Just let it go~

Author's POV


Haewon stirred and opened her eyes slowly, "Omo, what time is it Siwan?" "Thirteen after ten. Why is my brother in bed with you?" Haewon looked  at Kiseop, "Oh, he crawled into my bed last night. You can take him if you want."

Just then, Kiseop woke up and kissed he cheek, "Morning Jagiya! Time for out catch up date and to get your answers! Siwan! Carry me to the bathroom!" "Wahh, you wake up hyper?" Siwan questioned, "Aniyo, just excited becaused Haewon and I are going to catch up today!" "Oh yeah? Then go get ready because we meet up at the cafe at 1:30pm." "Aigoo, my little brother is so cute and serious! Just like..." Kiseop paused and looked at Haewon, "Never mind..." Haewon thought it was strange but just shrugged it off.

Kiseop went to go get ready to take Haewon out. She went down stairs to find Young Saend still sleeping soundly. She creepily went to his side and looked at him and thought, "Wah, he's really pretty when asleep." She smiled and then heard a man's voice in her mind, "Thanks."

She was startled at first but then hi Young Saend, "Yah!" he smiled and got up sudden;y to embrace her, "So you forgive me? And, I know what Kiseop did." She clushed and nodded, "Having two masters might be a hassle though, but oh well. I have to go get ready now, Meet you at the cafe along with Siwan at 1:30pm!"


-Kiseop and Haewon-

They ended up going to the park for some freash air, "picnic to catch up?" Kiseop had a basket and a blanket for them to sit on for a quick snack. "Oppa where'd you go after Young Saeng's attack?" Haewon eyed him while tehy sat down and bit onto their sandwiches. Kiseop looked at her silently with a blank face then started to speak, I, uh, umm, I was here. I was looking out after you. Young Saeng wanted to bump into you again cause we just can't resist you! Also, to tell you about Jihwan. Mihane, Wonton," Kiseop gave her an eye smile and pinched her cheeks, "Remember that nick name?" Haewon smiled and playfully slapped his muscular arm, "Aigoo, I remember." "Good, so, it's my turn to ask the questions here," he paused, "Who do you like better? Me or Young Saeng?" Haewon blushed at the question, "Let's get to know each other more, okay?"

Kiseop dropped the topic noticing Haewon's thinking face, "What are you thinking about?" She snapped out of her trance and smiled, "Nothing... It's just that, your power... What is it really?" He looked down at the question, "I'm not sure. All I know is that I can almost do anything." Haewon nodded.

They laughed throughout their time together, an old couple walked by them and whispered, "Honey! That was like us when we were younger, 72 years and still going, Yeobo." They smiled and kept walking. Kiseop and Haewon blushed from over hearing the elders, "Haewon, it's about time we go meet them at the cafe." She nodded and followed Kiseop to the cafe.

-On the Way There-

They both walked, side by side, silently there for some odd reason. Kiseop walked closer to her and intertwinned their hands together, he then whispered into her ear, "Jeongmal chohayo." She blushed at the sudden confession and opened her m outh to say something, but they already arrived at the cafe.

"Haewon! Hyung!" Siwan grabbed Haewon's free hand and led them to the table Young Saeng was sitting at, "Omo, Anngyeong. Time to catch up eh?"

Haewon looked at Kiseop not forgetting about his confession, "I guess it is time."


???? POV.

Time it is my dear. Time it is. Do you hear my cries at night? I'm waiting for time. Time is now you say. I may show up anytime. Have you forgotten me? Do they have you wrapped around their finger? Hope not, my sweet love. I'm still waiting for that time. I can be with you anytime I want. My younger brothers has united in such a long time. Wait for me, Ahn Haewon.


I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. I WAS READING MANGA SINCE I GOT MY COMPUTER BACK.

ANYWAYS.... I THINK I'LL STAY UP SINCE I REALLY WANT TO DO THE NEXT CHAP. C: MY TREAT GUISE. And OH shi- Who's the mystery guy? Find out c: Lolkthxbye.

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LeeMinJi #1
updateee XD
LalaCakesFlies #3
I really appreciate your comments^^ And Thankss~
New reader!!!!! Aishhh I love young saeng so much and he's really a kind vampire XD update soon!!!!!!!
LalaCakesFlies #5
Heh, who do you think it is?
aishh.. wae?? wae?? why he came..tsk.. bad timing.. go YS!~hehe