Just let it go~

"Haewon? Jaehyo? What is this?"

Haewon looked to the right to see who called out her name, "K-K-Kiseop." Kiseop looked at his brother, "Hello hyung."Jaehyo nodded at his younger brother, "Are you here to take Haewon away from me? Again?" Kiseop smirked, "Well... I don't see the point in taking her when she's already mine."

"And mine."

Young Saeng walked up to them and waved, "Hello." Jaehyo squeezed his interlocked fingers with Haewon, "My my my, what shall I do with you, my love?" He looked at Haewon and gave her a sweet smile.

"Jae. What do you want?"

Everyone saw Siwan, "Siwan! My favorite brother! Come give hyung a hug!" Siwan looked away, "No. What do you want, Jaehyo? This plan won't work." Jaehyo looked down grinning then saw Eunkwang in the corner of his eyes, "Not calling me hyung?" He then spoke into Eunkwang's mind, "Take Eunkwang to the mansion in Incheon." Eunkwang made a face but nodded.

"Siwan. Why are you so mad at me?" Jaehyo got closer to him. Kiseop went to Siwan's side and stepped back then Siwan gave Kiseop an okay look, "Jaehyo... Hyung," "That's more like it." Siwan kept going, "You didn't once play with us again after Haewon was born. Even when she was sick and you had to stay home. You did nothing but sit around," Kiseop put a hand on his younger brother's shoulder and Siwan paused then spoke, "We love Haewon too. But can't you be a real big brother once in a while?"

Young Saeng, Haewon, and the older brothers were both touched by their little brother sticking up. Jaehyo went to go hug them, "Aish, Mihane... Mihan." Jaehyo then spoke in Eunkwang's mind once again, "Go! Take her now! She won't complain. Janet's very calm during these situations..."

While causing a distraction from the brothers, Eunkwang swiftly slided and grabbed Haewon's waist and carried her princess style to the car. "Yah.. YAH!" Young Saeng yelled after them. Jaehyo chuckled, "Mihane. But she's mine and that's final." Jaehyo then disspeared into mist.

"What the was that.." Siwan started getting furious. "Not here Siwan. Not here." Kiseop tried to calm him down but Siwan just ran off with Kiseop and Young Saeng trailing him. "What's wrong with Siwan?!" Young Saeng asked, "Uhh, he's not human okay?" When they came to a stop no one was around and Siwan started screaming. His hair turned from black to a golden color, his eyes turned from brown to a very deep green. Kiseop whispered to Young Saeng, "That. That is Siwan's true form." Young Saeng was shocked to see him and Kiseop kept telling about Siwan's true form, "Siwan... We don't know what he is. But all we know is that no one... I mean no one can beat him. He hasn't been in this form since Jaehyo was locked up. I don't remember him turning back to normal as well." Young Saeng nodded and Siwan approached them, "Hey, hyung. We have to get Haewon back. I'm the only one who can beat hyung. Eunkwang... he's not Haewon's actual brother. He was adopted from the Seos. He is... our cousin, hyung. Seo Haewon, that is our Ahn Haewon. Real name: Janet Seo." Kiseop looked at his younger brother, "How... How did you?" Young Saeng looked shocked as well and Siwan looked at them, "Please hyung. Not time to ask questions. Let's just say once I become in this form, I know everything... Everything."


Eunkwang has put Haewon into the car and he looked at her, "Haewon.." She looked at him and smiled, "I knew that was going to happen," Eunkwang looked at her shocked, "Oppa, Siwan oppa is in his true form. Let's just say we're intertwined somehow." Eunkwang looked at her with sad eyes then kissed her, "Haewon. Haewon... I missed you." She nodded and let him kiss her once more.

"Times up Eunkwang!" Jaehyo misted into the passenger seat. Eunkwang blushed and nodded, "Thanks." Then started driving. "Umm, where are we going?" Jaehyo looked back, "Aigoo, Yeobo. We're going home. Home is in Incheon." Haewon nodded and looked out the window and then contacted Siwan in her mind blocking everyone, even Jaehyo from reading, "Siwan. I'll be in Incheon. Get here soon. Something bad is closing upon us."


Siwan smiled at Haewon's message to him, "Omo, she remembers my form," Siwan then sat at the counter and laughed hysterically, "He thinks he could get away with this? Hyung! Do you know what mother and father told me their last will was?" Kiseop sat up to hear this, "They told me it was me! Not Jaehyo!" Everything in the room started to frost. "Siwan... SIWAN, YOU'RE MAKING EVERYTHING FREEZE." Siwan stopped and everything thawed back to normal. Kiseop looked at him, "Only because you and Haewon are intertwined in some way huh?" Siwan nodded then went to him room, "Night, Hyung."


Tick Tock Tick Tock. Time is running out. These people are so silly. Why is she center of attention. After what Jihwan did. He just ruined the whole ing plan! Ugh. Seo Haewon. You shall perish in my hands.


I thought this was a boring chapter > <'' And yes! I'm doing a scene soon. MIHANE~~ I don't think it'll be with Young Saengie~ So any suggestions? PLEASEEE~? And yes, I'll be adding a new character... Again. xD I gotta fix my forward huh? LOL. I WILL START ON THAT~ Anyways, please vote!


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LeeMinJi #1
updateee XD
LalaCakesFlies #3
I really appreciate your comments^^ And Thankss~
New reader!!!!! Aishhh I love young saeng so much and he's really a kind vampire XD update soon!!!!!!!
LalaCakesFlies #5
Heh, who do you think it is?
aishh.. wae?? wae?? why he came..tsk.. bad timing.. go YS!~hehe