Life's confusing

The Bet

Gui Gui woke up later than usual. She was very tired. She opened her eyes, and realized that what she thought was just a nightmare had actually happened. She looked around the room. Now that she was alone, she could explorer the room. She still didn’t get why Wang Zi would run off with Albee. Wang Zi had, before she started dating Aaron, made it very clear that he was in love with Gui Gui. Gui Gui walked to the bathroom. She washed her face with a paper towel, and was about to throw it out when she saw something in the trashcan. It looked like… A pregnancy test. And it was positive.
It knocked on the door, and Gui Gui hurried to open it.
“Melo… Gui?!” it was Wang Zi. Great.
“Hi… Happy to see me?” Gui Gui asked him, sounding sarcastic. She was actually angry with Wang Zi for leaving, though the test showed her that it was not like he had a choice.
“I guess so… But why are you here?” Wang Zi asked her.
“Well, I got kicked out and fired by your parents, as they thought it was my fault that you left. Then I moved in with Aaron, and we were very happy, but his family went on a trip, and wouldn’t let him live alone with a girl…” Gui Gui lied. She didn’t want someone she was angry with to know the truth about her and Aaron.
“Really? Then I guess your life is GREAT” Wang Zi said. He sounded sort of angry.
“Great? It’s fantastic. My best friend ran away without telling me that he knocked someone up, my two other best friends owns their allowance by selling my phone number to weird people, my boyfriend is in love with someone else, and all my belongings is at his place. My boyfriend’s father tried to kill MY father, whom kicked me out of my family for being with Aaron! So yeah, my life IS GREAT!” Gui Gui yelled. She sounded angrier and angrier for every word she said. Wang Zi looked scared.
“I meant to tell you about Albee, but…”
“But what?! Your forgot?! You were too selfish to at least warn me about it?!” Gui Gui yelled. She was crying from anger.
“I’m sorry that I had to deal with Albee’s parents before I told you about it, little princess!” Wang Zi yelled back.
“Do you think that it was for fun I was staying at your house?! I’ve lived on the streets because of you! TWICE! The second time I didn’t even have a jacket! If Melody didn’t find me, I would’ve been dead.” Gui Gui said.
“Listen, Gui…”
“I don’t want to. Now, leave me alone” Gui Gui said.
“Go. If you don’t, I’ll kind of have to call the police.” Gui Gui said, and closed the door. This was too much for her to handle.

“Listen, guys, I just don’t think that it’s fair to her that we treat her like this.” Aaron said, trying to convince the guys to treat Gui Gui a little better.
“Why? It’s not like you’ve been the person who treats girls the best” Calvin pointed out.
“And you’re speaking?” Jiro asked and rolled his eyes.
“And YOU’RE speaking?” Chun asked and laughed.
“Guys, that’s not the point… the point is that Gui deserves to know the truth. I think we should cancel the bet” Aaron said and looked honest.
“Dude, you’re SOOO falling for her” Calvin smirk.
“I’m not…” Aaron said and blushed.
“Oh, believe me, you are. We’ve actually discussed this before, I mean, what we would do if you fell in love with her.” Chun said.
“Really?” Aaron asked surprised.
“Well… No… But I’ve personally thought about it.” Chun said.
“And you’re conclusion is..?” Jiro asked. He seemed very impatient.
“I didn’t make a conclusion. Before I got to, dinner was ready” Chun said and looked down. Calvin couldn’t help but laugh at Chun. He was always such a food head.
“Then we’re back where we started. Great.” Aaron said and rolled his eyes.
“Wait, so you admit that you like her?” Jiro asked.
“No. I just think it’s unfair to her that she ended up being a part of this stupid bet.” Aaron said. What they didn’t know was that they weren’t the only ones who were a part of the conversation. There was a passive member too.

Gui Gui was sitting at what was now her bed. She wanted to sleep, but couldn’t. Aaron didn’t want her. Wang Zi didn’t want her. Her god damn family didn’t want her. No one wanted her, nobody cared about her. She wanted to yell at someone, but as nobody was home and that her cell phone was still at Aaron’s place it was quite impossible. Instead, she found a plant and started yelling at it.
“It’s your entire fault!” it felt kind of awkward, but she had to get her feelings out in some way.
“You’re a stinky plant, and yet you think you can ignore me! I hate you too!” she yelled she didn’t even hear the door to her room open.
“Ying Jie, what are you doing?” Melody asked.
“Just… Looking at the pretty plant?” Gui Gui tried.
“Really? I thought I heard voices…” Melody said and smirked.
“Okay, okay… I was yelling at the plant because I was angry with the world and didn’t have anything else to yell at.
“I see…” Melody said and smiled.
“Wang Zi came by earlier, by the way. I also yelled at him.” Gui Gui said.
“God… Why?” Melody asked.
“Do you know what kind of situation he putted me in? I was sleeping at a bench for that night. I thought he was my best friend.” Gui Gui said.
“Gui Gui, Wang Zi…”
“Knocked Albee up. That doesn’t make it any better. It’s not fair to Albee that he does something like that when he loves ME.” Gui Gui said and wiped her tears away.
“You’re a fool. Do you really think that it was Wang Zi? He’s just helping her. He ran away because his parents didn’t like the fact that he was crazy about you” Melody said and rolled her eyes.
“Say what?”
“I think you heard me.” Melody said and sighed.
“Well, then he kinda ‘forgot’ to mention that detail in front of me.” Gui Gui said. She was so shocked that she forgot to cry.
“Wait… Then… Who knocked Albee up?”

Aaron was sneaking around in Gui Gui’s old room. Her cell phone was constantly beeping, which annoyed him, so he decided to mute her phone. When he saw that the texters was a combination between ‘Wang Zi’, ‘Hateful person’ and ‘even more hateful person’ he decided to read the texts. ‘Gui, where are you? Listen, I’m sorry about earlier, but I’m pretty stressed… I’m busy helping Albee. Call me, and I’ll explain – Wang Zi’. So Gui Gui and Wang Zi had met? And who was Albee?
Aaron read the one from ‘hateful person’. ‘Where are you?’ typical. That was from himself. Then… Who was even more hateful person? ‘Seems like I’ve won the game? Well, if you don’t appear soon I’ll be picking up my price’, ‘Haha, he was only with you because of a stupid bet. I’m laughing soo hard right now’. Who would be this mean? And who would know everything? Aaron dialed the number.

Gui Gui was feeling very bad about the whole Wang Zi thing. It wasn’t his fault after all. She decided to borrow Melody’s phone and call someone who knew his number. She decided to call the school, as they had to know. Of course she had to make up a fake purpose for wanting the number.
“Hello?” the school leader said.
“Hello. Am I speaking to Mr. Tang Da Nan?” Gui Gui asked.
“It’s the police. We’re searching for one of your students, named Qiu Sheng Yi. I was thinking if you had any addresses, phone numbers or any other ways to contact him?” Gui Gui asked.
“Why are you searching for Qiu Sheng Yi?”
“He ran away from home not long ago. Since that, we’ve been receiving reports about him witnessing some illegal stuff.” She tried to make him sound innocent.
“What kind of stuff?”
“That’s not important. But having him as a witness is very important” Gui Gui said.
After arguing a bit Mr. Tang agreed in giving Gui Gui Wang Zi’s cell phone number.

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Chapter 24: LOVE THIS STORY!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #2
Hehe , super awesome!
Dropping #4
love it , thanks :D
I remember reading this on winglin<br />
& loved it soo much. x] A cute fanfic ~
Great story!!!!hahaha
Sincera #7
Wonderful story!
CharleneSa #8
sigh gril i love this story i remember i was reading it everyday luckily winglin didnt go down at that time lols