Dare me


Luhan Pov

Omg it's been a while since we last play the dare game! 
I love this game! 
" Okay so the rule is that the one who wins in rock paper scissors gets to turn the bottle, then the one that the bottle point to is going to be the dare while the one who spin the bottle is going to ask the dare, got it? " Key said
" What if the person doesn't want to do the dare? " ask Yixing
" hmm..good questions, okay, so the one who didn't do the dare is going to stand on the table and squats 10 times and as punishment, after squatting the loser has to one button from your own shirt, the one who lose all 4 buttons lose first. Oh yea, and no touching other people okay, Agree? "
" Hell yea! " Baekhyun said excitedly.
" Let's start! " Taemin said eagerly
Yes! I get to spin the bottle first! 
All of us had our eyes glued on the bottle as it spin, when it stopped, it pointed directly at Taemin hyung!
Hmm..can I really asked him to do it? If my dad found out,  I'll be so dead. 
" Luhan, just say it. we're both students. " Taemin told me to reassure that it's going to be okay.
Fine! Let's do it then! 
" Go and ask any girl for money....and said that you're poor and need new clothing! If she gives you money, you win! So don't forget to act pitiful! " Growing up with Taemin hyung made me realize that he is too generous that he never asked for anything. Even from my father. I'm so going to win this game! 

Taemin Pov

Damn this Luhan! But hey, a man never backs down from his words.
I stood up, look around and notices that we're watched by a lot of students.
Oh gosh, this is going to be so embarrassing! 
I glance through and found a group of girls which is nearest to us and walk towards them.
Trying my hardest to act timid and shy,
I ask one of them " can you er....lend me some money ? I'm poor and I need some new clothes...it's cold..brr..." I acted with all my might as I hug myself trying to convince her that I was really cold. 
And yes of course with the watery eyes.
Immediately she gave me 10 dollars which I saw is her last pocket money.
After taking it, I said my thanks with a smile and went back to our circle and put the money on the table.
" I've done my dare! it's my turn to spin! " I laugh evilly, All of you are so dead!
the next prey was Baekhyun, I think for a while and i've came up with a brilliant idea.
I knew that Baekhyun hates people to cling on him, so....
" I want you to go up front and yelled I'm going to answer 3 questions from anyone here without hesitation! Of course you have to answer it back." I smiled brightly at him.
" What?! Urgh..." He sat there and think for a while then he unbotton one of his button.
All of us laugh and gave me thumbs up, Baekhyun just glare at me and mouth that he's gonna kill me later.
I mouthed back I'm scared, Help!
Then he stood up and started chasing me! OMG! 
" Help me guys! argh!!! " I screamed as I ran around and jumping around in the classroom like a chimpanzee.
Both of us are like the characters in ' Temple Run ' Which I'm the runner and Baekhyun the MONSTER!
But then I lose, Baekhyun caught up with me and he pinned me down on the floor, him trying to kill me and me trying to call for help but I only saw,
Luhan rolling on the floor laughing , Kai banging the table trying to hold in his laugh but fail, YiXing grinning like an idiot and Key laughing till his tears rolled out. 
Gosh ! What ' good ' friends I have! Someone help me! I'm ticklish! 

Fangirl Pov

The first day of school and our teacher already gave us homework, but how did the now update to 6 flower boys group finish their homework already.
Now me and two of my best friend are stuck here with it and we can't go to the cafeteria to see them.
" Don't you think Taemin is the hottest? " 
" Ya! I know right! "
" And that YiXing, how does he know them? "
" I have no idea! I heard them speaking in some other language though! "
" What really?! What language?! Omg Who and who? "
" Taemin, Luhan and YiXing! The three of them were speaking Mandarin I think. Do you know how hot is that?!" 
" Taemin is getting more and more mysterious! "

" They're coming! That's the one I told you about! ain't he dreamy? " someone shouted suddenly.
The 3 of us turn and watched as they walked in playfully, all of them look so perfect.
They were laughing and joking with each other.
Key resting his head on Baekhyun lap as he was sitting on the table. Aww...!!!
Kai and Taemin sharing a banana milkshake! OMG! TaeKai feels! 
Lay and Luhan chatting with each other in Mandarin! International people you'll! Damn! 
Suddenly all of them started rock paper scissors and Luhan won, then he spin a bottle.
Without knowing what they were doing, I saw Taemin walks towards us with a timid look and he look into my eyes with his eyes close to tears and he asked me for money cause he's cold and he wants to buy some new clothes. 
He looks so pitiful that my hand automatically gave him my money.
After receiving my money, he smiled so cutely at us and using his angelic voice he said thanks as he ran back to his friends.
I have absolutely no idea what just happen but damn he's perfect!
I looked at my friends as they looked back at me and we still can't believe how close he is to us that  we can't even describe out feelings.

After staring back at their table, we gasp as we saw Baekhyun ing one of his button. 
Then what happen next shocked us all, Baekhyun was chasing after Taemin as he laugh and yell for help at the same time!
Oh My God ! Baekhyun is on top of Taemin and the cold ice prince is tickling Taemin! What?!  Luhan is on the floor rolling!! Kai is laughing out loud! YiXing has dimple and he's grinning! Damn! And Key! Don't let those tears out! they're precious! 
For the first time in my school days with them, I finally saw the 4 cold prince turning into childish teenager! What a priceless scene.
* Ring*
Oh great, the bell just has to ruin the mood! 
The 6 of the flower boys quickly tidy up their shirts and helping each other brush off the dust at their back and went back to their own seats respectively.

After school, Taemin went to me and gave me back my money saying that they're just having fun and apologize if they had offended me.
Aww, how can he be so kind? It's not normal!
I am so going to keep this money and frame it! 

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Aweee cutie Lay~
it is interesting !! i will wait for your update ^-^
Interesting :)
Chapter 1: This is a good story,the way you write is unique :) but pls avoid words that you minimalize so the readers won't get confused
2minfanboy #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^