The mansion


Taemin Pov

A few days after meeting Kai, I settled everything with Mr Kim and he told me that he will be taking care of the companies, which are basially mine now, the businesses and considering that both of my parents are Multi-Billionaires, I'm going to inherit all of these when I turn 17. So about 9 more years to go since I'm turning 8 this 18th of July.

After coming back from my parents' funeral, I ask Mr Lu to help me find Kai's home address and to buy two tickets to Lotte World, which is a very huge amusement park. 
The next day, I gave my driver Kai's home address and asked him to send me there.
A few minutes later, we finally reached the junction to his house but the car is too big to fit into the narrow road.
So I decided to walk to his house and of course with my bodyguard with me.
As I walked around the corner I stopped when I heard someone screaming.
My bodyguard rush forward but luckily I stopped him in a nick of time.
I peeked through to see what happened and I saw one man in his late thirties scolding Kai! 
" You little rascal! What's with this small amount of money!? I said 50 Dollars a day right?! Where is my money?! " he shouted at him.
It was quiet for a moment then Kai broke the silence 
" Why don't you guys go and work?! I have to go to school in the morning and work my of till late at night everyday just to give my parents some money to buy beer and gamble?! "
Kai's father was fumed. He pushed Kai so hard that he fell on to the floor.
" Don't you dare talk back to me! Who do you think you are, huh?! Don't you ever think of coming back home! We don't need a son like you! You don't even respect us as your parents! " 
With that, Kai's father slammed the door.

I expect Kai to cry but he didn't.
He just stood up and brushed off the dirt stain on his trousers. He then turned around and saw me.
Before I could ask if he's okay, he smile at me and said " Hi Taemin! Why are you here? "
"Oh! I got 2 tickets to the Lotte World and I was wondering if you want to come with me? " As i wave the tickets in front of him.
Then Kai's eyes beam with excitement so I guess it's a yes.
I called my driver and said that we are coming and asked him to wait for us at the junction.
" My driver is going to pick us up at that junction so let's go! " I said excitedly.
" What?! A Driver?! "
" Erm....yea...."
Before Kai can ask me again, my driver reached and we hopped into my car which is the newest type of Mercedes. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Kai's jaw dropped. I guess it's too much?
When we reached the amusement park, we played a lot of games, rided a lot of roller coasters until late evening.
After all the excitements, we decided to have dinner at MC Donald's.
I then ask Kai if he wants to stay over at my house for a sleepover.
He declined immediately but I insisted. I told him that I saw what happened at his house.
I told him that I knew and somehow I managed to convince him to stay.
Of course by adding that it's a token of appreciation for comforting me the last time we met.


Kai Pov

I was quite uncomfortable because no one had ever treated me this nice before. But then
, I feel happy and excited for the first time in my life.
We passed through a lot of different places that I've never seen before.
Then Taemin's driver said " Young master, we're back home."
What?! Master? Taemin is a master? What does that mean?
"Uncle Koh, I told you not to call me Young Master, it's weird!" Taemin whined.
"Alright, Taemin.  Satisfied now?" he said as he grinned
"yup! " 
As they opened the main gate, we drive through a middle of a magnificent garden. As we turn,the mansion was in sight! A Mansion! I was so surprised! This is the mansion that is on top of the hill which I admire so much and my dream house! What?!
As we turned around the big fountain, I can see every corner of the house. It was so huge that I can't take it all in at once.
The feeling in my heart was mix with admiration and jealousy. I didn't know that he was that rich.. I mean really really RICH! Wow! 
As we enter the mansion, I was struck still by the luxurious furniture and the beautiful and awesome interior design.
It's so high class that I don't think that this is real.
" So yea, This is my house, erm...make yourself at home! "
Then as Taemin led me from doors to the stairs then through another door to hallways and finally we reached his room.
I swear this mansion is like a maze!
How do I go back down again? hmm..?
As we enter Taemin's room which I don't consider it as a 'room' cause it's bigger than my whole house. I'm just speechless.
Then I caught sight of  a boyish looking girl in his room sitting on his gigantic bed. Even his bed is larger than my room.
When she heard the door clicked open, she rushed to Taemin and hug him! 
Taemin welcome her with open arms and smile! WoW!
She doesn't look like Taemin sister or cousin so who is she! But damn she is cute! 
Suddenly she spoke, " Hyung! Welcome back! "
Wait what? Hyung? 
" Stop hugging me! I'm squished!" Teamin said as he laughed.
" Hyung, who is this?" the girl broke the hug and stared at me. OMG her eyes sparkles! 
" Wait wait! Why are you calling Taemin hyung? "
" Cause he's older than me." she said with a smile on her face
" I know but you're a girl how could you ca....." I was cut off mid- sentence as she said
" I'm a boy you idiot! Taemin hyung I don't like him! Hmph! "
" Be nice! He's my friend and he's going to stay here tonight"
He then pout and stuck his tongue out at me but then later smile childishly at me.
What the hell? Hate me then, love me now? huh?


Luhan Pov

"Luhan introduce yourself to Kai!" Taemin hyung said.
"Annyeong! I'm Luhan! Nice to meet you! I like you now!" as I jump up and down and clapped.
I listen to whatever Taemin hyung says cause he's never wrong!
Taemin hyung and I knew each other since we were born.
My father works as his personal butler.
After the death of Auntie Sim and Uncle Lee, Taemin hyung asked us to move into his house.
My mum? She left us since I was a baby, so i don't remember much about her.
My dad told me that she left us because of his job.
I didn't ask much about it cause my dad seemed sad whenever I asked about my mum.

"Oh... er... Hi, I'm Kim Jong In,but you can called me Kai!" He smiled at me.
Hey! He's not that bad!
"Why Kai? Are you older than Taemin hyung?"
"hmm, I don't know why either, I guess it's my nickname. And yea, I'm older than him."
"Okay! Hi Kai hyung!" I cheered.
Woo-hoo! Another friend! Yay me!


~After a few months~
---- Taemin's birthday -----

As I stood in front of the full-length mirror, I stared blankly at myself.
My first birthday party without my parents..
I wonder what are they doing up there right now..
Mum, dad, I'm turning 8 today, can you see me?

The knock on the door startled me, I cleared my head and said come in.
My dad lawyer, Mr Kim, whom is now my lawyer came in with his son to congratulate me. 
Then he later introduce his stylish son, Kim Ki Bum and left the room to answer a phone call.
I looked at his son from head to toe and I said "Hey! I like your style!"
He excitedly said "Jongmal!?!" then he suddenly calm down immediately and apologize.
"You know, you can act like yourself with me, we are almost the same age right? I'll keep it as a secret from you strict dad," I said calmly. 
I know it's uncomfortable to act all formally especially when it's with the person same age as you.
Then without saying anything, he ran pass me and towards my closet, with his back facing me he shouted " Hi! I'm Kim Ki Bum but my friends call me Key so you can too! So erm..can I dress you up?"
I looked at myself in the full length mirror and said "Sure, why not. I'm Taemin by the way. "

As we tried up some of clothes, one of them seems to be too tight and I can't take it off.
Key helped me to adjust the shirt which was still stuck.
Then the door burst open and Key's dad saw what is in front of him and he scolded
The Key that looks so cheerful just now turned into a Halloween gloomy kid next door.
"Taemin, I'm so sorry! Please forgive my son behaviour. I didn't know that he would do this," Mr Kim said apologetically.
"It's fine. Key was just helping me with the shirt that got stuck. And besides he's my friend." I said firmly.
Mr Kim smiled and told Key once more to behave himself and that his friend Baekhyun is arriving soon.
Before he went out he told us to prepare faster and properly before the guests arrive.
Just right after the door is shut, Key return to his original bubbly self and he helped me with the stuck shirt again.
Just then, the door burst open again but this time without knocking and yea, I'm still half .

On the other side of the door was Luhan and Kai.
Oh no....Luhan is here, with this situation he'll sure.....
"Hey! What are you doing to my hyung?!" He ran toward Key and pushed him.
Luckily, the the pile of clothing that was created by Key just now saved him from hitting solid ground.
Kai quickly helped Key up while I scold Luhan " What are you doing, Luhan?! "
"But but but, hyung, he was stripping you off! You're !" Luhan shrieked
"First of all, I'm not , I'm half . Second, he's not stripping me off. He's helping me because my shirt
got stucked!" 
"Jinja? Oh! Mianne stranger hyung..." Luhan turned around and apologize to Key with his special moves, which was his dreamy watery eyes and the puppy looks.
" Hmph! I'm not stranger hyung! I'm Key! K-E-Y Key! "
" Key? You mean the key, key? So you can unlock all kinds off doors?!"
" Hey! I'm Kim Ki Bum and my nickname is Key! Urgh! " Key said frustratedly.
I laughed and I said " Key Luhan Kai , Kai Luhan Key . "  gesturing and pointing to each of them .
All of us pause and laugh because of the introduction I gave.
Then there's a knock on the door, Mr Lu came in and told us to be ready in 5 minutes because the guests are arriving.
All of us panicked for a while looking at the pile of clothes that safe Key's .
This is where Key came in saying dramatically " Let's start dressing up! Come on! We have only five minutes! Chop chop! "
He threw clothing at us and ask us to try all kinda of clothes.
But before that, I went and locked the door and smiled remembering what happen if you don't remember to locked the door. 


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Aweee cutie Lay~
it is interesting !! i will wait for your update ^-^
Interesting :)
Chapter 1: This is a good story,the way you write is unique :) but pls avoid words that you minimalize so the readers won't get confused
2minfanboy #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^