Birthday and the incident


----  At the party ----

Taemin Pov

Key went away to find his dad as Kai and Luhan followed me to my 4th dining room which is now decorated with a high class birthday party decorations.
After thanking some of the guests whom congratulated me, I saw Key walking towards us with a guy and he gestured me to the corner of the room.
At there, I saw Luhan, Kai , Key and the new guy who I assume is Baekhyun.
"This is Baekhyun, he is about the same age as us and his father is the one who appoint your bodyguards. Oh yea, he's also my childhood friend."
Baekhyun looked at me from head to toe and then said "hi"
Hmm..what a cold personality.
Then Luhan went up and cling to him "Hi! I'm Luhan , That's Kai and that's Taemin hyung!" pointing at each of us.
What surprised us is that Baekhyun pushed Luhan and scolded him "Don't be so clingy! Are you a girl? Gosh go away!"
As Luhan pouted and went away, Baekhyun mutter to himself but loud enough for us to hear.
"I hate this kind of guy.." then he walked away.
After recovering from the shock, Key said that he's not usually like that so don't bother about it,
He apologize to us and he went after Baekhyun.

After all of us had eaten our dinner; buffet style, Mr Lu told us to go to the front yard for a surprise gift.
As we reached outside, fireworks exploded up high in the sky.
With different shape, size and colour, everyone there was amazed by the art.
But suddenly the fireworks holder was hit by a stone and it aim at the fountain in front of my house.
I can hear everybody screaming and shouting lucky for me,
I got a new kind of ability, which helps me stay calm at situation like this after the accident.
I saw Mr Lu panicking and telling everybody to stay away.
3 bodyguards was already at my side before the fireworks explode.
I saw Kai in shock and just standing there like a statue.
The weird thing is that I saw Luhan holding Baekyun waist and pulling him to safe zone.
The fireworks are so powerful that it practically blew up the whole fountain.
As for me, I remember what my mum told me that she hates that fountain and she wants it gone.
Hey mum, I think my friends helped you destroy it.. haha

After cooling down, we were quite lucky that no one got hurt.
All of us were just shocked by the boombastic fireworks and the now broken fountain.
Mr Lu went and switch off the electricity to stopped the water from flooding the place as it was already over flowing out.
Just in case we missed any injury, my personal doctor was checking up everyone.
I then called Mr Byun, which is the head of security force and Baekhyun's dad.
He then went to the ' crime scene ' to investigate because he checked twice that nothing can make it topple.
After Kai, Luhan, Kay and Baekhyun finished their checked up. 
Baekhyun wish to speak with me privately.
I was shocked at first but his face told me that something is wrong.
He followed me to our backyard and then he suddenly apologize..
" Taemin, I am so so sorry! I was the one who was throwing pebbles at the fireworks holder. I didn't know that if the pebble went in, it will cause an explosion inside and that made it topple down! I'm so sorry! I was trying to make it stand back up but Luhan pulled me away. I'll try and pay you back somehow but please don't fire my dad. He's not the one who made this happen.I ...I ....I'm so sorry...." Baekhyun was sobbing as he said this.
I knew it was not intentionally and no one got hurt anyway. 
Plus my mum hate that fountain so I guess it's all okay.
"Baekhyun, don't cry. i won't fire your dad. It's an accident. You did not do it intentionally right? "
He nodded his head.
" I'll solved this, but I think you need to say sorry to Luhan and you need to thank him. you never know what will happen if he didn't hold you back right? "
he nodded his head again and said " i'm sorry....thank you..."
" no problem, let's go tell your dad before he pull out his whole team just to find what is the cause of it.."

As we walked into the front yard, Mr Byun ran towards us and hug Baekhyun.
"Oh my boy! I thought you were gone!"
"dad....." he said softly
"I was the one who've made that thing topple down...i'm so sorry...."
"What did you just say?! You did that? Why?!" Mr Byun voice got louder and louder
"I was throwing pebbles and it when inside and it exploded and it topple down and i'm really sorry.." 
I can see that Baekhyun is holding in his tears.
Finally I said, "Uncle Byun, It's an accident and it wasn't his intention to do that."
"I'm so sorry Taemin, I'll pay you back the amount of the fountain." Mr Byun said 
"'s okay. My mum hate that fountain anyway so i guess Baekhyun helped me destroyed it for free." 
"No Way! That must have cost more than 10 thousands.." Mr Byun said loudly.
" Uncle Kim! Can you come here for a second?" I shouted on top of my lungs
" Yes Taeminnie? What's the problem here Mr Byun?" 
Hmm..Lawyer instinct I guess? haha!
After explaining everything, I told Uncle Kim that I don't need any payment back as it was an accident.
With that, everything is settled to what I want.
"Thank you Taemin, how can I repay you?" Mr Byun said with a concern face 
"Hmm...Let Baekhyun come to my house to play if whenever he wants!" I said it with my best grin
I guess Uncle Byun was shocked by my answer but he said sure and he promised me.

Baekhyun Pov

After confessing everything,the feeling of a heavy rock has been lifted away from my shoulder.
I've been dismissed by my dad when Mr Kim came because what they want to say now it's more to an adult conversation and it's still too early for me to understand.
But Taemin hyung just stood there solidly, he listen and nodded and reply with skilled.
I looked at him with full admiration.
As I walked away from that circle which is now negotiating about the accident I've made.
He sure helped me a lot.
If it's not for him, i'll be so dead by now.

Then I caught side of Luhan sitting with Kai and Key.
After taking a deep breath, I went over to that circle and said 
" Luhan Kai and Key, I'm so sorry for my idiotic behaviour."
Phew, another rock has been lifted, even if they don't want to accept my apologies, at least I did apologize.
"huh? what are you saying Baekhyun? What's there to be sorry about?" All of them said unisonly
"well, I was being a bad just now so I thought you guys would hate me?" I asked that in a question
" Hmm...oh that! It's nothing! Everyone has their up and down so don't worry about it!" Key said 
" Yea! Baehyun Hyunnggg, Wue duino mindfg abtoy fjs...." Luhan said while stuffing food into his mouth.
" Hey Luhan! Don't talk while you eat! What he said just now was that we don't mind at all. And come on take some food and join us! We're just talking about how Iron man killed the weird looking worm thingy! Quick quick! " Kai said enthusiasmly
Really? they don't care about it? Wow! 
" ya sure! wait for me! " I shouted while running towards the food stands.


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Aweee cutie Lay~
it is interesting !! i will wait for your update ^-^
Interesting :)
Chapter 1: This is a good story,the way you write is unique :) but pls avoid words that you minimalize so the readers won't get confused
2minfanboy #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^