

YiXing Pov

After Taemin hyung left, Kai led us to the dancing room which is in his house.
while walking, I can't believe that Taemin is so rich.
How is it even possible to have an indoor basketball court?! 
In China it's absolutely mind blowing.
I guess Korean are rich..
" No we're not. " Kai suddenly said
Did I just blurted out what's in my mind?
" It's only Taemin hyung that's rich, to be honest, the money he has is unbelievable. Even to us, I'm not sure how rich is he but one thing for sure he's the Top 5 richest man in the world. " Kai continued.
Before I can say anything cause I'm too shocked, we reached the dancing room.
I checked out every corner of the room and wow! 
It's so clean, so big, so fancy, it's unlike all the dancing studio I've been to. 
Even the stereo is awesome!
Then it hit me, with so much expensive stuff here, how could he just leave us here without any guards.

" Hey YiXing! come here! " Key suddenly shouted
I walked over to his side with my head tilt with curiosity.
They were sitting together in a circle planning something.
" What are you guys doing? " I asked
" Oh you didn't know? We're planning to steal some stuff in his parents room. If he doesn't let us in, it means that there's definitely some pricey things inside. " Key chuckled
" Isn't it wrong to steal?! Aren't you guys his friends? You're the one who told me not to go into his parents room." I said in disbelief.
How could they do this? Taemin hyung trusted them! 
They even told me that they'll kill me if I hurt Taemin hyung! Is that all lies? 
" He's not here anyway, plus he has so many stuff, losing one or two doesn't matter anyway." Kai replied 
I was pissed off! I stood up and shouted " This is all so wrong! All of you still dare to cal yourselves his family?! He trusted you guys! How could you betray him?! I may not have the right to say anything, but I know stealing is wrong! " 

I went to my bag and took out my phone, then I realized I don't have Taemin hyung number.
Before I can call anyone else, Key took away my phone and Kai pull me towards the door.
I struggled as hard as I can but damn he's strong!
Baekhyun held onto me before I could manage to break free.
As they open the door, what I saw inside wild me.
It's so clean and tidy.
" Huh, I guess that boy clean up his parents room good." Luhan mocked.
" Stop it you guys! " I screamed with all my might.
Who knows some of the maid would help me.
" Shut up YiXing! It's not like we've never done this before! " Baekhyun shouted at me
Then I saw Key went and took an antique which I think cost millions while Luhan opened a drawer and took most of the gold accessories into his bag.
When I felt Kai powerful grip loosened up. I quickly step on Baekhyun leg and I hit Kai in the stomach as hard as I can.
When the let go of me, I quickly ran downstairs and find Mr Lu.
He's my last hope.

I ran from door to door, from dining room to dining room, why is his house so huge?!
I can't even find a single person in here! 
Finally, which seems like a million years after, I found Mr Lu in one of the kitchen ordering some maids around.
" Mr Lu, they are in Taemin hyung parents room and they are stealing stuff" Please stop them from doing so! " I scream with every breath I have left as I ran out of breath trying to find him
" You pass the test YiXing! Congratulation! " Mr Lu suddenly smile
" What test?! I don't have time for a test! You have to hurry! they are...." I was cut off mid sentences as I heard the door open.
I turned around and found Luhan hugging me in a bear tight hug and said" Yay! You pass the test! I'm sorry if we've hurt you." 
" What is going on here?! Someone please explain to me!" I exclaimed.
After explaining to me that this was all just a test to see if I'm trustworthy or not.
They also told me that the room we went in is Taemin room, not his parents room.
Plus the things they ' stole ' are already theirs in the first place, they just out it there just now.
I stood there, dumbfounded, staring at them which is laughing right now.
I can't believe I was tricked by them.
" Didn't we told you that we're basically his family and don't you ever forget that me and Luhan live here! " Kai pointed it out and then burst into laughter again,
" Ya! We even went to Kai's room didn't we? How could you even forgot about that? you forgetful brat! " Luhan laughed.
" Welcome to the family Lay! " Baekhyun exclaimed.
" Lay? Who's Lay? " I ask in curiosity
" Oh! That's the new nickname we gave you! Cause you know, you're always tired and sleeping whenever and wherever you are. Plus in Mandarin Lay means tired so I think it'll suit you well! You're even puffing right now! " Luhan said.
" It's all because of you 3 idiots! " I laughed and playfully punched them.
hmm, Lay huh.. Not bad I guess.
They're really a bunch of monkeys! 
So playful!  

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Aweee cutie Lay~
it is interesting !! i will wait for your update ^-^
Interesting :)
Chapter 1: This is a good story,the way you write is unique :) but pls avoid words that you minimalize so the readers won't get confused
2minfanboy #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^