The new guy


Yi Xing Pov  ( Lay )

So it's my first day of school and late and lost.
Korea is such a different place from China.
Everything is just different.
Can I even survive here?

" Erm.. are you lost? "
Two girls asked me and I just nodded.
After telling them the school I'm going, they led the way.
I thank then and said goodbye.
I was then help by another student which I think it's from our school cause of the uniform.
I'm not boasting that girls are attracted to me, it's just that every time they're there.
But i'm shy when i'm around girls.
As I was following her and trying my best to memorize the route, 
we reached a place which named ' The Principal Office '
I guess I'm here, after knocking the door and going in,
the principle greeted me by saying " Zhang Yi Xing, do you know that you're late for 2 hours? "
I nodded and explain to him that I got lost. 

After a few minutes of talking, he brought me to my new class which is 4A.
The class went quiet as soon as the principal walks in.
Then I heard him scold " Key! Stop touching Taemin neck and Baekhyun ! Why are you sitting on the table?! "
Then the class teacher explain that they're doing a group discussion for next week school talent show.
" Fine! But don't be too....touchy! " As he glanced through them.
I chuckled and wondered who are they, they seems kinda cool!
As I walk in, I glanced through the class and a group of guys caught my attention.
The guy in the middle got my attention the most, he has an aura different than anybody. The aura of royalty.
Then the guy with the tannest skin looks cold.
The other on the left looks like a girl and he looks like a Chinese.
The one behind them was sulking and the other one looks piss off.
After that, I noticed that my classmates are staring at me while shooting glances to one another and some are whispering.
I feel uncomfortable then suddenly the girlish looking Chinese guy shouted " Keep quiet! Let him talk! "
Everyone in the class goes quiet immediately.
I was thankful to him. I look at him with appreciation and he smiled back.
After taking a deep breath to clam my nervousness, I said " Annyeongnesaeyo! I am Zhang Yi Xing. My Korean is poor so take care please at me, Thank you! "
As I said, some of the students laugh at me, then I realized that I pronounce Hello wrongly and made some grammar mistake. I was embarrass and my face turn a few shades redder.
" I said to shut up! Are you guys death?! " The girlish looking boy sound piss off.
I wonder why is he helping me that much.
" And Miss Jong ? " He looked at the teacher.
" Yes Luhan ? "
" can he sit with us? Taemin hyung said it's fine so can he? " He replied.
I looked at Miss Jong and she nodded smiling.
Before I could do anything, I was pulled by Luhan towards my new seat. 
All of the students were wearing a shock expression when Luhan did this. I wonder why..

My new seat is behind Luhan, as I sat down, Luhan turns around and cheerfully saying in Chinese which totally caught me off guard ^ Hi! I''m Luhan and I think you can understand what I'm saying right? ^
( p.s: Now whenever I use  ^ , it means that they're talking in Mandarin. )
^ Yea! How did you know that I'm Chinese? ^ I replied excitedly
^ From your name and looks I guess! "
Before I replied, I was cut off by
^ Hi there, I'm Taemin, that's Kai, Baekhyun and Key! ^ Gesturing and pointing to every single one of them.
Wait! how does he know how to speak Mandarin?  Isn't he pure Korean?
I guess the curiosity on my face made him answer " oh, I'm home schooled since last time and know 9 other different language. " as he smiled at me
Damn! he's so talented and good looking at the same time. If me, a guy thinks that he's handsome, how would all the girls think? WOW!
My train of thoughts were cut off by Luhan when he asked me in Mandarin to join them for the group presentation as they are short of one person.
^ Sure, If all of you don't mind. ^ 
" Mwohya! What are you guys talking about?! " suddenly Key scream out.
Luhan quickly explain to them his opinion and the other 4 of them stared at me then smiled.
" If Taemin hyung agrees I don't mind." Said Baekhyun looking at Taemin.
" Same goes to me. " said Kai
Key just shrug and smiled wickedly at me when Taemin nodded his head.
What's wrong with him? Why that smile?

Key Pov

Muahahahaha! Now I got another guy to taste out my new design outfit! Oh yea! 
" Oh yea and guys, I Korean is really not bad." YiXing said it with his head down.
Wait what? 
" Neh? You mean you're sorry that you're Korean is good? What? " I answered back with curiosity.
LiXing stared at Luhan with lost expression as Luhan chuckled and translated what I said to him.
Taemin hyung was already laughing out loud while the other three of us were still blur.
As our conversation goes on with Luhan and Taemin hyung translating, all went well.
Later we decided to go Taemin hyung house later today as there were no extra curricular activities for the first week of school.
* Ring*
Woo-hoo! Lunch time! I'm so hungry that I can eat up the whole cafeteria!
As I pulled Baekhyun I said " Come on! Let's go! It's Break time! "
Everyone stood up but YiXing just sat there alone and was not following us.
LOL! What's wrong with him? Didn't I just told everyone to go to eat? Is he not coming?
" Ya YiXing ! Aren't you hungry ? Come on!" I said impatiently
" Oh? I'm invited? " He said in disbelief
" Ofcos paboo! Let's go! "
He then stood up and followed behind. 
" Key, you're in a good mood ei? " suddenly Baekhyun ask me
" hmm...I guess so! I'm hungry! "

Kai Pov

I guess now our group is a total of 6.
Hmm..YiXing looks okay so I don't mind.
" hey Taemin, What do you want to eat? "
" I'm not sure, which one do you recommend? "
When I scan through the cafeteria which is now full of students, 
" I think we better find some seats first before buying anything. "
Taemin nodded in agreement and he told the other 4 guys to buy their food first while me and Taemin go find us some seats.
Finally going through the crowds, we found some seats right at the center.
" Kai oppa, Taemin oppa,this is our homemade dosirak..." 3 girls came and put 2 containers on the table and quickly left before the both of us can react to it.
Then suddenly our table is full with 10 boxes of homemade dosirak and all of the containers are huge.
When Kay, Baekhyun, Luhan and YiXing came back without food complaining that the queue is too long, they saw all the handmade dosirak on our table and ask
" Er...what's this? " Baekhyun asked us
After explaining to them, their face was almost the same as us.
All of us didn't know what to do next, should we eat or should we not?
" Can I eat? It looks good..." Luhan said it with his his bawling out while looking at one of the dosirak.
" Taemin hyung your decision is? " Key asked him
" Why me? " 
" well cause I don't know, do you think we should eat it? " 
" Erm..let's just eat it this once and tell them we're not going to accept it anymore next time. " Taemin said firmly.
" Arraso, Let''s eat. "
After opening up every cover, we placed all of it in the middle and we dig in.
Later we found out that there are name and class of the owner under the dosirak.
Each of us return them and said thank you but told them to don't ever do it again.
It's not that we don't like it, we just feel uncomfortable with it.
I can see that Taemin doesn't think that it's appropriate to do this.

Baekhyun Pov

I can see that Taemin hyung is not happy with this, I think he kinda feel bad.
He's too kind hearted that guy.
" Taemin hyung, don't think too much about it neh? "
" Arasso Baekhyun..Let's go back to class. " 
The first day of school in his life and it's like this,
haix...I guess he just need to get use to it.
When we walked into the classroom, a lot of students were surrounding our class,
I don't get it? Why are they so clingy..
I hate clingy people, not Luhan though, I'm used to his clingy -ness so it's okay.
When we sat down at our table, Key suddenly said he wants to play truth or dare.
" The battle is on! " Luhan mocked
" Alright! Let's just play dare cause we know each other too well anyway. " Taemin suddenly dare us.
Well, at least his mood is up, one thing about Taemin hyung is that he never, E-V-E-R said no to any kind of games or challenges. 
He's a competitive guy!
All of us agreed to his condition and we started the game.

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Aweee cutie Lay~
it is interesting !! i will wait for your update ^-^
Interesting :)
Chapter 1: This is a good story,the way you write is unique :) but pls avoid words that you minimalize so the readers won't get confused
2minfanboy #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^