Alone in the dark

The Bet

Gui Gui was standing in front of the school. It was almost nine. She was nervous as hell, as she didn’t know what Hebe actually wanted. She saw three girls coming her way.
“Hi Gui… I see your early… good” Hebe said and smiled.
“Hi…” Gui Gui answered, and thought about how weird it felt that Hebe called her Gui.
“Gui, this is Selina and Ella… Ella just returned from Hawaii, and is Chun’s girlfriend. Selina is Jiro’s very first girlfriend, and fiancée… Of course it’s planned out by their parents, as Selina has a boyfriend and Jiro is a player. You’ve probably seen Selina working in Aaron’s mansion” Hebe said and smiled.
“Oh… Hi” Gui Gui said and smiled shyly. She looked at the girls who she just got introduced to. Ella was a short-haired, tomboy-looking girl, who smiled happily. She and Selina seemed completely opposite. Selina had long her, fair skin and seemed feminine and innocent in a sad way.
“I don’t know if you know this, Gui Gui, but my reason to stalk Aaron is that I’m actually his fiancée. He doesn’t know that yet, but our fathers agreed on it a long time ago to assemble our families and bring them together… And of course to prevent rivalries” Hebe said and smiled sadly.
“Wu Ying Jie, I hope it’s not too much to ask for, but I want you to give up Aaron. I not it’s a lot and I know that it may make you sad, but I really want to have a normal life with my fiancé” Hebe explained with teary eyes. If Gui Gui hadn’t seen the little smirk on , she would’ve done what Hebe told her to.
“You can hope until you die, and it’ll still make it too much to ask for. I recently learned that selfishness isn’t a bad thing, and that you have to be happy and selfish to help others. If I don’t keep Aaron, I’ll get myself into a bad emotional state, and I won’t have a place to live. I’m sorry, but I’m really starting to fall for him.”Gui Gui said. For the first time in her life, she allowed herself to be this selfish. When she thought it over later, she would realize how selfish Hebe was, by requesting her to do so, though she at that time felt that it was completely fair to want your fiancé to be yours.
“But he’ll dump you when he marries me anyway…” Hebe said in a matter-of-fact voice.
“I don’t care. I want to enjoy my time with Aaron until he marries you.” Gui Gui said.
“Wu Ying Jie, you know that I’ll fight to the death to get him, right?!” Hebe asked. Gui Gui nodded.
“Hebs, you have the ring, this fight isn’t worth it” Ella said, and held Hebe back like she was afraid that Hebe would harm Gui Gui.
“Yeah, Hebe… If you harm her Aaron will just hate you, and we don’t want that to happen” Selina said.
“Why does he care so much about you anyway?! You’re not pretty, you’re not smart and you’re not rich!” Hebe pointed out.
“Maybe I’m none of those things, but at least I’m honest and love him. I don’t harm the people he loves!” Gui Gui talked back.
“Hebe, I think it’s best if we leave now…”

At night Gui Gui was thinking about the request that Hebe had given her. The more she thought about it, the more unfair it seemed. She received a text.
“The fight begins now. There are no rules in love and war, and as this is both, there are really, really no rules. U better watch out be4 I steal ur man – Hebz” it said. Gui Gui rolled her eyes. Why would she fight for something that was already hers? She heard someone run on the halls.
“Young Master, it’s late, where are you going?!” she heard a maid asked.
“Something happened to Hebe, move away!” Gui Gui heard him say. She walked out of her room.
“Something happened to Hebe? I’ll go with you” she said.
“Why?” Aaron asked her.
“Because I don’t want to be alone in this huge house… Both of your parents are out, and I don’t feel secure alone” Gui Gui made up.
“I see… then let’s hurry!” Aaron said. He seemed like he had already figured Gui Gui out, though he didn’t say anything.
“Okay…” Gui Gui said.

After a long time of driving, they reached a little, dirty-looking bar that a person like Hebe shouldn’t be at.
“Oh no… Not again” Aaron said, as he looked at a little piece of paper with the address. It clearly was the bar right in front of them.
“She’s clearly seeking your attention, why else would she be in a place like that and call you?” Gui Gui asked. It seemed pretty much planned out that this happened right after Gui Gui receiving that text-message, and Hebe almost beating her up just because she followed Aaron’s philosophy about selfishness.
“You know what; maybe you shouldn’t be this quick to judge people! Have you ever thought that there might be something more than what you might see?!” Aaron asked yelling. He usually had a very small temper, which made Gui Gui feel weird by him getting worked up over her comment.
“Well, that goes for you too! Maybe you shouldn’t judge ME for judging Hebe! You don’t know what she have said to me or what she has requested me to do! Maybe you should stop thinking that you’re oh-so smart just because you’ve studied a lot of things, and knows a lot of languages! Maybe you’re not as smart as you think you are! Gosh, I’m so stupid. I thought that for once someone overlooked my appearance, and the fact that I’m poor. It seems like I was wrong. Someone who thinks I judge people without having my own reasons doesn’t know me at all.” Gui Gui said and left Aaron alone in the car. She didn’t have anywhere to go, but of course she didn’t give it a thought in her actions of anger. She felt invisible around Aaron everytime Hebe appeared. Though she was Aaron’s girlfriend, Aaron seemed to care more about Hebe, and not take her seriously.

Gui Gui sat down at a bench. She was still wearing her pajamas. At that time she realized how cold it actually was. She was freezing like crazy. A lot of cars drove by. Gui Gui thought of how unfair life was. These people could drive home from work, or to work, thinking that they were busy and pitiful, while she could sit on a bench in the middle of the night without a jacket.
Gui Gui could’ve sworn that she saw Aaron’s car drive by. She could also have sworn that Hebe was smirking at her, but her mind was not clear enough to know it exactly. Maybe it was just someone with a car that looked a lot like it.
"You're so STUPID WU YING JIE! HE HAS ALL THAT BELONGS TO YOU!" she shouted at herself. She scared a bird away, but why would she care? Her hair was tangled, she was only wearing a pyjamas, and she probably looked like a scarecrow anyways.
"Wu Ying Jie?" someone asked behind her. She turned around.
"Miss Yin? What are you doing here?" Gui Gui asked.
"Please, just call me Melody. And the question isn't what I am doing here, but what you are doing here. In a pyjamas" Melody said and smiled as happily as usual, like she totally expected to find one of her students on a bench in a pyjamas in the middle of the night.
"It's a very long story..." Gui Gui just said.
"Then come home with me and tell me everything..." Melody said and smiled happily.
"Okay, then..."

"Aaron?" Hebe asked. She was sitting in his car.
"Yeah?" Aaron answered. He was tired after saving Hebe. She had been kidnapped again, which was a normal thing to happen, as her father was a very famous gangster.
"Thank you for just now..." Hebe said. Aaron looked a bit shocked when he heard those words come from Hebe's mouth. She was always acting so arrogant and cold. Of course he knew that it was just an act, but still...
"You're welcome." Aaron said coldly.
"Is anything wrong?" Hebe asked.
"No, nothing's wrong" Aaron lied. The truth was that he was angry with Gui Gui for leaving him like that. If he didn't win the bet he would lose money, well, a small amount, but still money.
"Then what are you thinking about?" Hebe asked him.
"Why you were walking around outside your mansion in the middle of the night. If Ella hadn't called me you might've been dead now, Hebe Tian." Aaron said.
"Then... You're not angry about Ying Jie leaving you like that?" Hebe asked him in a fake sweet tone.
"Why would I be? I'm too busy worrying about you."
"Then... You're saying that I mean more to you than she does?" Hebe asked.
"I guess..." Aaron lied. No one was supposed to know how much Gui Gui actually meant to him, or how great an impression she had made on him.
"Aaron, I love you" Hebe said and hugged him. Aaron just patted her back gently and stopped the car while having a weird feeling of disappointment.

"...So that's how I ended up at the streets" Gui Gui explained.
"That's quite a long story... How unlucky you are" Melody said. Gui Gui could feel that Melody was one of the few teachers that actually cared about her students.
"I know... No one wants me... Wang Zi ran away from me, my parents are probably way better off without me, Aaron suspected weird things..." Gui Gui said. She was crying like a crazy person, but it helped.
"I feel so sorry for you, Gui Gui" Melody said, and suddenly lightened up.
"You can stay here! I have an extra room that you can sleep in, you can borrow some of my sister's clothes and I still have my old school uniform that you can use... The school is sooo old fashioned, it never changes design" Melody said and smiled.
"Wait... I can stay here? In your house? Isn't that weird?" Gui Gui asked.
"Of course not, I've had students, friends and homeless people living here before" Melody said and smiled happily.
"What students?" Gui Gui asked.
"Well... Qiu Sheng Yi and Albee Huang lived here together for a period of time... They've moved into their own apartment now" Melody said and smiled.
"Wait... Wang Zi lived here?" Gui Gui asked.
"Yeah, he did... Actually they moved out just the other day... Anyways, are you hungry? Should I cook something for you?" Melody asked.
"No thanks... But I'm tired" Gui Gui said.
"Then I'll prepare the room for you..." Melody said and smiled.
"Thanks a lot... This really means a lot to me" Gui Gui said and smiled.
"Oh, you're welcome" Melody said.

The next day Gui Gui got to stay at home (or at Melody's home), but Aaron still had to go to school.
"Wait, she just walked out of the car like that?" Jiro asked.
"Hello, Aaron, you have to let a girl know that she means more to you than any other girl does... You'll never make her confess, so you can win the bet now!" Calvin said.
"Aaron Yan? I need to talk to you." Melody said and looked serious.
"What can I do for you, Miss Yin?" Aaron asked when they had walked a bit away.
"How may I help you, Miss Yin?" Aaron asked her.
"Aren't you wondering how your girlfriend is doing?" Melody asked and sighed. "Aaron, I couldn't help but overhear that this is all about a bet, and... Gui Gui is a nice girl. You can't just treat her like trash." Melody said.
"Well, isn't that up to me, teacher?" Aaron asked her.
"Aaron, she really likes you. She was crying her heart out last night. Do you know how her life used to be? Do you know that your little Hebe asked her to give you up, and right before you had to safe her, Gui Gui received a text saying something like 'the game begins?" Melody asked.
"No? But how do you know all that? And how do you know where she is?" Aaron asked her.
"I'll tell you when you decide, Mr. Yan." Melody said. "Okay class, does anyone know when World War Two started?"

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Chapter 24: LOVE THIS STORY!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #2
Hehe , super awesome!
Dropping #4
love it , thanks :D
I remember reading this on winglin<br />
& loved it soo much. x] A cute fanfic ~
Great story!!!!hahaha
Sincera #7
Wonderful story!
CharleneSa #8
sigh gril i love this story i remember i was reading it everyday luckily winglin didnt go down at that time lols