High School


------ After 8 years ------

Taemin Pov 

As I looked into the mirror, I saw myself dressed in my first school uniform.
Because I was home-schooled, I never went to any school.
So i'm quite excited about it.
As I went downstairs, I saw Kai sitting at the dining table with Luhan.
" Hi! Good Morning everybody! " I said excitedly
" ya, morning.." Luhan said with a half asleep tone.
" Excited for today huh? " Said Kai who's affected by Taemin's enthusiasm.
" Sure is! Who wouldn't? " I said cheerfully
" Us..." Both of them raise up their hand after I asked the question.
" Party pooper! "
Ever since the day Kai parents kicked him out of the house, he's been staying at my house since forever.
He's pretty much used to everything by now and he's still down to earth like before.
Now, he's like my best friend in the whole wide world. 
And he's quite cool! i bet a lot of girls fancy him.
Luhan is like my little brother while Key and Baekhyun are also in the category of good friends.
* woof woof*
" Aww...Bibi are you hungry? "
Oh yea, this is Kai's puppy cause he's a huge animal lover.
I don't mind animals but just not reptiles or insects.


Kai Pov

So today is really Taemin first day of school. Can you believe it?
He don't have to wake up early every bloody morning and he wants it? 
I swear sometimes he's so weird.
But hey, I know him from the back of my hands with eyes closed.
His my best mate and no one, I mean no one can ever ever destroy our friendship.
If I'm a girl I'll sure fall head over heals over him.
He's like the perfect guy ever..
That's why I think that our school girls is going to go crazy over him.
Sometimes even us are jealous of him.
The 4 of us which is Baekhyun, Luhan, Kay and me discuss this before and all of us seems to agree.

Key Pov

Why do my dad always have to bring me to school so early in the morning? 
It's not even 7 yet..Urgh!
" Key oppa! Good Morning! " 
" Oppa Annyeong! "
I smiled back with my greatest morning efforts.
Urgh! I hate school....
" Hey! Don't disturb Key oppa! You all know that he's tired ! Go away! "
Thank you to whoever did that but girl you're voice is louder as I laid my precious head on the dirty table.
" Your morning moods again huh? " Someone punch me form behind.
I knew right away that it's Baekhyun.
" Ya! Go away! I wanna Sleep!" I gave him some aegyo to shut him up
" No can do, today Taemin hyung is coming remember? " He asked with his eyebrow raised.
" I'm a KimByun shipper definitely! " Someone from the crowd scream out.
That done it, Baekhyun is so going to be mad.
He turn his head towards that direction and glare at them.
But what he didn't know is that...
" Did you saw Baekhyun oppa glare at me? OMG he's so hot! Ahh!!! " 
" see, you lever learn! hahahaha! " As I ruffled his hair.
" Never mind that first, let's go to the gate, Luhan said that they're arriving." He tucked on my sleeve to tell me to move
" Okay then, let's go." 

Taemin Pov

Huh, I didn't know going to school can be this nerve wreaking.
" scared? " Kai teased me
But hey what's there to hide " Yup, my fingers are freezing.."
" Luhan wake up! We're here." he shouted.
When we went down from the car, stares were coming from different direction.
Then I checked myself, there's nothing wrong with my outfit, So what are they staring at?
But it seems like Kai and Luhan were not bother with it.
" Kai, what are they staring at? " I whispered to his ears.
" Hmm, you I guess. " How can he answer that so simple
" And why are they staring? " 
" cause you're good looking and you're hanging out with us. remember what we told you in the game room? " 
" erm..no...I kinda focus on the game more.." I tucked my hand in my pockets and laugh
Then suddenly someone gave me a bear hug..
" Baekhyun stop! you're squishing me! " He even lifted me up.
" Arraso, nice to meet you here, it feels different. " He scratches his hair and smile.

Fan girl Pov

I was in class when Key oppa walks in,
" Isn't he dreamy today? "
" He's always hot! "
Then when Baekhyun came in and leap onto him, all of us practically went crazy.
After whispering to Key, both of them stood up and went to the front gate.
I guess Luhan oppa and Kai oppa are coming.
It's their daily routine, never miss it once.
As I ran towards the gate, I saw something that shocked me even more.
Us Fangirls define Kai oppa as y, Luhan oppa as cute, Key oppa as fashionista and Baekhyun oppa as cool.
But who is that, who is him? An angel? 
And he's wearing our school uniform?  Why do I not know about him?!
He's walking in the middle of Luhan and Kai? Why?
They never let anyone stand between them.
What? Baekhyun went and hug him?! OMG!
A teddy bear hug? The cool guy just hug him! Who's that mystery guy?
His smile! I'm melting! 
* Ring*
I guess it's time for class..
I may be a silly fan girl but my grades are good.
And lucky for me, 4 of the flower boys are in the same class as me.

When the teacher come in, the mystery guy followed her.
YES! He's going to be in the same class as me! Now add that chart up to 5 flower boys in my class.
" So class, this is a new student and i want you guys to treat him properly okay? erm..he's ...I'll let you decide if you want to tell them or not..okay? "

Taemin Pov

After the bear hug Baekhyun gave,
All of them bought me to the principal office and then they went back to class.
* knock knock*
" come in, how can I helped you? " The principal says without looking up
" erm, I'm new here? " 
That's when his head jerked up. 
" Oh my I'm so sorry Mr Taemin.." 
" Oh it's okay,please sir call me Taemin and I know you're busy, " I said it firm
I just hate people calling me Mr, like am I that old?
After shaking hands with the principal, he called in my class teacher which is Miss Jong and he explain the rules and regulations of the school.
He also told Miss Jong that I was home-schooled till now so It may be uncomfortable for me so he asked her to keep an eye on me.
When we steeped out from the principal office, I followed Miss Jong to the staff room to get my textbooks, locker key , a map of the school and my class timetable. 
Both of us then walked through the hallway to our classroom.
She told me the direction to a lot of places and she suddenly ask me 
" So Taemin, Do you have any friends in this school? "
" Erm ya, 4 of them. "
" Oh really? who are they? '
" Erm.. Kai, Luhan, Key and Baekhyun. " I replied it with a smile
" Really?! But they never get close to anyone except themselves." 
" I er...." 
I was cut off mid-sentence when she said we reach out class which is 4A.
Then she told me that she'll leave the introduction to me.
I just nodded my head and followed her in.
Without looking at my now new classmates, I walk up straight to the front.
" So class, this is a new student and i want you guys to treat him properly okay? erm..he's ...I'll let you decide if you want to tell them or not..okay? " 
After I heard what Miss Jong said, I made eye contact with Kai and he gave me the thumbs up follow by Baekhyun, Luhan and Key bright smile.
" Annyeonhaesaeyo! I'm Taemin and 16 years old. Nice to meet you all.." I ended it with a bow and a bright smile.
" okay so who wants to sit with Taemin?" 
Right after Miss Jong said this,
4 of my best-est friends raise up their hand.
Then 5 of us laugh, all the others people were quite.
To be more precise, they were shocked.
Then Miss Jong snapped out of it and sent me to sit beside Kai and Baekhyun with Luhan and Key behind..
They high 5 me and we started class..

Fangirl Pov

My jaw literally dropped when I saw 4 of them raise up their hands.
Kai, Luhan, Baekhyun and Key are raising up their hand! 
Can you believe it..
and they laugh together! Can this day gets away weirder?
It's sure not an everyday picture.
The usual them would not be so active in class.
They always have an aura to them like they are unreachable.
You can talk to them, but they don't ask you anything, they just answer, not ask.
Their grades are also always in th top of the class.
Baekhyun is always first while Luhan, Kai and Key keep on changing from 2nd, 3rd or 4th.

As Miss Jong appoint Taemin oppa to sit in the middle, they all welcome him with smiles on their face and high 5 him.
It's like that unreachable aura just disappear and they just look more attractive!
Kai always smile but i never see him smile so wholeheartedly and childishly before.
Luhan just became more cute and he acts like Taemin is his older brother.
Key is finally not sleeping in class and he's touching Taemin right now! OMG! 
Baekhyun is smiling and laughing! Can you believe that? The cold prince is hot now! WOW! 

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Aweee cutie Lay~
it is interesting !! i will wait for your update ^-^
Interesting :)
Chapter 1: This is a good story,the way you write is unique :) but pls avoid words that you minimalize so the readers won't get confused
2minfanboy #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^