

Taemin Pov

I hope they didn't do something to over to Yi Xing.
You never know what Key is thinking.
When we reached my company , Uncle Kim said that he need to handle some stuff so he told me to go to the office myself.
When I went in, everyone was very busy doing their own work.
No one was entertaining me.
This is wrong, they should follow the rules that my mum and dad made which is
' To entertain anyone with a smile. '
It's kind of like a golden rule.

I then walked to the clerk and ask her " Where is the office? I'm looking for Mr Kim."
When she looked at me from head to toe, she ask " What are you doing here handsome? "
" I'm looking for Mr Kim. " I said firmly.
" Mr Kim is not in right now but you can leave your number here for me. " She winked at me.
" That isn't necessary, Thank you. " I said politely but partly disgusted with it.
" Hey, do you want to have a drink with me? We can go now, I'll pay. " She then ask.
" Aren't you working now? " I raised an eyebrow asking.
" Don't worry about it, if you don't say , no one knows." 
I declined harshly saying " I'm not in the mood to drink. "
She stared at me with disbelief in her eyes and then she scolded me " Who are you to tell me what to do?! " 
I wonder, should I say? 
Urgh I don't care anymore, " Cause I'm your boss." 
She then snorted at me " Then I guess you're a ghost , our boss is dead, you're nothing but a big fake! " 
" What did you say?! " I raised half of my voice.
I feel offended.
" Oh so now you're deaf?! I said THE BOSS IS DEAD. D-E-A-D." she snickered at me.
" You don't have the right to talk about them like that! Yes they are dead! My parents are dead! But I'm here Miss Kyung. " I walked away without hesitation.

Then I was knock off balanced when someone suddenly someone bumped into me.
Luckily I didn't fall down but the files on his hand was scattered around the floor.
" I'm so sorr...." I was cut off when I apologize.
" What is a kid doing here?! Look what've you done! " The man shouted at me.
What is wrong with this people, it's not suppose to be like this.
" Too scared to answer?! Then get out of here! It's not a ing playground! " He shouted once again.
" Is this the way you treat someone that is visiting?! " I was already fumed with rage after the other incident and now this.
" Oh! So you dare to talk back?! What an impolite kid! Teenagers these days! " He yelled while raising his hand to slap me .
Before I could defend myself, his hand was stop by Uncle Kim.
" What are you doing!? " Uncle Kim scolded the guy. he's not using any name tag, that's another mistake.
" This little kid here is disturbing our work! He's goofing around here! Even flirting with Miss Kyung! " He exclaimed.
" This little kid here Mr Soo...."  Uncle Kim pointed at me and continued " is the owner of this company.
Mr Soo laugh sarcastically and said in disbelief " You must be kidding me right? Him as the owner? You must be joking. " 
" Watch what you're saying Mr Soo! This behaviour is indespicable! " Uncle Kim raised his voice.
" But you're the one in charge right? " Mr Soo ask nervously.
" Yes I am in charge for now, but I'm not the President, I'm a lawyer. He is the president and he's going to start tomorrow. " he said firmly.
" Mr Soo turn pale and immediately he apologize to me.
I calmed myself down " Uncle Kim, where is my office? " I asked.
After I signed all the blah blah blah thing, I asked Uncle Kim to set up a meeting with the board of director today and bring up Mr Soo and Miss Kyung to my office now.

Uncle Kim Pov

" I want to have a meeting with the board of director today and bring up Mr Soo and Miss Kyung here now. " He look at me with pure confident.
" Very well President Lee, and no, I can't call you Taemin here so no arguing over that. " I smiled as I saw his pouted face.
I then went to announce the meeting which will start in 30 minutes later.
After that, I called up the two of the people that he requested to see.
I wonder how he's going to handle this.

Even though he's the President, he's still a very kind-hearted kid,
A knock on the door interrupt my thoughts, this means the 2 of them is here huh.
" Come in. " Taemin said.
The two of them walk in with head down and tail in between.
" Do you two know what you did wrong? " 
Hmm..I didn't know that Taemin has this kind of attitude.
Both of them nodded their head then they looked at me, begging for help with their eyes.
Before I could say anything, Taemin said loudly " Look at me when I'm talking to you! What are you doing looking somewhere else?! "
The two of them quickly look back at Taemin.

Wow..I'm impressed! I didn't know Taemin can be this strict. This is good.
" This company doesn't need workers like you! You don't have the right to come back anymore! You're dismissed! Taemin scolded.
The guy bowed and went out but the girl stay.
" President! Please don't fire me! My mother is counting on me...she has the 2nd stage of cancer." miss Kyung beg and cried while kneeling down.
I guess Taemin would give in this time.
He's too soft hearted especially when it involves family and friends.
Before I could step in and help him,

Taemin surprise me once again by saying " You should have thought about your mother before you insulted my parents and you were flirting with me. Does this look like you're serious?! "
I cannot believe my eyes, is this really Taemin?! 
The cute, kind,funny little Taemin?
" I'm sorry...." Miss Kyung said softly.
" Get out of my sight! Mr Kim, bring her out now! " Taemin ordered me.
After bringing her out, I went back and Taemin asked me with concern " Uncle, did I make the wrong decision? "
I chuckled and said " No you didn't, You did good! I'm so proud of you! "
He's exactly like his father.
Strict and cold at work but kind and warm with family.
In other words, two different personality.
After the meeting with the board of directors is finish, we went back home.

Very sorry for the late update! 
School's been hectic ,me and xxmikixx are having lots of exam so yea..=/
But Thank You all for supporting us and I hope we won't dissapoint you all with this story! xoxo

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Aweee cutie Lay~
it is interesting !! i will wait for your update ^-^
Interesting :)
Chapter 1: This is a good story,the way you write is unique :) but pls avoid words that you minimalize so the readers won't get confused
2minfanboy #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^