The Neighbourhood.

The Neighbourhood.


In the middle of the night Taeyeon sat on the bench all alone at the garden. His stare was locked at the sky where the moon shining and stars twinkling.

“How can i forget the night sky are so beautiful.” he muttered

“Especially the star” he paused, “Very beautiful like.... her.”  then he sighing again for million times these days.

“Waiting her answer is so...”

He sighing again.

“Not feel so good.”

His lips bending formed a deep frown, “Am i not good enough for get some love?” then he sighed again.

It’s been 1 month after he confessed to Tiffany, and she still not giving Taeyeon any answer. Their relationship was getting worst too, since he confessed to Tiffany, Tiffany always make a distance and avoid him. Once they met on the restaurant, Tiffany was all alone same with Taeyeon, Taeyeon assumed Tiffany had finish her lunch and will comeback to apartement so he ask Tiffany to go back together, but Tiffany refused him and immediately ran from him and take a cab. Not only that, once they met at campus when almost 8pm, and both of them was all alone. Taeyeon was worried, so he ask Tiffany would she comeback to apartement together, but again she refused and ran away from him.

“Haaa I gues i’m a loser in this game” Taeyeon said and lie on the bench.

He inhaled deeply for easing uneasy feeling on his chest, but that feeling was still there. The thought of losing Tiffany always on his mind. He was afraid that he will lose from that Bora-Bora man. Bora and Tiffany are friend in the same class, so they will more often meet, have conversation and he thought Bora chance for win her heart was more wide than him.

“You are a loser Kim. A loser.” He said it to his self.

When he want to keep his hope high, in the same time he want to give up.

Yes, give up, let her go and be a loser.

But he wasn’t the type who fall easily, when he fall in love he fall deeply. So he was aware, if he can’t give up, but his hance was so low, so he prepare his heart to get any pain.

He closed his eyes and muttered, “Pain demands to felt right? ” he asked his self and conviced his self to be strong knowing the reality would hurt him.

Then Taeyeon sighed heavily, “YAH TIFFANY HWANG!” he yelled.



He let out a bitter laugh, “But i’m not force you Fany-ah, if you choose him. It’s okay. But i’m not give up—

I’m giving in Fany-ah..”


He talk to the sky like he was talk to Tiffany. But he doesn’t know,  a contented smile was formed and a pair of eye bending into crecent formed after heard what he said.



“Bora, thanks for today! What a good refreshing after midtest week!” I said to Bora who send me to my apartement after we hanging out.

He gave me her charming smile, “Ah thank you too! And thanks for making a good decision Fany-ah, i hope we can be bestfriend”.

I feel slightly guilty but feelings can’t lie right?

“Uhm sorry for not a—“ he cut my word, “Aigoo no need to sorry Fany-ah!” he held my hand and squeezed it lightly. “But you should remember, if that Hulk hurting you, tell me! Because this superman will punch him!” he said and put his arm to his chest.

“Okay thanks Bora!”

“You’re welcome” Then he leaned closer into my ear, “Your Hulk starring at us, you want give him a prank?”

I giggled and nodded, “ Let’s make him jelly Bora.” I whispered then i see a smirk adorned Bora face.

“Baby, thanks for today, don’t forget about our dinner date tomorrow.” Bora said it loudly make sure Taeyeon was hear them.

“Okay Baby.” I said while giggled then he kissed my cheek and bid a goodbye.

Then i walk closer to Taeyeon Oppa, i could see the flame of jealous burning his heart, he even still look at Bora with ‘i-will-kill-you-look’until he left. I laughed mentally, why he so obvious about his expression haha.

“Hello oppa.” I managed calmly to say Hi to him.

“Hi.” He stated coldly, does it’s mean he really jealous?

I smile, “Can we talk this night oppa?”

“Why? Don’t you have a dinner with Bora? Wait—“ he paused, “You already being his girlfriend?”

“That’s what i want to talk about.” Then i see he frowned, oh my god, teasing him was a fun!

He still frowned, “Okay. I guess i’ll prepare my heart for tonight.”

“Yeah you should prepare you heart oppa.” I smile mentally while his frowned was deeper, haha this is fun!



Beneath the night sky, Tiffany and Taeyeon sat next each other. Tiffany locked her eyes at Taeyeon who cleary nervous and frowning even he has been let out many sigh since they sat together. Why did that? He was 99.9% believe that Tiffany would say ‘No’ to him especially after seeing Bora kissed Tiffany’s cheek this noon and called her with sweet nickname. Conclusion :  he was give up and ready to feel the pain on his heart.

He sighed again, “So Fany, what you want to talk about?”

Tiffany could read his nervousness, she knew too that Taeyeon could think that she will say no to him. But she thought his facial now was cute, she doesn’t know this guy could feel nervousness too, and she tried so hard to hold her laughter.

“So Oppa, are you still wait for my answer?” Tiffany said it calmly.

Taeyeon nodded and bit his lip like a young boy, Tiffany’s finger curled effect of his cuteness.

“I have talk to Bora today, and we have good agreement.” She said it as she smile sweetly make Taeyeon thought they become a couple.

“Ah, my heart is turn into pieces now.”

Tiffany laugh.

“I haven’t say anything Oppa.”

“I know what will you say Fany.” He sigh and stood up, “I’m happy for you, and thank you.” he said without look into her eyes.

Tiffany frowned and took his hand suddenly, “Oppa! Why you so pessimistic?! I don’t like pessimist guy!”

“But i know Fany-ah, you already become his girlfriend right? That’s why he kiss you! And i could see cleary your eyes are full of love when you look at him!” he said it full of emotion make Tiffany realized that he was super duper jealous.

Tiffany giggled.

“Why you giggling? Do you think this funny?”

“Yes you’re funny oppa, i’m not your girlfriend yet, but you already super jealous like this!”

Taeyeon pouted, Tiffany pull her back to chair and held his hand on her lap.

“Stop pouting oppa, why oppa-oppa in here always pouting?” she giggled, “You’re cute oppa~” she leaned and pinched Taeyeon’s cheek make Taeyeon slightly blush, “Listen to me first until i finish okay?”

Taeyeon nodded.

“I have talk with Bora today and made some agreement that..” she paused and Taeyeon held his breath as he wait for Tiffany finish her sentence. “That i can’t be his girlfriend, because i’m more comfortable being his bestfriend.” Their smile bloomed after Tiffany finish her words, especially Taeyeon, he felt relief and glad and happy and we could see butterfly flying around him added with rainbows and thousand fluffy pinky cloud.

“YEAH!!!!” Taeyeon suddenly shouted, “Yeah! Tiffany Hwang become my girlfriend!!! She’s mine now.. MINE!!!!” Taeyeon do silly celebration dance in happiness, gladly everybody was out so no one intrupted stupid celebration dance.

“Oppa stop it!” she giggled and pull him again to sit beside her, “I haven’t finish.”

Taeyeon heart dropped, “What?”

“In one condition, you should continue your co-assistancy, finish your study and become a doctor.”

“But..I.. Can’t...”

Tiffany frowned, “Why oppa? You only have finish co-assistancy in one year and become a doctor, only one year oppa..”

“I can’t or, i don’t want to become a doctor..”

“Then why you choose medical school?”

“Because my mother told me” he sighed, “To be honest Fany-ah, I want to be a pilot, i have finish every test to reach my dream, phsycal, mental, intelligence, everything. And I have accepted to Pilot Academy, but then my mother drag me to med school and make my dream broken.”

Tiffany smile sadly and hug Taeyeon, “But Oppa, look in the bright side. If you enter Pilot Academy, you wouldn’t meet me right?”

“Yeah you’re alright but—“

“No but! You can’t stop in here, good boy finish what he start, so you should finish your study and become a doctor!”

He broke the hug, “How about my dream Fany-ah?”

“Oppa you can took licence for being a pilot, and it’s only took less than 1 year. So after you finish your study and become a doctor, you can took that short-study then you become a doctor who can make airplane fly away aka you become a doctor!” Tiffany said as she beamed her eyesmile, Taeyeon could feel positive aura and good vibe that Tiffany spreaded. He was happy that his girlfriend have such a magic like that knowing his self easily being negatif and graved in grief.

He smile wholeheartedly, “You’re right Fany-ah, then okay i will continue my study and become a doctor for my beautiful girlfriend.” He grinned.

“Yay! My boyfriend will be a doctor soon!” she gave Taeyeon bear hug.

“So you’re my official girlfriend now?”

Tiffany nodded happily, “Of course oppa!”

“Good then~” he paused and leaned closer to her face, “Can i kiss you now?” he wiggling his eyebrows.

“Byuntae!” Tiffany pushed Taeyeon body.

With goofy grin still adorned his face he said, “Just kidding Fany-ah~, anyway you have finish your exam, so you’re on holiday now?”

“Yeah, why oppa?”

“Would you come with me to visit my mother at Jeonju tomorrow?”

Without thinking Tiffany answered, “Of course i want!” Then she paused, “But will she okay with me? I mean will she accepet our relationship plus, we just being a couple after minutes ago.”

“Don’t worry, Kim family always nice, i’m sure my mother will love you, like me!”

“Okay if you said that.”

“Uhm have you dinner Fany-ah?”


Taeyeon smile sweetly, “Good!” he took her hand and stood up, “Let’s go dinner and have our official date this night.” He added “I’m sure you will like it, this will be romantic and sweet.” He kissed Tiffany hand and make her blushed.



After took more than one hours, finally Taeyeon and Tiffany arrived at Kim’s house. Their smile never faded from their face, Tiffany always successed make Tiffany blushed and Tiffany alwas could make Taeyeon smile wholeheartedly. They’re perfect for eachother, even stranger praised them as loveable and cute couple.

“Tiffany we arrived!” Taeyeon said as she stopped and put down Tiffany’s pink bag.


Then Taeyeon knocked the door, after a minutes someone open the door, and it was his little sister Hayeon. Hayeon looks very happy saw her brother comeback but then she realized he come with someone beside him. Their arms still linked, smile widely plus even Hayeon could feel strong love in the air, then she made a fast judgement who was the girl beside her brother.

She cringed, “UMMMAAAAAAA A!! APPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAA !! OPPPPAAAAAAAAAA !!! Taeyeon oppa comeback!” She yelled very loudly.

“Yeah I comeback home, Appa, Umma, Hyung!!!” he yelled and exchanged smile with Tiffany




“Yeah with my wife!” Taeyeon yelled again and stopped thinking something wrong on his words.




Sorry i can't fulfill about my promise for this chapter will full with Taeny moment, well i can't thinking about mushy, fluffy, sweet..... I'm not romantic person :'(

Btw, few days ago my real world friend said she have aff account so i said how if you read my ff, then she said okay then it will be my first time read GIRL X GIRL ff, and that's make me feel dirty. (oh gee she's stright and bad.)

But tbh, i never be a homophobic, i always think love is love, and lgbt relationship is fine, especially girlxgirl, they are cute, i even often saw their pict on tumblr, not when they having hot session, but when they cuddle, hug,smile eachother, very cute!

But people these days are so homophobic, haah world, world.

And no edit so..

Sorry for my bad grammar, broken english and typo. I hope this update is good.
Thanks for reading, click subscribe, throw comment, upvote if you want.
If you don't wanna, nah just leave it baby~


Ah plus i have other stories, you can check on my profile if you want to read, the title is "Journey of love"., No comment there, and lack of subscriber hoho, i guess if that still like that i will delete it XD

Last good night for my dearest and lovely and beautiful and handsome and kind and rich and so on, hope you have a nice night or day or whatever your time in your country now~ Bye, love ya'll


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Chapter 10: Authornim please update....
Chapter 10: update juseyo~~
colovred #3
Chapter 10: Oh noooo :( Fany please be okay!
taenykyu #4
Chapter 10: save her author nim..
Chapter 10: Oh nooooo...
What happen to Tiff ? :O
I hope something bad doesn't happen to Tiff... At least not so worst :'(
Thanks for the surprised update author hha XD
taeny_bear #6
Chapter 10: NOOOOOO :(
Chapter 10: eh ?! what happened to ppani ?! author nim , youre so mean TT hahahahhaha i want moreeeee
Chapter 10: O.o ssi, why the drama TT_TT
don't kill Fany please ><