Terrible news

The Bet

Aaron was sitting in the hospital next to his father. Someone had tried to shoot him, but luckily that someone didn’t get his head. Aaron was fully aware of the fact that if his father died, he would have to take over the gang. And Aaron didn’t want to take over the gang.
“Is he okay?” someone asked. It was a woman’s voice. Aaron turned around to see a pretty girl, who he unluckily already knew was chasing him.
“Candice Liu? Why are you here?” He asked. He sounded like he didn’t want to see him, but that was the whole idea behind it.
“My father shot your father because he found my mother with your father… You know that my father has a pretty good position in another gang” Candice said and smiled at Aaron. To be honest, Aaron had been in love with Candice when she dated Jiro, and later on started to date Danson.
“Aaron? Why did you help Danson to get me? He already had Petty, and Jiro actually loved me…” Candice asked Aaron. When she asked that question Aaron suddenly remembered why he disliked Candice so much. It was all her fault.
“Because you were cheating on Jiro, so if you started dating Danson Petty would dump Danson, so I could start dating Petty. But the main thing was to keep you away from Jiro. As you said, Jiro loved you, he loved you way too much and beyond your imagination. He never got over you.” Aaron said. He sounded angry, but Candice didn’t care. Anger was an emotion, and Aaron rarely displayed her emotions.
“Aaron, I only dated Jiro to get close to you… because I loved you and because I still do” Candice said. She looked Aaron in the eyes. He didn’t want to know this.
“No. You can’t love me. If you love me you wouldn’t date all those people. And to use Jiro as an excuse to get close to me is just plain selfishness.” Aaron said.
“Maybe, but you didn’t even notice me! You always ignored me when I talked to you! You burned and threw my love letters and gifts! What did you expect me to do, Aaron Yan?! Did you expect me to just sit like a normal girl and cry about it?! You know that I’m nothing like those normal girls who take a no for a no! You didn’t even remember me when I started dating Jiro.” She said. She was now crying. Aaron hated when girls was crying because of him, he felt so guilty.
“You never sent me love letters or gifts. You never talked to me.” Aaron said and shook his head.
“Aaron Yan, in kindergarten you were bullying me, we sat next to each other in grade school, we had biology and English together in middle school. I’m Liu Rong Jia, or as I usually presented myself; I’m Xiao Rong.” She said. Aaron suddenly wanted to faint.
Ten years old Aaron Yan walked down the halls in his school with his four best friends; Jiro, Calvin, Chun and Danson. A short girl with glasses and freckles walked past them.
“Hello, I’m Xiao Rong, will you please be my friend?” she asked Aaron. All of the guys laughed; everyone knew that Liu Xiao Rong wasn’t someone you made friends with. She was the definition geek. She had allergies, was way too skinny, got good grades, was clumsy and wore big thick glasses.
“Why would we make friends with you?” Chun asked her. She started crying, but handed Aaron a letter before she left. Aaron started to open the letter. Honestly, he also had a crush on Liu Xiao Rong, but he just had a reputation to maintain.
“Read it aloud!” Danson said and laughed taunting. Aaron did what he said.
“Dear Aaron. Please be friends with me. I like you very much. I know that I’m not the kind of girl you would notice, but my name is Liu Xiao Rong. I’m sitting next to you in math class. You’re the only person in the whole class who doesn’t copy my homework. But Aaron Yan, I really, really like you. – Liu Xiao Rong” the other guys laughed, and Xiao Rong ran away crying.
“Dear Aaron. Please be friends with me. I like you very much. I know that I’m not the kind of girl you would notice, but my name is Liu Xiao Rong. I’m sitting next to you in math class. You’re the only person in the whole class who doesn’t copy my homework. But Aaron Yan, I really, really like you. – Liu Xiao Rong” he said. Rong Jia nodded.
“Yes, that’s me… I see that you still remember my humiliation by heart” she said bitterly. She obviously felt embarrassed. Aaron remembered almost everything he had read. He remembered about 453 love letters by heart, so this wasn’t a huge deal. It was the first love letter he had ever gotten.
“But Xiao Rong, I already have a girlfriend, and I love her” Aaron said and sighed.
“How can you love Wu Ying Jie?! She’s using you to get popular, for god’s sake!”
“Well, if that was the case she would’ve dumped a long time ago, ‘cause the most people hate her for being with me!” Aaron yelled back.
“I want you to leave now, Candice, Xiao Rong.” He said determined.

Gui Gui was sitting in her room, studying. She was still happy about the kiss Aaron had given her earlier. It knocked on her door.
“Come in!” she yelled. She thought it would be Melody, but in walked Candice Liu.
“Liu Rong Jia?” Gui Gui asked and looked weirdly at her.
“My name is Candice!” she said and rolled her eyes. Gui Gui quickly nodded and smiled all over her face. A while before she had started to go out with Aaron she had applied to be a part of Candice’s clique. She probably still had a chance.
“Okay, so, Wu Ying Jie… me and my friends have discussed your application for a while now, and as Jenny quit our school we have an available spot. We know that you eat lunch with our school plastics now, but they’ll kick you out when they realize that Aaron Yan is serious about you, so… What do you say?” she asked. Gui Gui smiled widely.
“Of course I want to eat lunch with you guys!” Gui Gui answered.
“But… you’ll have to go through some tests before you can be a fully member of my clique…” Candice said and smiled evilly.
“What kind of tests?” Gui Gui asked her nervously. Candice sighed.
“Nothing huge, just to see if you fit in… We’ll go to the mall tomorrow, and we will of course want you to be there. At Fridays we were blue. For you, I would recommend a dark blue tank top and a light blue miniskirt. You can change in the school bathroom after class, see you!” Candice said and flounced out of the room. Gui Gui was amazed. How could someone be so glamorous, and yet so nice? She allowed Gui Gui, a average girl to be a real part of her clique. A real clique, a glamorous, famous, girly clique, totally unlike her old clique where she only had one female friend, and that female friend was a tomboy. She originally only wanted to join so Aaron would notice her. Now she wanted to join to keep up with Aaron.

At the mall Candice, Julie, Bianca and Gui Gui where looking at stores. Candice smiled brightly, just like Gui Gui did. Candice looked at a dress.
“Hey, Ying Jie, this will look really great on you!” she said. Gui Gui went to look at the dress. It was purple, had a v-neck and was really short. Gui Gui thought it was the most terrifying thing she had ever seen. At least until she looked at the price.
“Isn’t that a bit too expensive?” she asked. The girls laughed.
“This is a cheap one… please don’t say that you can’t afford it.” Candice said and smirked. Gui Gui sighed.
“Of course I can afford it…” she said and looked at her feet. The girls’ glances followed hers.
“Oh my god, you’re wearing crocs!” Julie yelled.
“Yeah?” Gui Gui asked and wondered what was wrong with crocs.
“Wu Ying Jie, crocks is an insult to the fashion world! You’re so lucky that you’ve met us!” Bianca said. The other girls laughed. These girls really were helpful. Gui Gui smiled. She suddenly remembered that Melody had given her some money… A lot of money, actually, and a credit card. She knew that it was for when she moved, but this was an emergency.
“Then let’s start in a shoe-store” she said and smiled. The other girls nodded in agreement.

When Gui Gui got home she was carrying five bags from different designer stores. She didn’t have any money left, which was problematic, as she was probably going to shop soon again. She called Aaron.
“Hello?” she asked when the phone was picked up.
“What is your relation to Mr. Yan and why do you want to speak with him?” a stranger asked. If it wasn’t a girl, it was a guy with an extremely high voice.
“I’m Aaron’s girlfriend, and I just want to talk to him.” She answered toughly.
“What’s your name?” the girl asked.
“Wu Ying Jie, what is yours?” she answered, and talked back. What the hell was going on?
“None of your business. Mr. Yan?! PHONE!” she yelled. Gui Gui was rolling her eyes.
“Gui, hi.” She heard Aaron’s voice say.
“What the hell is going on?” Gui Gui asked him. She wanted to know exactly what was going on, and it couldn’t be quick enough.
“My father died, so I’m sort of the leader of the Yan gang. My mother left Taiwan. I believe that you have talked to my secretary, Rainie?” Aaron asked her. He sounded cold as ice.
“I have. Now tell me, what the hell happened to your attitude?” she asked.
“Nothing. Oh, and I hope that it’s okay that I transferred some money to your bank account. I’m having a dinner party next week, and as you’re my girlfriend it would be rude not to invite you. Go buy an outfit” Aaron said. Gui Gui sighed and hung up. Two minutes later her cell phone rang.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Wu Ying Jie, it’s me, Hebe… I wanted to visit Aaron because of his father’s death, and saw something terrible!” it was Hebe. With terrible news.

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Chapter 24: LOVE THIS STORY!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #2
Hehe , super awesome!
Dropping #4
love it , thanks :D
I remember reading this on winglin<br />
& loved it soo much. x] A cute fanfic ~
Great story!!!!hahaha
Sincera #7
Wonderful story!
CharleneSa #8
sigh gril i love this story i remember i was reading it everyday luckily winglin didnt go down at that time lols