Just let it go~

Haewon wiped her tears and made a face, "Strangem Siwan already locked my mind... who are you?" 

"Shame, you don't remember me. Although that was such a long time ago. Haewon... Meet me at the bridge, and you shall figure out who I am." 

Haewon smiled a bit, "I think I have a feeling who you are." She got up and washed her face and fixed herself. She went down to the living room to find Siwan playing his violin out in the back, she went outside and sat down quietly not wanting to bother his melodic tune. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLGZGjEmvkw&NR=1) After he finished he wiped a tear from his eye and discovered that Haewon has been there the whole time, "Ah, Wonnie... Gwenchanna?" She smiled at him and hugged him, "Deh, don't cry arasso? I'm going out for a bit, no need to worry. Tell Kiseop and Young Saeng I'll be back in a bit." She pecked his lips and walked out with her coat. 

Once she has arrived at the bridge, the sun was beginning to set, so she stood there and watched the sky turn to yellow, orange, pink and then to nightfall. She began humming a tune which turned into her singing gathering a crowd. She finished her song and thanked everyone and looked around for the man who spoke in her mind. "Where are you..." 

Someone had tugged on her dress and covered her eyes, "I'm right here, by your side, where I'm always at, Haewon." The voice in her head was no longer in her head, the man opened her eyes and she turned around. A man who has light brown hair and grey colored eyes wearing a green coat with skinnies and high tops was standing in front of her.


Except, he wasn't a mere stranger. "Oppa.." She began to tear and she touched his cheek and her brother embraced her in a warm hug, "Haewon. Don't you remember my name?" Haewon thought hard, "Ah.. Hyunki..." He smiled and let go of her, "You do remember... Mihane... I've been searching for you this whole time since the attack, I didn't think you were alive, Haewon. I have many thing to tell you., but you cannot tell anyone who I am or where I am. And I'm dissapointed as how you almost bonded with the red thread. Haewon, you're already blood bonded with someone." Haewon bit her lip, "I know that already, but I want to know who. Because being blood bonded is like marrige and I want to know who it is. Oppa do you know?" He kissed her forehead, "He's standing in front of you." She looked stunned, "Oppa..." "Ka, let's go somewhere where we can speak privately because there is people after you. I just sense it." Hyunki grabbed Haewon's hand and led her to a nearby park where it has been abandonded for night time hours. "What is the meaning of this?" Haewon questioned. He looked at his sister and spoke in her mind, "It is better if we talk in our minfds to be careful. Now Haewon, I know the Red Thread had already given you a lecture about the past, but he doesn't know all of it. Now, you shall remember all of this because it is very important. Haewon, on the day of the attack, I was outside hunting because I was angry of how I was forced to blood bond with you in order to keep up the family's name in which is still alive somehow. So I ran out and that is when the maid had attacked. The truth is though, I love you. We were also meant to be together in order to keep up the family name. But I don't want this just for the family name, I want it because I love you. Once I came back to the palace, everyone was dead and I had no idea if you were alive or not. I then ran even more to find out you were alive. So I went on a journey to become more powerful so I can protect you, and I had found you years ago. You didn't have any memories or your vampiric powers. I'm thankful for Saeng and Kiseop to bring them back though. It was my job to do it. You shouldn't be sad that Young Saeng did this, okay? Haewon. the maid of  the attack was a close friend of the family and i believe there is more like her so becareful with who you become friendly with. I have to leave now, Haewon." Haewon cried "Kajima.. come with me." Hyunki shook his head, "Mihane, I can't. I'll still look over you. Saranghaeyo." Hyunki hugged her and kissed her lips gently. Haewon started crying even more, "Don't cry, Haewon." He her salty tears away and kissed her again. Haewon kissed back and wrapped her arms around him heating up the kiss. They both broke the kiss and bid their goodbyes til' next time. "Saranghae, oppa." They kissed once more and went their seperate ways.

Haewon went to her house and ignored  Siwan and went straight up to her room and laid on her bed, "Oppa... you're here with me now?" "How'd you know?" She smiled and got up looking in the dark corner of her room in which the blue moon did not hit, "Your presence is very familiar now." "Wahh, daebak. Haewon has her powers, but deh, I couldn't stay away from you. Ka, let's sleep." They both laid in bed facing each other, "Oppa... did appa and umma agree to this?" "Bwoh? To our brother-sister relationship? Deh, only because they treated us like weapon, if we blood bonded our powers would be invincible, in which they are. Haewon-ah, go sleep. Come here." He wrapped his arms around Haewon and held her close to his chest, "I'm always by your side, Haewon." With that, Hyunki touched her cheek and kissed her forehead and they both went to sleep.


"New report: A mystery man with Haewon, boss." "Another man again, Haewon? That . She was like her mother. HA! We'll take her and everyone she loves down to the ashes. Luitenant Lee, get ready for this. We'll finally attack her, little by little." The strange woman began laughing hysterically and walked away. "Yes ma'am." "Oh Haewon, you'll get what you deserve."


 Woo! Another update. this update was hectic. I have alaptop now and i should be sleeping because i have an exam tomorrow and then i have my break in which that means, MORE UPDATES! Hopefully if I don't get distracted. also i will be making a new fanfic though with new boy bands so any request? kayy thank you!

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LeeMinJi #1
updateee XD
LalaCakesFlies #3
I really appreciate your comments^^ And Thankss~
New reader!!!!! Aishhh I love young saeng so much and he's really a kind vampire XD update soon!!!!!!!
LalaCakesFlies #5
Heh, who do you think it is?
aishh.. wae?? wae?? why he came..tsk.. bad timing.. go YS!~hehe