Just let it go~

Your POV

I feel really sorry that I left Young Saeng. I wonder if he's okay. I walked up to the porch of my house and walked in, "Siwan oppa?" I took off my shoes and slipped on my slippers. "Neh, Haewon?" I saw Siwan come out of the kitchen wearing an apron. "Nice apron." I giggled. He looked down and blushed, "Y-Yah!" I smiled, "Did everyone leave?" He nodded his head and walked back in the kitchen. I went into the kitchen as well and sat on a stool. "What are you doing?" He sighed, "Making food. We can share if your hungry." "Wahh! Gomawo, oppa!" I got up and hugged him from behind. "Yah Yah! I'm cooking!" I just smiled, "May I help?" He turned around to look at me. "Sure, can you cut the vegetables?" I nodded my head. "So, Wonnie pooh, what did hyung want to talk about?" I started cutting a lettuce, then stopped. "Ehh, just stuff." He flashed me one of his goofy smiles, "Eh? What kind of stuff?" "Oppa... He said he loves me." "Well? Do you love him back?" I resumed cutting the vegetables, "I don't know. I have Jay. It's wrong. They're brothers. And, it's just wrong if I- Ouch!" I accidently cut my hand. "Aish, jjinja, Wonnie Pooh?" "Mihane, Wannie." Too bad Jay wasn't here. He could've healed me in the blink of an eye. Siwan grabbed my hand and the wound. "Y-Y-Yah, Siwan. Thats..." "Weird? Is it because I'm human, but immortal like you vampires?" I blushed and looked away. "It's still weird." I chuckled and patted my head then put a band-aid on my finger, "Just go lay down, I'm almost done. Okay?" I nodded and layed down on the couch in the living room."

20 minutes later.

Aish! I wonder he was making. It took him relaly long. "Ta Da! Haewonnie! I'm done! Bali, Bali!" I got up and went to the dining room, "Omo, oppa! You made porridge, bibimbap, dubboki, and dessert? Wahh, gomawo! Saranghae!" I gave him a tight hug. He was really the brother I never had, despit the fact that my family was... Nevermind.

"Ahh, my cute little dongsaeng should start eating, now! Neh?" I nodded and sat down with him to eat dinner. "Eh, where's aunty?" "Ahh, she had to work the night shift today. Waeyo? Is this awkward for you? I can go eat in the living room if you want. Since, it's never been us... alone." I blushed, "A-Aniya oppa! It's alright. I just... There is a lot of thing on my mind." Yeah I blush mostly at everything. "Hmm, okay. Is it Young Saeng hyung?" I nodded eating the porridge. "Look, you should just confront him. Where is he now?" I shrugged, "I don't know." "Text him. Now." Whenever Siwan is and commands someone, he is dead serious. I grabbed my phone and started texting Saeng. I remember when he asked for my number. He accidently tripped while walking me and Jihwan on the bridge. 

To: Heo Young Saeng
Oppa, where are you? Can you come to the house? 
I looked up at Siwan, "Do you think he'll reply?" He got up to get our sodas, "I don't know." Well he better, do you know how much I waited for the person responsible for this? Aish. We can he be?! "Wonnie, I know your frustrated and all, but be paitient. He must be sad since you left him. " I sighed. He was right. Right then I got a text. Mihane, Haewon. I left for Incheon. I'll be back. I just felt so guilty. Im at the airport. If you want me to stay. Please reply back! Saranghae. I was shocked. He. Why. I replied back: Please don't leave me.
Heo Young Saeng's POV
Ahh, I got a text from Haewon. She wants me to stay? Bwoh? I didn't know she'd actually reply to it. Eh? Another text? 
 From: Haewonnie Come to the house please? Or I'll get mad. ( > w< );;! 
Haha she's so cute. My my, im so jealous of my younger brother. Jihwan. Gah, it's so confusing sometimes Haewon calls him Jay, or Jihwan. 
Should I go to her? My flight leaves tomorrow... Aish. Might as well. She's going to find out sooner or later.
Author POV
Saeng decided to go to Haewon since she bombed him with her texts. He was at the front door when the door suddenly opened, "Ah, hyung!"
Siwan had opened the door with exposed Haewon sitting at the counter, "Oppa!"
Siwan closed the door behind Saeng and sat on the couch to watch some TV.
"Ah, Haewon, why'd you want me here and why are you being so nice?" Saeng asked her as he walked toward the female. "Eh? Well, I wanted to get to know you more since.. you know. And I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier."
Siwan turned off the TV and got up, "This sounds kind of serious... I'll be upstairs... hiding... don't fight!" Siwan scurrid away upstairs to his room.
The two of them were left there alone. "Mihane, Haewon," Saeng started, "You know why I did it. I'm sorry that I left you after all these years. It's hard... that... you're with Jihwan. My dongsaeng. Mihane."
Haewon looked up at him to find him tearing up, "Omo, oppa. Don't cry. Jebal," she went up to him and wiped away his tears, "Oppa, it's okay. I forgive you.  What's the past, is the past. And yes, I'm sorry I'm with Jihwan. But-"
Haewon's words was cut off by Saeng's lips shutting her up. The wind blew and the door was knocked down. "Get away from her," ??? said, "She's mine."

MIHANE~ I HAVENT UPDATED IN ABOUT 2-3 MONTHS TT ^ TT. I'm very sorry. Very Very sorry. I was busy with band, school, and etc. I was also depressed but now thanks to Nathan, I'm alright! Thank you for being patient!
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LeeMinJi #1
updateee XD
LalaCakesFlies #3
I really appreciate your comments^^ And Thankss~
New reader!!!!! Aishhh I love young saeng so much and he's really a kind vampire XD update soon!!!!!!!
LalaCakesFlies #5
Heh, who do you think it is?
aishh.. wae?? wae?? why he came..tsk.. bad timing.. go YS!~hehe