn’t enough for you, was it?! You had to make them take away my baby, and give her away to David’s drunken brother, and he’s poor wife!”
“That wasn’t my revenge, but mom’s. She thought that she belonged to a random guy, so she gave her to a random guy.”
“Which funnily enough leads back to you. I was sixteen years old! You were nineteen; you must’ve had some sense in your head! Or were you jealous? Were you jealous because of Michael? Were you jealous because of Dina, Jade and Emma? Were you jealous because I was popular?” Melody asked.
“No, I just hated you. Your so-called friends kept on mocking me because of Michael. Just because I was one year older than him it didn’t mean that I couldn’t love him…” Jane said.
“So you told mom that my child was a bastard, while yours where with your fiancé, whom funnily enough had just left me?” Melody asked Jane.
“Yes, I did! ‘Cause you didn’t deserve always being in the center of everything! No one cared about me!”
“It’s more like the opposite. They worried about you, while I was just someone who was allowed to do everything. Let me guess that your theory is based on my depressions? ‘cause doing what you did to me in one of those periods does not justify anything. But excuse me, I want to find out how my daughter’s feeling.”

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Chapter 24: LOVE THIS STORY!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #2
Hehe , super awesome!
Dropping #4
love it , thanks :D
I remember reading this on winglin<br />
& loved it soo much. x] A cute fanfic ~
Great story!!!!hahaha
Sincera #7
Wonderful story!
CharleneSa #8
sigh gril i love this story i remember i was reading it everyday luckily winglin didnt go down at that time lols