author's note

you are altogether beautiful.



So, I feel like I owe you guys an explanation for my absence. I haven't updated—or written—anything since January. Needless to say, I feel bad; but only because I waited this long to tell everyone.


Writing is still a priority of mine. But over the past few months, I've been doing a lot of growing and reflecting; and within this season, my priorities have shifted dramatically. Between college, family, the future, and personal growth, it's harder to stay committed to things I promised myself to when I was a different person. There was a time when I thought I would write kaistal fics forever; when I thought Kpop was the only genre of music I would listen to; when I thought I would feel the same way about everything for the rest of my life. It's good to have a degree of optimism, but let's be real—nobody goes through life unchanged. In one way or another, for good or ill, we gradually grow into different people compared to who we were in the past.


That said, I can't honestly tell you that I'm the same girl who wrote this collection. Do I still ship kaistal? In the deeper parts of my heart, I suppose I do. (That WKorea shoot was a very, very rude re-awakening.) Do I still listen to Kpop? Sometimes—and unashamedly so. But at this point in time, I have different interests. And I would hate to give you guys something made half-heartedly when I believe you deserve the truth.


The truth: I won't be writing on AFF anymore.


Believe it or not, saying that out loud hurts me more than anyone can possible know. It hurts me to let go of something that not only helped me grow as a writer, but served as an important creative outlet for me. It hurts to let go of all the stories I've written, all the stories I haven't written, and all the au's I was dying to write in. For a while, I tried convincing myself this was just writer's block. This is just a phase, it'll pass. You'll be fine! And when it didn't pass, I tried being forceful. I tried to power through it. But what came out of that was too inadequate, too unnatural, too fake.


I wasn't writing for myself anymore; I was writing for the girl I used to be.


Don't get me wrong—I had an absolute blast writing every single piece, every author's note, and every thank-you. Never will I ever wish I hadn't been a part of this community (Despite the hermit that I've been, hah.) because it was a good experience. Thank you for making it even better with all the subscriptions, all the upvotes, and all the super sweet and kind and encouraging comments. Writing was a pleasure all on its own, but you guys were the icing on the cake! My only regrets are not giving you more when I could and keeping the truth from you for so long.


And far be it from me to think of myself as too important, but I do hope my stories have given you a similar joy as well. The title of this collection, "you are altogether beautiful," was taken from the Songs of Solomon. And in most of the stories here, I've tried to portray that unconditional love; a love that is passionate and relentless, and turns even the most ugly, broken things beautiful. So if there's anything I want to leave you with as a parting word, it would be: You are altogether beautiful. You are cherished. You are worthy. You are beloved. You might not see it or feel it or believe it, but that is the irrevocable truth.


Thanks again for making this a truly amazing experience. I wish you all the best. - Ella



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November 26, 2014 - It really has been too long, but I finished a thing, and I hope it reads nice :3


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softcake #1
Thanks for writing these stories. Thanks for making them fall in love in different ways possible. I enjoy a lot.
Chapter 36: ELLA! /hugs you fiercly
i'm glad that we heard back from you finally bc i've been wondering where you've been. you were my first real friend on here on AFF like 4-5 years ago and i never regret meeting you. thanks for all the graphics/layout stuff you've done for me in the past, thanks for opening up to me about prayer requests and your personal struggles, thanks for shipping kaistal with me because you of all people know how much they are my babies (<3)... pretty hilarious how you wrote way more prolifically than me for kaistal :P

with that said, people change and interests change and i'm happy that you've come to a decision. thanks for being one of the most dedicated readers of mine and for always leaving such asdpfhoa;dsgksd-inducing comments for me <333 i will miss them dearly and i will miss YOU dearly. idk if it's too much to ask, but like, can we still keep in touch once in a while???

wishing you best of luck in future plans! God bless~
LizziePhantomhive #4
Chapter 36: well, I can't stop you anyway. Thank you so much for your good works all this time, I wish you will get what you want in life. I believe to get on this decision is not easy for you. And I wish you won't delete the story here. GBU
ikrystal #5
Chapter 36: You're one of my favorites author, too bad we can't read your story anymore and I'm really sad to hear this :( but that's okay it's your choice, everyone can change so I understand your decision.. so thank you for all your effort to give us beautiful Kaistal stories, I'm glad I found your story, especially To Be Brave, my fave :) good luck and have a successful life Ella, GBU always ^^
Chapter 36: i dont know what to say...
i just want to thank you for all these time you write such a beautiful stories about kaistal.
i really appreciate you for telling us this instead of just leave like that..
i hope you wont delete this story or your account :)
Chapter 35: Really I like your stories with kaistal main cast <3
amazing, funny, angst and with beautiful writing. Good job!!
Waiting for another kaistal stories from you, :D
Chapter 35: I love freffy too! I like reading your stories, anyway. I like the way you choose the words, the way you make the characters and plots, they are just combined to make something amazing. Keep writing xx